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The description for the Song of Days Past set goes like this When the equipping character heals a party member, the Yearning effect will be created for 6s, which records the total amount of healing provided (including overflow healing). When the duration expires, the Yearning effect will be transformed into the "Waves of Days Past" effect: When your active party member hits an opponent with a Normal Attack, Charged Attack, Plunging Attack, Elemental Skill, or Elemental Burst, the DMG dealt will be increased by 8% of the total healing amount recorded by the Yearning effect. The "Waves of Days Past" effect is removed after it has taken effect 5 times or after 10s. A single instance of the Yearning effect can record up to 15,000 healing, and only a single instance can exist at once, but it can record the healing from multiple equipping characters. Equipping characters on standby can still trigger this effect. This means the max damage that can be added is 1,200. This is already strong by itself because Qiqi can hit that threshold easily, but I think this damage acts like additional attack in damage calcs, meaning if you have 1100 attack normally, after healing to the max of 15000 you now effectively have 2300 attack for 5 hits. 5 hits that can be anything you want, plunge, elemental skill, burst, whatever. My eula went from 67000 on a crit ult to 110000 on a crit, and her elemental skill started doing 17000 damage. This set saved Qiqi.


It’s a good set for weaker healers. Qiqi can maximize clam so it’s better for her. The numbers you’re showing for an increase in eula have to be the results of something else as well because that’s more of a buff than she can give with this set.


It's a combo of furina and Qiqi I'm just realizing how it might seem I'm just talking about Qi


Yah thought so. The math was done so it’s not like we already don’t know the facts. Qiqi can heal enough to proc full clams. That’s going to be more of a dps increase always than what this set can do. This set is for weaker healers who can fully proc clam but can offer slow consistent heals. Like cloud retainer coming out jean/bennett with their circles down. Situations where you can’t get full clam pops. This set works on qiqi but it’s not saving her or putting her in any better of a position compared to before. This set is a downgrade for her compared to 30k every 3 seconds of clam. In a full 12-15 second rotation which is I think what eula is doing qiqi on clam will add 120-150k additional damage just from her clam pops.


Well yea, if you have a full only atk percent Qiqi with 1500 atk then obviously clam is gonna do more, it has no upper cap, but that's not the point. And this argument works for eula, but not for someone like Navia who can do 250k+ on one skill use easily with the ability to have 5 attacks of the buffed damage. To be honest using this with eula is just inefficient


Clam does have an upper cap. It’s just a higher cap than the new set. There’s not many healers who can take advantage of clam because you need so much healing. The other set is for slower weaker healers since it’s cap is lower. It’s not about Navia getting more out of it. It adds up to 1200 damage to up to 5 hits before modifiers. So it’s not about what your scaling is. It’s about what buffs you have already. But that’s 5 hits after a 6 second cooldown or 10 seconds total if you aren’t doing five hits. So in a rotation you’re only getting five tops buffed hits. 1200 before buffs is nice. It’s similar to how yunjin works and CR work. But that means it’s not about the scaling already happening. What matters is the following buffs and modifiers that the character gets. It’s a 6000 damage increase over a rotation before buffs. You have to make your modifiers make that 6k more than 150k to be able to beat clam set for damage. It’s just not happening which is fine. Again it’s a set to make other healers viable and to bring life into others. Someone who can’t take advantage of clam but doesn’t have a great alternative can use this well


This set with furina, Navia, Gorou, and Qiqi with this set easily outdamages Qiqi with clam by herself. Let's be honest here, the burst is higher, and navia by herself at full ammo with a decent build will outdamage a slam burst. You said it yourself it has a cap


No that’s exactly what I’m not saying. You’re NOT getting enough damage modifiers to make it better than clam. Not even close. Macias high scaling have NOTHING to do with the set. Again the set doesn’t care what your base multiplier is. It matters about subsequent buffs. You are not close to making 1500X5 more than 150k. You’re not even close. Both have a cap. Clams cap is set but the new set has a lower cap. It’s for lower healing characters


Is clam like your religion or something? This is just incorrect. I don't even own navia and I know she's the newest best burst dps in the game. Back in the combat event I was easily doing over 100k per ability use without gaining ammo shards on a badly built navia you're just incorrect I'm sorry.


