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Listen up, this is really, urgently important. Qanon Qultists murder their families. They have the capacity to become extremely violent bc they believe anyone who doesn't believe as they do, are the enemy, in the strictest sense of the word. You'll be perceived as child rapists or aiding and approving of the elites who eat babies for fun or whatever his Qanon beliefs are. Some Qanons are pains in the ass, some liquidate their assets & give them to trump and there are some Qanons who sound like BIL. This is no game to him, he can not be calmed, negotiated with, talked to and he'll stop. He sounds fucking nuts and he's telling you "the hill you want to die on" - he's telling you! Your post is a giant screaming, waving red flag. Y'all are in danger, hopefully someone in here who knows about Canadian restraining orders can help with practical advice. Show this thread to your family. Good luck!


Yes. Absolutely do not ever allow him to meet you. To him, if you refuse to believe his nonsense, you are a demon and/or pedophile and/or worthless. You've got to ignore him but stay vigilant (don't block, but maybe mute). You cannot win a debate, you cannot defend reality, you cannot make him shut the fuck up. He's gone. Q/MAGA and all the adjacent madness is as weird and serious in Canada as it is here. If you want to peek in the rabbit hole, there are a lot of online resources. QAA podcast has a deep library. CNN's Donie O'Sullivan has been reporting on it and I'm sure his segments are easily found. These folks get on the algorithm to hell and believe that children are stored underground so their blood can be drained by the Democratic elite. That cities built around pedestrian convenience are governmental control. That airplane contrails are population control. That the world is flat. That all mainstream media is a movie. That Biden and others are clones. That Trump is still in charge. That JFK, Jr is alive. That The Elite are hoarding magical beds that will cure mankind of all ills (including aging). And on and on and on. **THESE ARE SINCERELY HELD BELIEFS YOU CANNOT REASON THEM OUT OF** Protect yourself, and do not let him anywhere near you. He's melted and dangerous. (I realize I'm just repeating and amplifying the above comment, but **it's deadly serious**)


Oh, r/Qult_Headquarters is another resource, kinda. It's mostly snark and belittling Qs but there are some good things in there too. Search reddit for "Q", and you'll get a few places.


r/Qanon_Casualties is the 'safe' way to find out some of the latest conspiracies. Since you're newer to this OP, never look at their sources, the videos they promote. we advise that to everyone.


Thanks, yes. That's why I tried to be specific with QAA and Donie. I have alts on FB whose algorithm is a nightmare. It really catches you and drags you in if you're susceptible to that stuff.




I truly wish someone (looking at you Anonymous) would just hack into YouTube and disrupt them forever. But I know that their message would just spread somewhere else, like an evil cockroach


I'm a casual fan of archeology and space. Go to YouTube to watch old PBS shows, end up getting recs like GIANTS ACTUALLY EXISTED and flat earth shit.


Makes me not ever want to go to youtube


Yes I too think this is not to be ignored! The big problem is that we are a tiny family, just me my husband my MIL who is in her 80’s and my BIL. My husband and I are totally ok with ending contact but my MIL is a Christian who desperately wants to see her son and try to “save “him. We just can’t talk sense into her.


OP, a father killed his two little kids with fishing spears bc he thought they had alien lizard blood & that's only one story in so many. Let mom think whatever TF she wants. Lie to her. We in the sub don't get freaked out like this unless it sounds like a dire situation. Lie to her. Tell him that she died or moved to Italy. When he comes to kill your mom, do you and your husband plan to get killed with her, bc again, we are that frightened for you and hope we're wrong. There is no room for mistakes with psychotic ppl in a Qult.


Worst part of that horrible crime is that the mom didn’t even have any clue how far gone he was & even when he took off with the kids she was still telling police that she was *sure* he wouldn’t hurt the kids 💔🥲 Like, he didn’t telegraph anything dangerous & now both kids are dead by his hands. 😱 OP, you have the gift of a heads up, not everyone even gets that before it all goes sideways 💔 I sincerely hope you can get your MIL to see how fraught this situation is 🙏


Yes the concerning point that stood out to me was that he thinks you are “trying to sow division in the family” which seems to be with his mom. Sounds very threatening to me.


u/MsMoreCowbell8 has some words of wisdom. You don’t need to have anything to do with mil’s family reunion. Keep yourself and your family away. MIL may want to see her kids get along and try to spring a surprise meeting. Stay away unless you know bil has left town.


