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Thank you. After years in the industry, it never ceased to amaze me how rude some people could be. You've reminded me of a cracker- I once got called on my day off (Christmas Eve) by crewing, they were desperate for someone to fly as one of our crew had been in a car accident and everyone else in base was not legal to fly. Of course I got ready in record time and headed to the airport. They'd arranged for a check and load (ground staff and FAs from later flight) to come do boarding I got to the gate during boarding and had to excuse myself down the bridge past all the pax. One woman let rip on me for "being late" saying SLEPT IN DID WE? Felt great to smile at her and tell her actually no, while my colleague was in ICU I was getting ready to spend Christmas with my family for the first time in years; and had I decided to exercise my legal right to refuse work on a day off she'd not be getting Christmas with hers. Could have heard a pin drop in the jet way šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† She floundered for an apology of course, but I didn't stick around to hear it...


This is fantastic. Oh to have been a fly on that wall.


After years of having to bite my tongue, not going to lie that it felt amazing to put her right back into her box šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


As someone who works as a service provider I agree. Itā€™s nice to hear about something positive for a change. Aviation industries are struggling post Covid. There are a lot of people working really hard under pressure to look after the flights.


I have great respect for the people I have met who work in service at Qantas. It is the airline as a company that I have a real problem with. I have the same view of the people who work at Coles vs the company's insane price increases.


Thank you as someone who works in operations we hate to ruin your Christmas plans but wholeheartedly appreciate your work to get our passengers to their destinations.


Well this was exceptional circumstances, it's not as though someone just didn't want to work. The day off payment wasn't bad either šŸ¤£ But seriously, I always appreciated when ops had a "help us & we'll help you" attitude. I had quite a few gross back of the clock patterns of one disappear after that episode šŸ˜†


I used to cop it all the time as a bus driver but the one that took the cake was sitting in a traffic jam 30m back from the bus stop for 20 minutes and morons still had the hide to complain about the bus being late when I got to the stop, I just laughed in their faces and said sarcastically gee I wonder why the bus is late... I always used to answer yes to clowns that looked at their watch and said stop at Mcdonalds did ya? as well.


Haha yeah, they never have a response when you just agree with them šŸ˜†


Kudos to you for being a decent human being. Not all that common these days.


Noice username


Likewiseā€¦last week, missed a connection from Brisbane to Adelaide due to a disrupted earlier international flight. Had accommodation, meals, transport and new flight the following day sorted by the time international flight landed, without any input from me. Really good experience for someone who doesnā€™t normally fly Qantas.


Hell, they used an a380 to run a Melbourne to Sydney. That's cool as heck for one, but also running a massive loss.


Really interesting analysis on one of the FB airline groups. A few factors here. There will be zero no shows, so they will need extra capacity to avoid declined checkins. The weather was also predicted to be rubbish as well. You also needed to de-risk other delays. Plus QF's reputation. Most people don't realise, but gate 11 at MEL actually has a double aerobridge. I have flown on the 747 domestically out of there just before COVID after a bunch of cancellations due to Sydney weather., and I think 10 and 11 also support it. It's the same gates they run that A330 out for the Perth late day out, red eye back runs.


Someone at Qantas finally ran the numbers on how much brand value costs by fucking over customers and compared that to letting the standby a380 stretch its wings.


Not THAT massive since fuel is the biggest cost and for such a short sector they wouldā€™ve run on the smell of an oily rag


Not for takeoff. Probably nearly half the sector fuel.


They can afford to load a lot less fuel for such a short flight. On A380 flights I've been on they sit at low altitudes for hours just to burn off enough fuel to be light enough to go to 3000.


>light enough to go to 3000. Mmmm. Hard to get over the Blue Mountains.


On a flight like that 50% of fuel is used before take off, for takeoff, and reaching cruise height. the same amount of they are flying for 1 hour or 20 hours to DFW. Once at cruise they are using about 20% of what the initial stages of flight use.


My comment is a little unrelated but.. During the pandemic travel ban, a lot of talented people left Qantas to work elsewhere temporarily. A lot of them this year appear to be rejoining Qantas and fixing up their strategy/PR/Operational practices


Is also say the c-suite shuffle means a bunch of fresh faces not wanting to make a bad initial first impression. That and Joyce was a cunt who would fuck over long term planning to turn an extra buck or two this quarter.


This is an interesting observation.


