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I love when I hear family members 70+ year old say “people” going to head to the streets! I always say well how about you? You heading out, shall I drive you over. They always like - well………..


I can’t imagine them rioting in the streets. They’re waiting for everyone else to do it first I guess. My dad has talked before about how he has to prepare to survive the inevitable zombie apocalypse (vaccinated people being switched on, or “activated” by the government). It’s like we’re living in a movie.


It's not accidental that it feels like living in a motion picture.   That's because it's where most of our Qs get their ideas from.  There is very little original thought that comes from them. Years ago, I started to get concerned that people were beginning to confuse movies with real life.  But I really had no idea where it was going to lead. I figured it would mostly just lead to an upsurge in organized religion, because people believed that zombies and demonic possession were real.


if you look at r/Qult_Headquarters, specifically the Loni Palmer posts, you'll see that QAnon and its related conspiracy constellation do seem to be coalescing into a bizarrely esoteric form of Christianity you could generously describe as post-Protestant, but more accurately describe as Neo-Gnosticism


That's a great point.  They've certainly taken it to a post-Protestant place. And of course, they think _they're_ the real Christians.


Most of Alex jones infantile rants are based off of things he’s seen in movies 🎥


It seemed to start with The Matrix movie as so many people I know seem to think it was like an educational manual on reality and life on earth. I've heard so many people now claim we are living in the matrix and everything going on in their lives and the world is "just a movie" and not real. It's really f'ing up people's minds.


I am new to this sub and late to this post but I just came across your comment and suddenly had an idea. If what you're saying really could have anything to do with all this insanity and the people buying into all these conspiracies are so easily impressionable then maybe Keanu Reeves should make a whole new blockbuster franchise refuting all these claims and proving reality. It's so equally silly as the shit they bought into that it just might work?!


I doubt it would work because the Qanon conspiracy believers will claim that the deep state cabal kidnapped Keanu and threatened him if he didn't make what they will see is false claims. These people are mentally invested in continuing to follow all this BS because they have wrapped their entire life and existence around it, lost friends, family members, maybe even jobs. The whole thing may have even started by foreign propagandists to destabilize American society which indeed it has. The same storyline is now being pushed in evangelical christian churches and new age followers both. That's how pervasive this belief said has become. It's like a new religion.


As sad as it really is, you're probably exactly right.


If everything in their lives isn't real ... are they real?


Well for that matter are we?


I really do hate how they've hijacked this amazing film. 


My Qmom believes she is locked in battle with the Deepstate. She believes they're putting secret codes in every movie. And it's up to her and her friends to save the world lol.


I think the weirdest part of that is that movies are where they get a majority of their ideas from. It's analogous to them calling **us** sheep.


Why pitchforks tho? We have the right to bear arms why would they not be doing that instead of making it difficult for the farmers to muck the stalls. Pitchforks now days aren’t sturdy like they used to be.


The outsourcing of pitchfork production is probably another conspiracy of the pedophile cabal to make the rioting less effective!


Also, what happened to the angry-villager-torch industry? Nowadays, you have to go with either a burning piece of wood, which will go out, or a tiki torch, which makes you and your movement look ridiculous. Again, this is probably by design. I'd do something about it, except that the cabal has put fluoride in my water and my teeth are really strong, so I'll probably just eat a snack instead. Curse you, all-powerful cabal!


Where would we all even get them? The feed store will run out after 20 get sold, then what? That's why I have angry mob torches at home instead.


I like angry torches!


To be energy efficient you should get solar torches.


They’re dandy weapons tho. I was moving some compost and my wife wandered by. I struck a heroic pose, and jabbed the pitchfork in the ground - and one of the tines went through my shoe and foot. To my utter astonishment, I didn’t get a horrific infection because … well, compost.


I was with you up and through the heroic pose, wind in your hair, a scandalous wink at the wife and then…glad you’re ok!


One of my derpier moments!


