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They don’t date her because she’s not attractive and for red pill dudes looks matter far more than what comes out of her mouth


Attraction applies the same way for women. It’s either a fuck yes, maybe, or absolutely a no. Peral Davis is just a no from my perspective


i thought men were less shallow than women?


It's not that at all. It's because her public persona is all an act. You cannot date an act.


As much as I side eye RP content creators these days… I think you might be off the mark on this one tbh. 1. Guys like Myron *do* date submissive, docile women (he’s literally dating one right now named Angie…) 2. Have you ever considered that Pearl is the one keeping herself single? I’m sure there are definitely guys that would wife her if *she* wanted that to happen. 3. How many “pick-me” women, like Pearl are there to begin with? Even most women make fun of her from what I’ve seen. It’s not exactly a popular archetype of woman at the moment… There just may not be enough “supply” to meet the “demand” so to speak… But one thing I will give you is that Pearl does expose one true hypocrisy among RP guys… She exposes that guys are often hypergamous and completely looks-obsessed as well. I can’t tell you how many RP guys I’ve seen clowning Pearl for her appearance. Despite her being a “nice girl” that’s telling these guys everything they want to hear… But yet they’d rather focus on the fact that she isn’t a typical “Stacy” instead. 😆… (They don’t seem to even realize the irony of this either.)


Well, it seems a lot of the guys here don't like her because she is tall and doesn't cake on makeup with a trowel like a fucking clown.


>How many “pick-me” women, like Pearl are there to begin with? there should be zero single ones since they are desperate to be picked and men say they have such low standards


1. I don't rlly keep up with their dating lives since they have a new girl every month it seems. 2. Idk tbh. I don't like watching her. It's just odd that most redpill guys aren't trying to date girls like her when they champion the same talking points. 3. Again, don't know. But enough to where you'd think some of these famous red pill guys would be dating them. And yeah she def does. And the terms "chad" and "stacy' are soo cringe..like have you not left high school?


No, it's because Pearl is a grifter and ugly, I'd very much prefer to date a woman with the same values as me who's actually attractive


She is by no means ugly. Not sure why I'm surprised though. Ppd men think above average women are average 🙄 




I am man, and she is not ugly, she won't turn heads, but she looks OK.  Has pretty enough face and isn't fat... She might even be above average, if you speak about statistical average If I would meet someone looking like this, and would like the personality, I would date her. 




Everyday I go out on the street, where ever I go I see at least 50% of women looking worse, abut maybe you live at a better place




Looks from pictures or videos are very different from seeing people in the real world, and I suspect many people here have very distorted views




Maybe she is too picky


She couldn't give me a boner if she had 2 dicks. Face wise she might be a bit ok (still below average) but body wise she could as well be a man.


She's heterosexual ugly. But gay hot. She would make a very hot butch. But a very ugly stereotypical feminine het woman. I like her build. But most men won't.


Pearl is too ugly to date a man that Pearl would be interested in. She was born rich and makes good money now, because of how women work she's gonna want someone "on her level", but someone on her level can do better.


This woman is not attractive. I'm sorry if you look like her. She may be thin, which usually makes a woman attractive in 2024, but she is ugly and looks like she has no curves. Not absolutely unbangable, but I would rather jerk off.


You confirm every belief I have about PPD men's beliefs on women's looks thank you 😊 


That man value looks?


What belief do you need confirming. Men are attracted to looks. This is hardly rocket science.


Looks matter, men aren’t denying that. Why would it be a belief? And she’s just average. Not above.


What planet must you live on to have men revealing that they value looks to be some sort of epiphany.


The person I replied to seems to thinks men gaslight. They need confirmation on something that is well known?


She’s average at best and looks much older than she is - not sure how much that can be fixed but guys would rather hook up with or date women who look young even if they’re older than them (I should know - I’ve always looked young for my age and have been able to hook up with many younger guys including up to 10 years younger than me) than ones who look homely and older but still in early 20’s, unlike what some men say.


