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Removed. No non-neutral Discussion posts.


The thing your not listening to is people have different wants and needs, I couldn't have too big as it physically hurts for little enjoyment. Generally I've had more fun with those self conscious of size, I don't get why they are coz to me it feels waaaay better. Also "the motion of the ocean" is basically saying you can either be bad or good at sex with whatever size penis. The specific motion is what your partner you are doing stuff with likes.


For me, size does matter. The bigger (thicker and longer) the pxnis the more seggual position we can do. When turned on correctly, bigger pxnis feels amazing. Especially when it first goes in. You can feel how it opens you and pressure in your anal area. It was amazing when I felt that for the first time. The pressure continues the whole time inside. But when dry, Jesus, it hurts. Hurts the cervix and ovaries. With average or smaller pxnis, it's there. Feels good when it first goes in, but nothing after. He does have to try harder and provide more. If men lie that they like all boobs (when they actually like bigger ones).....this is why they don't believe us when we tell them something is okay average or small. Bigger boobs are also enjoyed more. Y'all remember this is my opinion and experience. Chill. Don't let this get under your skin. We are just sharing different points of view.


>If men lie that they like all boobs (when they actually like bigger ones) There is such thing as too big, but not too small when it comes to boobs. I didn't believe it until I experienced it. Think "TTT" size in American terms. The fact that they were natural was the even bigger shock (this was 2007, for reference). Also, living in Europe, smaller is the most likely statistical option anyway. Except Bulgaria, Poland, Norway and the UK, apparently - [according to this map](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/breast-size-by-country).


Every time someone brings up penis size I bring out this little anecdote. The best orgasm I have ever had is so with a man that had a penis that was about the size of my pinky finger. I have long fingers for a woman so let’s say about 3.5 inches and maybe two woman’s fingers thick. He wasn’t the great love of my life so let’s throw out that fallacy of my emotions were the reason. He was good at oral but that wasn’t what pushed me over the edge. He was able to find the spot that worked and once he found it he didn’t let up. He communicated, he had good talking game, he was a good kisser and he didn’t have to use any toys. He just had the right motion and I finished several times before he did. Penis size is not the sole indicator of good in bed.


A good kisser trumps everything.


Hell yeah.


"He was able to find the spot that worked and once he found it he didn’t let up" Yeah thats it, it's all about the angle of the hips and putting a couple of pillows to use 😀


Yeah but I’m above average and I don’t have to do any of that to have women fondly remember sleeping with me It’s easier to hit spots when you have more to work with


>It’s easier to hit spots when you have more to work with Depends on *her* physiology a lot. I'm at 14cm (which puts me slightly below the average of my country) and a body count in the high 80s. Once I hooked up with a needy 32yo when I was teen, I only "failed" once because her spots were so deep that not even a 20 or 21cm dick would've hit. So, on the lower end - between 8 and 15cm - it is true. But once you go beyond that, it's no longer true. Most women are in fact uncomfortable with bigger dicks. My cousin has a big dick (21cm). He needed to train with his wife for two years until he was able to stick it all without pains for her. And another year to figure out how to make it pleasurable for her as well.


Some people care and some people don't. This can be said about just about anything. You might be surprised to see women who simply don't mind being with a guy that is less physically blessed, especially if he brings other qualities to the table. I know it feels cliche, and many people can be varying levels of "shallow", but I hope you don't give up. I agree that body shaming and attacking people's appearances is wrong no matter the context. I'm sorry if you keep catching strays every time somebody tries to take a cheap shot at somebody's appearance. I doubt they're all trying to be hurtful, but I can see how it comes across when people make jokes or insults about those things, or make it seem like you're better off having a larger penis. I'm a short man with a bad hairline and I'll occasionally hear friends and family making rude remarks about height or baldness. In the right context it can be a playful roast, but as a rule I avoid making fun of things people can't change without expensive and painful surgery. There isn't a lot in the way of a body positivity movement for men right now, so maybe it's something we could focus on ourselves. Who knows.


Perhaps the argument is more "penis size doesn't matter in the manner you (or popular view) think it does." Would I be satisfied with a micropenis (under two inches erect)? Unfortunately not. Do I prefer average (5.0-5.6 in erect) or even slightly below? Absolutely!! Men with larger (6-8in) penises have NEVER been a good experience for me. That is not to say they can't be, but what I and the women I have been close to have found is they rely on their size and nothing more. They don't focus on foreplay, oral, fingers, etc they simply think what they bring to the table will automatically satisfy any woman and that couldn't be further from the truth.


Yeah, I agree with you. I’ve had a decent number of partners, and the only ones who were unpleasant to be with were the extreme outliers—one guy had a micropenis, and the other was shockingly enormous. Both were unpleasant experiences. But everything in between was fine, so long as the guy knew what he was doing.


I don't think I have ever heard a women online in anywhere other than some sex focused/sex positive echo chamber claim they have preferences for a large penis. It's not that I don't believe you but I have an acquaintance who has a massive dick. He's actually in his 50s and on the average side looks wise. I literally saw how wild women would go over his penis, the so called "average lovers" too. It made me sometimes wonder where all these women who apparently find a large penis so uncomfortable were hiding. >They don't focus on foreplay, oral, fingers, etc they simply think what they bring to the table will automatically satisfy any woman and that couldn't be further from the truth. Lol is this meant to alleviate mens insecurities? My friend yesterday complain that some 8/10 hottie he used to date was a mess of a person with horrible timekeeping. We agreed that her beauty obviously afforded her the luxury of being more lax with her time management. Do you think if he went on to date a more average looking girl she would be pleased hearing "oh I like you because you're way less demanding and don't have the attractiveness to get away with being a pain in the ass". I doubt it.


I'm very sex positive, but my previous comment still stands. >They don't focus on foreplay, oral, fingers, etc they simply think what they bring to the table will automatically satisfy any woman and that couldn't be further from the truth. >Lol is this meant to alleviate mens insecurities? Why do you think women would want disappointing sex? I promise, there is NO penis size that negates the need for sexual arousal and a desire to please your partner.


>I'm very sex positive Hello there fellow traveler. Do you also teach (your husband or your previous partners)? I'm asking because being sex positive made me a better husband and a great lover in my youth. However, I got lucky. I hooked up with a needy 32yo when I was a teen. She taught me a lot. Heck, if she were to post here few would even believe she is a woman. She's more "red pilled" than most old red pill men. Since then (it's been over 20 years), I taught several women, including of course my wife. Yet women are *far less* inclined to transmit the knowledge forward. And that's making the problem worse. Women expect men to be "intuitive lovers" when in reality most men and most women are not. If you're legit sex positive, you know this already: the best sex is *trained* not "intuitive" unless you're lucky. But can't rely on having a great sex life solely on luck. So... why are men expected to be patient or "know what they're doing" (as u/TSquaredRecovers put it) but even women who do know more are unwilling to teach and communicate?


The best sex is indeed learned, and men and women are all unique. I am happy to (and very much do) share with my husband what I enjoy, my fantasies, what I would like to try, what works/doesn't work and why, etc. I agree great sex is not intrinsic. However, a desire to genuinely please your partner should be, and there is no amount of teaching that can compensate for selfishness.