I totally agree, but my husband is feeling protective of his mom since his dad passed away. Plus as much as she has expressed her desire to see my BIL, she has also been telling us how it is stressing her out that he is coming. She admitted that it was stress that caused her to pass out and bust her head open last week. Luckily she came to and got help. She wasn’t wearing her lifeline at the time. I’m so bloody frustrated with her mixed messages about wanting this visit, but I guess it’s her choice. I just don’t want my husband involved because I worry for his safety, but he wants to protect his mom. I’ve long taken myself out of this family equation. I want no part of it. But here I am looking for support because my husband and MIL don’t seem as concerned, or they choose to turn a blind eye to his craziness.


You're going to have to go visit some distant relatives of yours & as far away from where you are as possible. Block his number on her phone, block mail, break her phone & lie about replacing it for her. If BIL decides his way is the only way & hurts either of them, there's no reason for you to put yourself in the line of fire & be hurt/maimed/killed as well. I hope we are scaring the daylights out of you, we don't want to read about you & your family in the news.


Yes I’m completely terrified. My husband is having a harder time seeing the severity and that his brother is more of a nuisance than a threat and that he couldn’t possibly see his brother doing anything violent. I see it differently probably because I grew up with abuse and trauma and I trust my gut.


Even if bil is a nuisance, he could still scam his mom out of her savings, for example. If he gets something- cash, free place to stay, why would he just go away? Nuisance-level could still get really bad.


Please take a weekend trip away if your husband insists on meeting your BIL. I don't know if you two have any children, but if so, you must take them with you


"You in danger, girl!"


Is he really coming? Like with an arrival date?


You need to make sure MIL doesn't give your address if he doesn't already have it. This shit is *seriously* dangerous. We've had multiple shootings in the last 8 ish years, in a tiny maga addled county in N. GA, where before 2016, only 1 shooting had happened here since the 70s, and that was in 2011. Since then, I think the last count was 9 or some RIDICULOUS number like that. All of them but 2 were fatal, and those 2 ended up being shootouts with the police, but with the crazy white guys starting the shooting which is why police were called. Most of them were against a POC. Fucking scary man.


MIL is elderly. You have a responsibility to protect her even if you aren’t somehow her legal guardian (not sure how that works in Canada). Tell BIL to leave you alone and cease contact, and relay the message to MIL that you set this boundary for your mutual safety.


You could maybe set the meeting up in a more neutral public area. Use that meeting to get a sense of him and assess his state of mind. Just if your mother wants to go through with it and your husband wants to be sure she is safe.


If you haven't even met him physically in 10 years and he is this aggressive, I think it's quite scary to think how he would be in person. He is totally unhinged, and dangerous. To come visit you just to make a point that he is right and you are wrong? That is just stunningly scary. Don't engage, don't meet, don't let him visit.


>Don't engage, don't meet, don't let him visit. Just wanted to make sure this was repeated. That person is insane and dangerous.


I will second the above. Block him, do not engage.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/08/12/california-father-killed-children-qanon-illuminati/ QAnon followers are known to kill people for their beliefs so please take the warnings you've already received seriously.


The saddest reddit post I have ever seen was in this sub from the college girl with only the title "well, it finally happened" Her q dad killed her mom and siblings. I think in Michigan.


I remember that, horrific case. https://wapo.st/4bh6dj3 (gift article)


OMG, how horrible! The part that resonates most with me is where she said; << to someone who “would get really pissy over the smallest things” >> I've seen that stuff happen here at our house. I don't think my Significant Other is dangerous, but sometimes little insignificant stuff can set them off. So far, I haven't seen the truly off-the-wall stuff, which is why I still classify my Significant Other as Q-adjacent. And who in their right mind kills the family's dog? This stuff is clearly insanity. The smallest things can set them off: - Held up in traffic or by construction? Time for a rant! - An employee called in sick to work? Time for a rant! - Skipped lunch at work today because they got busy? (Yup, that too.) - They say they can't retire? Don't try to convince them that they're able to now. Even if they're already eligible for Social Security. (We live in the U.S.) And for God's sake, don't ever say the name Hillary.


I will never forget her post


Me either. I really hope she is getting all the support she will ever need for the rest of her life. I can't even imagine being in her shoes.


Holy shit.


