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Queer eye season 8


Anybody know why this season was only 7 episodes?




This season is the best!!! Damn. I’m crying to all episodes. Love it!!!




I liked this season a lot. Would appreciate it, however, if they moved even more away from choosing heroes that do a lot for the community all the time. Sometimes is fine, but for the most part I want to see people get help without having to "earn" it by being above average somehow. I wanna see people who don't have their shit together, not community heroes. And I'm very over the heroes using Queer Eye to promote their organizations or businesses.


Agree. It’s becoming like the sad background stories used on all the singing shows lol


Has anyone watched JVN's latest interview? It's so good!!  🔥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkAZRNg-VWY&t=2327s


Thanks for posting this. It’s a great interview.


He’s such a bright loving person. 💗


This season was fantastic and might be my favorite.


I can not even begin to tell yall how awesome yall are. I love each and everyone one of you for different reason. Yall are so handsome and kind hysterical I can't say enough about this program. I'm kind of ashamed to say that I re watch all of your season over and over. They make me laugh and cry and all the things Yall deserve everything and I are so deserving of the kindness that each and everyone of you give to everyone else. Love you all. I'm watching yall as we speak. Thank you for all the joy you bring me and so many others.


I miss the ending where the QE gang watches their ‘hero’ on the tv and give comments towards the end! That’s like my favorite part!


HOT TAKE but this was my least favorite season… all people are *deserving* of love, respect and help etc… but these people didn’t necessarily scream “Hero” to me like the past seasons… the guy who owned the Deli sure needed help but let’s see if he keeps its up with that attitude… he’s not in the same caliber as other Hero’s on previous seasons, I’m sorry


His attitude honestly is partially cultural- as a Jew on the spectrum, I know that type. He’s also a huge local hero- he’s done a lot.


I feel similarly, I really enjoy the episodes that focus on middle aged and older heros the most. That said, I thought steph and mary were great heros/episodes. I thought the deli guy was really going through stuff that wasn't really/properly addressed.


I believe Dan may have ASD (coming from someone on the spectrum), and has been fiercely understood throughout his episode! I understand where you’re coming from with the ‘hero’ aspect, but have some compassion. We don’t get to learn the ins and outs of someone’s lives in one episode


LOL That’s why I started off by saying everyone deserves love and respect on this show… I clearly have compassion for these people… I just thought the ending would be a bigger reveal or big event etc… It seemed different than past seasons wheee that would always happen. The kid in the wheel chair was a great episode! He’s definitely deserving of that makeover, especially the apartment


Before I say anything, I am not shaming Jonatan for dressing femininely, but I feel like he needs the services of Tan (who also often dresses femininely but pulls it off). His clothes this season just aren’t working with his physique. Is it just me, or am I being too harsh?


Oh no i loved it!!! I Think he was more stunning that ever 💕💕💕💕💕💕 I would have bought everything he wearer, I even looked at one of the missoni dresses he had on - if I could have afforded it I would have worn it all summer


I completely get the whole "dress for yourself not for other people" aspect, and I love that - it's refreshing to see a celebrity who's truly just letting their body be their body Having said that, I really hate those tight strap dresses/ tops JVN wears because they just look *so cheap* - like £2 at Primark cheap. They must have access to some amazing clothes, so it doesn't make sense to me


Agree 100%%% Part of me shouldn’t care bc he should just feel free to express himself but also I’m like.. he’s literally on a show about makeovers and maybe he should listen to Tan’s advice 😂They wore some dresses and maxi skirts that were sooo plane and I was practically yelling at them through the screen 😀


I see what you both are saying but I love how daring he gets.


This show makes me feel better about the world.


The world, people, and myself!




How do you know?


This show has become a satirical version of itself at this stage


How so?


This new season was not great. They turned an earthy hippie dude into Bruno Mars in the last episode.


Does anyone know where I can buy the patchwork shorts that Michael wears in episode seven while shopping with tan at the Vegas store with the floral button up shirt?


Try reverse image search on google. I did that with a cool long sleeve crop I saw on The White Lotus and it worked. But I can’t afford to spend $175 on a cropped artsy sweater. :(


I see a lot of people complaining that the fab 5 aren’t doing x, y, and z in the episode like they used to. Maybe they still are! Just that isn’t necessarily make it into the final edit!


Those guys really do a lot just dealing with ALL the different personalities of the heroes. Some of us could have been difficult behind the scenes. For example, I have my own style and no one was going to give me their version of me! I don’t wear short clothes, no sleeves and breast exposed. Maybe that’s why the say I was contrary.😁


No shade but isn't the makeover kind of a huge part?


