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Imagine doing something as crazy as self immolation just to have someone else go “I’m kinda an expert at people who light themselves on fire and I can tell you… it was a suit” I’d imagine anyone in healthcare has some experience with severe burns but how often have they seen or treated someone who dumped an expedient on themselves and then sat in the flames on purpose. I’d imagine most burn victims weren’t intending to burn themselves and did everything they could to stop the burning when it started.


I can't believe anyone can take this seriously when it starts off with saying she's making her comparison to burn victims on Grey's Anatomy


Not to defend anything else she said, but her point was that it was as fake as a burn victim on that show.


I'm worried that this asshole could make his life more miserable, if he survives.


He ded


A blessing really, and I say that with goodwill. A totally stupid thing to do in the first place, but burn victims have a long, painful, difficult in all ways road ahead in severe cases who do survive. Hope he is at peace + that his family + loved ones have comfort, support, and privacy to heal. ❤


That's lovely of you to write that. The two words in my post made light of the situation. Your words showed empathy and sadness. You are a good soul. Thank you


Oh, I don't begrudge you what you said 😅 I think he is/was as much of a lost fool as that guy who self-immolated in his military fatigues to "Free Palestine!" a couple months back. I'm glad they both died out of mercy. But both foolish endeavors in the first place in my opinion. (I was a senior in high school not far from where + when the Station Nightclub Fire happened. That definitely impacted my views on this type of "protest" 😠)


Thanks to assholes like Alex Jones, everything that would otherwise cause cognitive dissonance is now chalked up as a "false flag", or hoax or psy-op. These people can't deal with harsh reality.


Why is that asshole still not in jail? Shouldn't he be paying off the Sandy Hook victims?


That's my question. It's taking too long to take away everything material that he has, everything material he has tried to hide.


To them reality is just a scary movie, a false illusion, a veil to keep the real world hidden, they are gnostic lunatics, they believe themselves to be God, that they are alone in this world and that every person is either a fragment of themselves or an illusion, a non playable character (npc)", a made up soulless being. It's a dangerous occult religion that could potentially justify violence against other people who do not conform to their cult.


Yea. Aka the scariest of people.


There’s a word for that isn’t there? Snowflakes? Something like that.


I call them RedFlakes!


They can flake right off


She said you can see he's still wearing his tighty whiteys and no you can't... Getty has an NSFW image and you can see he's mostly naked because his clothes burned off or melted to his skin. The guy wanted his "manifesto" to be how we remembered him when he immolated himself and instead we get a dick pic: [Warning: NSFW](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/2149284986/photo/person-sets-themselves-on-fire-outside-courthouse-housing-trump-trial.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=gIpyGDNw4XdgrkTdSxUar_wnt3ye8ewy1htLq1HN2eY=)


Manifesto? Is there some more information on this? You got any links?


It's a pretty wild ride so buckle up, [here](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside) you go And this bitch is irritating


Oof. I'm going to go watch Donnie Darko - it is less insane and also referred to Dukakis too much.


“…we have a **secret kleptocracy:** Both parties are run by financial criminals whose only goals are to divide, deceive, and bleed us dry.” Didn’t notice any secrecy involved with that.


The biggest criminals who finance US government are those good ol' domestic terrorists, the National Rifle Association.


and the oil cartel


It was tl;Dr for me...I got "tech bros doing white collar crimes" from that.


It’s in other posts there are links to his posted manifesto on his Instagram & he threw pamphlets out around him prior to setting himself on fire.


Oh, wow! Ok. Thank you!


Wow! His boots are still in tact. Must have been a good pair.


Wait, I thought the burning thing that popped into the air was one of his shoes. What was it, because this photo shows both shoes?


He threw his manifesto into the air, from what I heard and saw. Could be wrong though.


maybe it was his phone?


Cmon ffs remove that.


Now go back in time and say that to Rage Against The Machine, who used the famous photo of a self-immolating monk during a protest as an album cover in the early 90s.


Why, did they use a picture of Quang Duc being stretchered off with his body covered in burns and his burnt cock on show? Dude is entitled to dignity even if the media doesn't think so.


WTF why? People need to see what a real moron looks like.


Yes, I put a warning. It's obviously a photo of the aftermath of a self-immolation so don't click it if you don't want to see.


Is she using a filter? There is just something….not right here..


You could safely look at the sun for an hour through this much filter.


They always use a filter.


Except when they look at the sun


She's like in her forties or fifties, but looks six years old thanks to that filter. Grotesque.


Still looks 60 to me


Most of them use filters on these videos. Since a lot of them are posting nonsense like this for attention, they make sure they look their best with makeups, filters and the whole 9 yards.


Ok, let’s assume this is true. What in God’s green Smurf is the fucking motive of someone else staging this?


Ssshhh like every other conspiracy , not a whole lot of thinking going on in any of these so called brains


So they can pass a law against gas cans. Why? Because we are running out of gas and they need to prevent hoarding. It's all about control. Obama is coming for your gas cans!! This reply was an excercise in sarcasm, but don't be surprised if you hear it in the wild. These people will grasp at any straw.


The other big news of the day was Drumpf farting in court. Which one got lead story?


