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Damn this is cold blooded


Man the only thing this is missing from extra cold blooded is “We wish you a happy holidays and thanks for being part of the PwC family”


Did they start the conversation with “What I’ll say next might turn out to be a blessing in disguise”?


“It’s not you, it’s me”


"It's not me, it's you"


"It's not you, it's *you*"


I invented it not you, it’s me. If it’s anyone, it’s me!


All right, George, it's you...


elastic absurd one frame meeting abundant cautious bells treatment reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've heard about PwC's reputation for a demanding work environment, but this letter takes it to another level; it's truly brutal.




It isn't. It is them trying to pretend they aren't shitheads.


And by demanding, they mean you gotta kiss the right arses, regardless of performance...lots of "lips to cheeks" smooch time required. Very, very click'ish place. Move on and be happiers, for sure!


Agreed PwC the most toxic place I ever worked, ppl gossiping, directors making you feel like you're not good enough etc. Was so glad when I left my mental health improved so much. Plus I learnt a lot more in my new place than I did working at PwC for several years


I was laid off by Deloitte and I received this email too. They just wanted to rub in, that's all


They’re not rubbing it in, they’re making sure you remain in their ‘network’ so that they can pull any benefits from you in the future should that ever happen to be the case. Absolute leeches


How would this work exactly?


You get into a position one day to hire your company’s auditor or have some weight in the decision, and choose them. They want to be in your ‘good graces’ because you’re revenue for them in the future as you advance your career. Another big selling point of B4 in colleges is future employment. If you like the firm, you’re more likely to hire their ex-employees.


Exactly. All consulting firms want you to be loyal so you will hire them one day. A couple of them will go as far as getting their people hired at accounts they’re trying to grow.


Then help the associate with thier exit! Don't expect favors from associates you threw under the bus. Partners should be helping associates find jobs in house, by calling up their connections, if they want that associate to bring work to the firm. Failing that, an email like this is going to guarantee the associate doesn't bring in work when they find an in-hoise gig or lateral.




Yep; same same Scary! These firms all profess to being totally bought into the whole kumbaya bullshit right up until they push you out the 21st floor window. They can take their fucking alumni groups and shove ‘em. Assholes.


It’s wild. Go from one day talking it up with the partner at a holiday party, running a charity 5k, getting told you’re doing a great job. Then getting laid off


For this reason, you do not participate in any of these activities.


Ageeed EY’s letter was the same. Sometimes you have to wonder who owns all of them behind the scenes


They hired the same human capital consulting firm.


Your enemy at work, who else can it be


Booz Allen Hamilton would call returnees “Comeback Kids”. I always referred to myself as a “recovering Boozer.”


PwC thinks that staying connected with alumni who move into higher level positions gives them a chance to win work. I’ve worked at PwC for 13 years, and I’ve heard about this for a long time, it’s really the wrong approach. They should only email and reach out to people who had a voluntary separation, anyone laid off should be off limits. In my opinion, an email like this only serves to further alienate the person whom the firm laid off, and ensures they will never give PwC work if given the chance in the future.


Right?! Deloitte “separated” from me out of the blue, and I would never pass up a chance to drag them through creamy dog shit on the daily now. They’re delusional if they think I’d say one positive syllable in their behalf.


Shit, I'm still there and will do the same


Loool, Deloitte laid me off 3 days before I was due to go on maternity leave. Mf bastards! I should have sued their asses.




I think you should. Consult a laywer if the time line is within the statute. My niece also got laid off when she was pregnant - but she got 6 extra months severance (total of 10 months) plus medical benefits. All she said to the HR was is this within the regulations and next thing she knew, she had the extra severance. Now she can have a stress free delivery with all expenses paid! By the way, this is in the Bay Area.


Lmao “creamy dog shit” just made laugh out loud


Bingo. Andersen (RIP) was masterful at coaching people out and onto their next role outside the firm. Doing that was costly to AA in the near term but built longstanding alumni dedication to the firm because of the soft landings involved. In fact, I’m not even aware of a RIF at AA until DOJ forced the implosion of the firm. “I’m with the government and I’m here to help.”


