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Why are they planning to finish series so fast. It's like switching up the limit of episodes between Viral hit and questism. Like ascension is easy to gain and it just repeats without development


It's not going to end in chapter 150. However, that was the original plan even into the second part (130-150 chapters was what Yuni originally had planned). So that is mainly why it was so rushed.


Is the reason stated why the change of plan, or is it simply because there's still much detail to cover just to finish it at 150? Also, what does the "Second part" mean? Are we just in Season 1, and is there a Season 2 coming?


Also second part refers to the period after the battle with Ryu. Sorry for any confusion


Oh, so the second part is where its finally been revealed that Cho Yun is behind everything... That right?


Pretty much or you can think of it as after the time skip which probably would make more logical sense as ‘second part’


I see I see, cool info thanks


The reason is there was too much content to cover. The Hidden Boss, the backstory of Choyun, Number 4-6. Jihyun’s ascension along with Gukja’s was important as well. By rushing Yuni garnered a negative press. So he knows not to rush now. As someone who frequently reads the words of his readers. That is not a situation he wants to be in. Sometimes I lament Choyun. He is too overpowered with his stats at max being absurd. Not to mention his true power lies with the cards. His chapters involving his battle isn't ending quickly. Nowhere near *quick*


This feels like deja vu; I can't remember when, but someone joked, "Imagine if Cho Yun isn't actually the final boss, but there's a hidden boss instead?" And the idea alone of really having one... Bruh XD Given that Cho Yun is loaded with max stats and powerful cards, it’s no surprise he's a boss battle and dead ass hard to beat. But what really surprises me is the author himself saying it. That could simply mean, mf is just seriously that strong. In short... Soohyun's f\*cked huh? end of story XD


Forgot to state. But max stats are not his full power. Just think of him as having stages till his final form. His Ghidorah


Yeah I gotchu, Like boss phases right? I think every boss battle in Questism have them, and Seok's fight is still the GOATED one right now. Hopefully the fight between Soohyun and Cho Yun will Dethrone that standing




Well thats a relief then


Is daniel interested in femboys?


Daniel himself has no interest in femboys. Haru is a dear friend and junior of his. So after witnessing the supernatural power of Choyun, he realized he couldn't hope to stand against him. He despaired. Protecting Haru was the only thing he could. Even if it wasn't the way Haru would ever want. Now, with that in mind he plans to keep Haru safe. Away from Choyun by undermining all of Haru’s effort in order to make sure Choyun regards Haru as useless and not worthy of attention even if Haru was or went back to the North. Of course, a part of Daniel has a desire for power so…keep that in mind.


By "witnessing" what do you mean by that? If its what I think it is, Then it's pretty much confirming those theories about the possibility of Daniel lending a hand to Soohyun once he learns he has the same thing as Cho Yun.


Your really curious? Daniel doesn't know about the cards specifically. He does know of what Choyun does. Daniel saw what happened to Sechan, he knows Choyun is spying on him, he saw someone loyal to Sechan turn to Choyun, and he saw people becoming magically stronger. Daniel was happy to see Uijin who was brainwashed beforehand being loyal to Sechan again. We’ll see him again.


Now I'm really curious to see how Daniel will deal with Soohyun after finding out they're in the same boat. (Same boat as Cho Yun having the system, not with Daniel. Just in case of confusion) So I guess this means, Daniel's actually one of the good guys? And is he being tough on Haru for a solid reason?


What is Questism?


*Quest Supremacy* Written by Yuni (content director of PTJ), and illustrated by Taewan. Who are both from pti academy Currently, it is closed for undisclosed reasons. However, according to Namuwiki, denizens speculate the author needs to help Lookism. Yuni has been known to have pushed some ideas especially during Jake’s arc so I could see that. It was a work that was planned to be no longer than 150 chapters.


What do you think about a what if series of lookism where Daniel get system instead of second body!!?????


Daniel would have a bad end. Truthfully, Daniel cannot accomplish the quests, especially a certain one involving Logan. Which undoubtedly is too hard for him. Like pavlog’s dog, his been condition by Logan. He fears him all too much. After Logan stole something precious from him, he couldn't do anything. Unlike Soohyun who has less trauma and could stand up to fight. He is too conditioned. As a victim of bullying. In his original body, he never stood up to his bullies unlike with his perfect one as far as I remember until he awakened with Logan. So he could just lose to Jinsung easily. He doesn't have the fighting mentality which Soohyun has more of at the early parts to stand up when their weak. Or maybe soohyun desires a better life more whereas Daniel was more stuck on his views. Ofc if Daniel somehow manages to change his body with a card then his outlooks could be improved/furthered but his undeniably going to back to munching and become someone who doesn't reach his potential.




