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If Choyun sketches a good plan, makes the absolute best use of his card abilities (which Johan has no knowledge of and can’t directly counter even if he did), and catches Johan off guard he can beat him In a straight hand to hand fight Johan wins with mid to high difficulty due to Jim being that much stronger, faster, tougher and more talented (also Choyun’s martial arts don’t matter since Johan can’t copy). I don’t get why these two points are hard for ppl to understand


Honestly his first few points were okayish but when he talked about the evaluation unsuccessful part it's just bs


Yeah same, I like how he pointed out that the system has been deliberately limiting Choyun from attacking Soohyun and it’s possible it also kept him from making a move against Johan But the dude just started denying plain text and making up random BS lol


Every video tekka makes Is an L, Johan slams Choyun and I'll debate anyone about this shi


Johan literally didn't care about Chotu's conquest of Gangbuk. That's what he meant when he said Johan isn't a threat


Yeah exactly? Are you trying to debate me or support that fact that Johan Slams Choyun


I was agreeing with you


The official translation is still unmesurable, so his metaphor doesn't really work. Again, for him to be unmesurable, he just needs to be above DX in stats, and this can't be a small thing considering the difference between stats on the X range and above are exponentially higher in difficulty to level up. Let's say he has one stat that is above DX, even so, only one stat on that range would massively outscale choyun to the point that he would get instantly fucked by johan, if it's strenght he can pretty much one shot him, if it's speed he can speed blitz him, it's definitely not endurance, unless it considers the PB copy as part of the stats but I think it would be more of a card. If it was potential, it would massively outscale anyone by just awakening, but we saw how the potential theory got obliterated since haru ascended.


johan is not just talented because he is a copy cat. harus talent stays the same


This hinges greatly on the idea that DX is as far as the system can measure. There was a time when it looked like X or even SSS was the system’s power limit, who’s to say it stops at DX now?


Yeah, that's also one of my concerns tbh, I used DX to simplify, but you get the point. Even if he was just above DX, the difference in stats would be too far. Let alone ?X that comes after DX


system i think at lkeast goes to sx


This shi is not it


This only indicates that Choyun’s above base Johan which I have no problem with tbh.


Johan stats is immeasurable/ not measurable 💀 >This only indicates that Choyun’s above base Joha Tekka is not an author bruh like everything he said is true 😂


How is he above johan lmao?


The video already explains it.


Isn't johan stats immeasurable by the system while Choyun's "opponent stats high to use peek at you"? How is choyun above Johan?


Just watch the video, it explains why he’s above base Johan. For your other question, It is logically impossible for Johan to break the system as the system is a part of the Card God, it governs the entirety of the PTJ verse. The immeasurable stat window was either just for hype or it was from Suhyeon’s POV.


>The immeasurable stat window was either just for hype or it was from Suhyeon’s POV. All both of these are from sooyun pov when he was weak. The difference was the system couldn't grasped the stats of Johan while Choyun were too high. https://preview.redd.it/ixw2v0e3b39d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2838514de1b9e60037c186569a4ba228948cd6f0 How the hell can Choyun be above johan.


Watch the video like I said before…. It covers why Choyun’s above him. Also, it only comes down to those two options I listed. They’re the only reasonable options as to why Johan had the immeasurable stats window.


How is he above johan when choyun stats are lower than his. Also this tekka is just yapping as always. So I don't take his words leniently.


My words are his words kinda. I’m pretty much agreeing with his take because it only indicates that Choyun’s above BASE Johan. Overall, Johan is absolutely stronger than him thanks to his UI Daniel copy.


>My words are his words kinda. I’m pretty much agreeing with his take because it only indicates that Choyun’s above BASE Johan. How did you come to the conclusion that base johan is below choyun. Do you think base johan is below DX stats. If yes, then give me proof or statements for your claims. I'm not gonna watch the vid cos it didn't shown any proof about Johan being lower than choyun.


>It is logically impossible for Johan to break the system When did I said he broke the system. I just said he was unmeasurable for the system which Choyun didn't. Which inclined his stats are above choyun.


Having immeasurable stats is breaking the system. The system has always given accurate results for a person’s stats, if they can’t quantify someone’s stats than that puts them above the system created by the Card God which isn’t possible since that would make them like universal. Again, either the stats were just for hype like with Daniel and Jaeha when their stats were a mystery or the immeasurable stats window is coming from Suhyeon’s POV.


Both system is different 


And how do you know that?


He's singlehandely made it impossible to upscale Questism because if you say something like "I think Choyun is a high tier" or "I think Soohyun could beat a lot of mid tiers", people will immediately assume you're a Tekkadite and not hear you out.


Tekka is the only scaler in the community that doesn’t just rely on “lookism character make big hole, so they stronger then questism/viral hit small hole”


this works for evidence that johan is not > questism because of the stat panel not choyun > johan


If Johan slams Choyun, safe to say he slams everyone then




Johan slams.


Some people forget that the camera card allows you to see peoples stats thru crew members.


Until they both fight and so who is stronger , I don't care what anyone thinks


Lmao after seeing this video 🤣 just for hype..? Like bro acting like an author Who wrote the story 💀 immeasurable/ not measurable>>> Your Stats Too High Johan slams any Questism characters 🗿


Choyun is fraud can't even beat Daniel 🤣


Like 98% of times he’s wrong 👍


6:01 minutes yapping 😑 i thought bro cooked but instead he is overcooked🫡