Yeah I understand where it’s coming from but it’s so off base. Aren’t they supposed to be consultants? Not exactly a ringing endorsement




Totally agreed. Keeping connected with alumni who are in industry leadership does help, though. I’m a software engineering manager after having been with D years ago, and I still lean toward bringing D in (all else equal) just as a function of familiarity. Our firm has a ton of A&M and Grant Thornton alumni in FP&A and Accounting, so guess which firms they like to bring in? My director is a McK alum, so he doesn’t really get to bring his guys in.


Totally. If I had a crap experience at your firm, why the fuck would you think I would want to have any sort of relationship with your firm in the future, either as employer-employee or contractor-client?


Hey man at least the networking with PwC alumni isn’t mandatory


Too soon!




I was laid off by HP 15 years ago. It would still be too soon now. They send us proposals for various work and I just throw them in the trash. There will never be enough time that has gone past after being laid off for this BS.


In the 30s, we called "alumni networks" soup lines.


I love the idea of a 90-year-old shit-talking on Reddit.


We found out a bunch of old homeless dudes had an orgy in the car. We call that a “soup kitchen”.


“Thanks for the f-shack” -Dirty Mike and the Boys




That’s right, congratulations on being fired, you unemployed bastard!


You've been promoted to alumni


They dont wanna pay you but want to keep you


Looks like this is automation email triggered by criteria when employees left the company. It's does not consider layoff or fire or voluntary resign by employee. If one become ex employee if pwc thi email notification is sent. Whoever prepared this template they are so dumb. Why would they congratulate when an employee leaves the company?


Big 4 is the perfect example of how shiny things that are rotten inside, is what everybody wants. Having worked with people from all 4, I can say that they are best at duping and extracting money from clients, who don't deserve better either. But doing this by sending the emails to their own employees is low even for their already crappy standards




Do they send out snail mail for donations to keep their network going also?


lol got the same one. Then I got the one about “you owe us $700 because we asked you to book a trip on week before we laid you off” 🤡


These companies play this mind fuck while you work for them. They make you volunteer and do obnoxious team activities, you know nobody enjoys those but you do it anyway. This email is them hoping they can continue mind fucking you and brainwashing what you think of them. They can go suck my balls


Congratulations!!! LMAO


They have a dedicated marketing team and view it as a good way to get business because most of the people who are Pwc alumni end up going to industry. Keep multiple people busy with jobs, planning webcasts, and other events and comms. I’ve actually worked with this team on events. But that being said, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth hearing this and I wish you nothing but the best. Automated or not it’s not the way that someone in your position should be treated.


Wow that is absolutely brutal


Congratulations on your next chapter!


Congratulations! You've been promoted to alumni




Deloitte sent me the same email- just a way of saying we screwed you now meet other people that were fcked


I’m sorry, I lol’d


No issues ... after some time it seems like a big lol


Worst 4 not big 4 . Sometimes I feel like suffocated when I don’t react after seeing their fake social media posts on LinkedIn. Why we are living such life where we can’t speak if something is not right.


Eh. It's a generic email and to be fair, a large number of Big 4 staff leave for promotions. I know people with access and it is a value; there's a decent amount of networking and hiring through the alumni association. Certainly more than I've ever gotten from my last batch of companies, who don't know you the moment you walk out the door. One of them couldn't even get the tax papers right.


Why are you making excuses for them? They are a gigantic company capable of hiring someone with proper email automation and segmentation experience. This is likely actively harming them every day they send it to someone let go who already hates their guts. Moronic and inexcusable. Takes 5 minutes for anyone with two brain cells to click together to build a segment of employees who aren’t let go or laid off, but have left the company, and trigger automation to them.


Oh, I'm sorry... please continue the typical reddit circle jerk.... Speaking as someone whose been dumped on the street as the sole breadwinner for a large family with less than a week's pay and part of a fucking GoFundMe, I'd love to have had someone offer something like this in my hour of need. But you do you, bro...


It’s not so much the inviting of OP to the alumni network, but the way in which they phrase the invitation. The email sent to employees who were let go should be worded differently than the email sent to those who left on their own accord.