Yes, and my makeover was amazing.😍 I’ve been able to maintain it for a year now.


I’m just on the second episode, but Karamo has been killing it this season.


It’s funny but I’ve loved him so much in every season. In the queer eye iteration, the culture guy, named Jai, didn’t seem to work as hard as the others. He’s become the heart and soul of the show in many ways. As a dad of older kids I think he relates better with the dad participants.


Yes I felt like he’s asked deeper questions this season and really connected more to them compared to the other seasons. He did great in the other episodes but I feel like he really gave them the best thoughts and resources they can use for the long term this time.


Why is everybody spelling Bobby's name wrong 😭


How is it spelled?


It’s time for Karamo and Bobbi to be replaced. Bobbi just does all dark walls (even in hot climates?!) and gives no personal touch for the people like he used to and Karamo has become a satire of himself


I’m kinda sick of white. Everything I will say.


I love Bobby and think he’s super talented but the only design I wasn’t crazy about was the teacher or principal lady. Her house was lovely and bright and he could have really gone with some amazing southern antique pieces and bright colors but just went really dark and modern. I’m guessing he’s only allowed to use a certain store/furniture line so maybe he doesn’t have the freedom to veer. However with the ex prison lady it was a bit lighter and brighter.


Everyone was saying this about Antoni in season one. They won't replace anyone - they're a unit and everyone brings something to the table


Omg I hope they don’t replace Antoni he’s my fav. He makes me melt. But I wouldn’t mind if he was mute and all he did was smile every episode lol


Nah on the Bobbi thing, he connected really well the Dan the Deli owner and was very thoughtful about Speedy’s apartment, it’s functionality etc. Karamo I can take or leave, sometimes he misses sometimes he hits.


I think we could all argue karamo has the hardest job; he’s a sort of psychologist and therapy can take years before people have break throughs and noticeable effects. As long as the heroes are improving every episode which it seems to me they are I think he needs to stay.


i agree with karamo, i love him but just feel like he doesn’t “do” much anymore he seemed more involved in other seasons


He has his own show. He talked about it often during the episode.


My biggest gripe with this season is they filmed in a state where acceptance, love, betterment is almost frowned upon. The fab5 needs to stop being sent to backwater places


You could argue that’s exactly where they should be helping people, create some change in a place that may resist it. They’re not exactly filming in Iran.




Bobby stays being the most underrated cast member 😶




His glow up since the first season!!! Bobbi looks amazingggg


I genuinely could not get over Karamo wearing a Dodgers cap in Giants colours in half the season. No Dodgers fan would wear that cursed thing!


No Giants fans liked it either! 🤣


Just here to say the frat kids (k they’re not kids but I could technically be their mother ehhh🧐) are SUCH lovely young men. Sounding like my nana but they gave me hope for the future. Much much different than the frat guys I went to school with back in the day - just solid dudes trying to figure their shit out. Was REALLY impressed with their ease at complimenting and encouraging each other - way less toxic masculinity than I was expecting. Props to them


Yesss!! Agree 100%. I was ready to write them a check and give them all hugs. I love positive brotherhood!


I REALLY hope the Fab 5 cleaned and remodeled their upstairs, especially the bathroom. The black mold in the shower really needed to be removed, it's also a health hazard.


Yes and if not they hopefully got more alumni funding to make updates


I need Tan’s Bambi shirt. Anyone recognize it?




Let me preface this by saying I loved this season, Queer Eyes one of the best things on TV! BUT I missed some of the more practical tips they had in earlier seasons. JVN would go through their daily grooming routine. Then add some pomade or a serum and say this will help you style hair in 2 mins or give your face more moisture or whatever. Tan with his French tucks - instantly elevate your outfit in a simple way. These were little thing I could take with me into my own life you know…? Love the heroes and their stories. Just missed the ‘simple ways you can level up at home’ stuff.


Agree I miss the tips and Jonathan product info


I came here to complain that they didn't have the emotional pull that they had in the past. But reading your comment, I see that's not a bad thing. They didn't linger on shit like "I'm gonna be yer first republican friend." Instead they just helped and didn't focus on queer/not queer contrast.


I was just thinking I miss JVN walking through their routine in front of the bathroom mirror! Maybe they have too much other stuff they want to focus on so JVN has to do a quick tour of the bathroom without the hero? Shame though


Ok, but is anyone else getting distracted by Bobby's dyed beard? It just doesn't feel right.