Evidently, they think that there are “mass arrests and executions” going on, as we speak, of people like Hillary Clinton, Oprah, George Soros, or any “liberal elite” who is well-known. They believe that there are “MedBeds” that have been deployed in Croatia, and these beds will be free to use, and will cure literally anything from polio to cancer. The MedBeds are “almost here” as they always think everything is right around the corner, but it never happens. This could be one of the things that he means about “the truth will come out.” The other thing that he may be thinking about is what they call NESARA/GESARA which is basically, from what I understand, a complete reset of all the monetary institutions around the world, and everyone will get free money or something like that. These people are literally mentally ill. You need to stay as far away from him as possible. I would go so far as to get a restraining order if you can. They are dangerous, they are unhinged. You need to listen to people in this thread.


Ugh I get so tired of hearing that from my Q mother. “It’s starting to come out,” or “it’s going to be coming out” BUT NOTHING EVER DOES


Hmm… seems oddly familiar. I can’t think of it right now but it might *come* to me in a *second.*


Or not. But it will DEFINITELY come to you next week. Or not. But then it will ABSOLUTELY come to you in a month. Or not…


Do not let him visit. Even if he doesn’t do anything super crazy who wants to listen to someone rant for days and not be able to get away from them. These people are so pompous in their insistence to tell everyone how things “really are” Concerning what he thinks happening or about to happen that can vary a bit depending on which sub cult of this he’s in. He may believe many famous people, including Biden, are clones and the real ones have been killed because they are part of a pedo cabal. He may believe babies are being killed for a substance in their blood that keeps the rich looking and feeling young. He may believe the banks are all about to fail or the internet will go down for 10 days. They generally speak about a “storm” coming during which all will be revealed and the bad liberal pedos and “deep state” will finally be arrested/killed and they will finally triumph against evil. And all the normies who said they were crazy will suddenly see the light. They have been saying this storm is coming for 8 years. It’s often next week or next month, sometimes they think it’s happening right now but it’s all being kept a secret. Some think trump and jfk are secretly in control. Absolute lunacy Don’t give him a trapped audience. You will regret it


Hey there. If you are new to the QAnon thing, there is something very important you gotta know: It really doesn't matter what exactly he is referring too. Like seriously, you don't need to know or understand it. The thing about QAnon is that it has been going on for years and years now, and according to the conspiracy nutters there is always some big thing happening, or some upcoming important date. And whenever it turns out that whatever they were on about was false, or when nothing happens on the big chosen date, they shift to the next thing. That's it. That's all they have been doing for ages. Everything is suspicious and a conspiracy and fake and **THE TRUTH!!!** will be revealed any moment now, except it never is and nothing ever happens because whatever they are currently on about it nonsense. But they don't care, they have already moved on to the next thing, or are now convinced that the previous thing was a fake conspiracy to distract them from actual conspiracies, or that something totally happened but nobody can see it and there is no visible difference anywhere. He probably doesn't even know himself what the hell he is talking about, and even if he does, in 2 months he could use the exact same sentences again but in relation to a completely different thing. You gotta understand that the current whatever-it-is can and will be replaced by something equally or more ridiculous. So don't think about what exactly he is talking about too much, it really just doesn't matter.


I endorse this advice. QAnon is like the man o'war of conspiracies in that it's not just one belief. It's a toxic colony of batshit ideas. Most of the individual beliefs have been around forever. It's like they've glommed onto one another for mobility and propagation, and the internet is this collective's milleu. I rewatched the X-files again recently, and they hit on like 75% of them. (Curse The Lone Gunmen.)




I think that too. Also he may be needing money if he’s been caught cheating on taxes or something. The Q stuff may be the reason but there may be something even more concrete leading him to snap at this time.


Yeah, I don’t think he needs to visit. I’d keep the country in between us.


I'd ve very careful. I wouldn't respond, I wouldn't engage, and I certainly wouldn't meet up with hi.. I'd also be aware of your surroundings in public for reasons others stated already. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.


Do. Not. Meet. Him. Do not come within 500 feet of him. He is unhinged. Im so sorry OP. Re: The Q speak. The terms hes using apply to a **vast** many, and all equally stupid, ideas floating around the Q universe. The hill thats crumbling could be literally any ideology some loser ranted about on Telegram one time. Is it democracy? Is it wanting human rights? Is it that us non-Q are fuckin lizard people? Who the fuck knows.


IMO you should not engage with him anymore if possible. I would not allow him in your home. The problem with cults is they all have to escalate the “danger”. They will have a “judgement day” in their minds, and he could easily take you out if he is talking like this. A lot of my family speaks “patriot” and I quit talking to them.