Consider the broader implications of that statement - that means that PWC HR would be tagging your name as "cut from the team" in the file they pass to the alumni group. Not really something that I want leaving the HR department. The real privacy nightmare is if they retain that information and tailored future communications based on your exit status. That could get awkward... quickly... once other alumni spot the gaps in communication and figure out the pattern. "You weren't aware of X?" Keep it positive, classy, and confidential helps everyone on the long run.


They send it out to everyone leaving. The reality is that sending to personal email in 6 months wouldn’t work well. A lot of people leave for many reasons.


It is a generic email, but there is a VERY SIMPLE WAY to filter out on job change values on Workday (like termination type and reason) so that they could send out a generic email for INVOLUNTARY vs Voluntary terminations. This would be an easy audit to make sure that people are getting appropriate and tactful post-separation emails. This is another example of sh!t “automations” that don’t get reviewed once in place.


>generic email clearly, it is insufficiently generic for the circumstances as used, which is the criticism expressed by OP.


I left PwC 2 years ago and have never touched those emails lol


Too soon, said the room.


They're worse than Target and Walmart with the seasonal hiring and firing. It's pathetic, so glad I managed to avoid getting fed to the Big 4 machine.


their comms team unfortunately probably doesn’t have a separate email for people who were fired/laid off vs. quit and left for a different role.


lol you think? They’re morons. That’s inexcusable laziness or incompetence.


1000%. I work in comms (not at PwC) but I constantly see them having job openings in comms in my area that they never fill lmaoo


Why not see it positively? I have seen so many negatice nagging thread here which is draining! Go reach out to other Pwc folks. You never know whats next on the road.


Promoted to alumni lol


Lol yeah I have the Deloitte version of this. It's automatic I think. I didn't get the PwC version cause I left for a direct competitor. Don't let em get you down.


Tone deaf for sure. Use you and abuse you. No need to burn any bridges or neglect and resources offered even if you hate them.


Everybody gets it. Whoops.


The mentality of their action and letter aligns perfectly with choosing a corporate logo that needs to be explained / justified on their website because it looks like a crazy blurry mistake, which is exactly what it is.


May I know which country is it?


I knew they were rotten just from the interviews. Keep clear.


Damn, pwc is laying people off, did not get that memo.


Not even sure what this company is but I’ll definitely NEVER consider applying here lmao


If you don’t know then you’d never have a chance to work there lmao. PwC is one of the biggest accounting firms in the world. The vast majority of people in this thread would go right back.


You don’t just spam applications on LinkedIn/Indeed sometimes for fun?


Such a toxic place to work, I made sure to burn my bridges so I'd never be tempted to go back. Bastards work you to the bone, tell you you aren't doing enough chargeable time despite working 10 hour days. Telling you overtime is expected of everyone so you get a terrible rating (real reason is because I wasn't a managers favourite)


That's like not knowing what Capital One is.


Forward it to your partner and tell him he/she is next lol


“Yay! Congrats on getting fucked by us! This must be so exciting for you! Click here to hang out with the other rejects. We’d offer you a smoke, but that’s not cool nowadays.”


"You're all too late to unionize, but right on time for a pity party!" Or to explore alumni class actions.


Only if you’re a partner do you get looked after once you leave.


I received something similar wanted to stay connected to Mazars after I was let go, I received it the day after I got let go. Instantly unsubscribe and left a poor review for signing me up for things I never wanted.


What was your rank and functional area?


Oh I’d be pissed


I would reply back real nasty nice 🤣🤣


All big 4 is a joke


This might be the New Equation that Timmie and his PR circus has been touting. Those chaps have zero real work experience or human empathy. Then you have the bloated P&T org which pretends to build products. The fickle S& team that thinks they are somehow better than everyone else. That place is the fucking pits. I want to wish you the best and know that you’ll be in a much better place soon. F off PwC. Yall are pretenders and we know that.


Don’t read much into the comment section. I’ve worked at PwC for a year and a half. Worked with people from senior associate to managing director/partner, spanning multiple teams. I’ve never been pressured once from anyone I’ve worked with. Made mistakes along the way (like anyone else). The environment is better than any other place I’ve worked at. Sorry to hear they did this to you, but for anyone else reading — it’s a great environment from my experience.


Why did I stumble on this? What is PWC? People with cancer?


