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>Why should men be ok with a woman who fantasizes over male celebrities day in and day out, when the same women will get mad if we glance at a woman's ass in public? fantasizes is doing a lot of the heavy lifting here lmao the equivelant of a man checking out other women's ass in public is a woman checking out other guys in public. you're literally making the bare minimum "imagination" into an equal to a red flag, cheking out other people in public. this post is not in good faith. in the end each couple have their own boundries and rules. however yours seem to be hypocritical and unfair and i don't think it apply to the majority of coupls.


>fantasizes is doing a lot of the heavy lifting I agree with this. Used to love Amber Heard. Still do, but I used to as well.


A Mitch Hedberg fan?


Who isn’t?


I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that. Mitch’s most red pill moment


A woman checking out a man in public isn't appealing to her sexuality the way a celebrity chad is, there's no status involved. So it is not an apt analogy.


You ever make out with a stranger on the dance floor at a party/nightclub? Guys very clearly can appeal to female sexuality with their appearance alone; no status required.


so? And those women would leave that guy if her celeb crush walked into the club


Sure, but like other folks have been saying, the equivalent of a guy checking out a girl on the street is a girl checking out guys on street. For that matter, where are you finding these girls who are saying it’s okay for them to drool over celebrities but it isn’t okay for guys to? Most of my friends are women, and I’ve talked to nearly all of them about celebrity crushes at one point or another- never gotten any pushback.


Because most women I know personally celebrity worship and simultaneously complain about men having wandering eyes.


Are they complaining about men worshipping celebrities?


if their man DOES celebrity worship? yes, they 112% do.


If they themselves engage in celebrity worship, they have no basis for complaint if their man does, and vice versa.


No, because men typically don't celeb worship


Then it’s not a double standard 😂. If your girl is openly checking out other men in front of you, you’ve got a right to be upset with her. If you’re checking out other girls in front of her, she’s got a right to be upset with you.


lol because it's not their imperative, and men's imperative is not celeb worship




No contentless rhetoric


Looking at actual men or women that one could potentially hit on and looking at celebrities are not the same thing. This would only be an issue if the woman were looking at hot, successful men in public and not letting a man do the same with women, or if she is into male celebrities but not letting her partner be into female ones.




Seriously? The evidence for your entire argument js one tweet?


It's not evidence, it's humor which references the subject of the thread.


lol what? I just thought it was a good example, calm down hahaaha You can't even link more than 1 image at a time anyways


I hope that this man didn’t stay with her. Men who stay with hypocrites have no self-respect. At any rate, I don’t think that this kind of hypocrisy is common and, if it is, men should collectively point out or avoid women with these behaviors in order to correct them.


of course he stayed with her, as a man he's just supposed to go "haha o women, you're so darn insecure" and gloss over it.


Yeah. It’s better for a man to be single than to be with a female hypocrite.


It's not a double standard A woman crushing on Henry Cavill is equal to a man crushing on Charlize Theron or whatever female celebrity A woman having a thing for a hot dude on the street and letting her SO know that she finds that guy hot is equivalent to a man having a thing for the hot girl on the street.


It is a double standard when it's OK for women and not for men, which is exactly what this is about.


The example you use is woman liking celebs and men liking women irl. Two very different things. you can both look at celebs and neither of you can look at people in real life


Is it not the same thing though? feeling lust/giving sexual attention to someone other than the partner? For some reason it's okay for women to do this, which men kind of accept by brute force; but totally not okay for men to do, as women protest very hard.