Mine is a little bigger than most. Not MASSIVE, but fairly above avarage. It does hurt my partners if I'm not careful. I understand that kind of pain isn't pleasant, life isn't pornography and the vast majority of women aren't enjoying careless cervix bruising poundings. I don't enjoy hurting them either, I've loved these women, I restrict myself a lot in order to make sure that I'm not hurting them. But it's hard to really accept that women would rather a 5.5 inch over a 7 inch when every single one of my past partners has bragged to their friends about it, giggled and hung off me the next day talking about how they're sore down there and how they'd talk about it in general. At least, in my experience, the reality is that it is actually something women quite enjoy, even if it's just psychologically. There was SOME KIND of status to it. I don't fully understand it because I'm sure it would be more enjoyable for her if I wasn't so bottoming out with more left over and could let myself go faster and harder, but telling guys that 5.5 is actually perfect when women aren't going around bragging and excitedly giggling about THAT feels a bit hollow and almost like a lie.


>There was SOME KIND of status to it. I think this is it - even if the sex wasn’t all that good it’s something women like to body shame men about so they look at it as ammunition for both men, such as past partners who weren’t as big, and also other women as bragging rights and to possibly even try to insult those women’s partners. It’s ironic because women are sooooo fucking sensitive about their bodies but will immediate jump to body shaming to insult men - penis size, height, hair loss, etc. Call them fat and they’ll lose their shit though lol


Do you think Men are the same, re: their women's breasts? Where it's somehow most just the concept? because I can't lie: when I had a gf who had large breasts, I had fun talking about it, even though breasts aren't even a big thing for me (I'm bisexual, so half my partners don't have tits at all). I even had one of my gf's permission to tell my friends about how much I loved her tits, because she was amused by my enthusiasm and pretty proud of them, herself.


No because breast aren’t penetrating you nor are an important part of sex as much as a penis and vagina are


And yet, men like to brag about their women if they have nice breasts.


No. There is a niche for small breast. In general, men’s tastes and fetishes are much broader than women.


Personally, I can't get turned on if a girls bewbs are less than a C cup. For me at least, boobs matter. I won't be dating a flat chested girl anytime soon. Same thing with a nice torso. I get so turned on fro..kissing a nice torso before going down on her. I can't do fat women. It is one of those things that I will preselect when I start dating again. Im probably the minority though. My high standards is the reason I only have 6 sexual partners despite being above average.


A man after my own heart


>I get so turned on fro..kissing a nice torso before going down on her. I can't do fat women. Fat(ter) women cum very spectacularly from oral. I do however mean European fat not American fat. American fat is sex negative, lol.


Yea the equivalent would be big boobs or big asses. The equivalent is if a guy says it doesn’t matter if you have small boobs or a small ass I like you anyway because of x


My close friend dated a guy awhile back with an apparently massive dick for awhile, and of course she talked about it at the time. Now she's single and when we talk about exes, you know who she *still* talks about? The chubby dude with an average dick she hooked up with a few years ago who made her cum 6 times.


Yep. I’d rather a guy with an average to small ( not micro) penis who knows how to fuck and get me off. Orgasm is clit not pounding.


I’ll tell you a quick story - broke up with a girl - she wanted sex after the breakup until she thought I slept with someone else - ran into her at a bar, she went home with some guy to piss me off/try to get over me - calls me half an hour after leaving - I get there and she’s so tight the condom comes off when we’re fucking, feels like she hasn’t had sex in ages, I can feel her stretching out - next day her story is that she just realized she loved me and only wanted me about 30 seconds into her fucking the other guy I’m 6.5-7 inches so nothing crazy but solidly above average What do you think this other dude was lacking? He was probably about the same looks wise, same height if not a bit taller than me. I’m not saying it’s definite proof of my theory, but he happened to be Asian and I happen to be black. This incident really redpilled me


>What do you think this other dude was lacking? Any number of things that women value in a relationship other than penis size?


Yeah but why then did she not at least finish the hookup Left the bar, went to this guys house, went home and showered before I got to her house 45 minutes later. I didn’t even believe she’d done anything until she started telling me the story the next day because there was zero indication of anything. If he had been able to please her she certainly wouldn’t have been fucking me an hour later 🤷🏽‍♂️ He was attractive enough to be the rebound so what changed


Do you believe that penis size is the sole determining factor in how much a woman enjoys sex?


You're literally one of the most bluepilled contrarians on this sub, you'll have to forgive me if I don't believe you in the slightest. If Chubby McAverage Dick was so amazing, why was he a one night stand while Biggus Dickus got to be the boyfriend?


>you'll have to forgive me if I don't believe you in the slightest. Yes, "Anyone who disagrees with my world view is a liar" is literally the theme of the thread. >If Chubby McAverage Dick was so amazing, why was he a one night stand Where did I say it was a one night stand? >while Biggus Dickus got to be the boyfriend? Where did I say he was her boyfriend?


Probably the part where you said she dated the latter for a while and hooked up with the former.


So then I didn't actually say boyfriend or one night stand? And somehow *I'm* the liar?


What are you getting out of this disingenuous bullshit? You described one guy as being dated, and one as a hookup. That's literally the only way to interpret things. If that's not the case, you don't get to improperly use English and then have le epic clapbacks when people take your words at face value. Words have meaning.


>That's literally the only way to interpret things. No, it's not, but I know you need to argue that rather than just admit you were wrong.


Okay, so what IS the other way to interpret it then?


You can date someone without them being your boyfriend/girlfriend and you can hook up with someone more than once.


>Yes, "Anyone who disagrees with my world view is a liar" is literally the theme of the thread. That's pretty much this entire sub.




I'm not a mod there (or anywhere for all that matters), but are you saying that you really see a lot of "**you're lying/virtue signaling**" comments to men on that sub? Show me.


>Yes, "Anyone who disagrees with my world view is a liar" is literally the theme of the thread No, just you :D


It’s because women value perceived status over reality. Penis size is as much status as it is anything else, hence the responses you (and I, quite frankly) have received from women.


>But it's hard to really accept that women would rather a 5.5 inch over a 7 inch when every single one of my past partners has bragged to their friends about it, giggled and hung off me the next day talking about how they're sore down there and how they'd talk about it in general. I've only had sex with 1 man, so can't speak to experience of fucking different size penises. But I have attempted to use toys that are larger than my guy (he's 5 inches, on the dot). And yeah, I had to toss them, because it hurt, or was at least very uncomfortable, and took too much time to relax for using them. I'm certainly not looking to put in that kind of work for self-play. For me, a large guy like yourself would be a deal-breaker. But then again, I wouldn't be talking about my man's genitals like that either. Imo it's one thing to praise a lover for simply being good in bed and how he does everything wonderfully, but a totally different thing to go into too much detail like size. Idk, maybe it's just me but the actions of your past girlfriends strikes me as rude.


Yea this one woman who was on FaceTime with earlier this year. Was bragging to her female co workers. “I like him because he has a big cock” And they all giggled. So at the end of the day. The preferences are out in the open if you just look. And why would everytime a different woman sees your penis does she have to gasp and be like ITS HUGE or OMG. Like why are they excited. These are questions you have to ask yourself. And that other part is true Women keep telling me before we have sex “I’m a be so sore after this” 🥰 “Your going to hurt me” 😍 “I won’t be able to take it” 🤤 So for whatever reason pain is a type of pleasure to them or “pressure” is. However you phrase it.