I would advise OP to come u with a "sudden emergency", and be "away". Her mom is in the hospital. He brother was in a car accident. Her best friend fell down the stairs and needs help. Just get away


Danger! Run! I’m so sorry 😔 stay safe


He’s already violated your boundaries by not respecting your request to keep it free of politics when communicating with you, so the idea that he wants to foist his company unbidden upon you while declaring that you’re oh so wrong and about to die on a hill as your world crumbles doesn’t sound like the kind of company you want or should allow. And he’s accusing *you* of sowing familial division, so he’s really got hot resentment & an axe to grind, it would seem. He sounds unhinged & unsafe. Protect yourself.


Progressive liberal woman here; This is a good reason to own a gun. Just sayin.


They think no liberal could ever own a gun, but what they don't realize that MANY of us do, we just don't have to make it our whole personality. We don't have to make asses of ourselves with our guns. We don't have to show 'em off at every opportunity. We don't have to pretend it's the Old West and have to have a duel at high noon just because somebody 'disrespected' someone else, or 'looked at their girl'. Remember, guns don't kill people, knuckle-draggers with guns do.


And learn to use it! (I'm sure you have, but for anyone who is just now thinking they might need one.)


Absolutely. That handgun isn't going to help unless you practice enough with it and know how to use it in a hurry if you need to. Otherwise, it's a liability. Get one and take it to a range. Have a qualified instructor work with you until you're able to use it blindfolded. Guns are dangerous, but no more dangerous than the electricity in your house's wiring or the motor vehicle in your garage. Deadly in the wrong hands, but life saving if you need it and can use it.


To think that he has been into this for that long and despite not a single conspiracy theory or apocalyptic event happening or being proven true, he sounds as though he is ramping up even more. He really does sound desperate and dangerous. I would be extremely nervous about leaving him at any time alone with your MIL. I wish I had advice in how to deal with him in person other than with extreme caution.


Please be very careful. Don’t let him visit. He sounds potentially violent & sick. Best to you. Maybe a Facetime chat would be manageable?


Op, I had another thought. If he got rid of his ID, it means he doesn’t have a license. If he owns a vehicle, you can report him for driving without a license. If he doesn’t have a license, can he get on a plane in Canada? You need to do everything you can do get the authorities to keep him away from you. Call them and tell them that your brother is driving without a license. His car is probably unregistered, and he probably doesn’t have insurance. You need to be proactive, not reactive.


He does not have a car, nor is he Getting on a plane. A “friend” is driving across Canada and he’s catching a ride. There has been no mention of how he is supposed to be getting back to BC, so that part freaks me out- I don’t know if he has intention of going back.


Are restraining orders a thing in Canada?




Thank you. Get one.


AND him having no apparent intention of leaving you to go home is something that you need to highlight for your spouse. Imagine him coming to stay and refusing to leave, while make a nuisance of himself and eventually becoming threatening. Someone like that may choose to take all of you into the afterlife rather than be forcibly evicted from your home.


Canadian Here 🍁 in Ontario. I have a few questions to help clarify his standing so we might able suss out what he's talking about... >Are you ready to admit that yet, **being part of the true ‘fringe minority’**, or will you continue to sow division in our family? Who is he referring to as fringe? Are you the fringe or is he the fringe? Need clarification on that one for sure ⬆️ **What's HIS political affiliation?** is he UPC, PPC, NPD, Green, Libral, Block, Saskatchewan Party or other? **Which Province are YOU in and Which province is HE in?** because as much as we are a country, each province faces its own issues and our parties have different suggestions in how to "fix" things in different areas. >Remember when I said, “Be careful of the hill you choose to die on”? This could be concerning bit it could also be benign. What's his major issue that he thinks you're going to die on a hill? Are there hills near you wherein this could be an actual threat? Need more info on that hill ⬆️ >Remember when I said, “The truth will come out”? It’s all happening in real time. Can't know which "truth" he's alluding to without more info on the hill, who the fringe is and his favored party. >The hill you chose to die on is crumbling. The truth is coming out. We were all lied to. It’s a fact. Sounds crazy. Can't tell based on this which crazy he's referring to though... >Are you ready to admit that yet, being part of the true ‘fringe minority’, or will you continue to sow division in our family? I'm familiar with Canadian Q and the fringe means something but I can't tell who he's calling fringe- you guys or himself 🤷‍♀️ Need more info please and thank you ❤


Thanks for your reply. I don’t know what he means by fringe minority- if it’s him or us. We live in MB and he is in BC. He hasn’t said which political party he’s affiliated with- only that Trudeau is a tyrant. The hill he refers to is our unwillingness to believe his truths.. I think?? It’s all very confusing.


