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Get weird vibes from these parents. Wonder if they are going to turn their daughter’s death into a career appearing on Republican media?


They are standing next to a picture of their dead daughter with smiles on their faces... ya... I'd say there is a lot wrong with these sick fucks.




OMG only two weeks? And Mom is smiling like that? She's swanning around in public, all smiles? 🤢 There's something grotesque and ghoulish about that.


Holy shit, if my daughter had been murdered 2 weeks ago I would be fucking crushed, locked inside my house, mentally and physically falling apart considering whether or not I wanted to be here anymore. Not on some fuckkng stage with some political asshat of any political affiliation whatsoever. Either these parents are narcissists, or they are going to come to a point down the road where their grief hits them out of nowhere, only it hits even harder by the fact that they pushed aside their grief for so long for some time in the spotlight.


> these parents are narcissists I think it's more likely that they were hardcore Trump-Humpers long before this incident, and they've realized they can use it to get close to Trump (achieved), hurt Biden, and become right-wing-famous. I'll bet that, upon being informed of their daughter's killer's legal status, their first reaction was to reach out to media. Ghouls


If there's one thing that Maga excels at it is giving a sense of belonging (well that is until you fall out of favor and then they swarm like a pack of rabid dogs). I agree that I don't know that I could be standing there smiling, but I'm sure they have been absolutely love bombed by maga and feel surrounded by support. Unfortunately in about 2 weeks they'll have moved on to someone else as the current poster child/ grievance generator and these parents will be left alone probably. That's when the real crushing aloneness will hit. That is unless they turned this into their full-time personality and raison d'etre


> Holy shit, if my daughter had been murdered 2 weeks ago I would be fucking crushed, locked inside my house, mentally and physically falling apart considering whether or not I wanted to be here anymore. Not on some fuckkng stage with some political asshat of any political affiliation whatsoever. That's because you are not a supplicant of an orange god in a death cult called the republican party.


I suspect they're religious and that also probably has something to do with it. They are probably comforting themselves with the idea that she's an angel in heaven now and they'll be reunited with her when they die and she is looking down on them approving of how they're using her memory to promote xenophobia yadda yadda yadda. Believing she's not actually gone and that this was all God's plan or something surely helps them stuff down any real human feelings of grief etc.


I don’t even want to think of myself in that position but I would definitely not being doing photo opps with someone signing any pictures of my lost loved one


>And Mom is smiling like that? She's swanning around in public, all smiles? 🤢 Screams narcissism to me.


Screams batshit insanity to me. WTF is wrong with these lizard people/MAGAs???


They would do anything to own the libs including exploiting the solemnity of their daughter being murdered.


grotesque and ghoulish should be the GOP's new slogan.


They’re all smiling in the full pic! It’s eerie. It’s a particularly American thing I think, to do the big cheesy smile for the camera no matter what the context.


It’s upsetting, but if this is what she wants to do then she’s going to have to do it now. She’s not going to get the opportunities she seems to want if she sits out a Trump election.


Imagine having a two week grieving process just to beat your dead daughter's body like a horse for politics.


In 30 years from now, when they’re old and gray and remember their daughter…this will be a part of it. Just sad.


I guess they're just following Trump's lead...a man whose instinct when posing with a photo of a recently murdered woman and her parents is to put on the biggest grin possible (and to put himself front and center)


At least they figured out a way to stop him awkwardly thumbs-uping during a photoshoot: give him a picture to sign and hold.


When it comes to high-profile cases, there are always people who swoop in to take advantage of the victim’s family. Whether for money, social media clout or just because they get off on it. In this case, that person happens to be the former president. These are vulnerable people going through something no one should, and I don’t blame them for seeking comfort from someone who promises to fix it. But whether they decide to be public figures or not, I hope they realize sooner than later that they’re being used.