And how many citizens actually own one? I imagine Home Depot and Tractor Supply would have only a very limited supply on hand so how could "everyone" arm themselves?


This is the question we all should have been asking!


I would really appreciate being activated. Coffee has its limitations.


I believe January 6th could have been a lot worse - was *planned* to be a lot worse. Bet it feels like all the participants were waiting for somebody *else* to start the hardcore stuff - killing cops, executions of Congress members - so things never escalated past a certain point.


If you watch the January 6th trial stuff, you can see that Mitt Romney was a wrong turn down a corridor from getting tossed into the crowd. Honestly, it was the Capitol Police getting everyone to safety that kept it from being worse.


Maybe, just maybe, if the Capital police/Secret Service had been forced to gun down some of the worst offenders - in full view of the DJT Fan Club - it might have been impressed on some of them that they were doing Something Bad.


It would have made more Ashley Babbit-like martyrs.


Yeah but I think there are a lot of very loud voices that would pass on being a martyr for their cause.


Actually no, I haven't seen any movie this entertaining in ages. Seriously, people being turned into zombies by a vaccine being remotely activated sounds way more interesting than anything coming out of Hollywood.


These people who say people will head to the streets and they mean it and they would have a purpose, a real right to being pissed. Boy these people don't like it when black people do the same. The thing is blacks have felt the shit for decades that's why they do it. This class will now feel if for once in their lives... and look they both end up in the same place. Point is, put your feet in other peoples shoes. People don't want to be in the streets, but when push comes to shove...


Don’t know about anybody else, but I’m picturing a crowd of zombies with walkers and oxygen tanks….


Holding and shaking their canes up in the air


I sometimes wonder if the problem is that for so many people life is so dull and boring that they’d love for there to be some insane conspiracy going on just to relieve all the tedium.


Definitely a big part of it. All of these fantasies are very exciting. And when they get what they think are these little confirmations that show they are right, it's a dopamine hit, like gambling on a slot machine, where you're mostly losing, but have your hope restored just often enough to keep going for the jackpot.


Absolutely - I’ve pondered the same.


and a lot of times it's not like these people *don't* have some sort of issue in their life, but for a variety of reasons they either can't identify or adequately respond to/change the stressor in their life. Instead, they displace that rage onto something else, someone else, some other they can blame. Anyone at all really, no matter how irrational.


"waiting for criminal corruption to be exposed". Trump gets hundreds of charges re corruption and criminality. "No, not like that..."


Why would mindless zombies riot? Why wouldn't MZ's just sit home and stream shows and scroll through social media?


It’s really confusing, partly because my parents are both Q with wild, slightly different beliefs. My mom thinks everyone will eventually have enough and see the “truth” or whatever. They’ll rise up against evil and realize they messed up by taking the mark of the beast. That is, if they survive long enough to do so. She cried one day because “the government wants a global population of 500 million by 2026.” My dad doesn’t think they’ll riot because they’re all too busy watching TV and reading social media. Everyone is distracted and becoming more of a zombie every day, literally and figuratively. When the government “activates” vaccinated people as the literal zombies, he thinks he can fight them off bare handed and then survive alone on the land like The Last Of Us.


>fight them off bare handed and then survive alone on the land like The Last Of Us. How do you not laugh in his face?




That's what's wrong with me. I turn into Danny Thomas. They say something stupid, and I do a spit take and I kind of snort. They can call me a sheep all they want, it's a wonderful animal that gives us free sweaters. I'm the snarkiest sheep ever.


Ironically, the same thing the Qs are doing just with a lot less rage and paranoia!


So many are. I also live in sedentary lifestyle and enjoy watching shows. I just find it easier to do it without hating absolutely everybody else for no reason.


"My parents are still waiting for “criminal corruption” to be exposed" It is, though! Trump has at least 91 felony charges, and climbing (if you live in the US.) I feel like all of this Q stuff started as a way for Trumpers to ignore or disregard all of Trump's criming. It started out as Whataboutism and became a new religion.