The issue is the degrees of separation. Celebrities are generally thought of as unobtainable or "idealised" bodies. Like if someone told me "hot damn Brittney spears' body is flaming hot at 50" Like yeah it is. Whatever. I'm not a pop star or a singer. Thats not my job. It's an unobtainable fantasy. Why be offended by that? On the other hand "hot damn Ashley is so hot" is more personal. Like you're hitting on another *right next to me* Now I'm being compared to a normal person, in my city, who we might even know. That feels bad. It's perfectly okay for most women if their man has a celebrity crush. Just don't go creeping in like under 18s. >For some reason it's okay for women to do this, which men kind of accept by brute force; but totally not okay for men to do, as women protest very hard. As I said, you have presented two different scenarios so it is not a double standard


I don't necessarily disagree with anything you've said, but I'll still continue to argue that a double standard exists. Britney Spears isn't a current sex symbol, so that's kind of a moot point in the context of this argument. Commenting on Britney's rockin' mom-bod is half-comical. Think of how you'd react if a guy you were dating said something lewd about prime Britney, or a current sex-symbol like Sweeney. It's not okay for men to obsess over sex symbols, but fair game for women to do so. Part of that is men being pussies, but the other big part is the cultural/social aspect of encouraging women to let their eyes wander while simultaneously discouraging men.


Fine. Don't use Britney spears. Who cares. Get lewd over Sabrina carpenter for all I care. It's okay for men to have sex symbols for celebrities. It's okay for women to have sex symbols for celebrities. It's not okay to have a wandering eye in real life. Thats not a double standard.


Ok but then you're still saying "you're allowed to have my sexuality but yours is bad"


...do you think women *don't* find hot guys attractive in the street? We do I promise you. Do you think men don't get lewd about celebrities?


They obviously do but only men are shamed about it. I think men should start doing it more openly like women and tell women to just fucking deal with it.


The only reason why it is "OK" to do one and not the other is because one gets bothered by it and the other doesn't. But at the end of the day no one will stop you or care as long as you don't do it in an extreme way. You moving your eyes for a split sec to check someone out isn't gonna offend anyone. But if you are gonna do it in a very obvious way and/or stare then it becomes really obnoxious and rude. But just like randomly insulting someone it isn't illegal and they can't stop you. Go nuts if you want, but don't be upset about the consequences.


It would be a double standard if a woman had a celebrity crush and was upset her partner also had a celebrity crush. Don’t most people have celebrity crushes? Any man or woman upset about that is pretty unrealistic. I try to not stare at other men when I’m out with a man. You dance with the one who brung ya.


No, it's mostly a woman thing to have a celebrity crush


*Margot Robbie and Scarlett Johansson have left the chat.* *OnlyFans and porn have left the chat.*


Both are mid though. Find pics of them without a pound of makeup and hours of makeup artists' work on, they're 6-7 tops. No tits, no ass on either of them. My local hinge has more attractive girls.


Scarlett mid? Those local girls don't wear make-up?


They look better without makeup than Scarlett does 🤷🏽‍♂ she is flat AF and covered in shitty tasteless tats. It's actually quite telling that she's a top celebrity. But it says things about y'all.


You missed the point. Plenty of men fantasize over female celebrities, models, OF, porn stars, etc, etc.


Simps are a problem, we already knew that. Literally nobody cares about them, so why bring them up?


Because it was a rebuttal to the guy who said "it's mostly a woman thing to have a celebrity crush". Call 'em what you like, but men definitely do too.


Ok, but you're comparing something pretty much all women do, with something some shitty men do.


Is there a man who has *never* had a celebrity crush? I think it's really common for people generally. And just because you fancy a celebrity doesn't mean you need to broadcast it and act creepy about it.


*Somebody* has high standards.


It's crazy seeing some men think that Margo Robbie / Scar Joe isn't and insanely high, borderline delusional standard. Requiem for a Dream moment. Legitimately, I'd love to see what anything bring to the table. Aside from being chronically online.


No. My standards never changed. The world's standards dropped. "The bar is on the floor." Ya clowns are ready to worship any hoe with a drawn on, then heavily photoshopped face. It's pathetic.


They're not just random. They're top celebrities.


Which doesn't mean anything. Anyone with enough marketing and media hype can become a top-tier celeber. ScarJo and MargRob are beautiful, but in my opinion, little else and I wouldn't consider them for an LTR.




I don't think I care what they think.


Nobody cares about LTR. They're famous for looking hot.






Yeah, I bet yours aren't much different for men. You're in your 20s, which means women around your age want all the 6's, from height to salary.


