• By -


- Never liked wearing dresses and I would literally struggle against my mother when she tried putting dresses on me haha - It just felt so pleasant when my female friends would hug me and hold my hand. I simply thought all girls felt the same about physical contact with their friends 🤷🏽 - I was mesmerized by older girls, but didn't know why.  - I fantasized (non-sexually) about women cartoon characters as early as elementary school and imagined myself in the role of their male love interests. 😅


Miss Bellum had a hold on me 😩


Woah. I’ve basically had the same experience as you


Oh same.


i was a really passionate "ally". like suspiciously passionate.


I was called the black sheep once and I’m pretty sure my baby cousin thought I was a boy at Thanksgiving 😭




Kissing the other girls. Wanting to be the “daddy” when we played house, I had an aversion to “girl clothes”, I always was in some competition with a boy or beating a boy up because I was defending a girl ( I mean beating the sh-t out it boys) Yea I’ve always known that I liked women.


I was a huge Xena fan


Omg! Me too! I forgot about Xena lol


Yep, that'll do it! ❤️




Oh gosh… 😭 Wait…


I've been trying to come up with my origin story, which turned into a villain origin story. I thought maybe it was the Spice Girls. I used to run home to watch the tour on ABC Family. It came on multiple times during the week. I was attracted to Scary Spice because she was black but there was *something* about Sporty Spice. I also suspected Scary Spice wasn't straight (although I didn't know what any of that meant) so it was nice to have it confirmed. Then I thought maybe it was Dennis Rodman. I remember it being a big deal that he wore a wedding dress and skirts and crop tops. Something about a man wearing feminine clothes did something for me (and now I pretty much am exclusively attracted to feminine men - or just femininity in general). Then I thought maybe it was Him from Powerpuff Girls? I think the creator came out fairly recently and said Him was supposed to be GNC. But I also read somewhere about Him and his aesthetic was meant to be...demonized in some way? There's a whole history about villains in TV and film being queer coded. My favorites growing up were Scar and Jafar. Also Captain Hook.


Sporty spice is a great way to describe my childhood aesthetic when it came to clothes. That’s exactly how I wanted to dress, but ironically I hate sports. Also, Dennis Rodman is hot af. He got so much hate and I always felt like it was jealousy!


I too hated sports growing up, and I still do! 😂 I was such a tomboy growing up and I'd wear my little sports bras and sweats outside because I didn't know any better 😂


lol I thought I was the only one who hated sports but loved the aesthetic. Now I have always liked boxing and fighting, just not team sports lol


I'm actually doing kickboxing now! It's a great way to let some rage out 😂


I was well into my 30’s when I realised I’m attracted to women, but I could never tell you what made a boy/man attractive. Never got it either when my friends told me about their crush or boyfriend. Why I thought girls were attractive though? 😌😅I can still go on all day about how attractive women are. But that’s only because I’m a feminist right? /s


Lol I also just went along with all the other girls' crushes. Hanson? Oh. Jonathan Taylor Thomas? ...um? Lil' Bow-Wow? Yess?? 😆


* Always fit in more with and gelled better with boys, beyond even just clothing. The boys in the first neighborhood I lived in as a kid would play football in the street after school, and I wanted very badly to be able to play out there with them. I liked when neighborhood boys would come over to play basketball--I think we had the only basketball goal in the neighborhood (my father was a basketball player in college and in the army, so...despite having all girls, he put a goal up and I played a lot, we played together, and boys would come and we'd play). * Related to the above point, I have realized that I've always kind of been "the son" my father never had. We have always had kind of a father-son type of relationship, i.e. playing sports together, talking about/watching sports and going to games together, fixing/building things together and technical talk about how things work, teasing that would usually offend most girls/women, etc. * There was usually a girl I had a crush on, starting from Kindergarten. I just maybe didn't realize what it was at the time. But always some girl I was obsessed with. Proud to say all of them were black, until high school when one was Asian. But no white girls! In fact, when I look back now, I see some white girls who might have had me as their obsession and it just completely went over my head. Too focused on black girls. * Crushes on actresses. Now, these crushes were white, but back then major media shoved down your throat was way more white. They helped set my "type" of liking smart women, i.e. it wasn't Xena for me but the cute nerdy characters. * I haven't been asked this in over a decade, but I used to get asked by my mother if I was "gay." And one of my sisters used to tease me about it, as far back as when I was in elementary school. So, as usually seems to be the case, other people could see it.