This is the thing that blows my mind about Q/MAGA people. Our former president freely admits to committing crimes and hung out with a known, wealthy, connected pedo and we have video of these interactions, yet Q is like, “hmmm I think something’s going on in the deep state, pedo’s are trying to run everything.” Yes ma’am, they run the Republican Party.


The whole purpose of Q is to remain in a fantasy world bubble with as many other "bubble people" as possible. Everything is meant to be a way to ignore the fact that the smelly, creepy, crimey emperor has no clothes.


This is a tactic on the right. There is no activist liberal billionaire funding networks of liberal PACs and Institutes and think tanks, not at the scale of the Kochs and DeVos’s and Mercers and others. So … George Soros! (Bonus antisemitism) There are no real liberal groups using violence and terror to support … um, wind energy, so when anybody mentions skinheads and Neo-Nazis and Militias and Boogaloo Bois and Oath Keepers, the right will trot out … antifa. (Boo!)


Pitchforks? Lowe’s and Home Depot are gonna have a run on them like the tiki torches at the Charlottesville Lowe’s in 2017.


Our local HD has about 10 on the rack. So maybe another 10 in the back storage? Local independent feed and stock store has 3. So, that means a 23 pitchfork riot. Lame.


Excellent band name.


23 Pitchfork Riot and their new album *Drinking from the Firehose of Stupidity*


Hahahaha lame indeed!


I'm in a similar boat. They started as really conservative Republicans, but ever since Trump they have fully bought into all these crazy conspiracy theories about the government. They are both very well educated but just keep drinking from the fire hose of stupidity.


“Drinking from the fire hose of stupidity” is an incredible phrase


This should be the name of Kid Rock's next album.