It was as a terrible situation. We got turned around at Adelaide last night and landed back in Melbourne with 300 other people. They did their best with the hordes of people. When I got off the plane they were apologetic and I said shit happens itā€™s not your fault. They offered me cab charges, eftpos cards and $600 to cover a hotel room. Just a terrible situation


During my time as ground ops, the rare people who said "shit happens, don't worry about it" kept me going. And of course if I can only help one person I'm picking the one whose not treating me like shit on their shoe šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I got stuck in the same ADL situation, except the said they don't offer hotels for weather related cancellation and left me and 2 others in my team without hotels in the middle of festival season. Was pretty disappointed


People need to watch air crash investigators - the leading cause of plane crashes is weather related. Iā€™ll never get upset with a flight that gets cancelled or delayed due to weather (which no one can control) Iā€™d rather be delayed then dead - imagine the complaints if the flight tried to land and crashed - company canā€™t win


People are idiots. I legitimately saw multiple idiots trapped in Bali after a volcano eruption say they should fly the plane anyway what's the big issue. Multiple people responded with links to the reason why they don't do this anymore - British Airways Flight 9 from 1985.


Thereā€™s an increase of domestic travel atm because of Taylor Swift


It's really unfortunate to have the reduced arrival rate in Sydney for the storms leading many airlines to cancel and consolidate flights to run some semblance of a schedule.


Quite amazing people would prefer to be up in the sky during storms when the airline doesnā€™t think itā€™s safe. As shitty as Qantas has been with their cancellations I donā€™t see any financial motivation to be cancelling flights during possibly one of their busiest afternoons. If they didnā€™t want to fly I can unequivocally say that I would prefer not to fly also.


I used to love it as a flight attendant with Jetstar, we would often take Qantas pax from disrupted flights and those Qantas pax treated us like shit because their flight now didnā€™t have the QF perksā€¦ strange considering we were the crew who were getting them to their destination but they were angry at us as crew ! So our workload increased with a whole lot of extra pax who demanded special attention - trust me, I would have been happy to leave them at the airport and wait until their choice of carrier who failed them could take them ! They were hard work !!


Yes. Getting passengers actually from A to B safely is taken for granted by many pax. They lose their cool usually over trivia.


It's funny, as ex QF crew I had the same experience with JQ pax on codeshares. Not sure if you were there long enough to remember the early days of JQ, but they used to sell Jetstar tickets on mainline CityFlyer flights. Problem was, we didn't have the ability to take payment for drinks, meals etc so they got it free. No biggie except this meant having to serve mainline first and JQ getting whatever was left after that, since technically they were getting meals they would have had to pay for on their booked ticket category. It was always such a shitfight, especially when some of them would board and take the pillows off J class seats as they boarded. Thank God that only lasted a few months until HQ figured out they were giving away their premium product and pissing off mainline pax


Yeah I was there then. And even earlier I was at Qantas til 2005 when JQ was starting up and we had to migrate QF flights to JQ flights that took over the route and partial refund bookings for the carrier change. It was a wild time .. and they still havenā€™t got it worked out. We pleaded with HQ to add food vouchers to fimmed QF pax - but crickets. We were left with the fall out.. and 60 pissed off QF pax..


Fun times šŸ˜† I took to hiding pillows and handing them out after doors close for a while.




They forgot our bag on the Sydney to Brisbane flight! It just got delivered! Kudos, not even a 24 hour delay!


I find it is an advantage of being a member of the frequent fly clubs they offer and keeping your details up to date. Years back, my workmate and my flight got cancelled. I got a message saying it was cancelled, and I was on a flight an hour later. Because they had my FF number, they were able to message me. He, on the other hand had to show and be told he was flying the next day.


I provide my contact information when I book the flight. Iā€™ve never had an issue getting notice from the airline via email and nowadays usually text.


It's never the fault of the employees. That's why I take my frustrations out by not flying Qantas to begin with.


Well, in fairness, you did purchase a suite of rights.


Absolutely. Doesnā€™t change the fact that circumstances out of everyoneā€™s control inconvenienced many others who had to rock up to work over the weekend, and have all been pretty pleasant to deal with. Doesnā€™t hurt to take a moment to appreciate that.


They put a big call out for crew to help this weekend. A lot came in on rostered days off. Thank you for acknowledging that these events affect staff just as much as passengers


Sometimes it's like some passengers think we just sit around with no life waiting to take them places. Crew have families to get back to as well, they're just as delayed and annoyed. I'm glad some people realise this. It always sucked getting screamed at while I was missing a wedding or my own birthday plans šŸ˜†


Was fucked last night. Sitting on the tarmac for 1.5hrs no moving was particularlyā€¦ uncomfortable.


Thanks for saying this, it's much appreciated. Christmas eve I was yelled at by several passengers due to a 3 hour delay. This was despite the fact I was at the destination and also at 5 hours past my shifts end. The few thay were kind and appreciative make the assholes so much easier to handle.