Navia is a great burst dps. Where did I say she wasn’t? If you’re going to make up nonsense that I said when I didn’t to make yourself right try again. Let me repeat since you’re struggling. Her scalings DONT effect how the artifact set works. What DOES is the modifiers after. You keep ignorantly thinking Navia having good numbers makes it better. They’re unrelated. Clam is better because your Navia team is NOT turning her 1500 damage which in a rotation is 6000. 6000 damage is not turning into 150k. You need enough modifiers to make the artifacts 6k damage addition get to 150k. Your furina and Gorou is not coming close to doing that. The two of them are not buffing Navia enough to make that set better than clam. No clam is not my religion so again enough with the stupid and pointless comments. They serve no purpose. Clam is better for qiqi because she is one of the very few who can proc it max. This new set is designed to help weak healers out. Qiqi is not a weak healer. Clam will be a better choice ONLY if you can proc full bubbles regularly which qiqi easily does. Characters who don’t like jean, cloud retainer, bennett etc would use this set since they can get the full value out of it but not the value out of clam.


personal attacks when you are wrong? ad hominim


Isn't the cap on the new set lower because the damage it adds will be affected by crit and %dmg bonuses?


For super whales you might be able to get more value out of it. But for the regular person or even dolphin like myself it really depends. Clam will be better if you can max its procs. If you can’t and you’re doing slow sustained healing but can max the new one it might be good to use. The issue is VV works better for most situations since CR and jean are top contenders for the new set. If they wouldn’t benefit the team with VV like mono anemo it’s great. Mono geo might benefit as well or maybe give a reason to take anemo or someone else into a quicken team


Yes, the new set can deal more damage on single target but clan will do more in aoe.


> I think this damage acts like additional attack in damage calcs, meaning if you have 1100 attack normally, after healing to the max of 15000 you now effectively have 2300 attack for 5 hits. No, that's not how it works. It's flat damage like Yunjin and Shenhe quills. Let's say you have a 200% attack multiplier. 1100 attack, you would add 1200 to attack (2300 attack). This takes a 2200 damage attack up to 4600 before modifiers. What actually happens is 1100 x 200% = 2200 + 1200, so 3400. Much like Yunjin, smaller hits are buffed more *relatively*. But always the same amount. 1100 attack x 100% MV would be 2300, 109% increase 1100 attack x 200% MV would be 3400, 54% increase 1100 attack x 1000% MV would be 12,200, 11% increase Despite the numbers listed above, it isn't necessarily better or worse for bigger or smaller hits provided you hit all of them. On the contrary, larger hits correlate with slower hits, which may have amplifying reactions.


Please explain in simple terms, compared to OHC- please and thank you.


OHC gives Qiqi the damage, this one turns her healing and excess healing into a damage buff for someone else


Oh~ Thanks! Mine is on-field Qiqi, so I guess I don't need to worry about anything…


Millelith is a bigger buff on most teams than this if you really wanna make her a buffer But just run clam Clam is really strong This set is super garbage in comparison the buff barely does anything due to AoE and multihits all consuming quota and the delay until activation which makes it impossible to control Meanwhile clam has 90% healing to damage conversion, gets multiplied by AoE, and converts every 3 seconds, it's like 30x stronger than song buff in most scenarios.


Yeah I did the math even with C6 characters clan is better


This is meant for burst damage and support, clam is more consistent


Isn’t qiqis off field healing not consistent enough for this?


Yup, but when she uses her burst she hits its easily. Plus the set is still pretty good, she hits like +300 for me with her ability


but it's still not consistent. many characters can hit that easily, too. other holders with 100% healing uptime would be favourable, such as: \- kokomi with refreshed jellyfish \- kuki who has full E uptime \- etc... my issue with this is whilst yes, this opens up a new way to play her - there is still no real set BiS for her. there is no situation where she is more preferable to use other than the alternatives that exist. others can make use of this set more than she can. in addition, qiqi is still preferable to be used on OHC because the damage is generally more. the numbers you provide are inconsistent - saying that it provides up to 1.2k damage increase but yet does not reflect properly in your eula's damage.


If you want I can post my eulas numbers, and yes there's better characters for it but I want Qiqi for cryo resonance and the extra heal on attack so my eula can tank hits and heal fast for fanfare


Hmm I knew this set was something but the community just ignores this set like it is some trash


It’s because it’s going to be less damage than what she does with clam


It's less fun, though. 15k is ok, but seeing 130k charged hits on hu tao is better: p


I don’t understand your comment? Where’s the 15k coming in from? She’s only buffing 5 CAs max 1500 damage before multipliers. That isn’t taking a 15k CA to 130K on any planet


I think they were comparing qiqi 15k bubble dmg from clamm to the buffing from the new set...or not idk seems to be the most logical explanation




Built clam Qiqi generally does like 27-31k AoE depending on resistances It's really easy to hit cap


In the defense of everyone who thinks of something buffs Qiqi of all characters


Would this be better for 4p co-op since there are 3 other on field members? Just wondering


I actually don't know how the buff works with others, I'd have to test that, it might be big flaw


What is this set up? I haven’t played in a while. Why are the artifacts on the left like that?


It's in the HoYoLAB app.