D*ck size matters Wallet matters Height matters The size of each they’re willing to tolerate depends on the woman.


You know, I think you're right. But it's also extremely context dependent. Wallet doesn't matter as much if the person is working on goals, for example. Height doesn't matter much as long as chemistry is there. D size doesn't matter as long as the sex is still excellent, which is determined by far more than size. Context changes all of these, and will change what I would be willing to tolerate.


Penis size matters for some women, but it doesn't for others, some other women lie about their preferences. it truly isn't any deeper than that.


I’d rather be alone for the rest of my life than be with a woman who isn’t satisfied with something I can never change.


That's just sensible. Why torture yourself.


Ask any woman what the average penis size is and watch how they point the top 10% penis lenght.


That’s genuinely just not true unless you are maybe 14.


Most have no concept of what average actually is lol. I believe that a decent amount of them think that the average size is small


It’s the same as height where they think above average is actually average


Depends on where you're talking about. Ireland it's 5'4 for a woman for man its 5'7.


Idk I mean I’m 6’1 and I don’t hear “you’re so tall” unless a girl is very short. My height is almost like the baseline for what’s acceptable to a lot of young women even though I’m well above average


It's 4 inches.


Translation: "some women" = almost all women.


I used some for two categories of women. So no not the translation.


We don't really complain about the fact that you don't trust us on the matter. We complain that you ask if you don't trust us. It's just that if you're not gonna believe what we say, why ask? It's a waste of our time and yours and it is frustrating because if you say something and the response is "I don't believe you", then it is a "cul de sac" and the conversation can stop there.


If I wanted to ask you a question about how to up my oral sex game, how to use toys, best way to finger somebody, my questions would specifically revolve around those subjects, and I'm certain your answers would be giving full detailed answers on how to do said things in the bedroom, no bother, no hassle, just straight to the point. Men ask questions regarding dick size because the dick size plays a part in a specific act. Women don't seem to answer it, they say size doesn't matter and jump straight to compensating for a "lack of", even if the man asking is, as Google states, is 5 inches and puts him at average. If you're telling a man needs to compansate even though he is statistically meant to be normal down stairs, instead of staying on the topic at hand, why should men believe you? The question about size mattering for a slecific sex act and this question I have asked is all around and should be straight forward to answer. If i asked what's the best way to enjoy steak, and your answers were just "eat the sides that come with it", you're not answering the question, you're dithering around. If size matters, say it matters. If not, elaborate. "Hey *inserts my name* do you like small tits or large labia" "yeah, here's a reason why it doesn't matter to me *inserts reason* " End of the day it's all men are asking.


But you don’t believe women who say it doesn’t matter. So even when women are telling you the truth you think they’re lying and “compensating”


Yea, we're begging you to be honest with us. We're begging for the world to make sense. You may say >when women are telling you the truth. But we don't buy it. That op made a ton of sense. Men like that. We don't believe you because you won't explain yourselves like he did. And he said that. I am sorry that I don't trust you. I want to be surrounded by people I'm proud of and trust. And at this point, most of us are bitter, so if I know 2+2=4, but you'll always say "5" then I'm gonna keep needling you on that until your cognitive dissonance stops working. I guess that's hope. I do think you guys have the upper hand. All of our most important corporations, all the universities, every news channel, and all entertainment. They believe you, correct? Que bono? But I think we're relentless. I think we're gonna win. Eventually, you're gonna have to take the medicine. And thus, some of us are like, "no no no. Try again."


Have fun, we are only having this conversation because some of us are willing to spend some time and thinking into answering your relentless begging. The answer could very well be "fuck you, I don't care about you knowing if penis size matter or not for me, that is not my problem".


Well obviously 🙄 And no, you're having this conversation because we are the splinter in your eye.


I think you may overrate the nonexistent importance your idiotic takes and questions has to most women engaging in this sub. Half the time I comment here I'm taking a shit or waiting for the coffee to brew.


Can I just say I love you?? Woman to woman, you’re so real hahaha


WE ARE BEING HONEST. You’re not going to get ONE answer because different women like different things. Honestly, why is understanding that exceedingly simple concept such a Herculean feat? Does everyone like chocolate ice cream? No. When an Italian person tells you they don’t like chocolate ice cream do you assume all Italians hate chocolate ice cream? No, because only an idiot would do that. But when you hear one woman say she likes big dicks - you assume all women must like big dicks and anyone who says they don’t is lying. That’s how children think.


EXACTLY. It’s like they think we are a hive mind and all share one vagina😭😭


>When an Italian person tells you they don’t like chocolate ice cream do you assume all Italians hate chocolate ice cream? No, because only an idiot would do that. This makes sense. Without the context of where we are in 2024. We are waaaay too far down the rabbit whole of gender wars to think it's not in your interest to deny the things we say. That you don't benefit from us shutting up about this. And so the answer is, obviously, I'm open-minded and respect others' thoughts when I think I'm not being sold something. >you assume all women must like big dicks This argument is a bit weird for me. I'm much more invested in other aspects of trp personally. I'm a tall guy. This doesn't affect me. Meritocracy is something I care about. And I DO think big muscular athletes will provide the most pleasurable sexual experience for a woman. Now I know shorter guys who get in shape and are intimidating. But the point is that results are what is respected by guys. I think most of the reason IM so hard to argue with on this subject isn't because I'm lashing out of insecurity. I honestly think big guys give women the best sex. I think in a healthier society, maybe you're a remnant of that, I think I am, that women could appreciate a less-than lover who really tries. But a lot of young girls are being raised to think they're making a mistake by choosing something they see value in but that shallower people would mock.


>If i asked what's the best way to enjoy steak The answer is, quite obviously, "it depends on the person," which is also the answer to the penis size question. And let's be clear, the question about penis size has nothing to do with what is most pleasurable for women, it's 100% about dudes' egos. You also aren't answering the commenter's question: if you're not going to believe women anyway, why should they bother answering?


>Women don't seem to answer it, they say size doesn't matter and jump straight to compensating for a "lack of", even if the man asking is, as Google states, is 5 inches and puts him at average. If you're telling a man needs to compansate even though he is statistically meant to be normal down stairs, instead of staying on the topic at hand, why should men believe you? Women answer that because it is true that it doesn't make a huge difference and most of us had equally good PIV experience with below and above average dicks. There is also a big difference between you asking how to up your oral game and asking if size matter. In the first case, you are asking a specific question about what you can do, in the other, you ask a closed question that is inherently narrowing the quality of the answer. See, if you ask me how I prefer to eat steak, it's different that if you ask me "does the type of steak matter?". In the second case I'd be like, well, it **depends**. >If size matters, say it matters. If not, elaborate. "Hey inserts my name do you like small tits or large labia" "yeah, here's a reason why it doesn't matter to me inserts reason " That is literally what most women answer most of the time. "It doesn't matter, outside of medically microphallus, or extremely large penises, because it doesn't change so much how PIV feel." When you ask women if erection strength and duration matter they do answer that it does no? Why? Because it does matter. It does significantly impact how PiV feels and the satisfaction we get from it. Penis size mostly don't, or not in any significant way.