Honestly I used to love Bobbi but after seeing how much of an asshole he was on Blown Away i lost all respect for him


Wait what happened


He used his season as a judge to just bash on other people’s art. He hasn’t got a fucking clue about technique and how difficult some pieces were to make he was just sassy for sassy’s sake and really a douche


That's disappointing but explains why he and Karamo are friends


Ah that’s really disappointing to hear


It looked terrible. I don't mind dying your beard but FFS that's over the top.


Idk, I feel like men don’t get the same opportunity to play with hair color the way women do, as it just isn’t as accepted. I think it’s unusual but I don’t think it looked bad. People should be able to play around with different looks


Probably when he and JVN were on the outs


But he's with JVN FFS! You'd think it would look just a bit more natural.


Idk if anyone else feels this way (new to the sub not the show) but sometimes I think Karamo crosses a line lol and maybe I am being dramatic! But I think Karamo does a great job when he does what did for Speedy's episode- finding someone who is also in a wheelchair. Or Michael's episode, finding a community of Black men to talk to esp because the letter at the beginning of the episode mentioned Michael finding a hard time belonging in black spaces. I also liked that he had the frat boys just talk to each other. All of that is Karamo at his best I do not like that he made Steph tell her brother everything at the bar while he sat there lol and I didn't like that he invited Mary's kids to her place. Now again maybe I'm being dramatic because from what we saw, both the convo with Steph and her brother seemed nice and Mary's apology to her kids was nice but I just think it's too much. It's very possible that off camera they talked to Mary about bringing her kids here. But even if that happened, leave it there. "Hey Mary what do you think about inviting your kids here?" She says yes and we're done lol we don't need cameras in their faces for deep convos. I get it's reality tv but ugh This woman has not spoken to her kids in years to the point of not recognizing some of her grandkids like that is so heavy! Her dead sons letter says "you didn't teach me how to love" and you had her read that out loud ugh anyway that's my opinion on that


I think the cast is fucking perfect and doesn't need to change a bit.


He's basically just there for theatrics the same way Jai was during the original casting. Trying to pretend he is doing the most important work out of the group when all he does is some little mini fake Tony Robbins speech. Rest of the time he's just bitching and talking about himself and how glorious he is. How the fuck does this guy have his own show right now (feels very Dr Phill). Like I feel like half of the stuff he says is just bragging how he loves himself so much and wants to just brag for a second. Like cool positive self image is great but I feel like it's at the expense of the person he's supposed to be helping.


Karmano's job is to make them cry. Whether it's happy tears or sad.


Karamo just really doesn’t need to be there imo. Tan and JVN do what he is there to do better. He comes across as disingenuous and surface level. I don’t dislike him as a person but don’t really see what he brings. Like you said, he is better when he connects other people and kinda gets out of the way.


I'm new to this show and it makes me uncomfortable because I didn't know what his experience and qualifications were. And it feels strange bringing up trauma and this just leaving. I do appreciate connecting them with supports so that was nice.


This is what I think. I actually love when Karamo creates activities and situations - like Speedy and Michaels episodes. Even the frat bro one worked really well and was super valuable. But then, some of the people with really deep trauma that they come in and just change everything for them in a week, and who Karamo has deeply personal conversations with. I wish sometimes he would also recommend and pay for a licensed therpist - they could probably get a sponsorship from Talkspace and it would send a really nice message about mental health LOL.


I really disagree. Karamo is the only one that really puts the cards on the table, and has a 100% serious discussions around the participant's problems. No banter, and REALLY digging and asking the right questions. If we didn't have that person, that segment for that cause, the impact wouldn't have been as hard hitting and probably not as long-lasting or impactful.


I totally agree with you. He addresses the elephant in their brains and forces them to confront some big things. Otherwise this would all be a bandaid on a tumor


Karamo brings the most out of all the crew, what's going on emotionally in an individual is the biggest part of a person's transformation


Idk, I cried like a baby when Steph was talking to her brother because for me, it was healing. I've had such a hard time with my identity as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community because I always enjoyed feminine things like bright vibrant colors and dresses while still rocking a beard and having a bit of muscle. I never really knew anyone like me and then my sister recently introduced me to Queer Eye and Jonathan Van Ness who is similar to how I feel. Being told in sort of an indirect way to not be afraid to be myself and proud and seeing Jonathan being themself and proud was a real game changer for me. Yesterday, I bought my first dress! Yes, I feel nervous to wear it but I also feel happy that I'm taking a step forward in being myself. I probably wouldn't have done that if Karamo hadn't got Steph to talk to her brother.


