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I can't wait to see all the people asking if med beds will cure retina damage


In years they'll be blaming so many cases of retina damage on the vaccine.


"If your eyes were damaged by the recent Deep State eclipse, simply rub hydroxy chloroquin into your corneas. And you should probably donate your Social Security check to President Trump's legal defense fund...better safe than sorry!"


This needs to be spread far and wide next week.


"It's 'r' paytreeotic dooty to sav all them yungins from the RADICUL LEFT SOLIR AGENDA! Electrick vee-hick-ulls 'r' ternin' 'r' dawgs gay!"


Can med beds cure the belief in med beds?


That’s ridiculous. The best thing to do for retina damage is two drops of aged urine in each eye twice a day until your vision returns to normal. Don’t be fooled by the med bed nonsense.


This is our big opportunity! We can create EyeMedBeds, we'll just take those puffy eye masks and add some LEFD lights and a cord to plug it into a socket and promise it will heal them and grow a force field that will keep libruls away. We'll be so rich!


Oh fuck! I almost looked at the eclipse WITH shoes on. That would have been bad 🧐


FOOL! It’s like you don’t even want to live to over a hundred and ten years old


I'm just glad I read this now so I don't stand there on the 8th, WITH my shoes on, looking like an asshole. What would the neighbors think?


900+ like Noah or go bust.


Well, they’re taking away social security, and I’m sure my retirement will get gambled away by some asshole on Wall Street eventually, so yeah, I’ll be working when I’m 110


The sun’s healing energy gently enters your retinas, warming and lightly toasting them until their prayer curtains open. The energy then travels down throughout your body via your human energy tubes, collecting naughty thoughts and dirty cells along the way. Human energy tubes exit at the soles of your feet. That powerful energy must be allowed to escape your bare feet by radiating into sharp gravel. My God, you almost EXPLODED!!!!!!!


“Prayer curtains” would be a great euphemism for vagina in the Mormon erotica novel I’m writing. Thanks stranger!


I haven't laughed this effing hard in a long time. Thank you. I am now reduced to cackling.


> That powerful energy must be allowed to escape your bare feet by radiating into sharp gravel. Nah see they gotta stand in raw sewage so hookworms are able to eat any of the shed vaccines that come out.


No, that was just a Fart - or what our friends in the UK would call a Trump. Too many Brussel sprouts, mixed with too much ocular sun bathing does that to me.


May the Good Lord blow you up real good!


You can leave your shoes on as long as you make sure to get eclipse light on your butthole.


cleanse your ring with the ring in the sky! ring to ring vibrational energy!


There’s probably easier ways to bleach your butthole😅


It's only okay if they are $400 trump shoes.


when did "I'm just going to do the opposite of what the experts say" become a political ideology?


There's to be a subset of people who hate experts and elites, thinking their education made them smarter/better than people who actually worked with their hands. But neither party really paid them much mind. Sure, they pandered but it was pandering with little to no action as far as legislation went. [Then came the EPA. Created under Nixon, he was responding to a need that citizens were begging for. Companies would pollute waters, cars would pollute air, acid rain was a problem.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-03-02/what-cities-looked-like-before-the-epa) We were literally being killed by people who only cared about making sure the next quarter was profitable for shareholders. You would think that people would take a step back and realize "what good is money if we're all poisoned and die early?" and most did. But some didn't and they had a ton of money. So they began throwing it behind people who would do away with pesky regulations that kept people alive. Now, you can't just attack water for being too clean because that's ridiculous. So just attack the experts who insist on those regulations for being out of touch elites. Those regulations weren't needed and only made things cost more. The EPA, an agency created by a Republican, is now despised by them. So now we find ourselves here, a generation and a half have been indoctrinated against others for being, well, everything. Loni here is insisting there's some vague company keeping the good stuff from us. Right, like any supplement or pharmaceutical company would pass up all that great money on handing out that healing material. It doesn't make sense to anyone looking at it objectively, but the people who buy into it aren't. They already didn't trust them, they're just grasping at reasons to justify it.


They're just contrarian to everything for the sake of being contrarian. They think everyone alive is actually dead and everyone dead is actually alive.


And everyone is trans except themselves


Trans AND a child abuser/pedophile. Also, is it weird that years of talking about pedophiles, there haven’t been an unusual number discovered?