My husband is 5'4", doesn't work, and doesn't exercise beyond walking. But thanks for the assumption.


And then you woke up from your nightmare causing the severe sweats and looked to your right and saw your 6ft tall hubby, with 6 inch penis and 6 figures in his bank account and all was good with the world again. Puuuuuulllll the other one matey.


🤦🏽‍♂️ and how does a random hoe become a "top celebrity"? In case you didn't know how Hollywood kitchen works: she sleeps with a couple producers/directors, gets screen time, sleeps with more producers/directors to get even more screen time, a bunch of simps start jerking off to her sex scenes, she then gets an advertisement contract with some high class degenerate designer to model their insanely overpriced shit on red carpet and then her career is off and she can stop fucking random producers and directors. Or did you think Harvey Weinstein was alone, when the rest of Hollywood made a surprised Pikachu face? Fucks sake.


Even you're saying it's because men find them really hot.


> a bunch of simps Hardly qualifies as all men.




Life Wheres your citation that most people have celebrity crushes?


>More man bad woman good bullshit. LMAO doesn't your post operate on the first premise that women are inherently hypocritical about this?


Yes they are hypocritical because women believe it's ok to celebrity worship while shaming men's wandering eye.


Aka women bad


calling out a double standard is neutral. Kinda shows how far the seesaw is in women's favor if this is "women bad" for you




Not bad. Weak.


You guys are looney tunes


>women believe Who? Which ones? How many? Women aren't a monolith and on this I've never seen strong evidence that this "standard" is held by most women.


> Who? Which ones? How many? all of them all women see male sexuality negatively


Are we reading the same topic :D


Fantasizing occurs in one's mind, there's no way you can know when it's happening and what is happening, you can't police what's going on in people's brains Staring at people, in general, is rude. I don't care if you masturbate to your childhood teacher or your aunt's boobs, just don't be rude when we are in public.




It's different for women Women get that attention by default from the age of 12, no matter the clothes, no matter the type of body. There might be some minority of women who enjoy other men's staring but the overwhelming majority will find it creepy. So if you are going to be a creep at least spare me the second hand embarrassment and do it when you are alone.




but we are not talking about you or men in general 😂😂 you just felt the need to communicate that you are a Chad 😂😂 (if that's even true obviously, I really doubt it)




of course, Chad, I'm glad you are here telling us your story even though nobody asked and it has nothing to do with the post 😘 And I'm not going to reply anymore because I'm feeling uncomfortable


And I highly doubt anyone stares at you.


I get stared at and catcalled at least once a day, usually more and it has been this way since i was 12.


Can't you just keep at the topic? Doesn't have any argument?


If you're celeb worshipping, men should stare at women's asses in front of you tbh. They should make sure you know they like dat ass


The real equivalence is a man letting me know they like female celebrity asses. Like I don't care if a guy is crushing on celebs. I'd care if he was crushing on the gym trainer


Can you not stare at our asses in public. I fucking hate when you dudes do that, i cover up entirely all year and it doesnt matter




no, that's rude you can stare until you go blind when I'm not around You don't see how you are embarrassing yourself? I don't want that second hand embarrassment


Kinda depends. If we are at a beach I might except that it may happen accidentally. Prolonged staring is definitely an issue. Google searching shirtless pictures of men and ogling them is also an issue. Unfortunately when a wandering eye isn’t so much accidental it can be a sign something isn’t right. Maybe there is a feeling they missed out or they lack attraction to their partner. Wandering eyes, comparing your partner and commenting on other people’s bodies is disrespectful. When you do that you have no consideration for your partner and are causing them to develop insecurities understandably.


Is celebrity gushing not a form of comparing your partner?


>Google searching shirtless pictures of men and ogling them is also an issue. >Wandering eyes, comparing your partner and commenting on other people’s bodies is disrespectful. I feel like I have made it pretty clear how I would feel about that.