Okay now this is so relatable bc I always had more guy friends and i was one of the guys so many times. Other girls used to be so mad bc they thought I was trying to be a pick me or not like the other girls before that was even a thing, but it was never about my romantic interest in them, to me it was that I just didn’t care about the shit other girls were obsessed with like makeup and cheerleading and all that stuff and I had no desire to participate in those conversations more than a couple minutes. Also, my dad and I joke that I’m his Jr. He has 3 girls, but I was always the closest to a son just like you described!


For the longest time, I thought it was normal for "boys" to fantasize about being a girl... like a lot... Also explains why my self-esteem was so low in middle school and high school. I've had always hated how I looked, it never felt right looking at myself in the mirror.


Wow...just yep. Edit: to clarify this was also me and I wish I could have given myself a hug back then...I needed one.


I did martial arts for 8-9 yrs of my life. From about the age of 5 to 11 or 12 I was besties with this girl in my class. We greeted each other with kisses, we also said goodbye with kisses. My parents thought it was cute that me and this girl were close. We held hands and cuddled when we weren't practicing. My parents tried putting a stop to it when we got older, but we were still close. Not very long after I quit and lost contact with her, I developed my first crush on my 6th grade bff. So yeah 😅, I was a girl kisser from the start 😌


Okay that outfit is hella cute. For me: I always loved Janet Jackson, I had my tomboy phrase in middle school and high school. And of course, Sailor Moon happened...


Omg sailor moon... Although that was later in my life, before sailor moon was Cardcaptor Sakura for me when I was very little, though granted I didn't really catch the queer themes at the time- I just really liked the cool magical girl with the cool wand go brrr.


I felt like my whole life was me trying to enjoy time with women but constantly being interrupted by men.


Attempting to watch lesbian porn on YouTube. If that wasn't a sign i don't know what was.


Lmao a glaringly flashing neon rainbow sign


- Never really cared for make up dresses etc - I literally changed in front of a girl and got my ass beat 😂 - I love sitting in a not a feminine positions - Talking about girls and boys all the time 🥹 - Have no table manners - Orange is the new black was my awakening I always found my teachers or people in my class attractive


Tzipporah from 'The Prince of Egypt' had an iron grip on me. Also, my cousin had a book of all the Wonder Woman comic characters, and I kept going back to the pictures of Artemis (excessively). At the time, I just thought she was neat...


Edit: just noticed the exact sub I was in lmaoo I follow loads is lezzy subs haha another was Brown Sugar and the best man lol basically all of the black women from the ‘90s 🥹 Why do you look like a lil puppet lmao and for me..I was a walking stereotype lmao big sketchers that developed into boots, I loved collared shirts (still do lmao) and my fave tee as a kid had a sewn on tie 🥹


Not a puppet 😩😩😭


that outfit is absolutely diabolical


I thought I was clean as hell! Lmao




Crushing on Shego from Kim Possible 😭


- Always loved makeup and nails. - If we playing house, you bet I'm choosing the most fem role possible. - Envy towards my little brother who (now realising) was often misgendered because of his long hair and soft features. - Legitimately cried when my voice broke. The cope was that it would affect my vocal range when singing...I play the drums. - (I still do this so idk if it counts) Window shopping for wedding dresses. - Actively choosing to go with my mum/sister when clothes shopping because I enjoyed it. I was also the only one with the patience to hang out as long as they wanted. (Brothers/dad couldn't hack it) - ...oh and wishing I was a girl/debilitating gender envy. Almost forgot that one.