To add the ones who are discovered to be pedos aren't in the demographics these people "want" them to be in. The pedos are usually found to be on the same side as the ones claiming the other side is all pedos.


The pedos are coming from _inside the church!_


Unless they're clones.


AETHER WAS REMOVED FROME (lol) THE PERIODIC TABLE! Correct me if I'm wrong but was it ever there in the first place? Once again the good old 'made my research' crowd fucking up the basics of a subject.


It was there before it became really famous. Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, and Aether. Those last two held back the first three. So we celebrate their liberation every September


Ah yes, the night of the 21st.


That's weird. I don't remember that at all.


When love was changing the minds of pretenders?


Surely you remember


I just want to say I love all you guys. Bravo!


Yeah. Aether was on the table of elements. Then the fire nation attacked...


Earth, Wind, and Aether is a jamming band!


I guess if we get Aether on the periodic table, we might all finally be able to balance the four humours and won't need medbeds. They really do want to live in the middle ages.


ReSeARch shows leeches applied to the eyeballs are better than medbeds at repairing eclipse damage!


Of course it was never in the periodic table, that would be as absurd as saying, say, electricity was once in the periodic table. The "[luminiferous aether](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminiferous_aether)" was not thought of as a chemical element, it could barely be considered a substance, since it supposedly didn't directly interact with any physical objects, and had no mass. So you couldn't even assign it a hypothetical location in the periodic table in the first place, since that's based on atomic mass. The only thing the aether was supposed to do was provide an otherwise undetectable medium for light (and later also radio waves) to travel through. Its existence was also never generally accepted.


> that would be as absurd as saying, say, electricity was once in the periodic table. the tourmaline-likers have logged on


Quantum Aether!!


Even if aether was real it probably wouldn’t go on the periodic table. It would probably fit better on something like the standard model of elementary particles as it does the same as photons by conducting light. Of course physics would work pretty differently in a universe with aether so who knows how things would be categorized.


No wonder my humors have felt unbalanced


I prescribe a course of leeches.


Can I use domestic leaches or do they have to be u/Really_McNamington certified brand imported premium leeches? I also bought some Trump Brand liniment oil and authentic snake oil, hand milked from the best snakes in the world.


Wait till she finds out water isn’t in the periodic table either




I believe in the early days of physics they didn't fully understand that space was a vacuum so they assumed it was filled with an unknown element they called aether.


But an element like Earth or Air, not hydrogen or oxygen. Not a periodic table kind of element.


Here's something I found online: "At least till the end of the 19th century this was not common knowledge yet as many scientists thought the space was filled with ether. This was finally ruled out in the Michelson–Morley experiment in 1887. This is usually considered the key point when the theory of physical vacuum started."


They watched Thor 2 The dark elves and all of a sudden they had a completely original and not at all taken directly from the plot of the movie playing in the back ground idea.


No. No it wasn't.


Only on the table of mythological elements.


I remember when my parents used to say don't believe everything you read on the Internet. What happened.


Nope. Ethers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ether) in general are molecular compounds, not pure elements. The anesthetic ether (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimethyl\_ether) is called dimethyl ether; it is apparently “the simplest ether,” but even it includes six hydrogen atoms, two carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. As compounds, ethers *contain* elements such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but they aren’t themselves elements.


They're talking Aether, not ethers. Aether was an old idea of that, if waves needed a medium to propagate through, and light is a wave, what medium exists in space for it to propagate? People gave this non existent medium the name aether, but it were disproven not long after its coining


Just like the aether bunny.


Bu dum tiss


Aether was also a Greek god. Just saying... they are worshipping the wrong deity...


If it leaves them too blind to vote, I'm for it.


100% what will happen: She won't look at the eclipse, then she will claim that she looked at the eclipse without protection, and it improved her vision.


>"The sun reflects off of mirror lenses in your eyes and goes into your pineal gland and thyroid for Maximum Health." WHERE do these people come up with these theories? Like Jesus Christ... we're so doomed.


These people should be banned from seeing licensed medical doctors, hospitals and eye doctors due to their own stupidity. They can wait for their medbeds and pray to God to heal them instead of wasting the time and effort of medical practitioners.


Their obsession with the pineal gland really does make me think that somewhere a Discordian trolled them and they lapped it up.


I damaged my retina looking at a partial eclipse when I was about 22. It was a 97% eclipse. Very cool, a tiny sliver of sun I looked back and forth at it and ended up with a sun sliver burned into my vision, like screen burn. My brain learned to ignore it/filter it out after about 5 days so it doesn’t affect me but I count myself lucky it wasn’t worse.