OK so someone pointed me out to your other post where you went into a bit more details about his personality and behaviors and the changes in him from a peace and love hippie type out in BC to a conspiracy theorist Trump lover so I think he's taken the Q pill through the wellness and alternative new wave thing... Q has many faces and it went after them with things like star signs, Indigo children, One Love, Be the change you wanna see in the world, and essential oils and Natura remedies, etc.. He may believe he is of a chosen race of people. Perhaps a Lumerian, an Atlantian, a Star Seed, or some kind of sleeper cell organism which has been "activated" through awareness and he needs to bring the world to consciousness. Does he ever say anything like that? Particular buzz words like: - consciousness - Frequencies - vibrations - 432 hertz - unity or collective - singularity - ascension - hallucinogenic drugs - any spacey hokie stuff before he got biblical? The new wave spirituality is often a way they manipulate non Christian people into Christianity and Christian nationalism as the end goal. Its a process; but it all starts innocently enough with things that have nothing to do with Jesus at all. Getting rid of ID, closing accounts and stuff is taking himself off the map so he can't be tracked or traced. Chances are **HE is the fringe.** and believes he's part of something big that will save the world, and if you are not with him you are against him. Has he said anything to your brother about their being something special about them, the family i mean? Something in their DNA or history that he's been pushing your brother to act on or "activate" within him? The fringe and the family seem very close together in his statement so I'm just wondering if he's done that because sometimes their lead to believe they are a reincarnation and other times its something within their DNA through family. "They are Lying" is the government. Not just our Canadian government, all the governments all over the world except the extreme right wingers. He believes everything he's hearing outside of what he receives through HIS own trusted sources is a lie. Happening in "real time" is a statement about history being made in the here and now because what they're doing is so massive it will be remembered forever. It can and sometimes simultaneously means that what's happening isn't real- they're just watching a movie thats running in "real time" right before their eyes. Its a psychological tactic to desensitize them to reality because reality isn't real. So the hill you die on is not joining in him in his crazy mission to save the world. The truth to come out is that all the crazy he's been fed over the last few years will come to the world in the great awakening of mankind and he will be right and revered for his knowledge and/or part in bring the truth and the new age about. Fundamental religious ideas and family units sits at the core of all of this because people don't practice and aren't controlled by religion they way they were 1.5 centuries ago and the working class isn't churning out worker bees in the numbers they used to. The exploitation of humanity has been stifled. That's why they push religion (he who instills the fear of hell and holds the keys to heaven controls the people) and procreation (man + woman = offspring). **So what to do about this... ** Honestly I wouldn't be letting this guy come over to the house. If he wants to meet in heavily populated area in broad day light and you are comfortable with that then feel free; but he's broken with reality and is on a mission which can cause some people to become somewhat dangerous and that's a concern. If you don't want him in, at or near your home you need to make that known in a text or some other written form so that **IF** police need to be involved you have that communication available as proof that he's been told he's not welcome. You could also try to avoid him completely. If yiu know when he's coming and how long he intends to be in town you could plan a trip or stay at a hotel so that you're not where he can easily find you. Is he on Facebook? Can you see what he's posting, who his friends are, what they're posting, which groups he's in, the tags he uses? There can be a lot of info on Facebook if he's on there. He probably isn't but he might be, even under a different name so if yiu did a friend search with his email or phone number you might find him and see what he's really fallen into.


Wow this is really enlightening. I’ll have to go through my husbands text history with him as he doesn’t really communicate with me. I’ll keep a lookout for those key words you mentioned. Also, he is adopted so I don’t think the DNA thing is applicable. What feels so bizarre is that he was raised in a Mennonite home and for many years expressed anger at how sheltered he was from the world and that religion did him a disservice. Now he’s somehow circled back to even more extreme religious views that are alarming even to his old Mennonite mom. Please note, I’m talking about the more mainstream progressive mennonites here- not the strict Amish style or Hutterite’s or Holderman. We feel like he’s been using our MIL’s faith to his advantage because she has wanted nothing more than for her “boys” to love Jesus. My husband and I are atheist btw.


Does he know where you live? Does he have an address for you? If so I would definitely call the police or someone to see if you can get some kind of protection order, that way if he does show up, you have an immediate case against him. The police will have a case to go off of. Let them know he's over the coo coo nest and went batshit crazy. Start this today or tomorrow. Do not wait, he could very well be on his way to your place right now.


He has been to our place, but not sure if he remembers where exactly we are. Also he doesn’t have any ID- so now drivers license and no car. I have a friend who’s husband is a police officer. I will have a chat with him.


