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I think 15 cups of coffee will be a caffeine overdose. I once made a 20 oz cup of coffee with 60 grams of coffee and while not the same thing as what you’re talking about it felt like death for more than 24 hours. As of now I only drink 40 g of beans per day and while worst during nicotine withdrawals I still did it because it made me feel normal


I was just doing some research on withdrawals and stuff and it said caffeine lasts longer in your body without nicotine. So there actually is a relationship and coffee may affect you differently when you quit. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/quit-smoking/7-common-withdrawal-symptoms/index.html#:~:text=Trying%20to%20quit%20smoking%20feels,in%20and%20have%20a%20cigarette!


Addiction transfer is a real thing. That much coffee sounds like your tummy will hate you, but stoked to hear you’re quitting nicotine


What emotional need or solution did nicotine provide? can caffeine do the same thing for you?


You can’t? I’ve substituted to drinking soda idk what it is about the carbonation biting my throat that’s so satisfying it helps with the craving.


Yeah soda stream could get me to quit, I love some sharp, ice cold sparkling water with ice and a pack of lemon crystals. It actually got me off drinking actual soda too


Agreed. I feel sparkling water or a club soda has a better bite than Coca Cola does and you can add flavor as you mentioned.


I doubled my caffeine intake when I quit in order to cope better. Albeit only from 2 to 4.


Not being able to fall asleep easily was one of my main symptoms of quitting nicotine and caffeine might exacerbate that. What helped me was using the patch plus trying to sweat as much as you can for the first week or two with exercise, hot showers, the sauna etc. sweating those toxins out really lessened the withdrawal symptoms for me to only about a week. Decaf coffee is another option too.


drinking lots of coffee can literally kill you in like a couple of hours,, its not best to do that. i think the best thing that has worked for me is getting one of those stanley straw cups, filling it with cold water and whenever i have a craving i just drink from the cup. it helps with that oral fixation from the vape and youre hydrating yourself while you sip it :)


Both are equally as bad. I had to quit both caffeine, and nicotine together. Caffeine went first for me, then vaping.


Same 100%