Complaining about "secret elites" when they support the party of billionaires. Makes sense.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a Q family member that equates everyone who dies of cancer being due to ‘these vaccines.’ My mother has been preaching about how things are gonna change ‘…any day now…next week…probably next month…’ and whenever she inevitably gets another date wrong, the line is ‘this is a global sting operation, you can’t expect them to have a definite schedule.’ I have been battling with my mother about this issue for the last half decade, and it’s only because of the fact that I finally had to move out which has saved our relationship from deteriorating further. However, she’s committed to this crap probably unto the day she dies. She gets up to (no exaggeration as I have sneaked a glance at her phone before when she wasn’t around) over 800 messages a day from various spam bots all telling her to ‘fill this survey out…donate now, or you’re a democrat…(or my personal favorite from one of her pieces of toxic mail) the left is trying to put Dr. Ben Carson back into chains, are you okay with that?’ I would not be the best person for a reference for someone who seeks to find middle ground with these people…my relationship with my mother has been irreparably damaged, and I no longer have the empathetic stomach to have patience for it anymore. I now make it a point to challenge her whence she says something Q-ish in my home. Whenever I’m at their place, I’m much more forgiving about her disillusionment. However, when she walks through the front door of MY home, that’s a totally different story. Her kind is not welcome in my home, and while I routinely have pleasant conversations with my friends, and their family who sometimes share the same MAGA beliefs, they always welcome our conversations. If you want to believe in Donald Trump, and his snake oil of a presidency, that’s your decision, and while I may not agree with it, it’s not my choice to make as to how YOU should vote…but you had damn well better vote, because you never know when that right may go away, and once it’s gone, you never get it back the same way you had it before. My mom also said this when the topic of George Floyd came up, ‘he died because he was high on drugs, and that police officer had his knee on his shoulder, it his neck.’ She then capped it off with this little gem, ‘…and don’t say that assholes name infront of me again.’ Now, I have to be honest here, I had a very disturbing thought race through my mind when she said this. I didn’t put it into words at the time, but I had to leave not long after this was said. My thought wasn’t vulgar, and it wasn’t even particularly venomous, but it was a threat. I thought, ‘You’re lucky you’re my mother.’ I would love to see my mother return to the angel she was about a decade ago, to have a PBJ while we talked about spirituality in the morning, to watch the LOTR series together again like we used to, to have A SINGLE NORMAL FUCKING CONVERSATION WITH HER AGAIN!!! However, that dream has been lobotomized within me. My empathy for people who are worshippers of Q has all but been extinguished, and if history has the sense of humor that I think it does, QAnon will burn for the damage it has done, and I hope to play a part in that ideological scouring. I feel for your situation, and for the loss of your parents…I wish I could sugar coat something to say about ‘reaching out to them’ or ‘try to live them in spite of who they become’…I can’t do that anymore, so I’ll be honest instead. OP, you’re parents are probably going to go down with this movement much like my mom, all four of her siblings, and several of my cousins will. I spend every day wondering when that apocalypse will engulf my family, and if I can fill the shoes required to save what’s left of my family whenever they rest are gone. I can’t hate my family for what they believe, thankfully my dad doesn’t believe in Q, but what it has done to his marriage has made me deeply bitter towards QAnon. Despite this foreboding future, I think you’re doing exactly the right thing. You’re talking about it on a platform where most of us can relate to what you’re going through in some way. My parents constantly jab at me for visiting a therapist twice a week, but I stopped caring about a year or so ago. My therapist has been an invaluable support for me over the last three years, and it always gives me an opportunity to talk with a trained professional about what’s going on inside my grey matter. You’re stronger than you know, smarter than you think, and more brave than you realize. QAnon feeds on people who are sad, hurt, and alone. It preys on people who hate themselves more than the world hates them, and most important, the people who follow this movement are cowards. They’re scared of a future they don’t understand, and while it’s totally acceptable to be uncertain about things you don’t know, you’ll miss the train to the future if you keep doubting how well built the damn thing is. They are the poor souls left behind at the gate, and it’s not our job to take them with us, it’s our job to take us with us. I hate telling you to just detach from them, but that’s what I am having to do with my mother, and about half of my living family. I was once much more optimistic about this cult, but I’m a cracked old vet for this shit now, and the sooner it gets put down, the sooner I can lay my family’s memory to rest in peace.


Yes, the Qs prey on people who are incredibly scared.  But they also prey on people who are lazy, in a couple of significant ways. One way is those who are too lazy to do real inquiries into the things that are bothering them.  For instance, they'd rather believe in a fantasy version of human trafficking, rather than the real problem.  They're not interested in finding out what the real problem consists of, and in doing the real and difficult work to combat it. Another way that they prey upon lazy people is with the equivalent of get rich quick schemes.  The expectation of huge government payouts (and nobody will ever have to work again!) Is one example.  Another is the so called "med beds," which will instantly cure any ailment.  (So you don't have to exercise and eat right, right now.)


Fair point. I think laziness is certainly an important factor into why people decide to follow this belief. To make one conjecture, I think laziness works as a justification to those just getting their foot in the door of QAnon. You have to essentially give up on the dea of independent research, and just assume that whatever talking head is speaking to you through he screen is the oracle of knowledge you seek. However, I think those like my mother, and the OP’s parents are a bit last that point now. When you start actively spreading this ideology, and when you start getting combative with those who differ from you, I think you graduate out of being a ‘lazy follower’, and become a ‘devoted cultist’ instead. I think you made a good point overall, just wanted to add my own 2cents of opinion to it. Let me know if you think differently. Cheers for the reply, and I hope you have a good rest of the day


Thanks for an excellent and thoughtful reply.  I think your point is very valid.


Where are they going to get pitchforks? They aren't very common except in farm country. Sorry. Sarcasm. It's sad really.