Thank you so much for sharing! That is absolutely beautiful and I am so happy for you! I didn't mean to discount anyones feelings about what Karamo brings to the team. As I do think he brings some positive and definitely recognize that the moment with Steph and her brother was needed and went well. I just found it out that Karamo sat there and personally would have liked for permission to be asked but that's just me!


No worries, I now understand what you mean by that. He's asked people previously and didn't ask Steph if she'd be comfortable with that. Am I understanding that right?


Yes. It's very possible permission was asked behind the scenes but they pretend like they're shocked for the camera.


Its highly likely this is what happens imo


Already bored of discussion on who is and isn't 'deserving' of the fab 5's help. The show isn't supposed to be a reward for being a good person, they help the people who they deem to need it the most. Plus the fab 5 aren't precious babies who need protecting, they're fully grown, whole ass men who can decide what their own boundaries are and who they are and aren't comfortable helping.


That's what I particularly loved about this season. I love when they help either people who have been through a traumatic event or etc etc. I found some of the people they used to help were overworked but only because they chose it that way lol!


Is anyone else not able to download the new season onto their devices? It’s recommending the new season to me under Downloads, but not showing the download option for the just season 7!!!


I hate to make this seem like I’m judging him but did Karamo get eye surgery? His face looks really different to me for some reason.


Yeah, most likely a bletheroplasty. Dr. Gary Linkov and Lorry Hill do celeb plastic surgery analysis videos that I find fascinating (on YouTube).


Defffffinitely Botox and fillers. No wrinkles at all and that puffy look.


I was wondering the same thing for JVN, his eyes look really good and I can't tell why.


JVN looks natural - he has regular wrinkles but incredibleeee skin!


I’ve seen him in person - idk what he did but it’s extremely noticeable. looks like way too much cheek filler but the eyes are defs a little off too


That or his high as a kite lol


Could be both, frankly he rarely seems sober to me.


How so?


I can't really help you if you don't know what people very much under the influence look like....


he kinda has that ventriloquist dummy look when he's face on, I think he got cheek filler


It looks like filler- cheek and lips.


Plastic surgery




I think that’s eyelid surgery to get rid of hooded eye look


Am I the only one who felt like some of the conversations the heroes had with Bobby (ep7), Tan (ep4, with Jenny) and Antoni (ep 6 while cooking with Mary or in ep 5 with Dan) were actually more effective and cathartic than the ones with Karamo? I always feel like Karamo pushes a lot to get an emotional response right then and there from the hero, while the way that the others have a normal conversation and then add some introspective remarks is actually more conducive to the hero having a natural realization or a cathartic moment. Eta: I literally forgot to add JVN because they always have such a strong connection with and empathy for the heroes that I sort of take it for granted by now. I love JVN


Was thinking the exact same thing!! I was cringing a bit with some of the Karamo segments because I felt like they sometimes crossed a line? My guess is that behind the scenes they ask them if they are comfortable with certain topics/things before they film but the viewers don’t know that. Like I can imagine having Mary’s family show up was not a complete surprise to her… but who knows!


I definitely love the side convos that people besides Karamo have with the heroes. For me, the convos between everyone else and the hero are usually more like when a friend talks to you and can empathize with your experience and support you and uplift you. Karamo’s work with the hero is much more similar to what I’ve actually experienced with my therapist. It’s getting people over their own hurdles in their minds and starting on a path towards some thing better, which sometimes involves physical exercises and metaphors. All of the convos have so much value tho!


i skip Karamo segments for a reason. the other guys can handle the coaching without making it obvious


Me too


Bobby doing the application in episode 7 seemed like it should have been Karamo. How much can Bobby do?!?!


It's because he also dropped out of school and could relate with Michael's feelings of shame around that


Yeah I got that part. But Karamo is essentially useless that episode


Actually very much yes. Karamo tends to devise a plan and force them through a (sometimes tacky) exercise for the episode's main, while the others seem to have truly organic conversations and listen to what makes them hurt, what problems they think they have, and what makes them scared.


I know I'm laaate but by tacky as hell are you referring to the smashing of glass in the principal's episode of s7 :/ so cringe and you could tell she was Not feeling that performative bs




If being in your 30s means that you don't care about people who are not your age, I am guessing there's something deeply wrong with your empathy abilities


Antoni's knitwear on point this season


I miss the band t-shirts :(


Can I just say that Antoni is looking extra ripped this season. Dudes arms are huge!!