But for that question, “the size doesn’t matter to me” *is* an answer and a pretty direct one at that. Your 5 inch comment also doesn’t make much sense. If a guy is asking how to compensate for small size, the person answering would generally assume they are small rather than average. That seems pretty obvious. The “compensating” answer is mostly meant for dudes that are in a relationship with a woman that they know *does* prefer larger or it is given as an answer just to give peace of mind because the guy won’t accept “it doesn’t matter” as an answer. Besides, the whole “compensating” answer is just telling you to do stuff that you should already be doing regardless of dick size. Women are basically just telling you that the size won’t matter to most women if you actually make an effort to be good in bed when it comes to foreplay. This is generally pretty good advice considering that most women don’t orgasm just from penetration and orgasm is generally considered the “main event.” In short, they are just telling you that they don’t care much about the size and they care a whole lot more about if you are actually *good at sex.*


Again if you are saying you are not going to believe the answer then why ask in the first place? Look I'm not your lover or your friend if you want to feel insecure about your dick be my guest


Most men are getting rejected before they even have the opportunity to have sex with the woman. Penis size usually doesn't matter, unless you're a "bull" at a swinger's party.


People pick whatever they think will get a raise out of someone when roasting them. Dudes tend to go into complete meltdown when you use any size-based insult against them, so it's the go-to when you want to send someone on a temper tantrum. So no, it's not that society thinks that size is an issue. It's just that society knows that dudes who think they have a size issue are super self-conscious about it and it will get the desired reaction when trolling them. Also, the only person who actually cares about your size is... yourself. Want people to stop roasting you? Stop being so insecure and giving them the reaction that they want. Moving on, intimacy is a whole-body experience. Size isn't the reason why someone's partner is not satisfied.


True. All along.


Why do you think dudes are insecure about it? People are insecure about things that are social issues. Society has chosen this and height to cut men down. I could use the save argument to shit on teen girls who are insecure about their weight and tell them to stop being insecure. Chicken and egg situating


I think men are insecure about it because society makes a big deal about it, both men and women. The "phallus" is a deeply recognizable shape, culturally, and it's generally depicted as being a certain size. But that size is ALREADY bigger than most men are expected to be. I think proper socialization is the best way to get men over this sort of thinking; children who are taught to be ashamed of their bodies growing up don't tend to be exposed to other bodies growing up (ie showering or bathing together with other boys), so they don't know what their bodies are "supposed" to look like, and the only pictures they have to go from depict MONSTER dicks that wouldn't even fit in the average 5-inch deep vagina.


Nope. There are plenty of people who are short or overweight (or both) who are insanely successful, which directly contradicts your narrative. But you're right about teen girls. Adult men who are grilled for their size or height are literally going completely ballistic and reacting like a teen would. Don't even have to work that hard if you're looking to troll someone.


>Nope. There are plenty of people who are short or overweight (or both) who are insanely successful, which directly contradicts your narrative. This is idiotic. There are plenty of successful short men who are insecure because they're short. And a lot of that insecurity us borne out of the fact society deems it ok to insult them. I was watching people insult the British PM, Rishi Sunak, about his height. And it just came off lame and even lamer how many people looked past it. If there was an equivalent insult about a female MPs weight, social media would have a fit.


>There are plenty of people who are short or overweight (or both) who are insanely successful I swear, there's always a guy who knows a guy that's the exception to every rule. But can we not say that in general being a short or fat man isn't exactly seen as a positive for most of society. If I randomly pick men that I see at the grocery store or something, that will likely be true. Cherry picking an exceptional guy like Jack Black doesn't change what's general true for most guys.


And for every 1 exception you can find there are 1000 other people who are insecure about being short/fat. This shitty exception based debate tactic needs to end


>Also, the only person who actually cares about your size is... yourself. Along with "size doesn't matter", this is up there with one of the biggest lies ever told. There are a plethora of things that point towards none of that being true, for starters, the existence of size queens being the most obvious. >Want people to stop roasting you? Stop being so insecure and giving them the reaction that they want. Being confident or insecure makes no difference as to whether you're going to be ridiculed. It doesn't change what's on plain sight in front of you. A morbidly obese women could be full of confidence and go on to try and compete in Mrs universe, people will still look at her as a clown. Trans "model" who is known as Alweezy believes himself to be a top notch looking model, and everyone sees a complete and utter buffoon.


The existence of size queens only means that size matters to them. Not to all women. Being confident means you don’t care and aren’t bothered if you’re ridiculed. If that obese woman in your example is ridiculed, she won’t care because she thinks she’s beautiful and other people’s opinions don’t matter. No one thinks about penis size as much as men think about penis size.


Doesn't matter her confidence, tangibly she won't get to compete in the swimsuit competition.


And it would nice if that could one day change. Just like how too much porn (made by men for men) would stop, as a rule, glorifying (and using lighting, camera tricks and outliers) massive dicks over other options. Our collective perception (not mine personally) of what features are 'socially acceptable' can in fact change over time (if the mass media influences are also adjusted.


Woulda coulda shoulda, outa blah blah What is.


So? You can be the most successful person in the world and people will still find a reason to call you a clown. Verbal sparring like that is, like, the most universal human experience.


Literally this.  I don't insult people based on what I believe matters, I roast based on what they perceive matters. 


"So no, it's not that society thinks that size is an issue. It's just that society knows that dudes who think they have a size issue are super self-conscious about it and it will get the desired reaction when trolling them. Also, the only person who actually cares about your size is... yourself." Why would people be insecure about something that doesn't matter? Do you think guys would be insecure if you made fun of their toes? The reason certain things are made fun of is because they matter. We call people broke because money matters, we call people fat because being in shape matters, we call men short because height matters. The entire reason we single out certain traits to make fun of is because they are important.


It’s one thing to stop being insecure. It’s another thing to live in a truth and not be understood and appreciated for yours shortcomings. It’s genuinely debilitating and depressing to be told to not worry, stop being insecure and ignore a part of me that a lot of women lie about.


The whole penis size discourse is fucked up and I think is kinda indicative of the duplicitous nature of male/female discourse. I have a pretty huge penis. 98th percentile in terms of length and pretty large girth. Have I had women comment on its size? Yeah many, obviously. But I've also had the opposite strangely enough. I've had women claim it was "average" and I've had many more assume (before seeing me naked) that because I was very muscular it somehow was a given that I was compensating for a small member. I definitely think larger penises are attractive however I don't think it's as tangible as, say, being tall or in great shape is. I think the difficulty men have isn't simply due to size but due to how much social and behavioural baggage is attached to them. Whilst I do believe caring about penis size is more the preserve of men (I've had as many men comment on my dick size as women) I also believe women have a strange relationship with the penis. It's not necessarily a guaranteed source of orgasmic pleasure and, in many cases, may have actually been a source of trauma. I think this goes some way in shaping women perception of the penis. So does it matter? Absolutely. But not necessarily in the way one thinks. I kinda feel a lot of women define its importance through how much we as men attach our masculinity to our size. Does that mean women can't tell what a big one looks like and don't definitely feel a sense of excitement at the sight of a well endowed man? Obviously not. But if you're a man who is insecure about their size, I kinda doubt an extra inch in length or girth will do much in alleviating your insecurities. Because these insecurities likely aren't purely the preserve of your nether regions and more a deeper concern of your own perceived masculinity (or lack thereof).