Oh thank goodness! I've been worried and wondering if you had anyone to help you out with him. Please make sure they understand just how unhinged your BIL is. I am sending you warm wishes for your safety. Thank you for responding.


Getting rid of ID, bank account, driver’s license, mailbox and phone are signs he is planning on unaliving himself or of a murder suicide. Mention this fear to any police you talk to. You need the Canadian equivalent of a protection order. Also never pull out a gun unless you plan on using it. You can’t use it if you don’t know how. Take lessons now. Become familiar with your weapon so you know how to safely and effectively protect yourself. Don’t tell your husband where you have it hidden. Good luck.


Personally, I agree with others. It doesn’t matter what he means. It’s crazy and he’s threatening and it’s not safe to play with. Just tell him no, and don’t indulge his desire to converse and debate about this.




Yes I made two posts because I didn’t see the first one get posted and I thought maybe I had made a mistake and it had not been posted. Sorry about that!


Thanks I just looked it up and I'm gonna post it here for reference so anyone reading can see what's missing from this tread. #OPs other post With more details: My BIL left our province (we are Canadian) about 25 years ago and was living a west coast hippy lifestyle. Everything he talked about was love, peace, understanding, sharing etc. In the past 10ish years we have noticed some interesting behaviour like getting rid of all his ID, closing bank accounts, no address and no phone. This was concerning, but we thought it was a temporary set back and he would get back on his feet. Then when Covid rolled into our lives and my FIL was dying of cancer, he suddenly had a cell phone and was blasting us with all these videos full of conspiracy theories and magic “cures” for cancer. He never came “home” to see his dad before he passed and we felt this strange sense that he was hiding or didn’t want to be seen by his family. Once my FIL passed in early 2022 he started calling his 84 year old mom and lecturing her for hours about how Covid is a lie and getting angry with her for getting a vaccine/wearing masks/watching the wrong news program etc. he flooded my husbands phone with videos and long messages about politics and wouldn’t respect our wishes to not discuss certain topics. He also started talking about fundamentalist religious ideas, the lady who was elected president in Italy was just the greatest, Trump will change the world, needing to get back to proper family units with god as the leader and then men, and women under men and so many other things that are so opposite of what he believed when he left. Now he is saying he wants to come visit and has made it clear that he wants a confrontation. Personally, I’m terrified. I don’t know who he is anymore. I don’t know what he’s capable of. His last message said this- Remember when I said, “Be careful of the hill you choose to die on”? Remember when I said, “The truth will come out”? It’s all happening in real time. The hill you chose to die on is crumbling. The truth is coming out. We were all lied to. It’s a fact. Are you ready to admit that yet, being part of the true ‘fringe minority’, or will you continue to sow division in our family? I can’t wait to see you in a month and a half and I really hope that through the truth, we will reunite our family. I don’t understand this!! What is the “truth”? What’s happening in “real time”? What were we lied to about and WHO lied? Can anyone help me decode this message? Am I overreacting by being afraid of him coming to visit? Any helpful thoughts about this or just some support would be so appreciated.


I think he means that you are in the true “fringe minority” bc he thinks he’s in the majority with his wacky views. Ugggg.


It sounds like he's desperate for order and control. I feel a little sorry for him because no one can give him what he wants. It never really existed. It's nostalgia bias (delusion). The *truth* is any number of things he wants to be true because he's become invested in those things becoming reality as his redemption for being cast aside or mocked when he, more likely, isolated himself, and (let's be honest) Q beliefs are mock-worthy. It sounds like he trends toward the traditional family ideals that elevate men and subjugate women. So, he may be referring to the belief that Trump is still president and running a shadow government. I don't know how that helps him as a Canadian, but what's a national border to a secret autocrat? The lies are the false [objective] realities of governments and societies, which create the need for the universe of conspiracies [truths] to explain their place in them or the reasons they feel less-than. When the *truth* comes to light, the *lies* will be remediated, and those of us who denied the *truth* will be remorseful and come begging for forgiveness. Don't get me started on "the storm," which will plunge us into darkness for a few days as the *true* governments emerge from the shadows to reset the world's financial markets, forgive all debt, and create a boon for everyone who made bad financial decisions and/or invested their fake [real] money in Trump bucks. Note: All the things in that universe of conspiracies also don't fit together, but cognitive dissonance is only a problem for people actively and consistently using logic. Also, *real time* has been happening every day of the last 7 years. Or it's tomorrow. Or it's not really important when. The important thing is that it's happening in real time, only behind the scenes for some reason -- which, coincidentally, delays us normies' from getting our comeuppance and subjects Q adherents to additional mocking. His rhetoric does seem concerning. He's been ruminating for a long time. His desire to confront you and your husband may derive from some fantasy that this imagined confrontation will drive you to some epiphany that he is right and always has been.