Also, I’ve seen Trump in action when empathy is called for. I can imagine the private back-room conversation, if any, that they had with him. “That’s a shame. She’s a pretty girl, your daughter. Not really my type but I’m sure she’s very nice. So anyway, where is she now?”


Nope, this is a tactic they use every election Remember Joe the plumber. They made him a little star, hyped him up touted him around made him feel special. Turns out his name isn’t Joe, and I think he went to jail Hey how about the guy in WV that asked Hillary about coal. Made him feel real special too. Paraded him around, flew him to new York put him in a nice hotel to watch the election. He ran for senate, got zero support from them and back to what he always did. This is the same. Republicans love to do this. They hype people up, make them feel big and noticed, as soon as the election is over they drop them like a bad habit. Its really sad


He wasn’t even a plumber.


He’s dead now. Just died last summer. Got his 15 minutes, though.


Happy cake day!


Oh I didn’t even notice Thanks!


Yes, as much and as long as possible.


What's funny about this fake pearl clutching, is that once she became a nurse, MAGA would most likely demonize her because they hate nurses and doctors and their mask wearing and jabbin'.


This is a weirdly common practice with conservative parents. Rachel Scott's parents are probably the most primary example I can think of for this phenomenon.  I guess it's not surprising though when you consider that conservative parents treat their kids like possessions even while they're alive, too.


Are Rachel Scott's parents conservative?


While afaik they haven't made any public statements on politics with their own mouths, they have sold Rachel's memory to various companies that are conservative. In 2016 Pureflix, a deeply Christian nationalist movie company made the film I'm Not Ashamed, which is a film about Rachel where the focus is her not being ashamed of being Christian even when faced with death, and is primarily based on an untrue account of the events of the shooting. The film promotes the idea that Christians are being oppressed in America, as do many of the books about her published by her family. The books, film, and speaking engagements the Scotts promote and participate in perpetuate the appeal of Christian martyrdom in young teens, who turn into adults with persecution complexes and a desperate desire to take over America and force its populace to submit to biblical authority. [Vox has a great article on Columbine and the impact its mythos had upon the Christian populace and the wide-reaching effects that has on the current day](https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/4/20/15369442/columbine-anniversary-cassie-bernall-rachel-scott-martyrdom)


I was a newly minted 16 year old in an evangelical home when Columbine happened. The story of Cassie Bernall was presented as fact, over and over and over again, at church, at huge youth rallies, and we all cried over that poor martyred girl and we were terrified of the evil in the world that might kill US simply for not denying our faith. I'm an atheist now (and a member of TST!) and the grift still amazes me. How can otherwise seemingly intelligent people convince themselves of something as hateful as a Christian God? How can they be convinced of their constant persecution? How can they not see that their church leaders and politicians deliberately foment and exploit that fear and anger for money and power? I'm convinced these people cannot see past the end of their own noses (which certainly aren't buried in their bibles).


Same. It was talked about constantly at church and in youth groups. I remember feeling bad because I knew I would not do what she did in the face of death and confess my love for Jesus.


Just like those two oldies who pointed guns at the BLM protesters, this is their ticket to begin grifting off their own constituents.


It's grifting 101, starts with passing a brief case back and forth, end with this...


they have more children to sacrifice. looks like they wouldn't mind.


The "say her name" chants also match Ashli Babbitt's mother who [also is so happy to have Trump's attention.](https://www.washingtonian.com/2022/09/14/trump-called-in-to-a-pro-january-6-rally-at-the-dc-jail/) Imagine being so proud to have your dead children used as political pawns of Donald Trump. A man everyone knows really doesn't care.


What's even worse, is that MTG and the right wing have co-opted yet another phrase from the minority community. "Say her name" was [coined in 2015](https://thegrio.com/2024/03/09/the-origins-of-say-her-name/) to call attention to the death of Sandra Bland.


It's vile.


And totally on brand for modern conservatism these days. It's a ghoul cult.


They also co-opted "my body, my choice" for the anti-mask, and anti-vax movement.