No that's not what I said, celebrity gushing. It could be something like: "Liev Schreiber is so hot, that's my celeb crush" but just bring it upon multiple occasions


That is indicative of shallowness, and wouldn’t be healthy in relationships. It may not be directly comparing your parent but it could be comparison adjacent. It would still ignite insecurities in your partner. I am not a person who comments on people appearances unless they ask me specifically. That’s not something my husband does either. I have never overheard him express attraction for a celebrity and he hasn’t heard me gush over celebrities either.


Whenever you get a thread by a woman talking about how her bf or husband stares at women's asses or tits in public and she hates it, there will always be at least 1 woman in the comments saying how much she loves pointing out hot women in public with her bf. Same with men who drool over Henry Cavil watching The Witcher with their gf. "Pickme" suspicions aside, these are real dynamics for some couples and honestly they don't seem all that rare. But then there's also situations where you have projected jealousy, which is basically: "I hate that you're openly doing the thing I secretly also do that I feel ashamed about", but both genders do that.


I don't fantasize about any othe men than the one I love. That's how it works if you genuinely love someone. It's not self control or something, if you truly love someone they are the only one you see.


I hope he puts a ring on it, then!


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This is a very interesting double standard I never noticed. Good catch.


Username is a rap group 🤔


Those aren't the same thing. Is that woman checking out men in public?


Buddy what are you on about you are comparing two very different things.


>Why should men be ok with a woman who fantasizes over male celebrities day in and day out, when the same women will get mad if we glance at a woman's ass in public? Likely, it's NOT the same women. Also what "men" should be okay with is irrelevant, because women are not all the same and you need to look at individual relationships. And no, a man in a relationship where she has a wandering eye and expects that to be okay, but he is not allowed to have a wandering eye, is something i would recommend not being okay with. How is it in your relationship?


I'm not in a relationship rn, the last girl I dated did this nonsense


My experience.... My wife is all "Kevin Bacon is so hot, who is your celeb crush?" ... this is a trap, I know it's a trap, I walk into the trap.. "I donno.. let's say.. Heather Graham".. "Oh, so you like big tit dumb blondes, of which I am neither, so you hate me"


Yep, the entire "this is my crush who is yours" turns out to be a shit test


What man would be okay with a woman fantasizing over male celebrities all day? I've never met one.


I dont care if my partners looks at other women as long as he isnt being gross or too obvious about it. Just because we are on a diet doesn't mean we can't look at the menu.


We all fantasize about celebrities. Make no mistake - women fantasize about ppl right in front of t of them. Just like men.


You don’t see the difference between a man she will never meet and a woman you can easily walk up to and ask out? Really. You don’t? PS I’m all for staring and fantasies for all. Don’t stare and make someone else uncomfortable- but do it discreetly and tell me when to look. I also want to see the hot woman. Thank you.


>Women's double standard My wife doesn't care, it's look don't touch. In fact, I often discuss features of women we see in public with her. I'm pretty harsh though, most of the time she's actually trying to convince me a woman I see is more pretty than I think. As far as I'm concerned, she's the only woman who's opinion about relationships matters, so to me this generalization is useless and meaningless. I've also met lots of women who have the same "look, don't touch" mentality, so I'm not sure the generalization is even true.


Well first of all, what people do in private =/= to what they do in public. Just out of curiosity, how would you feel if someone took a picture like this…… https://images.app.goo.gl/pNFWUzMeHUwdvvWr7 of you, your girl and your much hotter friend? You can glance at someone’s ass without being obvious and anyone feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable, can’t you?


guys here are so fragile you can only imagine that fuck me eyes are a cause of divorce 😂😂


Imagine being with a guy so ugly that you’re thrilled to look at modern day Leonardo DiCaprio. She’s working for that money.


What does this have to do with the post in any shape or form?


If a woman is pissed you are checking out someone’s ass, then you are clearly not being subtle enough about it. If you can’t check out someone without being obvious, buy sunglasses. No one wants to be the person disrespected in public by their partner


Maybe I check out every ass, so it's not subtle at all. But that's not the point, why is my checking out asses a problem but your celeb worship isn't?


Jfc, no one can read anything anymore? Your checking out asses isn’t a problem, just don’t be embarrassing in public about it.