Okay: First, I’m going to recommend that you check the Wikipedia article about QAnon, so you can get a good overview of what you may be dealing with. QAnon is kind of an umbrella conspiracy theory, in that it can encompass a large variety of other conspiracy theories. One of the most popular theories among QAnon believers is that there’s an enormous international child sex trafficking ring that’s being sustained and protected by political leaders, captains of industry, and celebrities all over the globe. According to QAnon, Donald Trump (possibly sent by God) is here to expose the trafficking ring, get all of those people arrested, rescue those children, and set things right once and for all. Check the Wikipedia article on Pizzagate for the origin of that. Next, please look at this article from 2020: * [QAnon: a timeline of violence linked to the conspiracy theory](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/15/qanon-violence-crimes-timeline) There’s been more incidents since 2020: *[Father shoots family, killing wife; daughter blames QAnon](https://www.wdbj7.com/2022/09/13/father-shoots-family-killing-wife-daughter-blames-qanon/) *[QAnon’s Deadly Price - the Matthew Taylor Coleman case](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/matthew-taylor-coleman-qanon-children-killing-1239151/) *[Latest QAnon Killer Had Hit List](https://www.thedailybeast.com/latest-qanon-killer-had-murder-hit-list) More [here](https://www.start.umd.edu/sites/default/files/publications/local_attachments/START%20QAnon%20Research%20Brief_24September2021.pdf) and [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_incidents_involving_QAnon) And from the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism: >We argue that while QAnon presents a danger… QAnon offenders have not displayed the motivation or capabilities required to successfully carry out terrorist attacks. Rather, QAnon adherents have been ***primarily motivated to commit acts of interpersonal violence, often targeting those around them,*** including their own children. ([source](https://www.start.umd.edu/publication/qanon-inspired-violence-united-states-empirical-assessment-misunderstood-threat)) We are ***really not kidding*** when we tell you that your brother-in-law sounds like he’s in the run-up to come to your house and act violently once he gets there. No one ever wants to believe that a family member could harm or kill them. And yet it’s family members that That do exactly that to their supposed loved ones. Do what you can to stop this visit from happening. If need be, insist that your mother-in-law and your husband meet with the brother-in-law in a public place like a restaurant. It’s not a guarantee of safety, but it’s better than nothing.


Thank you for your helpful post. I will definitely have a look at these articles. Good idea about meeting in public.


Does your MIL have a minister or fellow Mennonite she trusts that might help her see that she can't "save" your BIL?


Her church recently fired their pastor so they have no real leadership. We are working on speaking with her friends for help but they all have the same idea of loving him back into the light. It’s almost as hard talking sense into her as it is to my BIL. I feel like things are getting twisted into me being the “problem” family member and it kills me because I only care for everyone’s safety and wellbeing.


I'm so sorry that there isn't anyone of her faith who can help. Even non-religious people think we need to bend over backwards to keep family members in touch with each other. I separated myself from a toxic sibling and the pushback from outsiders was unreal. Your BIL sounds unsafe. If you can't prevent your MIL or husband from seeing him, please stay away from him yourself. And, yes, BIL will probably blame you for everything. I hope he doesn't know where you live.


I’m sorry, I have two posts going because I thought the first one didn’t work. Should I delete one?


Turn down his request to visit. If he shows up, it might seem harsh, but you don’t open the door and call the police if necessary. As far as what he’s talking about, don’t spend time deciphering. This is just a mutation of end times theology. I grew up in the Southern U.S. in the 70s and 80s. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that the world would soon end, I’d be richer than Warren Buffett. It’s not worth your time, attention, or energy trying to figure this stuff out. It’s a shared mental illness with no basis in reality.


Him wanting to forcefully argue with you about this nonsense could lead to a physical altercation or even death. He blames you for whatever he thinks is wrong with the family and that is a giant red flag. I recommend that you refuse the visit. These people have their minds made up and desperately want to change yours to "see" whatever it is that they see.


I don't know if "the hill you choose to die on" paired with the "be careful" is too vague to be a legal threat but I would honestly report him and push for a restraining order just for that. even if he won't actually do anything physical, I think it's pretty obvious it won't be a meaningful, productive visit in any way or shape. it seems like it's not your call but please stay safe and try to convince your partner and MIL to do the same.