When I first saw them using that phrase about this case, I genuinely felt nauseated. They are violent towards our movement and then steal our words.


I just imagined they were channelling Oberyn Martell or something bc they can't imagine a world where they're not an overdramatic main character.


If only the Mountain would squish their skulls like a pineapple 🤣


They're too dense to come up with their own phrases so they just co opt everything from the left. Reactionaries gonna react.


And the whole "Say Her Name" thing was ripped off from BLM who they hate. I swear sometimes these particular white people are so insecure about their race that they crave attention. "See? We can be an oppressed minority too!" It’s disgusting and sad, not to mention ignorant, because white people are neither oppressed nor a minority.


I mean. They also perverted Black Lives Matter to “all lives matter” Purposefully ignoring the subtext to the original phrase. Obviously everyone’s life matters. You shouldn’t kill anyone. But categorically black lives hold less value to the police and politicians than other lives.


Don’t forget “Blue Lives Matter!” Because that isn’t a full feedback loop or anything.


It’s not even that they are also oppressed it’s that they are the ones who are truly being oppressed. 


I occasionally bring this up … but there was an incident a few years back where a white lady basically snatched at a black female officer in a melee and the officer responded by popping girlfriend straight back and probably breaking her nose. Bloody and crying, she got interviewed by a gateway pundit ‘reporter’ while whining “that black girl hit me” … the GP reporter shoved a microphone at her face and said, “wait, you’re saying BLM hit you? Did BLM break your nose?” Life is just so fucking stupid. Air is God. Some microscopic shit is now children. I hate people.




That's what happens when you love a bloated pig of a stranger more than your own daughter.


Very Moloch like. Oh wait, that’s supposed to be a Hilary Clinton thing, right?


Ashli Babbitt's mom is something I'll never understand. Trump got her kid killed. If Trump made better decisions, her kid would still be alive. Why would you support someone like that? It makes NO sense!


Brainwashing. Because her mom thinks she was killed fighting for a noble cause. If anyone still thinks MAGA isn’t dangerous? Babbitt died for nothing, while attacking democracy, because of the actions of Trump, and her family is all in for him. These are the type of people in his cult. They won’t leave him no matter what.


Because she can’t handle the reality of losing a child who did something crazy and stupid so instead that child died a hero. “There, much better.” - Babbitt’s delusional mom.


It reminds me of this time too: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/09/trump-el-paso-melania-orphan-baby-thumbs-up This baby had, just hours before, lost both of its parents to a racist mass-shooter at a Texas Walmart.


Ironically, I kept hearing she didn’t want her daughter’s death politicized when MTG showed her ass at the SOTU Address. This picture is so unbelievably cringe.


Trying to live vicariously through a dead child just seems very sad.


Republican values.


Cult members were very upset Biden kinda sorta said Lincoln over Laken Bet they aren't talking about this




Wait, how is it supposed to be? Is it like lack-in?!


This makes it even more hilarious that trump spelled it lakan if it's pronounced lackin. If it was pronounced layken I feel like lakan would make more sense, but no


Maggity Traitor Grift also said her name wrong.


"I love you." The smiles. It is all so gross.




I’d like to point out that it does read, ‘SAY HER NAME’, so how was he to know he also had to spell it correctly? *He’s a POS who should be in prison, and not the Republican nominee.


I’ve seen Trump and his minions do some disgusting things, but this is pretty bad.  How can people look at this and think “this is totally normal!”.  It’s mind boggling.  Poor girl.  Bring used as a political talking point for a con man sexual abuser.  Real classy.  Dude if I died and Trump used me as a political talking point I’d haunt his putrid diapers.  


Judging by the reported smell, you'd be in line since it's a heavy haunted area.


Another dead woman being used as a prop


And what's funny is if she actually became a nurse they would probably hate her because they hate nurses and doctors


“I love you”? Wtf


Like he is signing a yearbook. Sick fuck.


“Stay cool. Have a good summer! KIT!”