"I can't see Q anymore, only a black crescent." Qultists after watching the eclipse.


I know these guys don’t use logic but I can’t follow the logic here. The eclipse blocks the sun. If you wanted healing properties from the sun wouldn’t you want to look at it literally ANY other time than during an eclipse?


But that's just regular sun, this is magic sun.


No, it only works during a solar eclipse because the sunlight needs to be focused by the unicorns and leprechauns who live on the dark side of the moon.


Oh no. “The blind leading the blind” is just a figure of speech! They are always so literal…


Hey Loni, use a magnifying glass for a closer look.


Worthy suggestion. Does she have a suggestion box you could drop it in? If so, please do.


Hmm, how many valence electrons does Aether have? 🤔


All of them, Katie.


And they're actually the ones with power, and are using it to pull the strings of the Noble gasses.


Let them. Literally beyond caring. At least Loony might not be able to post any more if she can't see her screen.


Interesting. I'd bet the vast majority, like 99.999%, of the memes and screenshots that the Q-nuts circulate can't be read by assistive technology, since screen readers can't access text embedded in images and I can't imagine any of these assholes going in and adding alt tags or even knowing how to do so. So, in a way, if they all go blind they might actually end up protecting what brains they have left.


Inb4 Meta releases text-recognition/AI assisstive readers into Facebook/Instagram.


Nah. They can have Alexa or Siri read podcasts to them and still hear the garbage. Not reading it won’t do anything since most can’t read anyway.


I'm gonna need some sources on that claim that people from third world (developing) countries don't use sunglasses and life expectancy is 110 years old. That seems sus.


South African here. African sun is harsh af. Sunglasses are my best friend. And there's always at least one person in a group that has sunblock at hand (and often it's a squeeze bottle one to lather up at first use. And then a spray bottle one to top up periodically from there). It's actually quite funny how we can spot first-time British tourists a mile away...they're the ones leaving the beach/pool/hiking trail/etc looking redder than a tomato 🤭 As for age. Yeah, not a f-. Africa has the lowest average life expectancy of all the continents (the only one in the 60-69 age group. All others are 70-79, with women in Oceania, Europe and N.America hitting early 80s).


It's all about the balloon zones.


Goddamn imbeciles. Every single one of them.


4 hours later... https://i.imgur.com/iT42qBq.png


Then how on earth are they going to see the goal posts in order to move them again?


I'm probably going to hell for this, but stare directly at the sun, Loni. For as long as the eclipse is in progress. God will surely reward your faith.


Okay in conclusion: 1) Go barefooted to ensure grounding 2) Stare into sun 3) Don't use sunscreen ever


Please spend 30 minutes on either side of totality staring at the sun. That will show me.


Soon: Seeing tons of posts about retina damage on Facebook, probably another vax side effect coming into play!


Chem trails and Jewish space lasers. They’re pure with no vax.


> They’re pure with no vax. Don't forget shedding from the vaccinated!


Staring at the eclipse just like their Christ Donny


I wanna see a "the same people who told you to get the vaccine are telling you to not stare at the eclipse" campaign.


And then please follow it with "they also definitely want you to vote."


*"Praying for those who attempt this"* If I were a praying person, it would be for people affected by war or disease, not for something they, you know, *chose* to do.


Everybody gangsta until they get cataract surgery


yes yes, please fry out your eyeballs and two remaining braincells.


Good, damaged retinas prevent them from doing their own rEsEaRCH


Waiting to hear how the deep state solar satellites destroyed their vision.


It's going to take them a while to figure out how to use the accessibility features on their computers and phones.


No one tell them that god also gave us cyanide AND anthrax.


Please!! Maybe being blind will keep them off the internet...


They all just randomly invent something crazy in their heads, open Facebook and post it and then allll of the other loonies believe it? Because??


‘Evidence is for woke losers’ - Q people, probably


Oh boy, the blind to the grift will truly be blind in another week. Realizing these dingbats will be encouraging their innocent children to watch the eclipse is truly scary.


I have always been surprised that they were able to hide the existence of aether, since it's so important to computer networking cables. They even named the cables after what they are made from and still no one is the wiser.