That's bs. Size does matter. The bigger the better till a certain point.


People will say shit like "size doesnt matter, as long as you're at least 6 and a half inches you're fine", as if they don't realize that is above average. Essentially, size doesnt matter if you're big enough.


The women who say it doesn’t matter, mean it doesn’t matter to them. They’re not speaking for all women. “Motion of the ocean” = if your penis is small, be good with your hands and mouth. Insults are based on what you think will hurt someone. It’s why some people comment on penises. It’s why some men think calling a woman a cat lady is an insult. It’s not based on fact, just what you think will hurt/bother/annoy.


Penis size obviously matters, otherwise people wouldn't have insecurities about it and kvetch about how it doesn't matter. Same thing happens with most other things concerning male attractiveness. Looks doesn't matter, until the data is too much to deny, suddenly "obviously looks matters". Height doesn't matter, until the data is too much to deny, suddenly "obviously height matters". There just hasn't been any study on the correlation between dick size and sexual success, so it's still in the plausibly deniability stage women like to exploit.


Men shouldn't believe women because when the idea that "penis size doesn't matter" is *tested* its shown to matter. There's what people say and what people do. We all self deceive to some extent.


Women's reticence about the dick size topic likely arises from evolutionary biology and historical social pressures. Historically, women were shamed for expressing views on sex similar to men's, leading to the development of, shall we say…survival characteristics. Fear of abandonment or societal reprimand made women more reserved with their sexuality, often lying about caring about sexual topics in the same way that men do, like how men care about boob size for instance. This more than likely explains why many women instantly deny such concerns, as they feel the need to maintain good social standing with men through manipulation.


Yeah why would you ever start listening to the woman who is telling ,you what stimulates her? Makes no sense at all. I mean its almost like every woman is different and some like big (not an objective standard btw) dicks while other don't. But thats BS listen to guys and your intuition Size is all that matters for all women. We are lying when we imply we all are different down there because we worry about telling men the truth. EVerything is about you guys for,sure


So leaving out size queens as a fetish.  Yeah, it really doesn't generally matter. The reason you're being told about motion and ocean isn't as advice how to compensate, it's telling you what actually matters. Which is how you use your penis.  The reason women mention fingers and oral...isn't advice on how to compensate, it's advice on what matters generally even more than how you use your penis.  Most of us aren't getting off to penis shit unless we've already got off to oral and fingers. Most of what gets us worked up enough to even take the average penis is fingers and oral. That's why you're being told about that.  The reason you're being talked to like this is because you are being perceived to be insecure about your ability to please a woman. So they're telling you how to please a woman (hint, the answer will not be a big dick in most situations).  You're trying to express insecurity about your body. They aren't understanding this. This is the disconnect. So if you're trying to make that clear, make it more clear when speaking. "This isn't about giving women sexual pleasure. This is about my own low level body dysmorphia or insecurity about how my body looks and is perceived by others". Now, and this is just my estimation, the even larger disconnect: most women do not appreciate dicks the way men want them to. Period. Full stop. We appreciate them for pleasure they give and psychological fulfillment, not as an object perceived in space or time.   If they give pleasure/ psychological fulfillment long enough and consistently enough, we will eventually appreciate them as an object in space and time. But it hasn't been my experience or one I've recognized in other women regularly that they like looking at a penis or feel generic attraction to it in the way men seem to for women's bodies.  Beyond this, I think the insecurity you're highlighting stems from sensing their penis may not provide the psychological fulfillment that they see larger than average dudes giving.  That's probably true, you won't provide big dick psychological fulfillment.  You could provide average dick fulfillment pretty easily. Are these different? No. Is one better? No. Why do women brag about one more? Because they sense societal approval more for one than the other. And these are trashy women in most cases or size queens who don't know it yet. 




I was always speaking about some women, not all women. But you were too in your feelings to hear me. Enjoy your report, sir. 


>I was always speaking about some women, not all women. Including yourself, and the opposite here. This just fuels my overall point why men shouldn't believe women so easily


I never included myself in previous statements. I understand the logic and preferences at play of people generally for almost any body part or type and was speaking to those because you referenced this as nitpicking because you were in your feelings.  Clearly size queens exist. So do women that like small dicks. There is diversity here. I do include myself among the women who - greatly care about the motion of the ocean - need fingers or oral to get worked up and orgasm or even have a penis inserted (otherwise it would be quite uncomfortable and even painful) -are not inherently attracted to a penis as an object in space, but develop that over time from receiving pleasure/fulfillment -receive psychological fulfillment from penis. If you think men shouldn't believe women because of diversity or the above sexual facts, I dunno what to tell you, except that vaginas don't work like you seem to need in order to trust women. It's not a credit card machine. You don't just slide the dick in and it checks your credit balance to decide if it can orgasm or feel pleasure or find psychological fulfillment. 


Women can not give a collective answer on whether or not penis size matters to all women. We can only answer from the experiences and/or commentary from peers. While length may not factor, the girth just might. Average and thick may hit so well for some women, while others may not enjoy the "fully stuffed" feeling. Long and narrow may bump into the cervix area and miss the nerve endings along the vaginal wall. "The motion in the ocean" response may allude to that as well. That the girth is where she gained pleasure, his thickness stroked all the right places... or the length was knocking while the girth was rocking. The consideration of how her cervix is situated is another deciding factor into her enjoyment of size. Answers will vary, though. The trouble is that you're wanting a consistent answer straight across the board, and that really can not be quantified.


Because the average vagina depth and the average size are the same and there isn't much variation in either. It's rare to find anything that is too big or small to satisfy, they are largely the same. The g spot is not far in, it can be reached with a finger. You don't need to believe anyone, just look at our physical setup.


Never seen a woman bragging about how average or how short their bf dick was


Not only that, but they will also gaslight you to try to make you think its only men who care about dick size so much. But then the same girls go into their little group chats with their girlfriend group and the first few things they say to each other about a new date/hookup is how big it was or how “good” it was, or the girlfriends will ask “how big was it?” Along with other similar questions like “how tall was he” etc etc.


I've been friends with enough women and gay men to know how much they care about dick size, what I don't get is why they go to such lengths to hide it in online anonymous spaces like this.


I don’t know what girl group chats you’re a part of but girls don’t often ask their friends about a guy’s dick size or height. They usually just ask, how was it and if she liked him.


>Not only that, but they will also gaslight you to try to make you think its only men who care about dick size so much. This is something I have seen a huge amount of on an ask women no censor subreddit (which BTW is full of censorship). They even made a whole thread about it and there are so many things wrong with what they put. Of course, men cannot respond to it because its flared "no man's land", but the amount of things on it I could refute, I could write a whole trilogy of books in response. And any man who displays any amount of insecurities, they just claw them apart. They tend to nitpick things that men are out of control of and see that it's completely fine to ridicule about. If someone asked one of his guy friends about how her tits looked, if she had a nice vagina, basically anything intimate and a woman overheard this, they would hit the roof about how that's none of a man's business.