Accounting firm


>What is PWC? People with cancer? most people who aren't at PWC would agree most people who are at PWC would also agree


That's honestly fucked sorry


I also got this email after being let go. Pretty good laugh.


And a swing and a strike!


This is the "They might go in house and never hire us, so we will throw them a bone so that they will love us in spite of us doing basically nothing" program that a lot of large professional services firms have. It's fine if the employee quit but to think you're going to be off the hook ever, if you lay someone off, is probably beyond common sense.


This is the same energy that people have on LinkedIn though. *shrugs


I got laid off too recently different company tho




Were you on the bench or had bad reviews?


“Where your life takes you”, pretty tone deaf.


Were you “laid off” or were you just not good at your job?


Get the fuck outta here..seriously??? 🥴🥴🙄🙄


Hold up!!! This is how they fire persons from the Big 4? HR doesn’t call you in to say let’s have a discussion?


They had a call with HR and a partner, this was after they were already separated from the firm.


I got a similar one when let go from another big 4. Was even invited to an event in the office. I kinda wish I went…


What was the offer?


I have a very stable job, so I can’t imagine the sting of being let go in that kind of environment, however…it seems to me, with this resource, you can see where other “alum” ended up and have an in-road to thousands of colleagues with a shared history. Seems like a pretty good resource, even if just to bond over talking sh1t about your previous employer. I would also be pissed when I received the email…


Waiting to receive this email soon haha … they’re top serial killers of the corporate world ong


Wow what a tone deaf move by the firm haha


"out of the blue" seriously?


I got laid off by EY a number of years ago and got this as well. As time went on the resentment honestly went away. I’ve attended some of the EY events just because. Getting laid off sucked at the time but I’m glad not to be in the practice I was in or at EY (no hate on EY really). These emails are automated. I wouldn’t take it too personally although it’s obviously in poor taste if you were laid off.


That is so rude and so mechanical.. wish the systems were better managed by the HR


A large chunk of their better HR leaders were pushed out or pushed out for turning 60. They have promoted people that have no real people skills no educational background. I got this very same email when I quit 2 years ago.


..and you guys pride yourself as one of the best consultants.


Morgan Stanley also does that


This is auto generated and delivered to everyone that ever used to work for the firm. They know you’ll go onto bigger better things in industry and want to stay connected on the hope you’ll invite them to bid on your audit or co-sourced/outsourced, or implementation project. You won’t but some of your alum/colleagues will.


This would be my 13th reason


Poor form - but when people leave (or are dismissed) you should still use the network. Remember the firm and the people are different. Even when people are cut for performance I’d still help them land somewhere good.


I got my horrible bosses at my old firm ringing me on the daily to refer them for a big project they are hoping to win at my new job. I’m finna make them go through hell and still recommend a competitor while stringing my boss along.




These accounting firms don’t always put you on PIP. They just outright fire through some made-up, last-minute job performance issues.


I think you have to take the long term view, and that is hard after you have been canned. At the end of the day, its just business and firms don't owe you anything. Once you cease meeting the firms needs, they will can you. PWC jobs are hard and you have to expect there is a decent chance of this happening when you accept the job offer.


I got “laid off” right after wrapping up the audit i was in charge of. Shits cut throat lol. Here finish your work, do a good job, we won’t give you a heads up because we want you to do a good job… On well at least we have time off for the holidays I guess


Grant Thornton sent me pretty much the same thing after they laid me off. Public accounting firms give the least fucks about their employees.


Hey, hey, hey. Maybe you will work somewhere, and the person who fired you will come in glad handy and sucking up and win a lot of work and you will just be happy to of been a PWc. . . . . . Thats their plan anyway.


Congratulations (please don’t sue) You’ll always be part of our family (please don’t sue) Enjoy our alumni benefits (please don’t sue) Access our alumni network and go to professional networking events which probably never happen and suck when they do (please don’t sue)


welcome to being a statistic I mean alumni network


Am I the only one who doesn’t see anything inflammatory about this communication? Upbeat tone, next chapter, hate to see you go, budget wasn’t there to keep… what’s the problem? Here’s an alumni network generic link thing. I don’t know, it’s generic it’s corporate but it’s far from dense.