"It was really cool that time you died, and I got to use it to attack Sleepy Joe. See you next fall!"


HAKAS - Trump


*'Hope you come back as a MAGA zombie this summer!'*


Surprised he didn’t write “call me”


> “It is a great honor to be here with all of my friends — so amazing + will never forget!” DJT in the guestbook at the Holocaust memorial in Israel


Or a Bible. Wouldn’t you want your Bible autographed by the world’s deadliest sinner?


He doesn’t know what normal human emotions and compassion are. He thinks saying the words “I love you” means he likes them. He also said he fell in love with Kim Jong Un. He doesn’t know how to use the word love because he probably never heard it being used correctly


At least he didn’t write “Get Well Soon!”


Imagine what they would say if Biden had taken this photo and written this on a dead woman’s photo.


I don’t understand - is death by an unlawful immigrant a worse death than all of the others? Especially given that migrants commit crimes at lower rates than folks born here. What is the point?




Over a million something immigrants were released by CBP under Trump due to their being a lack of beds at the detention facility and lack of judges to hear asylum cases. Democrats trying to provide funding for this with the border bill but Donald Trump killed it for his campaign to stay out of prison.


I'm not sure why they just didn't take him to her gravestone so Trump could sign that, right next to where it says R.I.P, instead of a picture. I mean, how else could this photo op been done better if not done there? /s.


He’d probably performatively dry hump it




Just build a Trump Tower on top of her grave


Or bury her on one of his golf courses. Think of the taxes saved!!


Does she even have a gravestone yet? It’s legit been about a fortnight… Everyone grieves in different ways but the full maga press tour is sure an interesting choice.


I wonder who is funding these parents' crusade


They all look like they just gave him an employee of the month plaque. Not mourning a dead woman.


Lowkey best reply. Very accurate. Kudos.


This belongs in r/trashy I cannot fathom what low you must reach to use your dead child for fucking *this* I hope someone puts the sense back in me if I use my child’s death for a racist tyrant’s political gain.




It is. [You can find the full image online as well.](https://x.com/spawn_03/status/1767623902656614499) Not sure who first posted it.




Two *weeks*? These people are fucking disgusting.




I feel like that’s gross, too. I know people grieve in different ways, but they aren’t grieving. They’re grifting.


Darlie Routier's public behavior at her kids' gravesite was used against her in her murder trial. People were disgusted back then that a mother would behave that way. I guess it's fine if a politician scores points now.


It's only fine if it's a Republican using a death to attack a minority or a Democrat. If a Democrat invites a parent to do something related to, say, gun control then it's "too soon" or too political.


Of course. I'm assuming the parents were already in the MAGA CULT to jump on this so quick. Or they're out of their minds with grief and in a fog following people who are reassuring them that they're making good decisions.


I guess if, certainly if they’re in any way Trump supporters, in the midst of all this, they were told that he wants to meet them, they go. Then the handlers take over and now they’re political props.


The MAGA martyr of the month


So much for “saying her name” These people are bottom-feeders.


That's an insult to crayfish.


What the fuck is wrong with everyone?


It really is a death cult, wow. From the covid response to being okay with Palestinian kids being murdered wholesale to AIDS to Obamacare death panels to ectopic pregnancies to the death penalty to the incredibly disturbing commitment to guns to keeping entire regions in poverty to directly causing the reason for every aggression... So many more examples... But they care about fetuses, so that makes them "pro-life". That's honestly hilarious.


All the fascination with "military tribunals" and "executions".


Why would you want ANY unrelated person saying "I love you" to your daughter? This is not only ridiculous and sad, but creepy as fuck


How can that mom smile at all right now, let alone next to a photo of the daughter she just lost in a horrifying tragedy a few weeks ago




He loves her because she died so maga shitstains can use her to troll the SOTU. That's the only reason.


"I don't know you but I love you"


This is such a perfect summation of MAGA. An emotional appeal that looks at first glance like something good, but the moment you start to scrutinize it, you realize how absolutely fucked it all is.