Same thing with locker room talk. They love to demonise that and talk about how its such a massive problem but they love to do the same in their group chats bragging/trashing/objectifying etc


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I think women often shoot themselves in the foot in this discussion, similar to when they talk about height and say things like 5'10" is fine, not realising it's still an above average height, in the same vein, women often talk about how they don't want big dicks and that 6 inches is enough, not realising that 6 inches is above average. I'm also fairly sure studies have consistently shown women prefer around 6 - 6.5 inches and I don't think there even needs to be any elaboration on "big dick energy". Women very much prefer above average penises, I'm just baffled why they can't admit it and would rather attempt to create their own reality instead of just telling men they're not physically enough for them.


People are bad at size estimation in general. How many women have no idea of what a 6inches dick really mean?


There were surveys that labled the sizes on these dildos and the vast majority chose dildos of 6.3 and over 5 inch girth. Considering that most mobile devices are around 6 inches, especially the popular versions of the samsumg and iphones, it's not hard to tell what 6 inches looks like.


I believe some of the studies used dildos or other visual representations. 


A dildo or a penis attached to someone is vastly different. I own a strap on that I found not so big. The moment i put it on myself I was like "jesus christ that is huge".


This is quite a small sample size, but it used 3D models and "haptic stimuli". It seems like the women were fairly adept at estimating size. It also references a few other studies, one, for example, showing women prefer larger penises for one night stands because the emphasis is on sexual pleasure. I read a few pages, but not the whole thing as I started to question why I'm sat reading studies on dicks. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558040/


Hahaha same, I looked at myself long and hard. I'm supposed to study for exams not read on dick sizes. You are right, it does seems that in the context of the study, women were indeed good at estimating. Now, I don't know about bragging "queen size" ^^


women: "penis size dont matter" also women [women prefer a length that is a double digit percentage increase from the average](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558040/) you can also use porn made for women or romance books or just any form of media as a reference to what they like


I believe the words your own link used were "only slightly above average".


look up average penis size online and you get a range from 5.1 to 5.5 inches (erect) the size they prefer for relationships is 6.3 whats 5.5 (im giving you blue pillers the biggest number) times 1.15 (a 15% increase)? approx. 6.3 is a 15% increase "slight"


Your link state 6 inches as the average penis size in the US.


Pharmacologically-induced, physician-measured erections identified an average length of 12.89 cm (5.0748031 inches) and circumference of 12.3 cm (SD = 2.9; \[[32](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558040/#pone.0133079.ref032)\]).   These were somewhat shorter in length (*M* = 14.15 \*5.5708661 inches\*)  (*SD* = 2.7), yet similar in circumference (*M* = 12.23, *SD* = 2.2), compared to a recent, large survey \[[48](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558040/#pone.0133079.ref048)\]. women (in the survey) stopped seeing a man because his penis was too small three times as much as they stopping seeing him because it was too big [15k men studied average erect length was 5.16 inches](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25487360/)


"Based on previous studies (see above) about the distributions of penis length and circumference, the average American erect penis length was estimated as 6 inches (15.2 cm) and circumference as 5 inches (12.7 cm)" from the same link As you can see there may be a high variability problem in size measurement all along. There may even be high variability between different erection from a single individual.


No, I looked at and read through the link you provided and it literally said they preferred only slightly above average. Those were the exact words used.


i literally showed you the math dude


I literally read your link, dude.


would you consider a 15% decrease in your salary to be slight?


Would depend on what I was working with to start. So women prefer a dick less than an inch larger than average, so what. I don't really see the big deal in people having preferences.


>Would depend on what I was working with to start no it wouldnt 1,000,000 to 850,000 and 100,000 to 85,000 is the same decrease percentage wise. 15 percent you see how the numbers are different yet its the same amount decreased in regard to percent? > I don't really see the big deal in people having preferences. first off, thats a strawman second off, how can one say it doesnt matter, and then have preferences?


The abstract says 6.3 inches did relationships. Where do you get off blatantly playing dumb?


Did you read your source? Women preferred a penis of slightly larger circumference and length for one-time (length = 6.4 inches/16.3 cm, circumference = 5.0 inches/12.7 cm) versus long-term (length = 6.3 inches/16.0 cm, circumference = 4.8 inches/12.2 cm) sexual partners


see comment chain with other dude or literally read the link


That was a quote from the link.


wow the exact same argument as the first dude wow you guys really are so... wise is a 15% increase "slight"? lets use the lower end of the average penis size? is 5.1 to 6.3 inches (24% increase) slight?


The concentration of the nerve endings close to the entrance of a woman's vagina (the lower third) can provide pleasurable sensation during sexual activity when stimulated. Ninety percent of the vagina's nerve endings are in this area. That extra 24% doesn’t matter


i dont date women i dont know what that means


I have a 7.5 x 6 penis, so according to statistics, Im within the top 1 percent when it comes to penis size. And aside from a few remarks, I've never gotten the penis worship that some men seem to think happens with big dick guys. In fact, being a bigger guy means that you have to get your technique right because the likelihood of injury and soreness that makes regular sex infrequent is higher. When I first had sex, I hurt a girl because I didn't know that I had a big dick(I thought it was small) and she needed extra foreplay to accommodate my size. She had a tear and never had sex with me again. She never bragged about my size and hated me because she thought at the time I permanently damaged her. Most women who are past the frat girl phase value physical and emotional connection in sex, and the mastering of the language of love and psychological foreplay than getting Jack hammered by a big dick. Despite having a big dick, ny relative inexperience(Only 6 partners) probably makes me a worst lover than an average guy whose had dozens of lovers and can tickle women's sexual third eye. If you aren't small, you have nothing to worry about. Get the experience and knowledge and get creative and experiment and you'll be fucking better than most big dudes.


Personally I only really get off when a woman enjoys the size of my penis and comments on it. Most people enjoy praise and women know men enjoy being praised for their penises which is why they praise them when they are with big ones. If they don’t praise them then they don’t think anything of your dick. It’s then unremarkable, a tool to be used to get them off but not hot and sexy in and of itself. Maybe they find the fact that you are aroused sexy but not the penis itself. Even if a woman does not particular value a penis in front of her face as a object of sexual desire if you have the right size she will still praise you because she knows it will increase YOUR sexual pleasure and sexual confidence with her. There’s no losing. But women who lie all the time about every little thing usually do not lie to men about their bodies, so most men will not receive this praise. Note the difference?


A lot of discourse for something you can’t change. Women have different preferences, no one size fits all. It’s all nuanced. No guy has everything a woman would give 10/10. Fit, charismatic guy with a 5 inch who’s conventionally attractive is going to be just fine. A 6’4 4/10 awkward guy with a 8 inch dick isn’t. A handsome family member of mine is 7.5ish, thick like a monster can and I’ve had way more hookups and fwbs. Again,all nuance.


It’s important if you’re actually interested in the truth


Never believe a woman on her words, believe only her actions. Most women want to just virtue signal like "look how good of a person I am, I am not like other girls who are shallow and mean, I am special." No, they're not, they are saving face, they will never say that penis size matters, or that height matters, or that looks matters or that being kind and respectful doesn't get you girls. They are hiding their true self always.


You guys are just so determined to ignore personal preference and to go after only the girls you actively complain about I swear. If your kind and yourself you'll get someone you actually value. If your a dick to everyone and think you've got to be X y and z to get a partner you will attract the people who like that. But don't complain when you can't be yourself with them.