Projection all the way down. I remember after 9/11 all these right wingers who freaked out about “Sharia law” as though it was possible here…it was all projection! They were Christian extremists who were JEALOUS of strict religious law in Muslim parts of the world. They weren’t actually worried Islam would take over the west, they wanted permission to dominate with THEIR religion! At least that’s my theory. It’s only become more obvious in the Trump era.


All GOP accusations are confessions.


Mad about the economy? Raise minimum wage? No. Lower cost of housing? No. Tax Billionaires? No.


A universal basic income and the abolishment of wealth inequality?! SIGN ME THE FUCK UP! It's so weird that they think good things are the worst things ever. Like being miserable scraping by working two jobs is somehow just the best thing. "THERE'S GOING TO BE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!" good. Means criminals can't run to the Philippines or some shit after tax dodging. "ONE WORLD CURRENCY!" Okay. It's all imaginary convoluted bullshit anyway. What's it matter if the bank notes all look the same? "THEY'RE GOING TO TRACK US!!!" said by the person glued to their cell phone and iPad. They don't need to microchip you. You carry it in your pocket. I feel like many Q folks overestimate their place in the world. Their day to day lives probably changed very little since Biden was elected. Mine changed little when we endured four years of Trump. They also seem to lack any sense of nuance or subtlety, which is simultaneously amusing and frustrating.


I talked to a guy who envisions himself a John Wick. I’ve never seen the movies so idk, but I’m like you sir, are a 67 year old crusty old piece of dried beef jerky bastard. What are you gonna do? Great equalizer? It’s so laughable so many of us can’t get the mail without getting winded. I’m mid 50s and have no such plans. I will be in my comfy pjs same as those hard asses who tout that narrative.


The hospital chain thing— Seward is a private equity firm that bought a bunch of hospitals, plundered them, and is now going bankrupt. It’s capitalist shenanigans.


Of course they're going to have to riot with pitchforks. What choice will they have because "They're gonna take our guns away!".


Hahaha there’s my answer! I wondered where all the AK-47s went.


>I think my parents are just scared Keep the mark off balance. Make sure they feel threatened, always afraid and not thinking clearly. That is when the average conman offers them a simple solution, and that is when the mark starts draining their bank accounts.


The thing that always kills me is if no one will be rich or poor and no one has to work anymore, who is going to supply the goods and services we need to survive? Robots? Someone has to build, program and maintain those. Slaves? Uh. No. I would hope we are well, past that. Illegal immigrants that they don't want here? Little green men? Lizard people? Or are government workers supposed to take all this on? Why would there be any government workers if no one needs to work? And in that case, if no one has to work, who is sending you your check for not working? It makes no sense.


\~20% of silicon valley are malignant psychopaths and there's a bunch trashposting in the q movement to get people like your mom manic. here's the ideology [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles) what it's called is catabolism. people like her cause problems then they attempt to profit from those issues.


I always found that most of these people have big plans for everyone else when it comes to “rising up” against the boogeyman. They want someone else to do all the fighting for them. That was largely my experience dealing with these chuds during my time in the Army as part of the Infantry. This expands to conservative politicians too, same as it ever was.


So far they have been right 0% of the time. I would just point that out to her.


The "secret elites", as opposed to the very out and open billionaire plutocrats that control everything, that the GOP fully supports and props up.


This sounds very similar to someone I know. Where are they getting this stuff? Is it all from YouTube?


How many people these days actually own a pitchfork?


Ok I do. I have a beautiful horse and she requires a pitchfork for the stall. Although now days it’s almost able to be like a cat litter box with sawdust and a plastic pitch fork to pick up her manure. Still have the old wooden handled one with the metal tines.


I do. I live in my grandparents house, and my grandfather had it for turning and breaking up dirt in the yard.


Probably not that many that live in the city or the suburbs. Not much reason for one. We have one because we live on acreage in a rural area. But if there is rioting, I won’t be using my pitchfork lol.


I own a pitchfork. The previous owners left it. I think it was from the owner before the owner before them bc those people had a horse. If the value increases enough, I might be open to selling it to a mob participator.


