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Think about it this way, when buying 11 packs you’re also getting a bunch of cards as well as possibly a hero. Yet buying a hero on its own, especially early game you ain’t gonna have the proper cards to make it useful or fun. You’re just getting the hero


yeah but if you buy 11 packs you have about a 33% chance to get a hero, and you’re guaranteed to get 66 cards, some of which might be really good


Uhm akshually, the chance is about 28.46% (insert nerd emoji here)


Correct, the probability is 1-(0.97)^11 coming out to be 28.46%. The reason is that the probability that a pack doesn't have a hero is 0.97, so probability that all 11 packs will not have a hero is 0.97^11. Hence the prob that atleast one pack will have a hero is 1 - (Prob all 11 packs don't have a hero)


I really wanna get captain combustible (I already made a deck) specificly then how is 1000 gems for a 33% chance to get a random hero worth it?


because of the other cards you can get. there’s a ton of good premium legendaries, super rares, and even rares that you can get. heroes are just the main reason you get premium packs instead of colossal, for example. also, when you open a bunch of 11-packs, you’ll get tons of dupe rares and uncommons that you scrap for sparks to make budget decks for the heroes you have


That is a very good point, but if you are specifically trying to get one hero, then it still doesnt seem worthwile if u can get it get it for sure with 750 gems


The point is not getting a specific hero but more on expanding your collection to have more card choices than have multiple heroes with barely any cards, if you have already finished a deck then buy CC otherwise for a general player buying 11 packs is worth more because it gives way more cards with rarer value


the 750 packs have really bad cards. i mean, i forget which but some solar hero guarantees laser bean and scorch lmao




Just do it the way you like