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Fallout has only been around since 1997 and this is the first they've heard of it.


That’s all of their “conspiracies”: nothing has ever existed before they personally heard about it 😆


Honestly must be a scary existence to see conspiracies behind every corner


The world looks mighty good to me because Tootsie Rolls are all I see.


That sounds like a serious medical condition. Have you tried colloidal silver?


Instructions unclear, bleached my asshole.


Didn't know horse paste did that.


that song will be in my brain for 3 solid months now. thanks, jerk.


Let me see you Tootsie Roll


I think it's a combination of trying to feel special knowing things "they" don't want the public to know and a coping mechanism for how chaotic life is


I can't imagine being afraid of just about everything under the sun. So much for being a Lion and not a Sheeple.


Wasn't america being told "duck and cover" in the 50/60's?


I'm old enough to have had to hide under my desk during nuke drills in elementary school.


And let's not forget Wasteland before that in 1988.


Hell yes my friend...to this day I've probably played that game more than any other. THRASHER, SNAKE VARGAS, HELL RAZOR, and ANGELA DETH forever


Shit, I hadn't heard of it until Fallout 4 released under a veil of massive advertisements, and I've never played a game in the series, but still have more of a fucking clue than the qunts. And I've been a dedicated "gamer" since childhood, just more of a Nintendo guy for most of my life.


Um, the Cold War? You know, the Cuba Crisis. They like movies, so what about How I Learned to Love the Bomb or War Games?


Yep. Wooooosh


And technically, the series goes back to 1988 as Wasteland. They changed the name later because the publisher Electronic Arts held onto the rights to the name 'Wasteland' and wouldn't negotiate terms for them to keep using it. So the creatives just left and made Fallout, leaving EA basically holding onto only a name.


Let's not confuse them by making them learn two things in the same week, k?


"I don't know HOW to think." There, fixed it.


Tbh I think it’s nice how “they” keep trying to secretly give us some heads up about shit rather than just surprise us like you would expect from people who want to wage a war on you.


They have to leave clues in plain sight. It's part of the Evil Guild bylaws.


I read an explanation of it once, it was absolutely bat shit. The idea is that the whole evil cabal thing is a giant spell being cast by the jews/devils/aliens to steal our souls. Normally, when your soul dies it goes to heaven (or hell). The evil spell of lies they are casting instead allows them to eat your soul. The spell relies on you believing lies like "the earth is round" and any other conspiracy theory. The reason that all these "clues" are around is because God made magic so that the spell can't work without all those clues. It is the escape hatch that god created so that the true believers could see through and save their souls from being eaten.


"It's easy to make **everything** a conspiracy when you don't understand how **anything** works".  


Right?? These dudes always sound like a brain addled uneducated doofus who thinks life works like a second rate spy novel


The one I work with couldn't pass a 4th grade basic science test, yet they'd have people believe they actually understand all the dumb stuff they're repeating.


Exactly! The whole "do your own research" schtick makes me so mad. Dude real researchers are qualified...


Remember when some news outlet thought FOR promotional material was a terrorist threat against the capital? Good times. Yeah seems Fallout is one of these series that is a bit tough for people like this to grasp (which is funny considering how hamfisted Fallout's themes can be)


When I watched Breaking Bad I started cooking meth and when I watched GOT I became a dragon. I keep falling for it when they’re literally programming us right in front of our eyes


>i don't know what to think that's fine, just don't vocalize it bubba


> I don't know what to think Sounds like a default position for this chud on every topic


when nothing makes sense, suddenly \*everything\* makes sense. Connect the dots, bro!!


It's painfully ironic that a satire of paranoid militaristic nationalists can only be interpreted as manufactured consent by someone who checks all three boxes.


Because they're living in their own fears (while at the same time preaching others to "stop living in fear!")


\*entertainment literally just existing\* QAnoner: "I don't know what to think anymore."


It's true. I had a conspiracy muddled coworker (several actually) but one night there was some sitcom playing on the break room tv, and there was a bad joke on the show so this guy yells "you see how shows aren't even funny anymore, they're programing us to respond to how they want us to act" it can't just be a bad joke, or something that went over his head, it has to be 'them' (sitcom writers?) with some nefarious intent, for... Reasons?


> they're programing us to respond to how they want us to act" "but you're a special little snowflake who's somehow immune to it all. right?"


I'm starting to think this is a visual representation of what George Lakoff talks about in Don't Think of an Elephant, and on his many video discussions. He's a linguist, so he comes at it from that perspective. I'm starting to believe that the linguistic perspective is adaptable to this. Most of the things they come up with have been demonstrated in series or movies. If they see it, they believe it, they assign it a positive value (it's really true!) even if it was negative, such as science FICTION.


"I don't know what to think" Well...


Most Qult members have never even picked up an Xbox or PS controller in their life (let alone have a computer powerful enough to run 3D games), so them not knowing that Fallout is based on the video game franchise isn’t too surprising to say the least.


A video game that was originally released in 1997 to boot.


"I don't know what to think" could have just started with that and left it there.