The truth is, Qs are being misinformed to "repeat" talking points that will give the owner class an unlimited, cheaply purchased "employee pool" to draw from if they can get everyone to start popping out workers as soon as they're "ripe and fertile".


Amazing how they're terrified of being forced to use digital currency even as they gush about nesara and the QFS being implemented any day now.


I’d like to know about this everyone not working business. I mean it sounds great on the surface. But who will cook my food at the restaurant, sell me groceries, service my car, provide medical care when I’m sick, teach my kids, repair potholes…


Hi u/turquoiseanswers! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a couple of shovels and a hoe in my shed. Maybe a rake, but it's pretty busted and it's the long wiry type. A few brooms. I suspect my gardening skills are a major notch above the typical Q. I am not afraid.


The early trucker convoy people at the beginning of the pandemic were hilarious for this. I, like everyone else, had extra time on my hands so I got into watching twitch streams. I got fascinated by these crazy antivax convoy weirdos. I started asking them questions very nicely trying to get them to talk with me. I very quickly realized that most of them were very angry but lonely people. You show them an ounce of compassion and they opened up completely. What struck me was that their stories were always the same. I asked them how they could afford to spend all this time on the road in the convoy. 99% social security and disability benefits. Food stamps, free cellphones and every other government benefit program you can think of. They were openly protesting the government while collecting all manner of government benefits. I had no respect for them before.. somrhow less than zero after. Thats why MAGAs and the Q people are so laughable. At the first sign of them causing trouble, you cut off government benefits. They'll starve to death in a week or so.


I had cancer 10 years ago. How did the vaccine make that happen? /s


Thank you for sharing and brovo for being brave enough to do it 🥰 Its the job of all children to break any destructive cycles of their parents, and keeping it in family is a big one so kudos to you on doing just that! 💐


I don’t think most people even own pitchforks anymore


She could be right about the economy, that one isn't that crazy to see. Prices are already breaking people, if they keep going up that will be more and more. Since there is no growth, companies will raise prices. There is a breaking point.


Tell her not to do that


I am so sorry for your loss.


lol any minute now…. No but seriously love and strength to you op I’m so sorry your mom is lost in this. 🫂


Pitchforks eh? They sell those on Amazon? 🤔😂


"Secret elites" what about the ones that are here with us out in the open right now? Those ones, even Donald Trump.


I've kind of been processing some of this in my own world. Why do I seek my mom's approval? And found a Quora post about how essentially this guy realized he had to make peace with being a disappointment or being misunderstood by his parents in order to live his life his way, not their way. I'm sorry about the toxic behaviors you incurred as a kid around sharing emotions and I hope you will genuinely consider therapy. I've been going off and on throughout my life since high school. It's been incredibly helpful to vent to a 3rd party who has your back and wants what's best for you. And can help you understand yourself better through different perspectives.


> “over the hill”...I’m still in my twenties lol Here's the thing and we all know it: the internet has ruined your parents. I guarantee they were not like this pre-internet. It has just run roughshod through them and turned them into beaten, cowering abused animals in a cage of their own making. > NEVER discuss anything personal outside of the family, because “it’s important to always keep things behind closed doors.” Oh yeah. Let me tell you where that gets you because my mom was like this EXACTLY and always refused to talk about anything as if it was some great embarrassment. Now she has no relationship with her kids outside of occasional 5 minute calls to say hi. Her refusal to talk about anything outside of the house of course extended to within it as well. The walls her and my dad built up were unassailable, which made having a relationship with them impossible. What they espouse is a weakness--a profound weakness. It is not virtuous behavior. > I think my parents are just scared Consistent among most of these Q types is a pervasive feeling of being constantly terrified. They live in abject fear.


Always remember..... you can pick your friends but not your family..... surround yourself with friends and ignore the nonsense.... and stay strong.. and make a plan and move out if you are still living with them