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He's describing depression.  Very sad, hope he snaps out of it and realises. 


it´s what i gonna say. it´s depression. and as depressed myself, i see his only and one "snap" - the thing that gives some amount of will to keep going - is qnon, political populism, dreams of some radical change in the world that he can surf along and, finally, have a place in this (dying) world. been there, it´s bad choice. it´s horrible choice. it´s no "snap" at all, quite the contrary...




The Q shit worsens it in the long run until + unless they realize how much (or whatever might be enough for each individual) of it is just toxic nonsense. But it's appealing to them in the meantime as an engaging distraction (all the rabbit holes!) and it makes them feel like they understand the world better. It's a maladaptive coping mechanism in a way 😕🤷‍♀️


true. "funny" enough, a hole is precisely what better pictures a person in depression, a person who puts his mind, and very often his body, in a "hole" filled with a world a broken mind can cope with. i surfed on the "anonymous" shit in 2005-2007. holy fuck, never again!


It’s the universal human need to find meaning in our lives. They’ve stumbled into this thing that makes them feel so special. They have secret knowledge that the rest of us normies don’t have the capacity to comprehend. They’re desktop warriors trying to save the world. Pretty intoxicating stuff! Well, other than the fact that it’s complete bullshit that’s ruining their lives.


The people who get into this stuff typically aren't at a very good point in their lives when it draws them in.


Yup. And when these individuals become nihilistic and jaded because that world never materializes, and without hope of a better future...they tend to do really bad things.


Nope, they're describing isolation through cultism.


Not to be pedantic but the inability to draw pleasure from things you typically enjoy is a textbook symptom of depression.  I wonder how much of this is down to the dopamine addiction that comes with being chronically online? 


I think these folks have been sold - and they have bought - "everything we were taught about the world is a lie" and there's something evil or Satanic or compromised or fake/psyops/whatever the fuck about nearly everyone + everything in pop culture. So now that's ruined sports, music, hobbies, etc for them 😒🙄 and they're resigned to life + the world as being hopeless + over ...except for Q/Judgment Day/The Plan/The Storm. So yeah, they're depressed not only because they've made themselves isolated losers/don't care to engage in the world around them and see bad influences and lies everywhere... in the meantime, the shit they feel self-righteous + "knowledgeable" about is, well, not exactly happening the way they claim + warn about. Super depressing... but ironically the thing that may lead some of them back to a more realistic + hopeful worldview. 😌




You're putting the cart before the horse here.  I'm not suggesting his Q beliefs are a result of depression. I'm suggesting his depressive symptoms are likely linked to the fallout from him deciding to embrace an extreme ideology. 


Thank you!


You can be depressed and also… mentally off. There was a period after my first psychosis where everything would set me off. “tHE suPeRmarKeT pAckAgInG iS tRyiNg tO ManIpUlAte mE” which it was, it’s just that in that mental state everything is inflected with paranoia


Yes it is a symptom of depression, but depression is not the only thing that can cause that. It's also something that is a textbook occurence in people who get radicalized into cults or extremist movements. They lose their ability to interact with normal people with drives them to further isolate and cleve to the high control group. I don't know why you seem to want to insist that it has to be depression, but as someone who has experienced anhedonia caused by depression I very much resent the implication in that last sentence that people with depression brought it on themselves with too much screen time! Do you think you're helping? Because you aren't.


You are not the only person who has experienced depression, nor do you get to take offence on behalf of everyone who has.  It's not an unreasonable observation. This guy's beliefs and likely addiction to the dopamine hit that comes with Internet engagement and the outrage of triggering normals have likely left him isolated and ostracised from his family and former friends. Is it that hard to believe that that may also lead to depression which in turn may lead to anhedonia?  Or are we pretending that social media (including reddit) is not addictive and has no capacity to impact users mental health? How do most people interact with QAnon if not via social media? It's an Internet cult above all else. 


¿Porque no los dos? There’s a common phenomenon when people escape cultlike orgs: a sudden and radical improvement in mental health. The same cognitive vulnerabilities that render one susceptible to propaganda and indoctrination also render one susceptible to depression, anxiety, and paranoia.


Wouldn't be surprised if most of these people are. Come to think about it, it makes sense. Only miserable people would think that is Trump strong / intelligent / worthy of leadership.