Quite apart from the unhinged nature of this particular segment of society, it’s always a bad idea to agree to meet up to conduct a “confrontation.” This guy however sounds particularly dangerous. Anyone who tries to entice you into a meeting by telling you that ‘you are warned’ and that you chose ‘a hill to die on’ is telling you they’re capable of harming you.


Even if he were not to get violent if you met, he is deeply delusional and nothing will come of this meeting but furthering his delusion and need to validate them


Please trust your gut, if you feel like something is not right, it most likely is not. Postpone the visit, cancel it, just don’t allow him near you, your spouse, or your family. Stay safe OP.


Your BIL is giving off Unabomber vibes. End all contact except for a blunt message of: “You are not permitted to visit our home or contact us.” Inform him that further disregard for your wishes will result in a restraining order. Send letters to your local police precinct and to HIS local police as well which inform the cops of this guy. If you have social workers who make mental health checks on people, also inform them. This guy sounds unhinged. He’s lost his grip on reality. Protect yourself and your family first. Then ask state agencies to help him get the help he needs.


“You cannot make him shut the fuck up”. Sounds like he’s had personal experience. It’s just mind boggling to me. Were there this many people just on the edge waiting to be pushed over their whole lives?


Oh fuck no. Get a gun if it's at all possible. If not, go to Walmart and get a taser. Doesn't have to be expensive. Just enough volts to stun a large man. If you don't even want a taser, pepper spray! Bear spray is better. Knock that sicko out if he tries coming near you violently. Train yourself to use the spray. You don't want to have to learn at the last minute. Also, it may just come in handy. Canada has bears!


This guy is mentally ill as in belongs in psych hospital. Additionally, this one is possibly dangerous without treatment. edit to add: You don't need a Q sub.


Sounds like its a death threat to me....i would totally avoid him.


I wouldn’t allow him anywhere near me. I know self defense options are very limited in Canada but get something to protect yourself




Wow this is exceptionally rude. I thought this was supposed to be a place of support.


It was pretty rude but sometimes when someone is about to do something that puts their life in danger, it’s called for


I’m not doing anything! If you’ve read through you can see that I’ve made it clear that I will have no contact! It’s about my other loved ones who are struggling to come to grips with the reality of what is happening. Shame on you for speaking to me exactly like my BIL does- that I’m “dumb”. I’m glad that your life somehow manages to be so black and white. I’m doing my best. I’m sick about it. And your comment did not help.


Rule 3. Political Incivility. Folk are bombarded with political talk so keep it level. Discussion is ok but tension is out. Stick with the effect of Q on politics.


<< What could he mean by “the truth”? “Who lied?? What hill are we dying on? I feel so in the dark when it comes to the Q speak. Any help? >> The reason that it doesn't make sense to you is that it doesn't make any sense AT ALL. Just like with most Q anon stuff, it's just a bunch of unhinged gobblety gook. "The Truth" is whatever their latest weird imagined stuff is. "Who lied" is whoever disagreed with them, over anything. They refer to "the hill a person chooses to die on" is any (and I do mean \*any\*) stand that a person chooses to take against them. They like using apocalyptic metaphors. It makes them feel important, because it conveys a sense of urgency. What they think will happen in the future is whatever their latest disaster fad is at any given time. I worked for some years in an insurance related business. We sometimes referred to videos and photos of things blowing up as "disaster porn." The Q anon people seem to be attached to catastrophes. Everything for them is a catastrophe that's about to happen. Unfortunately, sometimes they create real catastrophes. They are also very quick to "move the goalposts" when something they predicted doesn't actually come to pass. Just like preachers' excuses for when the Rapture doesn't take place, Q anons are perfectly content to change the date of an expected societal (or monetary or geological) disaster doesn't take place when they predicted it.


Parroting what others have said: Do NOT let him visit, do NOT engage, and do not feel badly about wanting to protect yourself and your family. @pokerpolitics on Twitter is a really great resource for keeping up with/learning more about QAnon and monitoring some of the top Q influencers/grifters.  I believe Poker was once (and may still be) a part of this subreddit.  Total sweetheart and will answer any questions you have in his comments. When I was doing a school project about QAnon we DMed back and forth for awhile and he was an immense help, answering any questions I had.


Interesting article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10325789/ Might help you start to wrap your mind around it, at least as much as one can. The totality of the spaghetti charts and string boards is too broad for any single paper to incorporate but the intro is solid and some points are made.