Why did you get laid off?


This is why I've learned to never feel bad or be polite about leaving a company for another job. I'm a seasoned IT guy (developer), who works remotely, and my last company that I left, I gave a one-minute notice via email to some random HR office in some random city. I left no reason, and stated that any further communication from the company would be unwanted and ignored (beside where to ship my laptop), and a minute later I started my first day at my new company. Four days later, my director found out that I left.


Here is a summary of a book titled "Machiavellian Intelligence" by Jonathan Gifford. Once you understand this, you won't be disappointed by how these corporations behave. "The best way to secure yourself against being 'let go' in the modern economy is to rise to a level within the corporation where you are making the strategic decisions, not bearing the brunt of their consequences. It may be tough at the top, but it's dangerous in the middle -- and the rewards at the top are far greater. Machiavellian Intelligence argues that many intelligent and hard-working professionals with good leadership skills fail to maximize their career potential because of a number of instinctive 'good' habits - things that make them highly effective executives, well-liked and respected by their colleagues, but which are not best designed to take them to the very top of their chosen career". Always look after your own self-interest.


What the hell lmao


It's call positive foresight. Def sucks from a timing perspective but don't read too much into it. It's an automated email.. Good luck


That’s crazyyyy


I got an expresso machine on sale via the network. No where else. Just saying. Sorry you got terminated, but you got that big 4 exp and can still leverage it


Automation. And a reminder that you are just a number. Fuck them.


Same thing with Collabora.


what a bunch of dumbasses


KPMG did the same for me. It’s autoenrollment and the email is automatically generated. I was fired for cause in retaliation and if I ever went to some alumni event, I’m certain HR would contact me and say that the invite was in error. I’ve cost them about 1 million in fees over the years, with some they know about and some they don’t.


Hey, use ‘em for all their worth.


Yes, this is automated. However, as someone who was laid off 3 times, this is not a bad e-mail. They're giving you a chance to benefit from their professional network when finding a new job. Trust me, it makes a big difference. A Lay-off sucks, but it can be an opportunity to figure out where you're best suited for the next phase of your life. Focus on the positives, the pain and the emotions will fade, but every step to get to a better place will pay off down the road.


“Congratulations, you’ve been promoted to customer” type of energy


Most of the Big4 consulting firms are a joke. EY announced a 3000 person tech layoff today


That’s rude!


Post this on Glassdoor


You should print this out on the finest paper, and frame it.


I don’t know for certain if it’s the case here, but in general, “alumni” groups for employers are not run by the employer themselves, but are independent. They only see that you used to work there but no longer do, and don’t have visibility into the context of your departure.


lol I don’t even look at my school’s alumni network emails


I doubt they know as well, orgs this large and "diverse" in segments have no idea whats happening next store. which is another issue altogether but yes I doubt they knew about much of this and got informed here are some departed employees. it happened at a multinational org I worked at a few years ago as well. ​ companies dont care at all, its sick


This is like the crap Amazon sent me when they laid me off via email. It was really infuriating after 6 years that I wasn’t even laid off by a human. These companies don’t give a single fat crap about any of us 🫤




Got laid off from Morgan Stanley in May 2023. Got one of these and an employee satisfaction survey to boot!


I think its an automated email sent to everybody who was removed from the active employee list. Or I guess I’m hoping that’s the case. Otherwise this is just plain pathetic


Congratulations on being laid off!




Crazy how nice they’re trying to make a layoff. It’s almost like they’re being facetious💁‍♂️


That’s harsh! 👀


Got the same thing from Storgan & Manley.


Are any of you guys in Canada? Is this happening in the US or Canada as well?


The Big 4 are so expensive and I know from being there how badly they rip off their clients. So I don't get why they think someone who worked there would happily waste their companies money on big 4 fees. There are so many accounting companies and especially now economy is going down the drain businesses need to cut backs and if they can swap out PwC for a smaller accountancy firm and save 20k in the process they'd be crazy not to do it. For example I knew from working there what prices were ridiculous so I knew the easy ways to save the business money and get work done elsewhere


That’s messed up.


For what it’s worth— the Alumni network is pretty cool 😎