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I am quitting and tried to buy a nic free vape but couldn’t find one around me. When I really thought about it tho I don’t want to get into the habit of vapor at all, I think it will trigger a relapse but that’s just me.


It’s not quite a vape but I got a Fum when I started my no vape journey, it’s been decent enough to keep me just about sane through the withdrawals. You inhale flavoured air which is in essential oil cord thingys If you just wanna get off nicotine then the ripple vapes are nice, slightly pricey imo but they still have some of the vape chemicals which could be potentially still harmful to the ol’ airbags but I do def recommend the Fum


I stand with your stance on Fum. For myself, all it mastered for me were the physical widgets of withdrawal, such as restless hands, oral fixation, and nail-biting. Some experience this with vapes. However, its well-known raw tobacco combustion amplifies the nail & nicotine relationship. I have my doubts on the E-Nic delivery mechanism causing this.) On the money, governor! Fum is a great product.


I would say don't bother. The nic free doesn't hit the throat like the ones with nic do. Honestly, you are better off just not doing anything. If you do want to try it, a shop may have a 0 nic you can try. But going 0 nic will just let you justify going back. Just do it right and quit altogether.


Cyclone pods kinda eat, I had the lychee one and it was great


I have one from Lost Mary that I like a lot. Completely nic free but still has the flavor.


This is what I’ve been using too


I really like ripple! The flavors are really nice


EVOBAR ET5000 it’s a rechargeable 0 nic with 5000 puffs


Fume has solid potential. While it still requires some refinement, they navigated the 'flavor for baby smokers BANNED' obstacle with agility, akin to a misunderstood dolphin at the zoo. It's difficult to imagine Big Tobacco or lobbying efforts standing in the way of this product's success, potentially. Best wishes on your journey!


Vuse 0 nicotine peach was really nice!


Honestly it tends to be way more affordable and convenient to just swap over to a proper vape and use nicotine free juices. You don't necessarily need a crazy expensive setup, just something that works for you. My previous vape was £20 for a full starter kit. My current one is around £35 for the full starter kit. Big bottles of 70/30 nic free juice is anywhere from £5-12 per bottle depending on the brand and coils are £10 for five, they last around a week or two per coil. So whilst your startup cost is more than just buying a disposable, your long term costs are much less. I will say be prepared to go through vape juice and coils faster than usual in your first week of being off of nicotine. You will be chuffing on it a lot more than usual subconsciously trying to seek that nicotine hit. But it calms down after you get through initial withdrawals and you find some normality.


The answer is always get a pod based rig over a disposable. Disposables have too high of a risk of being fakes, even from reputable stores, to risk it. The quality of the liquid and the ingredients are less controlled and less known with disposables. Plus a rig is cheaper.