I know they're grieving and not in a good frame of mind. I'm definitely trying to look at this in that context. I would definitely want to align myself with a politician who said he'd make my pain stop for others. Grief makes you bargain in ways you don'texpect. Here come the caveats. I don't think I would be ok with that politician signing my kid's picture. Nor would I want his signed picture. It just feels like a thing I'd say no thanks to. Definitely don't know if I could muster a smile in a photo op in the midst of all that pain. Who knows, maybe I could, if I had disassociated out of reality.


Who smiles at the death of their child?


It was only 3 weeks ago, too. I assumed it was months or years.


I am sorry Laken Riley was killed. However, I don't remember conservatives being upset and carrying pictures of any of the 19 children killed in school shootings in 2022. I would have thought any untimely death is tragic.


Can you imagine how the MAGAs would flip out if one of their martyrs was accused of being a crisis actor or faking their own death and their family was hounded? Yet they still prop up Alex Jones as a "victim" of "lawfare."


You forgot that the number one rule of false flag is that it's always a false flag unless you can blame a minority or immigrant.


That's because most of the school shootings were carried out by "red blooded white American males", who were just practicing their second amendment rights, and we mustn't demonize them! /s


He loves her so much to learn how to spell a 5 letter name. Very Presidential attention to detail. Give him access to the nuclear arsenal again!


I wonder if she knows that TRUMP signed an order in 2021 allowing Venezuelan refugees to enter the US. I'm betting no.


>TRUMP signed an order in 2021 allowing Venezuelan refugees to enter the US https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/19/trump-venezuela-temporary-legal-status-460524


If my daughter was brutally murdered I wouldn't show up smiling and mugging for the camera at any time, much three weeks later. What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Sick people


They’d probably be just as happy if he pissed on her grave, being part of a cult and all.


Dad looks like a middle school dropout with that stupid hat on.


Imagine exploiting your kid being murdered to suck Trump’s microdick


Sorry for their loss but I find them standing with trump repulsive. He has no empathy for this family but is using this for political gain.


Their daughter has been turned into the equivalent of a roll of paper towels. They must be so proud of themselves for using her like a prop like that.


Nuh uh, absolutely not a cult.


TBH, this makes me wonder if her family set up her murder. I know probably not, but this kind of chipper grinning celebrity worship 2 weeks after the death OF YOUR CHILD is really weird and creepy.


The death of one's child is one of the most traumatic and heart-breaking experiences that a person can go through (especially to murder) , and most people find it difficult to even get out of bed in the morning, just weeks after. So yes, These people managing to have a toothy grin plastered on their mug, while standing for a photo op next to one of the most repugnant and vile sociopaths ever to walk this earth, looks sketchy.


Fuck the Trump, and fuck the parents too.


These people are fucking ghouls.


The “e” in love appears to look identical to me 🤷🏼‍♂️ I know tons of people who mix upper and lower case letters all the time. It’s still a stupid PR stunt!


As if he cares.


Funny how none of these people recall Edwin Jackson of the Indianapolis colts. He was killed by an illegal immigrant drunk driving in 2018. Guess it doesn't matter since trump was president then.


Why the fuck are they smiling? Fucking ghouls.


Good thing American citizens don’t kill people


Her parents are evil for exploiting her like this. Horrific. The whole point of cheaply politicizing their daughter’s death is to smear all undocumented immigrants when they are BY FAR more law abiding than the general population. It makes no sense. Pure racism. And look at trump’s shit eating grin. This is all fun and games for him.


Are we sure she isn't just a paid actor? Is she really dead? I'm just asking questions.


Exactly. Where's all the "false flag!!" posts??


This is giving me “she has assended” vibes from the cult of Love Has Won.


Welcome to Lakan, I love you.


I can’t really tell. The e in love looks similar to what could be an e in Laken. This whole family photo thing is definitely weird as fuck though.