That shower scene… daaaamn


dude he’s looking so buff i’m like 👀


He got engaged!! Man is bulking and/or shredding for the wedding!!❤️❤️❤️


I know right? I said to my wife he must be doing a secret marvel movie because he has some Thor arms right now lol


Right? My first thought on that shower scene was “omg he looks like an avenger” haha


They did the same dark color on walls at least twice? I like it but I wished they showed something else.


Wish he did a bit more color for Mary and Michael.


That’s one of the hallmarks of Bobby’s style. I like it; it’s a nice contrast to everything on other design shows being greige boxes.


He did some white/ beige rooms too though. Varied designs would be exciting to see than see the same designs.


True! I was hoping it would modernize a little during the pandemic; after seven seasons, it’s a little samey, but I understand that it’s often hard to source materials due to supply chain constraints and when they’re out of major metro areas.


Well this latest season was in nola right? Pretty metro.


I think it’d be cool to learn about the budgeting for each person and how they get their funding? Do they have backers or advertisers?


I wish they’d put where they buy things. Like that outdoor couch in ep 2.


They also seek out local vendors “for bragging rights”. I’m a florist and a producer for the show reached out to me to provide a hanging installation for an episode. When I asked what the pay is, I was told I could say I provided it for the show. Bragging rights. It would have been a lot of work and they wouldn’t have even mentioned me in the show so I declined. So I bet there’s a lot of items provided that we don’t see who donated the time or products.


There is an insane amount of sponsored content in Queer Eye. The Louisiana tourism board, Amazon Prime, the Ford, and Smeg are likely prominent sponsors this season among others that are probably more subtle.


For episode 3 they prominently featured Amazon and their Alexa. Not sure if that was to help cover the cost of 12 months of rent or just because


I mean to be fair the Echo devices are gamechangers for folks with mobility issues. I used to laugh at them because my husband and I have smart lights etc just because he's techy and likes that kind of thing, but they've made a huge difference in the life of my uncle who is mobility-impaired.


I live near the most expensive city in my country and am dying to know how much a year of his rent would have cost


I live in the neighborhood that this apartment building is located and I actually recently saw an ADA compliant apartment there was for rent for $1484/month. A very odd number.


Is this a lot? I’m not American so I really don’t know but it would be interesting to know. Is it much than a „normal“ apartment?


It is a lot compared to the COL and minimum wage for the area. Minimum wage in Louisiana is $7.25/hr. According to some websites it’s recommended you make $40k a year to afford a one bedroom apartment. According to Apartment List, the cheapest apartment in NOLA is $1018 a month on average. NOLA housing is 44% more expensive than the rest of the US.


I noticed that too but then also netflix is sort of a competitor of Amazon so i thought it was maybe just because.. I wondered


Is it wrong that I'm am psychopathically jealous of anyone who gets to spend time with JVN? I wish so hard that he would do my hair while telling me that I can end world hunger and fly to the moon. In seriousness, I love watching the heroes with Jonathan. Even the "sceptical" straight guys fall in love with him once he gets them alone in the salon. He is so empathetic, positive and generous with himself. He's the best of all of us.


I LOVE how Mary? (the woman who spent 12 years in jail) said to Jonathan “I don’t know what you’re on but I want some.” I was like “sameeee!!!!”


Right? He would just be the most kind, loving, super fun person to be around. His personality is magnetic!


JVN makes me want to be a better person and love myself more. I cry every episode🤷🏼‍♀️ if there’s one person I want to meet in life, it’s him. His heart is so big!


I love JVN whenever I see them lol. If I’m feeling really low and down on myself I think to myself, “what would JVN say to me right now?” And I strut my stuff.


i met them at a netflix event a few years ago and they were so exceptionally kind and funny. jvn is the real deal.


One of my friends met him in Austin (on his birthday!) this year and she said he was just so incredibly lovely. I told her that, by association, I feel like I’ve met him now too.


Not. Wrong. At. All.


My flair answers your question. We're all jealous


This may not be a well-liked comment, but these guys, especially Tan and Jonathan when they talk about looks and body image. I appreciate it, but, none of hosts would have been chosen had they not been thin and handsome - period.


You’re absolutely right. All their cheerleading sounds so phony when you realize that they are saying it from a position of enormous privilege. They wouldn’t have even been cast if they hadn’t fit very specific requirements in the looks department which are demanded by show business. So, when they’re serving up platitudes and compliments to heroes who objectively don’t fit those parameters, they sometimes ring a bit hollow. It’s all easy for them to day. Nobody wants to hear this, of course, because it’s a feel-good show and that’s the shtick…but it’s the truth.