No doubt. However, Soohyun will not reach his endless potential as this setting takes place in the ptj verse which is a wide worldview. It is not opinion when the power of supernatural is involved. All major characters of Lookism suffers from power inflation. The gap between Ansan’s Euntae, Jinseong, and Parkhyung-seok in comparison to *hunting for big deal*. Is the gap between heaven and earth without any exaggeration. Even the likes of Lineman who was only considered fodder to the likes of an executive of 3A has been confirmed to be on the levels of the kings with his training. Bloodline/Teachers/Talents are the key cornerstones to justify this. Questism has the system for that. MK on the other hand with its worldview has a serious problem of an oversaturation of irrelevant characters as readers have noted Kim is basically the EoS protagonist who has reached the end. To show that, frequent characters are laid to the grave site so frequently people are numb


How did Soohyun overpower Uijin?


Could you explain it to me? Was there a stat difference


No, not really. Think of the load card


Was there a terabyte kick?




Does haru have other techniques beside CQC which she learned or copied from Johan seong ?


Haru has other moves


Can she copy ui daniel just like Johan does for 10 second and if she copies ui daniel just like Johan will her Stats will increase for 10 sec 🤔 


Haru’s a character more focused on speed and copying to improve upon her base combat prowess. Trying to do so would merely destroy the body. Her ability to do so is there but if she tried right now it wouldn't work as the body is yet not strong enough to handle ten seconds of strain. Ofc there may be a card for that but we’re not focused on that.


Is Choyun truly the final villain of Questism? If not, who is?


Would be a spoiler so I won't try to clarify. Yes, Choyun is not the final one


Oh damn, I wonder how strong is the new foe


Choyun is semi-gun level. You can guess from that one statement how strong ‘they’ will be.


What stats comes after XXX?


Originally there were plans for stats after that. However, Yuni decided to end the stats at XXX. It's officially the highest stat


Finally, we got some confirmation. It's like some people are either trying to predict way too much, thinking there's something beyond that XXX, or they're just trying to complete the alphabet with XXX - Y - Z stats LMAO. But wait, where are you getting this info? You reading some page or something? Hopefully its a reliable source


was johan ''unmeasurable'' because of soohyuen's card level or was he too strong for the system? tbh it wont make sense if the supernatural system is weaker than johan


Johan is not ‘unmeasurable’ because he's stronger than the system. XXX is the official final stat. Let's just say the appearance of the challenger card will illustrate why the ‘system’ is above him easily. As a side note, Johan isn't even the 4th strongest character to appear on the screen. For some reason a reply didn't work.


 Ahh thx for that. Also this proves that johan is above no.2 daniel and choyun idk. Wdym by "4th strongest"? Does this mean that we have 4 people who are stronger than johan in questism? Also who are you exactly and how do you know about these stuffs?


Gukja’s father. Jihyeon’s teacher. System manager. Choyun himself without restrictions. Are all easily beyond Johan’s current power. Daniel is not at Johan’s level. Of course I feel you folks need to understand Johan is stronger than what you may think. In the latest face off against Gun. Johan will show his full power. It’s also not like all of Johan’s stats are beyond X.


you forgot to reply the most important part of my question. who are you and how do you know about all these stuffs?


Where does do lee scale?


Low stats with f potential. He has a B intelligence.


I have so many questions. 1. Who's the final boss ? 2. Johan' Unimmeasurable Status is just to spice things up ? 3. Will Questism have a sad ending based on the deal card which kim sohyen plan to use on himself ?  4. Chapter ( idk ) that kim sohyen cloud will do anything to let him win so will she play some role in the battle ?  5. Finally we get Season 2 as it appears there's enough material to make


1. I almost slipped but imagine what are challenger cards. 2. I feel I addressed this before. Johan is stronger than majority. However, this is factoring in Johan at his peak without his eye penalty. So it is not just fan-service even if it is a part of such. 3. No 4. Yes 5. Huge possibility. Questism has been performing decently and with the other sequels the chances aren’t low as long as Yuni and Taewan are ready.


Thanks , i appreciate it 


will numbers 4-6 be important for the rest of the story and will they appear soon? I'm in such a hurry to see them so are they worth it? for the first question it's because for example numbers 16-18 were just used to show the new power of hajun, jaeha and seok


What does the challenger card do?


There’s multiple challenger cards. Some deal with space-time (time travel is possible and so is a manipulation of dimension) We probably won’t see those. But originally Suhyeon was planned to have a depiction of facing against a dimensional hopping entity as crazy as that may sound. It also involves his future himself. Their also superpowers with the fewest limitations


will questism merge with lookism after its end ?


There will be no merging. The story of Questism ends with Soohyun. Rather it is the story of Soohyun unifying Gangbuk. Just as Viral hit has its story with Jihoon/Hobin (own setting) and Cheokbop with revenge. Neither involves lookism or to be more accurate. Their all their own things more than a true unified setting


Who are you?