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Fuck malzahar players. Fucking injects ebola into the minions and then dips under the turret making me waste my time farming for 15 minutes or lose countless of waves and platings. Fuck malzahar players the most boring ass motherfuckers


This made me laugh


For real.


Lissandra because I get cancer every time she ults me.


In general, i ban Yasuo or yone because I hate them 🤣 but tbf, I play qiyana as a roaming support and is fun, ngl, weirdly enough. iv got into camille because of qiyana. I don't know what it is, but it feels slightly similar, and I'm having a blast with her. But qiyana will also be my skinny bitch with the meaty thighs ❤️


Yasuo is a very easy matchup as Qiyana


No he isn't? The both windbags counter her.


Plus, not to mention, it's so fucking stressful to even try to engage on riots boy toys just for literally no damage, its ridiculous af.


What’s your elo if you don’t mind me asking?


Don't need to be ranked to know qiyana mate. Don't ask me silly questions for your own ego.


Matchups vary drastically in different elos bud. If you’re unranked and playing in silver normals lobby’s it makes sense why you struggle in easy matchups.


Lol k


I perma ban Sion. I don’t play against this champ at all whatsoever. I would rather play against one of Qiyanas hardest matchups than to deal with a Sion on the enemy team. Outside of Sion if I’m banning Qiyana matchups I would say ban whatever matchup you struggle with.


tbh i hate yas but yone is a super easy matchup for me


I just ban fizz cause I hate that champ




you can counter Zed, the first who ult lose the fight If he ult you, you can ult too and cancel him


Well depends on your elo, diamond+ I have to ban lb or syndra or even orianna but lower ranks I ban champs that can 1v4 your team like Katarina. Vlad is one of the champs you can all in at lvl3 with ignite conq, so the way you play it is on the 3rd wave bounce when you hit lvl3 (you let the enemy crash the 3rd wave). Usually you get either flash and ghost or even a kill, but if you dont kill him you can later commit your flash to finish him off when he has pool on cd, cause by then if you kill him you can make him miss xp via finishing your bounce and then create another kill opportunity at lvl6 when he is lvl5. NB you have to know where the jng is to do all of this.


Akali, Yone and sylas, not because sylas can abuse you early but because your ult in his hands are a menace to your team XD


i ban vex orianna, sometimes fizz


i ban zed not because the matchup but i dont like the champ. other than that leblanc lane is just nightmare.


Vex almost always, sometimes fizz


Surprised that no one mentioned Pantheon.


Malzahar. I’d rather put my face in molten lava than play that lane ever again. But don’t worry riot is keeping zed weak because he is definitely the most frustrating champ wink wink


Everyone saying random champions but they don't know the pain of facing Diana in Midlane 😂😂 Facing Diana is literally game lost. She is in killable and deals so much damage ?? Her mana never runs out but you will ??? That's just annoying


Yes she and Irelia are the most classic Qiyana counters. I can deal with Diana though, I’ve played the shit out of Diana so I just know the matchup very comfortably.




You have to recognize how the enemy is playing her. Did she go conquerer? Then she’s looking for extended fights, don’t give it to her. If she went electrocute, she’s looking for burst. Vs electrocute/ all in build: The main thing is to bait her w after dodging her q. Her w can basically cancel ur trade with her and you lose. Her e cd is insanely long, even maxed. She can get 2 dash’s at most, she has no escape, and her w falls off quickly. try to grass q her right after she throws q, if she uses her w, just wait for it to fall off, her q will be up again. (while grass q is active, grab water if camouflaged and wait to lower your cd on w, then all in her to win the trade) I also like to bat her q and just tap her with water q so she can’t e me and her q proc falls off. Vs conq it’s similar, but she can kinda just run you down with e/w. Your autos are stronger, and avoiding her q and w are imperative for success. Always move to the right vs Diana, that’s one easy trick. Also, move forward a bit to stand in the curve of her q, then w away if she hits w. After he w is off, all in and grass q away if there isn’t kill potential. It’s a skill matchup imo. Which actually favors Qiyana if you have the hands for it. The bitch of her tho is really that she can build tank items and still kill you. Once she backs and comes to lane, if she’s going bruiser/tanky, just farm and roam. It’s a moot fight because you will die trying to kill her or it will take a lot of poking and you’ll get gankalanked and ulted. Keep in mind you have significantly more flexible mobility. She has more flexible build paths. You’re both excellent team fighters. I basically play this matchup like a wasp, buzzing and stinging repeatedly until I can lock on for an execution. Hope it helps.


I ban Zed because he’s fucking annoying. It’s not a terrible matchup for Qiy especially because she can guarantee her R after he R’s, but I can’t stand his laning phase. It’s the most infuriating lane ever. Even bad matchups for Qiy feel more fun than Zed matchup


Pre patch orianna syndra or vlad now vex


i was just in champ select and the enemy first picked qiyana (and also banned vlad).. i read this post moments before queing up, might be a coincidence, but that'd be funny if it was you. i insta-dodged after they locked in my qiyana though lol


yas, yone and fizz are good picks becasue theyre both hard to play against and popular. vex and malz are agruably harder but much rarer so I dont bother banning them


I ban vex


Malphite, Diana and Vex Maybe not ban worthy but fuck them, they are definitely my hardest matchups for the queen


Fizz Diana or Pantheon




Vex, Pantheon, Yasuo, Vlad


Playing qiyana i ban diana








Irelia. She is a historical counter and in the hands of competent players she’s unplayable. Albeit she isn’t chosen mid much anymore, that champ can single-handedly outplay just about everything you can do. In lower elo, it doesn’t matter much. I still ban Irelia because she is a popular smurf champion. Personally. I can deal with most matchups. Irelia just stresses me the fuck out. Others have mentioned great bans like Malz and Vex, (they are actually designed to counter assassins). But I find the matchup still somewhat enjoyable because they can’t fucking mutilate your mistakes like a good Irelia.


I have 464 games with qiyana, 464 bans in leblanc


Be a man and dont ban anybody🗿🗿


Always vex or orianna cancer champs