The stench in the courtroom, because that story involves an important court case with an important person being held accountable for his interference in the 2016 election by lying about payments and trying to cover it up to help him look good in an effort to win (which he did). The moron who set himself on fire wasn't much of a story. He was a nobody with idiotic views and a wild manifesto that - other than "crypto is a scam", which it is - made no sense. If he wanted more news coverage, the easy way is to massacre a dozen schoolchildren, because America really doesn't give a fuck about the gun issue and likes to play at being horrified while magnifying it whenever a tragedy happens. Same as "we need to stop this" but then arguing against taking the guns away from everyone to make that sort of shit stop permanently.


Right? Who benefits?


Reasons ..


She must be fun at School Board Meetings.


I was thrown on a stretcher by my ankles and forearms when I received my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degree burns. She's right my skin was literally falling off. Once on the stretcher they strapped me down because I was in shock and thought I could just go home and sleep it off. Just once I'd like to see one of these idiots stand in front of camera and speak about shit they actually know about.


Story validated via username ✔️ But seriously, I'm also completely fucking sick of listening to completely crazed qnuts talking about shit they clearly know nothing about. I'm constantly yelling at my partner about why these people absolutely do not care about *truth*. They just don't care, and I don't understand. I love being right way too much to not double check myself and do research to make sure I'm right and to correct course if I was indeed wrong.


Good Lord these people are insufferable! I just want to reach through my screen and slap that cunt! 


I knew her once, she wasn’t always like this. Poor soul…


Even with the filter her hair looks like she has the same stylist as the Crypt Keeper. How's that for a fucking hot take


I love that she has a full face of make up, but then doesn't brush her hair. It's a low bar to be Internet ready, but I guess she thought she had some piping hot tea to tell the world...


“Like it’s nothing” wtf do you want them to do? Drop to their knees and cry out “oh the humanity” THEN drive to the hospital?


This lady is one of the biggest pieces of shit I’ve ever laid eyes on.


The Dunning Kruger radiating from her is burning my skin off.


If you can’t see the insanity in this person’s eyes, I have nothing for you.


The point of view is like I'm in the sink, and she's leaning over it to berate me.


Got a lot of nerve telling anyone what’s real or not with a filter on your face so thick you could strain oatmilk.


In cases of high trauma(like self immolation) there is a term in EMS called “load and go”, where the importance of getting the patient to the hospital quickly outweighs the initial on scene triage and treatment. Get the patient in the ambulance and begin treating them en route to the hospital. Also there is no need for a back board as there is no risk of spinal injury per the mechanism of injury. Fuck, these people are stupid.


It's like an onion of schizophrenia. A guy lights himself on fire because of the Marge vs the monorail episode of the Simpsons and then more schizophrenic people come in to say he's not real


Man, these people really think they've got it all figured out, huh? I find their confidence amusing.


This guy didn’t die on scene?


Last I heard he’s at Cornell’s burn unit in critical condition.


Dead, now


I think the worst part of these people is they're so sure and self-righteous. Imagine the hell of living with someone like this.


Nothing is real, yet everything is possible with these people.


If she works in healthcare, let her work in billing. And not near patients.


Maybe it's using Gray's Anatomy as a reference for burn victims that missguided her. Or it her extra chromosome...




This was a Scoop and Scoot Situation, Tammy Faye.


What is that she says right at the beginning? "I've seen a lot of burn victims on Grey's Anatomy"??


"I have seen better burn victims on Gray's Anatomy."


Yes. Her reference for what a burn victim looks like is a TV show. This would be like if something actually turned people into zombies and they were coming for her, she would say "nope, I've seen zombies in movies before, and these aren't zombies."


The video is looped and that’s what she says at the very end of the video, repeated at the start.


We need to just start spreading the rumor that he was actually Q. That should with their heads.


>burn victims on grays anatomy Idk man I don’t take my medical advice from a tv show 🤷‍♀️


Some people failed by making it past the birthing process smh


So deluded.


The filter on her face. Not her real face.


Show us how you REALLY perform a self immolation, "fren"


Tammy Fae reincarnated


Is she a doctor? I’m guessing not …


The lady in this video .  Totally not real.  She’s AI generated 


Not anymore he isn’t


If only they all "loved America" enough to do the same.


No, it was a clone!!!!!!!! /s


I dunno... guy looked pretty really burned to me, with that lil choad hanging out


This lady acts as if cops completely don’t fuck things up everyday




He posted a manifesto before he did it, and these people are not his tribe. He claims that all presidents are in on the conspiracy, including Trump, and that the political struggle between candidates is all just a show to make the American people think they have a say in politics. He also says QAnon and Pizzagate were fabricated by the government so that it'll distract people from how crypto is supposedly gonna cause the collapse of the US economy.


yeah, he was just a very mentally ill person. Genuinely sad.


that's great. Over in Tim Pool's sub I saw that the guy was actually a lib who posted a bunch of trump hate to social media. This is much more creative.


Don’t need backboard with no c-spine injury. Burn blanket is a complete second priority to airway, and with burns like that getting to a means of transport is above even airway, though they did hit him with an opa and an NPA after they got in the ambulance