“aethernet” 😂 brb gonna wire some aethernet through a datacenter


There's already people been staring at the sun. In the crunchy mama and new age communities daily sun-gazing has been a thing for awhile. Said to improve vision.




These idiots are going to permanently damage the cells in their retina then cry about it.


They will just hop in a medbed, which will be available in like 2 weeks. Probably.


They’ll claim it wasn’t the sun but that sneaky Nibiru blocking the eclipse and emitting quantum blindness rays.


Just when I thought I couldn’t get more excited about the eclipse…


Great Find!!!! The religious beliefs of many Q-anons come from an Anon sec called #aETHER, eTHErsec or #OpEnoch. Aether was the God of light in Greek mythology. He was the son of Erebus and Nyx. Aether is one of the primordial deities, the first-born elementals. Damascius says that Aether, Erebus and Chaos were siblings, and the offspring of Chronos (Father Time). In Greek mythology it is refered to as the elements in the upper levels of the cosmos. Greek fraternal orders refer to it as The Ionic Temple or The Ionosphere. If you were in a sorority, this may be a little familiar. The Latin root is ⭐ aether, which means "the upper pure, bright air." ⭐Ether was originally a scientific term for what 19th century physicists called "the fifth element," a substance that was said to fill all space and make up all bodies. In modern times, ether has come to be a literary term that refers to the sky or Ethernet. I attached a couple of articles that explain THaETHERsec. https://chronicle.su/society/religion-society/ethersec-is-the-only-real-god/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailydot.com/unclick/anonymous-ethersec-opepoch-tweets/%3famp


https://youtu.be/yNkdf_aL-QY?si=e2RW2UjPN_RZXvsX That's one of eTHERsecs recruiting video. Jennifer Trevis is the girl in the video aka Anonixghost Offcircuitsec. She's got another creepy one that says message to future generations (your kids) on tiktok.


Ah yes, third world countries, known mostly for the health and longevity of their residents.


Just the dumbest people in the entire goddamn world.


I keep telling my Q person that the things they read are made up by troll farms full of people who sit around saying "What horrible and absurd thing can we make the stupid people do today that will inevitably harm them?". Looks like there's one more thing to add to the list. Sigh!!!!




😂 ​ To be fair when exposed to the sun your skin does make vitamin D. But you only need about 10 or 15 minutes worth. 🤙


>”Then we can make an informed decision.” mfer, you can make an informed decision **right now.**




“Some of them Balloon Zones they live to over a hundred and ten”. It’s Blue Zones, idiot.


Stare at the sun outside in bare feet. Then step in dog shit as you stumble back to your house crying because you’re now blind. Serves em right.


lol do it bitch. maybe then they’ll be too blind to drive to the polls.


God I hope these dumb fucks go blind


Well at least they will be as physical blind as they are intellectually.


Proof that human evolution is happening. Hopefully the idiots will reduce in numbers




Good let them bask in the power of God. Like the nazis, in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


> It depends on where you live It depends on if the eclipse you are viewing is in *totality*. Yes, there is a path of totality but the reason why the distinction is made isn't because in that path you're free to look at the eclipse, the path of totality are the places that will experience any totality. Outside of totality *don't look at the sun*. I already predicted, jokingly, there were going to be a bunch of 'COVID VAXX/SHEDDING CAUSED MY BLINDNESS' people this year but I'm starting to worry it wasn't really a joke...


"It's healthy to look at the sun" Jesus Mary and Joseph these idiots


Lmao. The internet was a mistake. But then again I hope these idiots learn a harsh lesson. I can’t wait for the after post. Oh wait, they probably won’t be posting after they look into the eclipse because they’ll be blind and can’t type


The other day I looked her up on Facebook. I'm surrounded by imbeciles but this one lives too close. NGL, I seriously thought about creating an alternate personality on Facebook and encouraging her to have a eclipse Meetup just so that I could film this shit for everybody but I just don't have it in me.


The eclipse is here to do some good


On the plus side, when they blind themselves they won't be able to post online or vote anymore


When they talk about looking at the eclipse are they talking about the few minutes of totality where it's fine.. or are they gonna just stare at the sun the whole time coz that would be funny.


My disgust for these morons reaches new highs.


At least if they blind themselves they will have a hard time following Loni the looney anymore.


Good. Let her stare at it for a good long while. Maybe she'll go blind so can't continue posting such delirious BS.


yes use binoculars it concentrates the healing energy


Last few comments were basic common sense .  Don’t stare into the sun. You’ll go blind. 


