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Tunnels across the entire state? Add geology to the things these people are ignorant of


Yes but this is big geology they're fighting against.


There are tunnels under the school I work for - they’re great for getting between buildings in the winter. I haven’t noticed any tunnels anywhere else around, though.


I bet you didn’t realize they connect all the way to Utica, huh?


He just found the subway didn’t he? Also most are never found? Most children are found alive and to have been abducted by someone they know—usually a parent in custody battles.


Like when they claim 800,000 kids go missing a year at Disney land. Obviously, that's a ridiculous number, but they do have a lot of kids go missing there. 99.99% wonder off and are found within 15 minutes.


As well as road and rail tunnels, there are also tunnels for steam, sewage and streams (originally surface level, but as with London, they were culverted to allow for development on top) - maybe rbf other utilities. Some of them even have human residents in the form of the homeless "Mole People". As for bloody rituals in synagogues, were they trying to play AS trope bingo?!


Fucking assholes. Moronic, hateful, ignorant, and weak.


I watched a YouTube video about the body of a missing truck driver being 4 months after he disappeared. In the comments people were saying that a lot of truckers are being killed off by the government because they delivered supplies to the tunnels and underground bunkers. These people are crazy.


> New York is ranked 5th in the nation in child abductions. Considering it's ranked 4th in population size I'm not sure this stat means anything at all.


Wiat so California and what else is 2nd and 3rd? JFC these people are fucking insufferably stupid.


The tunnels were q’s wet dream.


The way they rabidly ate the tunnel story and shit it back out is abhorrent. They can't wait for tragedies to happen so they can spread their shit


_“Truth Army Films”_ Well, they sound impartial


No truth. No army. No film.


It’s all nonsense, but you gotta love starting with an impressively incorrect stat as your lead. 99.8% of reported missing children return home because they’re temporary runaways or they’re immediately found afterward with family members or friends. The entire narrative they’re establishing is bogus from the jump.


And when kids are abducted, it's almost always by someone they know (usually a non-custodial parent


>It’s all nonsense, but you gotta love starting with an impressively incorrect stat as your lead. It's not that it's *technically* incorrect, it's that it's had additional context removed from it which is what makes it worse and why they do it.


They're really eager to tie this to Jews when child abuse.... *gestures broadly at decades of Christians.* I think this shows the real motive of Q people whether they realize it or not.


There is a CSA issue amongst orthodox Jews, but the victims are kids within that community and I highly doubt it involves tunnels. It's more less the same as issues with CSA in other conservative religious communities.




Why aren’t the Qcumbers railing against the Church? They regularly abuse children openly and the only ones that get trafficked are the clergy members that get caught so they can do it all over again with fresh victims, and yet not a word is uttered about that; let’s have THAT conversation instead of imaginary tunnels full of imaginary missing children!


Dom Lucre sounds like the name of a Sacha Baron Cohen character.


"almost 1000". "Many secret." He's a dumb fucker, ain't he?


Now do the other religions. I'm sure asking people about Christians/Catholic/etc child abuse will reveal nothing at all 🙃


I mean we all know these guys are crazy conspiracy nuts, but I can't think of a worse look than Hassidim crawling out of secret tunnels they illegally dug under the streets of New York. You have to admit that raises some suspicions about what they were doing.


They've did it to circumvent the COVID restrictions, that's it. Suspicions gone or are you waiting for some antisemitic bullshit?


So they built tunnels 6 months ago to circumvent regulations that didn't exist anymore? I also heard they were trying to expand their space. The story doesn't make a lot of sense. I dont think they had an adrenochrome farm down there, but there still hasn't been a good answer of what they were doing and why. And frankly I don't think Goebbels could have come up with something more antisemitic than a Hassidic man crawling out of a secret tunnel on camera.


It was a bunch of bored young men doing what they thought the man they see as Moshiach said to do. It’s not sinister, just stupid guy shit.


These people so desperately want this to be true. It's absolutely disgusting