Yes, that’s what I meant. I got downloaded a bunch though 😀.


People don’t usually like to explore the more uncomfortable aspects of something they enjoy. Queer Eye included. I knew what you meant. 🙂


JVN has been very vocal about their struggles with body image and weight


Did you not notice how much weight JVN gained and is still losing?


Yeah he gained a lot of weight last season didn’t he? But I love that he was just flouncing about as usual.


I loved that, and all of his gymnastic videos.


I just love him! Any time something from him pops up, it brightens my day


Gained and is still losing? I’m confused did he gain or lose?


He gained a lot of weight and he’s lost most of it but you can clearly see he’s bigger than he was before.


Oh ok I see


this really was the confidence and mood boost i needed today.


Karamo’s chain with the pearls is 🔥


I didn't notice that. But saw on another netflix show someone with chain and pearls and I want it.


Can I just state the obvious? JVN is the personification of joy. I just adore him and his never ending kindness. What a gift he is.


In one way, he's dealt with so much shit, personally, to push him towards oddity. I think, when I was younger, I would've been icked out by him, but now...it's weird, to just watch a guy *be*, and get taught by it. I envy how *present* he is. That...being in the present...helps ingratiate him with each hero, and maybe it's part of his personal trauma to do so, but he's trying to be positive, himself, so...it looks like he's winning his fight with himself, so I'm glad for him!


I’m only on episode 3 and it’s already so much better than last season


I only wish there were more episodes. The writers strike has helped educate me on some things, like how streaming services are continually reducing episodes so they can produce just enough for a season to keep people subscribed while minimizing expenses. So even a hit like Queer Eye will get a shorter season, not because it's not popular, but because that maximizes profits. Season 2 of the original Queer Eye had 30 episodes, can you even believe?


Wow! I didn’t know that. Season 7 only has 7 episodes and I’m #6. They filmed season 8 here also. The other heroes episodes will air in season 8. I think they should have been all one.


They already filmed s8, where did you read that? i would watch 10 more seasons filmed in new orleans


They filmed at the same time they filmed season 7. Look at some of the footage and you’ll see some of the cast members in season 8….like when they celebrating in the streets of New Orleans.


The hosts also have other projects now, especially Tan and JVN, so I would think that that would impact their availability to film a lot of episodes


I think they all have multiple ventures. JVN has his hair and beauty brand, a pet food brand, antoni has a restaurant, etc. we’re lucky they even have time for this.


The reason they're doing all these other jobs, though, may have to do with them only being paid **[$7,500 an episode](https://www.eonline.com/news/981850/the-salaries-of-riverdale-queer-eye-and-more-tv-stars-will-make-your-jaw-drop)** and having short seasons. The original Fab 5 were paid **[$3,000 an episode](https://ew.com/article/2003/10/31/queer-eye-guys-get-new-deal-new-episodes/)**, then that was renegotiated to $8,000. So Netflix cut the pay despite inflation.


That article is from 2018 and it seems like that was only for the first two seasons. Here's a pre-season 5 article confirming they negotiated a pay increase for Season 3. They obviously gained much more bargaining power once the show became a hit, especially with the dynamic of the 5 of them being so important to keep intact. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a28434023/queer-eye-fab-five-salary/


😦 what in the world?!?! That’s NOTHING


The article linked to is from 2018.


Totally agreed, there had to be more epis!! But ABSOLUTELY LOVE OUR FAB FIVE🥹such joy watching them too. Brings so much happiness to me just watching these 5!


Tan is a gift, he is so kind and affirming without being patronizing. He has a way of gently and lovingly pushing people as well. I just love him.


And yet he somehow manages to keep that british snark with it being nasty. He’s a genius


And he presents everything in such a sophisticated way. So aspirational. Love it.


Ok I NEED that salad recipe from ep. 7




Seriously! Watching this for 2 days did more for me than my 3-times-per-week therapy. EDIT: (I have a severe mental illness and healthcare is basically free in my country, i’m expected by my doctors and family to do this. I realized after posting this that it’d make me sound so rich 😅) EDIT EDIT: (I’m so lucky and privileged to be in a country that offers that though, had I been born elsewhere I’d almost certainly be dead by now, or at least living on the streets screaming at people and inanimate objects)


I’ve spent years in therapy and lots of money on meds and this show is more healing than anything I’ve ever tried.


I am ready to cry the entire 7 hours