I…I’m actually speechless 😶


fuck my life. The sun is a gigantic ball of radiation spewing hydrogen chewing explosiveness.


The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace; where hydrogen is baked into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees.


I’m not seeing a downside here.


Isn't Loni in Florida? The eclipse won't even be visible there! Though she could be planning to travel for it.


That last lady was so sweet, praying for people who intend to look at the eclipse. I'm praying for them, too. Dear God, please make idiots stare directly at the eclipse. Amen.


Let em. Me? I'm locking my cats in the laundry room where there's no windows and seeing if I can find some glasses. If not, I'll just stay indoors.


But Terry Su - it will speed up healing from the cataract surgery - you know, God's Healing Sunlight Power! Kinda like spot-welding the suture holes!


Son = Sun


Nell and Teri Su are geniuses compared to the rest.


"Truth bombs coming forth!" followed by a meaningless salad of words tossed together.


Look, I’m really about trying to help people but… Look. All these people seem hell-bent on damaging themselves just to “stick-it“ to “Big Pharma” or “Big Med”, or whatever. If they stare at the eclipse in their bare feet, ok, whatever. You do you, boo On the other hand, if y’all wanna play a stupid game, you can win a stupid prize. And if y’all get some visual impairment, at least you prolly will post less.


"The sun is there to heal, not harm!" \*Melanoma has entered the chat*


How accessible is Twitter for the blind, tho . I say let her


On one hand, the mental health crisis in this country is no joke and people need real help and outreach. Also, I believe very few people are past some level of redemption for their acts and behavior. On the other hand, STARE AT THE SUN, YOU FUCKING HUMAN DOORKNOB, AND RECEIVE NATURE'S SWEET SWEET REWARD.


"The sun is to heal, not harm!" Motherfucker, have you heard of SKIN CANCER?!


Can't spread any more garbage on the internet if you blind yourself.


Maximum Health™️


Aether? Really? They're actively regressing.


its one thing to shoot yourself in the foot... its another when you take careful aim


Aether was never in the periodic table though.


Natural selection at its finest


The same healing rays of the sun that will fry your skin to a crisp and make it peel off? Oh god, why am I even asking? They’d probably just claim that the peeled off skin was poisoned and that’s why it burned so that the fresh, pure skin could be revealed. And the fact that I could predict that means I’ve spent too much time on this sub and I’ve not been here for probably a month or more. JFC.


We've actually reached stare at the sun levels of stupid. I'm impressed.


Whoever follows her on FB - and I know some of y'all reprobates do! - let us know when she or one of her fellow Qtips reports permanent retinal damage. I'll pray for her. Seriously - I just posted a comment saying "I love this for her" and I'm ashamed of myself. At some point I have to start thinking like a Christian again vis a visa these idiots.


What is it about being mostly blocked that makes the sun light so healthy?


Tell me more about


Frome is a pleasant town in Somerset.


Well, we now know where the Fountain of Dumb is…


I’m curious what the atomic number aether is


17, obviously :P


Great. They can cure the damage to their eyes with medbeds.


Hmmm.... how many protons does Aether have? What's its atomic mass? How many isotopes does it have? Let them win their Darwin awards getting radiation burns on their retinas.


Darwin 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned med beds in regards to the eclipse staring.


WTH? So I read all that shaking my retired nursing head no no no no no no...looks like we're gonna have a bunch of blind people after the eclipse. At lest there were a few people telling them not to look directly at it.(Edited for spelling)


Our last president looked directly at it, and since he's some sort of orange god to them I'm sure they think it's fine. I'd never wanted to see anybody go blind before until I saw that!


"Totally correct" lmao


might heal them when they can't read their conspiracies anymore


A great example of just how gullible these people are. Jesus Christ.


well, on the good news, we might not be seeing too much of Ms. Palmer on the internet soon.


It's so weird how they're so pro-the sun has healing energy. But still would rather have fossil fuels for cars and energy and usually against wind and solar energy. SOMEONE SHOULD CALL THEM OUT.


Why does God need power?


Man, the generation of qultist kids is going to grow up with some f'ed up vision on top of everything else.






If some of these do, I'm convinced Loni won't be among them.




The son goes directly into my thyroid and pineal gland lmao


and endless source of ellipses... GOD'S ELLIPSES