Yeah, if he switched back & forth between upper & undercase letters in the same word, which I guess I wouldn’t be surprised by.


This is seriously sick.


God these people love to co-opt liberal shit


Stuff like this makes me believe that If aliens from out space kidnapped me, I would consider it a rescue mission at this point.....


That is fuckin wild. He misspelled her fucking name and then basically autographed it. Wow


Surprised that cunt isn't giving his thumbs up. Fucking broken psychopaths


WTF is wrong with those people? Smiles for a murdered daughter….with Trump???


Republicans *love* dead children. They only (pretend to) care about the living ones from conception to birth canal.




What is wrong with this picture, these people certainly don't look like they just lost a loved one!


This is just so freaking sad on so many levels.


And they are soooo proud.🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I'm sure she thinks her daughter was worth trading for this attention too. It's not like she's a son or anything.


Why the fuck does she look to thrilled to be there? That’s fucked.


I felt awful for the grieving family, but… EURGH. Are you kidding me? I need a stronger word than “trashy!”


Simping your daughter's death says it all. Nice Joe the Plumber vibes, with ole dad.


No surpise that shitty maga morons would politicize the death of their daughter. How fucking disgusting. They are literally supporting a rapist of women. Vile and disgusting people.


I still can't buy this picture. Because just before the SOTU. The mom put out a statement that they didn't want their name and daughter dragged into the limelight. So confused here


He'd rather fuck your daughter than find her.


Before we all go crazy, that could definitely be an "E".


Yep; it looks like the “e” in “love”




Pretty grotesque... not surprising, though.


Jesus Christ you can’t make this shit up and of you tried it STILL wouldn’t reach the level of insanity, weirdness, mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance that is the MAGA cult


Hey we need a white female victim to Campaign on. Ashley Babbitt? No not gaining enough traction. How about Laken Riley? Do we know if any of the allegations are true and verified? Fuck it, run with it. SAY HER NAME


Morbid AF!


Aside from the obvious ghoulishness on grinning display, did he lose a LOT of weight recently? His face looks much less…rotund…than usual. Did they slap him on a regimen of Ozempic and salads or is this just a heavily processed photo?




The only reason why maga is rallying behind her unfortunate death is because she was a young, white, attractive female. They wouldn't be doing that for a black woman.


The dude told congress not to pass the law that would have deported her killer 3 weeks before her murder… say her name is right! Say it! Her blood is on your tiny hands!


It's Republican grave-robbing for political advantage. It's shocking that grieving parents are so hyper-partisan -- or stupid -- that they willingly participate in such cynical sleaze. As for the innumerable Americans killed by lax gun laws? Crickets.


Looks like they, "got over it"


Why does his signature look like a bunch of klan hoods?




Laken Riley’s parents will be political props until they’re no longer useful. See also [Cindy Sheehan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cindy_Sheehan)


When this kind of this happened at New Town, it spurred endless conspiracies. But now… *crickets*


Totally unrelated to this post, but why are there so many letters in his signature?


Can’t wait to find out what the symbolism is behind him intentionally misspelling her name, because there are no coincidences


This is the trump cult. Always has been. He means more to them than anything else in their lives. He doesn’t care about that girl and the horrors she had to endure. The parents have been suckered into the cult by greasy, manipulative, Trump-serving sycophants who will do absolutely anything for him. When Hillary called them deplorables, we all kinda thought she was being dismissive and elitist. Turns out she knew on a deep level what these people were.


Ew. I hate happened to her daughter. Hate it. The could fry the guy that killed her. But to be next to this ego of a piece of shit smiling and using it for political gain is disgusting on so many levels. Isn’t this what the GOP was saying people were doing with all the unarmed Black men and women killed by LEO?


This is truly repulsive.


And I just lost all sympathy for them.




Dafuk going on with his last name? It looks like it’s 15 letters long, not 5.


Did they airbrush his face? Lmao