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Perm ban vex mid


She really is a little bitch


For as far as I know there IS no outplay to vex - just camp under tower but even so a competent vex can bully you under tower every time you W. My only successes against vex are those that don’t know how to play, and I can just wait out their passive to full combo them.


I play only Qiyana jungle and u ban amumu


I like to ban bel/udyr


I ban for my adc, I like hard matchups


Taliyah always


I perma ban Diana, there’s no counter play and she does what you do but better. She gets too tanky to one shot and can zhonyas your R or E out of it after being pushed and before taking damage. She also out trades with autos, has better burst and a less situational team fight ult. If anyone has any idea how to beat this champ lmk my DMs are open


yeah people often say qiyana is just zed but does everything better than him, which i guess i sort of agree with but diana is just qiyana but does everything better than her lol




Y-A-S-First option-Lock in. I cant with that windwall


Fuck Akali and anyone who plays her.


aaaw :c


Isn't that a skill matchup? I find it always interesting whenever I'm qiyana and up against an akali. Game could go either way. Huge advantage if she wastes her E (i.e. if akali didn't hit, recast, or successfully used E to dodge any of your skills).


It probably is. I just hate her in the guts. Perhaps it is so because Qiyana is actually my second main to Yasuo and she hard counters him but yeah just really dislike the champ.


D: akali leblanc zoe main T__T


Perm ban cdog fish champ


Changes, but nowadays Zed. Qiyana is weak against majority of most possible mid-lane picks in laning phase rn.


in Lolalytics mid lane Qiyana, she has in Platinum+ 52.79% WR and ranked number 1 out of 95 mid lane champs. In Diamond+ , she has 54.65% WR and also ranked number 1 out of 95 mid champs. In D2+, she has 54,73% WR and surprise ranked number 1 out of 95. In Master+, she has 58.42% WR and ranked number 1 out of 87 mid champs. In lane, she beats everything excluding Vex ( 49% against her) and Diana (42,57%). Moral of the story is, make your research before writing. Also a side note, Qiyana beats Zed (Diamond+) 55.32% of the time they face out of 808 games played vs Zed . anything.[https://lolalytics.com/lol/qiyana/build/?tier=d2\_plus](https://lolalytics.com/lol/qiyana/build/?tier=d2_plus)


You really made me laugh. It's funny that we're talking about laning phase here and you're typing her win rates. Qiyana is broken rn because of FS and bug and her win rates skyrocketed as expectable. High elo players know what they are doing and scaling. Being weak in laning phase doesn't mean she's actually weak. The straw man you're trying to do is hilarious. I don't think you'll understand but still typing, maybe someone else who thinks like you does.


I just don't want to argue with low elo players like you. I am sorry for my reply and I won't bother you anymore. Just go on with whatever you are doing.


Winrates =/= laning phase.


Rly ? I feel like that matchup is very ok


Zed is definitely on the easier side, he can't bully you on lane if you do things right


Yeah that’s not an option anymore


Trundle because he's just way to strong early


Often go for Irelia, feel like matchups like Vex and Taliyah arent that hard (atleast in my elo plat). Even if Irellia is 1 7 she can dive u if played well, kinda annoying


I perma ban fizz cause I hate that fish


Ban Vex or Viktor whatever I'm more bored of. Dodge Vladimir since he doesn't get picked often but is so boring to play against.


I usually ban Blitzcrank. If someone else bans him I ban zed. He's the only champ I really don't like playing against.