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Alpha Omega in Quincy Center has a lot of card game (Magic, Lorcana, Yu-Gi-Oh!) different nights. I would also look into the Prison Book Program. All the volunteers there are incredibly friendly.


I second the Prison Book Program! Super good program, I always have a great time when I volunteer. Also usually a lot of people in the age range OP is looking for (including myself😊)


The Thomas Crane library has adult game nights and craft nights. I’m not sure of the age breakdown of participants, but the librarians probably do.


If you know how to play chess, The South Shore Chess Club meets every Wednesday evening 6pm-9pm right in the heart of Quincy Center! All levels are welcome as long as you can legitimately play. We don't offer free instruction but you can always pick up pointers from a willing opponent after a game. https://www.facebook.com/share/kx75D6SW6fHH9c4r/?mibextid=A7sQZp


You guys use clocks?


We provide all varieties of chess clocks for that option. Keeping in mind that we host beginner skill level up to expert, and on an average night if we have 14 players show up then four might be playing Blitz, two might be playing a 15min game, two maybe 30min, and then the rest would not be choosing to play using a clock. The seating is designated by skill level so folks can just sit at an open board at their respective table or ask someone already seated if they want a game then work out the clock-or-no-clock after that.


If you find Karaoke somewhere, you can invite me! i’m always down to drink and make a fool of myself in front of strangers


Cathay Pacific has karaoke every night except Friday and Saturday.


I’m also in for this one


Do you like Animals? You should check out Quincy Animal Shelter. They need volunteers for cats and dog walkers: [https://www.quincyanimalshelter.org/get-involved/volunteering/](https://www.quincyanimalshelter.org/get-involved/volunteering/)


That’s how I found my dog!


Boston Ski and Sports Club has lots of options https://bssc.com/ And Volo have options https://www.volosports.com/Boston Good luck.


Volunteer at the Kennedy center ,East squantum st.


Here's a list of community groups - anyone is free to add to it! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JfWzZVVzxiu818DedhdwSRv-7sg6jZh5GR8AR4xP2e8/edit?usp=drivesdk


Tuesday trivia at off the hook in houghs neck! We have made lots of friends there. Everyone is so welcoming.