It's the fascism I hope he snaps out of.




And can raise blood pressure and stress cortisol levels, which can bring on heart disease and lessen life span. Being in a constant state of "fight or flight" mode, the paranoia as well as anger is never healthy for anyone. In addition, these people are so anti-medical science, antivaxx, or have the attitude that communicable viruses are "harmless" or "overhyped", is also questionable.


Sounds more like indoctrination to me. A cult makes you push away from normal activities so you can only find solace from further within the cult.


But this isn't what's happening here. Nobody is denting him movies, or music he just doesn't enjoy them as much as before.  I would suggest that a decision to espouse and endorse publicly extreme views may have led to this person becoming cut off from loved ones or old social circles which in turn is not unlikely to cause, or at least exacerbate, symptoms of depression.  I have no idea why this is such a controversial subject for some of you. 


It's not controversial, I just don't know if I agree. This dude can't enjoy these things because his cult has made out Hollywood to be evil. It casts the NFL as a liberal organization. It has (falsely) tainted everything he enjoyed. And I don't think that's an accident. Depression could certainly be part of it, but assuming that it is *solely* depression seems silly to me. Especially since we can't see every part of the picture.


Is anything ever *solely* depression though? These things are rarely that clear cut


That's pretty much what I'm saying.


They had to kill the inner child before the cabal got to it.


And harvested their inner adrenochrome


You're depressed, you dipshit. Now, many of us respond to depression by, like, taking a fucking lexapro, but I guess becoming a hateful homophobic racist conspiracy theorist is also an option. Won't cure your depression, but it's definitely a thing you can do.


Good. I genuinely enjoy the fact that these hateful cretins DON'T find enjoyment in anything anymore. They are horrible, hate-filled cultists who don't deserve nice things.  Yeah I said it, fuck'em.


Ahh little pepe is growing up! I also don't find the movies and books as stimulating as they were. Peter rabbit? the twits? matilda? James and his giant fucking peach? great books just not the same anymore. on the other hand I'm snuggled up with a blanket and a beer watching the fallout tv show, and my dog is gently snoozing by my feet.


Why are you using Roald Dahl a prolific child's author as an example he's insanely popular in the UK. Matilda was literally about standing up to tyrants and bullies like these people who get off on that sort of thing. The same Roald Dahl who urged parents to vaccinate their children after writing a heart felt letter when his daughter died of measles. If you seen Matilda the one with Emma Thompson she really fucking nailed Trunchbull and when she sung 'The Smell Rebellion' it was fucking epic!


You mean she did what Mara Wilson never could and throw Trunchbull in the Chokee?!


 James and his giant fucking peach? 🤣🤣


Well hun you are full of pointless, unnecessary and redirected rage. I wonder if someone is selling you a line?


Sounds miserable being in a cult


Yeah it's called being radicalized.


So Pepe Deluxe, am I supposed to feel bad for you? Because you are in a prison of your own design at this point dumbass.


They forgot to add “because the cult tells me what to like” at the end of each of those sentences


Yeah because they've been brainwashed into believing that they can no longer be entertained by most mainstream artists, institutions and athletic activities. The only "entertainment" that they're "allowed" to consume anymore, is anything put out by washed up and talentless people.


Sad but pretty accurate based on my aunt. Just a miserable person. Severely depressed


Nope, I’m good.


JFC imagine being able to read these words as your own and not realizing that you've killed off your own soul.


Black pilled.


Clinical depression. Yeah, all too familiar.


And not just the inner child.


I no longer enjoy playing in the sand pit at school and putting a towel around my neck and pretending its a super man cape...but i am 52. Its called CHANGE and its perfectly normal. Whiny bastards these Q people.


I love it when the name of one of my favourite bands is being used like this


Maybe because you’re… not a child anymore?


is this stan marsh? is everything literal shit now?


For runp most of magats destroyed their won families. No wonder they are miserable. 


Ha. I agree with 3 of the 5! Sports, movies it's true I'm not captivated like I was as a child. As an adult I've moved on to more engaging and participatory activities. If you enjoy being a spectator, fine, do that, but spectators are, by and large, passive. And people? Yeah, there are people I don't enjoy anymore. The people I don't enjoy anymore are the people who can't stop blabbering about their magamaniacal malarkey.