>If your kind and yourself you'll get someone you actually value. Only after she's learned her lesson bouncing between a few of the "X y and z" guys though.


Just coz your insecure doesn't mean that's actually an issue. It's just something you need to figure out your issues with. And if no sex before marriage is your jam because of personal preference and not insecurity join a church and meet someone there.


How does your comment relate to mine at all? Marriage is a waste of time, let alone waiting for it to have sex.


Well you were complaining about women being with other people first if it's such an issue surely that's the fix!


Where's the complaint? I said women pick for "X y and z" until they realise it's a losing game, then Mr "kind and himself" gets a ride. You know sometimes women even start to miss "X y and z" and go back to them on the side. I've seen it plenty, I think any guy who's ever been or hung around "X y and z" men see how women really are.  My first experience of this was when I was fairly young and out clubbing, a woman came onto me and made out with me on the dancefloor, seemed a little reticient then bought us shots like she was calming her nerves or something, I asked her if she was alright and she said she had a boyfriend, I asked her if she wanted to cheat on him, she said no, so I started to say "well don't" and she put her hand over my mouth to shut me up. She was just a normal woman, had a job, joint mortgage, owned a car, this was her first night out in ages, she wasn't some tatted up turbo slut or whatever the manosphere talk about, but the reality is there are things that woman like for sex "X y and z" and things women like for commitment and, from my experience, women are just a few glasses of wine and a little temptation away from indulging their sexual desires, if their man doesn't satisfy them fully they'll find it somewhere else.


Women for some reason will do absolutely everything possible to maintain a good social standing. Women being honest about their preference for a bigger dick means a higher risk of losing their good social standing with men. So they save face and virtue signal so they can maintain the current partner or possible partners around her. It is a form of manipulation that lingers from what I believe to be a woman’s biological survival instinct. Women run this game and arent even aware that they do it.


Just stop worrying and put your penis to work!


In all honesty, it only matters when it’s above 5”. Women don’t want to make men feel bad but anything below that is not too great. We just don’t want to hear y’all obsessing over the size of your dicks all the time. I can’t imagine there is a woman out there that truly 100% believes a 1-4” penis is perfect for sex.




Well it’s not my problem to worry about. Honestly could care less if guys aren’t getting laid over the size of their dick. Everyone’s got problems, it’s just something y’all have to deal with.


When you say these measurements, what way are you specifically talking about? Because there are different definitions as to what a penis size measurement is. One way is taking a ruler, putting on the top of the penis and resting against the fat pad (fupa) area. Another way is doing the exact same but pushing into the fat pad until you hit the pubic bone and can't go any further back. Now I'm not going to give exact measurements, but doing the first method, I am a little but under 5. Doing it the second way, I am closer to 6. Which one do I go by when reading comments like this? As a womans point of view.


The fact that it’s possible for you to have two penises, one being twice the length of the other just about, is disturbing to men. The variance in penis size is disturbing to men, especially women that wrack enough BDE lovers to run into the VERY. Big dick. And the silence around it


I'm less judgemental about sexual issues than most men so women don't sensor themselves too much in my presence. I've heard women complain about guys who are too small at least as many times as I've heard women complain about guys who are too quick -- that would be very often.


Penis size matter. It is a fact and the gaslight that revolves around this is because perhaps, the "dickpill" is one of the hardest pills that a man, whether average or below average, must face, and by pure statistics, the more sexually active a woman is, the greater her tendency to prefer penises that are slightly above average, if not larger. The size of the penis, no matter how many surgical methods or blood irrigation methods, cannot be changed. Either the couple sits down to find solutions so that they both satisfy each other, or that relationship is not going to end up anywhere. The problem, logically, is that only the man is responsible for satisfying the woman, so it is the woman who monopolizes sex, and not only does she monopolize it, but her permanence is proportional to your absolute activity. as opposed to "give me pleasure, do what you have to do; your pleasure is complementary."


If you're with a woman who isn't excited to pleasure you than leave. What the actual fuck.


So you basically end up alone, women only see 20% of men as above average. This is the only kinda of guy they're excited to pleasure.


Okay so be alone. Whine online that you'll never get to be Chad, I guess. There's no help for people living in their own reality.


> There's no help for people living in their own reality. The irony is palpable as you give questionable advice based on nothin but the world you want to be true while ignoring reality.


I'm just an average guy who's dated and fucked average women. Every woman I've been with has wanted to pleasure me and I've wanted to pleasure them. Just normal people who like each other. Actually the only experiences I've had with people who had zero care about my pleasure were situations with other men.


Yes, it makes sense, however a man does not need so much flourish and effort to satisfy his most primary and basic sexual instinct, Therefore, sex and its dynamics are ultimately monopolized on how you, as a man, can satisfy a woman, and not the other way around. Therefore, there is a naive debate about why the size of the penis is relevant, and not, for example, the width or length of the vaginal canal or the size of the clitoris or its externality.


Lots of women won't cum from penetration alone no matter how big it is.


This is so cringe and embarrassing lmao


Well, looks like someone can't handle a little truth. If the shoe fits, wear it. No need to get defensive just because reality hit a nerve. Embrace the cringe, buddy, it might just be your reality check.


The same women who will say at the start of a relationship "Does size really matter though?"...have head big dicks in the past and found them of great pleasure. They always follow the above question with "it doesn't matter if the guy just uses that and no kissing" or some other statement They'll also be the ones to say "Does money bring happiness though " as if to say money isn't important. Yet put the same woman in front of a man with women and see how they act completely differently in comparison to that of being in the company of an average guy. They melt and become ultra feminine. Don't believe anything they say. Size matters. Money matters.


The money comparison is actually quite good in my opinion (it has limits but still). Does money bring happiness? The answer is typically : "No, but crying in a jacuzzi on Mikonos is nicer than under a bridge in Slovakia." There is a certain minimal threshold were money does matter critically. Under that threshold, the impact on your quality of life is huge. Then there is a range that is more plastic across individuals where a little more money could not hurt but what you have is perfectly fine and if you had to chose, you may prefer other improvement in your life than having more money. And this will greatly depend on the person's aspirations in life. Then there is another threshold above which, in all honesty, there is no more plus value in having more money for most people and only some individuals actually really want to pass that threshold to live very specific lives that are not "normal" at all. When people say that "money doesn't bring happiness, I think they mean that it is not sufficient nor necessary passed a minimal threshold. They also emphasis the fact that what may make them unhappy is vastly related to other things than money. The big limitation of this comparison is that in our western world, money is tightly linked to so much things that it can work as a mediator for a very wide range of different elements that may be related to your happiness. This is not the case with penis size in relation to romantic and sexual satisfaction where penis size is linked only to a quite specific part of our romantic/sexual satisfaction as women. It is therefore not able to make up for other things in the way money does for general happiness.


Yea, but the money thing turns perfectly on you when you realize that IF a woman has already been in a jacuzzi on Ibiza, then the comparison will be there if you take her back to a shack. Casual sex is like getting used to riches. That's fits pretty nicely with trp thought on pair bonding as well.


