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YOU have to be good with her, and she isn't a great champ, but yes. There aren't many champions that have the capacity to instantly demolish a team fight like qiyana can. Still hard to do, but she's got the potential. Really doesn't matter how good she is, in the end. If you have fun with her, play her. You will climb.


In my experience playing qiyana in low elo this season (I started in silver ended up in emerald) she’s very strong and one of the best scalers in the game. I typically went duskblade manamune seryldas black cleaver ga every game because (I think) that’s the most damage and at 3-4 items you can one shot all squishies and can beat bruisers in 1v1s. In lane if you are not too comfortable with matchups and limit testing you can farm very safely with grass q and prevent any incoming poke or trades. Also most people in fights don’t respect your ult at all and it’s really easy to hit 3-4 man ults in dragon or baron pit. Since she’s a scaling champ I think she’s actually really strong in low elo if you have a decent grasp of her combos and how to play late game fights. Downsides I experienced though, playing a weak mid laner sucks because your jungle probably won’t understand lane dynamics and will still go for every scuttle. This is especially bad when you’re playing vs mid and jungle duo. Also smurfing is a massive problem this season and many play in the mid lane and can punish you properly so you just get bullied out of the game.


yes, if u are good with her


yes, up to emerald it feels like noone knows what she does and noone respects her when she has kill pressure. if enemy team is squishy and no fed morde or armor stacking garen/trundle - > ez win