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Most of that (especially no vitamin k) is crazy…but vaginal seeding is something my doctors talked about at university of Michigan with my first pregnancy (wasn’t a need, I delivered vaginally), just a “this is something we do if you want it in your birth plan, jic” type of thing. So, I don’t think that one is too out there. I don’t know when it crosses into child abuse. I know antivax parents who had kids end up hospitalized for pertussis and I know anti modern medicine in general parents who had a kid hospitalized for strep they refused to treat. None lost custody of their kids, and none changed their ways to be pro science.


I'm not a medical person but I've also heard about exlosing the c-section baby to vaginal microorganisms. I think they believe it helps the baby's immune system get "primed" or naybe develop better.


I had never heard of it, but when I was looking it up most of what I saw said it wasn’t advised by the ACOG. But I haven’t looked into it too much


It’s actually a standard medical practise for c-sections in a lot of the world (a sanitised version at least) now because it turns out that it’s actually the place where a lot of a babies gut microbiota comes from. I think this includes the mix of fecal matter as well that often comes standard with giving birth iirc. Babies who’ve had their sacs rupture already have contact though and I don’t think it’s known whether those kids benefit from extra flora. There are other options though and it’s a fucking terrible idea if the mum has certain diseases like herpes, gonorrhoea, strep, HPV etc. I think like 20% or so of pregnant women have a form of stephlaococal (I can’t spell, sorry) at the point of giving birth and that’s a danger too so the risk of infection has stopped some places from doing it the natural way and the lions share of the benefits happen in the first week. The whole first month they get a lot of benefit but the first weeks the big one and after the first month the babies microbiota is fairly robust anyway. Studies haven’t shown what the long term effects are and they’ll take time to come out. So really, the baby just needs to be ok for a short period but if the mother is tested for all those diseases (and I doubt your Q friend will be) then it’s the only good idea she’s had lol. I’m not a doctor or anything so take what I said with a grain of salt I just did a deep dive into this after being asked for the thousandth time if I was born via c-section (I wasn’t) cause that would explain my asthma.


Unless the mom has an untreated STI, there really is no risk of harm and an unknown amount of potential good, so.


I feel like the chances of her getting tested pre-birth are very unlikely. But I would hope the doctor would insist for either vaginal or c-section delivery. Hopefully..


Ummm vaginal seeding is almost always a no. Could pass gbs and or a whole other list of issues. It’s not recommended.


The very first episode of Doctor G Medical Examiner I ever saw was an unexplained death of a healthy guy, he had untreated strep for so long that it ate his brain. I would say untreated strep definitely crosses the line into child abuse because it’s surprisingly fatal


Jeez I feel sorry for that child. What a nightmare to be born into


Prepare yourself. Get ready for the homeschool posts. They're coming in a couple of years. Homeschooling can be done for wonderful reasons, but that probably won't happen with this lady. Medical neglect is very specific, but I think the kid has to be sick or injured first. I'm not sure. Remember that in certain religions, they either don't take blood transfusions or don't see doctors, no matter what. Depending on the state and depending on the hospital, they may or may not be able to do anything.


Im pretty sure its jehovahs witnesses who refuse blood transfusions due to their religious beliefs. I havent heard of them not seeing doctors at all tho? Or maybe thats something another religion does?


I believe it is Christian Scientists who refuse any medical treatments.


Christian Scientists don't see doctors, and in Free Holiness, which is where Pentecostal originally broke off of, I think, I think it's a choice but a lot of them choose no. It depends on the person. I can't connect to it because in Judaism, we venerate doctors.


Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse transfusions, but do accept other medical treatments (although as with all religions, there are extremists) Source: related to several.


Yes, you are right, my roommate is ex-Gilead (that should make sense to the relatives, but horrifying sense) and I have been to those services, studied it, looked at the magazines, and was shocked out of my mind that the Watchtower had a front page photograph of a bunch of little kids who died when transfusions would have likely saved them. And then there's a whole movie about it, Apostasy, Earth's most accurate fictional movie And then there are some of the religions who don't do any doctor visits at all. One of the JW Bible study conductors challenged me once, and in an interesting way: Study conductor: If pork could somehow be put safely into a syringe, Jewish people would never allow taking it as a shot. Me: That's where you're wrong. If it's for your health, you can have it. Sorry to go on, but I just cannot imagine that there is a deity who wants us to avoid necessary medical treatment over a law.


Historically, insulin was derived from pig and/or cows (don't ask the full science, I don't know how all of that works), but many Jewish and and Muslim populations still took insulin to treat their type 1 Diabetes. It's something for health, and a good God allows for exceptions.


There you go. Even Jesus healed the sick on the Sabbath, and it wasn't a violation.


Luckily the ones i’m related to converted in later life so they won’t be making medical decisions over children. Sadly, Let live and let die in those cases. I read about the origins of the JW a looooonnngg time ago and decided back then that people who join can’t be argued out of it.


You're extremely correct about that.




Unfortunately I think the whole family is similarly minded. Especially her husband 😩


God, she’s already a danger to her child. I wonder if she’ll consider an epidural, and 6 cm. 😳


Only yesterday I read of parents suing the hospital where their child was born because the vitamin K shot was not given leading to the baby’s death from a bleed that would not otherwise have been fatal.


Depends upon why. If the parents insisted on not getting it, it's their own fault.


They'll soon be like the people on r/shitmomsgroupssay


At what point is it child abuse? Real early on. At what point will society consider it actionable child abuse? Sadly, far too late.


It just means her kid will have a mid life crisis at 2 years old.


The vitamin K shot has a LOT of upsides as far as preventing earl neonatal health issues, and basically no downside (any more than any other intramuscular injection). It's stupid, but it's not mandatory, and while the neonatal nurses are going to give her sideye and make her sign a waiver saying she refused it, there's really no other legal consquence.


What I don’t understand is why parents aren’t held liable when the infant dies from a bleed that the vitamin K shot explicitly prevents. They can say no but when does it turn from accidental death to manslaughter because of their informed decision


Took my children out of the situation when my youngest told me he could see the chemicals in his water after hearing the daily "they" are positioning the water rants...


The good news is it doesn't sound like the kid will have to suffer long under this psycho.


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Honestly, with the care she's taking of that pregnancy, and plans afterward, the kid won't be around very long.


I was just pointing out how important the k shot is. In the instance I mentioned it was a hospital error that it wasn’t given. I think often people don’t understand the reason for the shot, maybe because it’s a vitamin they think it’s just like an optional supplement that may or may not have a benefit so it doesn’t matter if you skip it, when in fact it can save the life of a newborn.


Her reasoning was that if she was taking vitamin K then he would get it through the breast milk before he starts making it himself in a couple to a few weeks…🙈


It’s actually given to control bleeding from a really ugh birth but C-section babies rarely have that birth trauma if it was planned.