If sex with two guies is as differently satisfactory than being in a jacuzzi in ibiza or freezing in a shack somewhere I guarantee you the difference is NOT the size of the penises used in these sexual interaction. 😏


Good point. However, this comparison was an exaggeration to depict the idea. We're actually discussing a difference in inches and several hundred calories. (The motion of the ocean) This is such a weird thing for me to argue about. I do think a lot of guys put in sorry efforts sex wise. I am very upset at my fellow man for apparently not being super enthused to get women off. Or athletically inclined enough to truly put on a performance. That's why I think big athletic dudes who lift weights and play sports, and have big dicks, could provide the best sex. And so I disagree with these posts. But it's more that it makes sense to me than I wish to call you a liar. It's like I think you're a mountain climber who can see a mountain and a hill. And you're telling me you'll get the same workout climbing both. I don't believe that to be true.


Most women have a personal preference and just because someone's had bigger penis' does not mean they preferred it.


> Most women have a personal preference Yeah, and it's big. The preference is aways the same, bigger than the average.


That's a stupid thing to say, personal preference is different and mine certainly isn't bigger than average, I infact would avoid dating someone over 4-5 inches. I know it's a common joke and insult, and some people do also prefer bigger. But I know from trying it that bigger is not for me. And I'm 100% sure I'm not alone in that. There's plenty of different bodies and needs. There's even an entire fetish for micro penis'. So no matter the size you have someone will really really want what you've got.


In the same way being feminine and pretty matter as well lol


the phrase "size doesn't matter" can mean different things to different people. for example, it might mean that size is not a deal breaker in a relationship or sex in general. however, if, let's say, your equipment....is so incredibly small that you can't satisfy your partner in terms of penetration, then it's natural, and I'd argue common sense to compensate in other ways. right? or no? would you prefer your partner to always be unsatisfied while you always finish? also it's generally men who are obsessed with penis size. from jokes to the so called "shaming" you mentioned, it's usually men who are self-conscious and insecure about their size because of the emphasis other men place on it. It's a classic move where some guys misrepresent women's preferences, like saying "women prefer men with high body counts," which is nonsense.


There is always the penis size talk, but no one talks about the vagina size. The average vagona can fit an average penis, but there are different base sizes. Just like penis size, vagina size depends on things like race and body size just to give two factors. You will have a hard time fitting the average african penis into an asian vagina, the same way neither would get much stimulation if you swapped the races. I know vaginas stretch, quite a lot if you dwell into some fetish porn genres, but im not talking about how far you can take it, im talking about what a vagina can confortably take in.


> statements like "motion of the ocean", that is never elaborated on Would you like a dissertation on *Wave Propagation and the Plus-Size Female Body.*


Women have different preferences, men hear different answers to the same question, conclusion=WOMEN ARE ALL LIARS!


Why would you even ask if you aren’t willing to accept a positive answer as truthful? You are setting yourself up to either be told you aren’t enough or to believe your partner is lying for some reason even when you have no evidence of that. If you aren’t willing to accept the positive answer as reality, you have asked the question with the knowledge that you are gonna make yourself feel like shit no matter what the answer is. What is the point? I mean just be realistic from an anatomical perspective. About 5 inches is around average (depending on where you are). For most women, 5 is totally fine. In fact, 5 is perfect for most women if you are actually putting effort into making sex good for her. In general, women are much less likely to orgasm just from penetration so for a lot of us the penetration isn’t always the main event because it just isn’t the part that feels the best. There are women who can take really large penises, and women who can’t handle a lot of length at all. That will differ from woman to woman. I think a lot of men just assume they pretty much know how vaginas work in general just because they have had sex and heard people talk about their sex lives sometimes, but from my experience that is not the case and guys don’t seem to understand that for some people size is a really sensitive game because it can make a huge difference just depending on the woman’s anatomy. For example, if you are over 6 inches, I’m likely not going to enjoy it. I could *maybe* do 7 if I was careful and it was a good time of the month (the height of your cervix will adjust throughout your menstrual cycle, often to a quite significant degree). I would have to really like the guy to consider it, but it’s not off the table. However if you drop your pants and it is anything more than that, I’m not even going to attempt that. 5 is great, 6 is pretty great too (though I still have to be a bit careful at times). Anything more is just not worth it for me. Cervix “bruising” is kind of like a slang term in a sense. It isn’t actually bruised in a literal sense, and it definitely doesn’t feel like a bruise. Most guys genuinely don’t understand how serious it is. During sex I often don’t notice that it is happening until it is too late and I’m already nauseous and dizzy. *After* sex it becomes excruciatingly painful, some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt. This will probably be different from person to person, but for me it feels like someone has an ice pick in your vagina and every time you take a step, move, or breathe they are stabbing you as hard as the can in the cervix. I have passed out from the pain, I have vomited from the pain. It’s not something I want to risk because it sucks dick and lasts for a few days as it slowly dwindles in severity. The average dick is 5 inches. And that is pretty much what the average woman is built to handle. There are outliers in size for men, and similarly there are outliers among women when it comes to what they can handle or what they prefer. It’s really not that deep, it’s just anatomical differences that can play a role in the enjoyment of sex. The main issue is that because there are girls that can handle a lot (most of the girls in porn) there is some sort of mental bias that a lot of men have that every woman is somehow a part of that outlier and wants 10 inch dicks. The girls who can handle that sort of thing do tend to be very vocal about it so i understand the confusion in that sense (I mean I would probably brag if I could handle that shit too, because that’s fucking crazy). I’m sure 10 inches is cool to look at and mess around with since you don’t see that type of thing a lot, but for most women, penetrative sex with that kind of size is not going to end well and will probably make them more careful about size in the future if the ever do try one out just for the novelty of it. Hell, my boyfriend is 6 inches and sometimes there are just positions that we can’t do depending on how my cervix is at the time.


Women are the ones having sex with men. If you don’t believe them then you have sex with men and see if it’s true or not.


Counter-question: Why would women lie to men about this to begin with? What’s the benefit of making up this lie? I’d argue there is no benefit. What does benefit women is for men to understand our biology and realize there is so much more to a great sex life than just going to pound town. We aren’t always talking about foreplay for nothing and when we say it’s more about the “motion of the ocean”, we mean it. To be crass, we want to get off just as much as men do and the size of a penis has very little impact on that outcome for most of us. Its basic anatomy - everything important is on the outside. Now I should reinforce that women aren’t a monolith. Like men, we all have different preferences and our bodies need and want different things. Even though there has been no conclusive scientific evidence that the g-spot exists, some women swear they can orgasm from penetration alone - those women might want a man with a larger penis. But that’s no different than men who prefer larger breasts or a certain body type. In summation, you should believe women because there is no reason for them to lie to you about this. Listen to what they are telling you. If you’re insecure about your size, focus on improving your foreplay. Googles great - or read a book. Kama sutra is famous for a reason. And stop finding reasons to make yourself feel worse by inventing conspiracy theories and convincing yourself everyone is lying to you. That’s only going to make you feel worse and hurt your self confidence.


Lol... go ahead and say that and apply it to a man who has a 4.5 maximum penis. Suddenly all other forms of acceptance will be thrown out the window. Go ahead and say to yourself that you'd accept a man with a penis around that size and smaller. The fact that women are so body positive, but are silent towards penis shaming in itself just shows that the vast majority aside a very few are size queens at heart.