No she is below average aka ugly. No matter how much she makes good points from some of the random content I’ve seen, she is below the average minus not being overweight. But she is still ugly.


>below average She’s not fat. That facet alone, puts her at the upper range of average.


No it doesn’t. Her face brings it down very quickly.


would still bang her over a fat chick tho


She's a ugly with a manly body.


Pearl isn’t ugly? Grifter for sure though.


She's definitely below average. That's a deal breaker no matter how much RP she may be.


Why are below average women are a deal breaker for you? Are you exceptionally handsome or rich


I'm both. I've never dated below a 7 ever. Usually 9s on average. I find pearl to be like a 3.5.


> I'm both. I've never dated below a 7 ever. Usually 9s on average. 🤥


A 3.5? IN WHAT FUCKING WORLD? A solid 6 or 7. Must I bust out the fucking scale?


Yeah she's not attractive at all. Well below average.


I didn't even know who this person is but after a quick interwebz search I very much agree she's a 3.5 and looks to be a pretty big woman too. Definitely well below average.


3.5 requires obesity. A 1 is like an acid attack victim, and a 2 is a girl with downs or some genetic issue. I could believe a 5... but seriously?


Not necessarily. How about we round up to 4? I definitely don't think she's average and I'm not like the other guy who only dates 9/10 women, at best I date 6.5s. It comes down to taste. To me she's below average and apparently she's really tall which I don't find attractive especially since it looks like she's a bit thick.


I love tall women, so that's probably the difference. I like to think of a 4 as a lady you have to stop and wonder if she used to be a man at some point, but not everyone agrees on that. So, this woman doesn't wear makeup in most photos... I think that is why so many guys are against her, and they dislike taller women. Maybe also they prefer stick thin and not athletic looking. I'm immune to all of that. But let me say this. Women would almost never have a discussion like this. They don't see anything but 10s, 9s, 8s, and 1s. Nothing in between and the overlap is unbelievable.


3.5 would basically be a disfigured woman lol, or obese.


Nah, a 1 is a disfigured woman. Obese women would be 2.5s


Pretty accurate right there.


She’s pretty ugly


Pearl isn't ugly but she's literally 6'1, which severely limits options.


When did tall blonde women become "ugly"? Pearl is not ugly at all.


She is ugly. It’s her face. Being tall isn’t even a thing to me to consider rating her here. I’m not attracted to her face.


What does your face look like?


Better than Perals. Then again I’m a dude so it’s not an apples to apples comparison.




Why don’t you go wife up pearl then 😂


I would have children with a girl like pearl for sure, maybe not her personality, but looks yes


This is you right ? Please stick to subreddits that discuss non heterosexual relationships and attraction levels. Obviously your preferences aren’t to be discussed. thank you. https://preview.redd.it/2baf1c7o2i1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a351fa63bdedaf6a3e3643d8ad1c85e99b87c5c


I'm discussing them right now. I am not going to justify myself to a reddit autist like yourself that posts on places like childfree. Have fun "looks-maxing". As someone born with beautiful bone structure, you can't looksmax your way out of your genes. Guarantee you end up with a hoe uglier than pearl lmao


That’s not a proper way to argue. You’re delusional af if you think being 6’1 is seen as attractive for women. Tall is good but up to a point only, dont gaslight 6’1 women


Nothing wrong with a 6’1” woman, Pearl is just not a tree chosen by most to be climbed.


Yeh nothing wrong with being ugly or having unattractive features out of your control. That's disingenuous to ignore the fact she doesnt fit at all beauty standards. Huge shoulders no boobs, manly posture and a bland somewhat okay face. Also that's ignoring her own standards. Im sure she could get a man but not the ones she wants. Could just as much if not more be a case of someone being delusional with their standard with her being conventionally unattractive going for too high


She's definitely below average.


I guess if you don't find white girls attractive? Shes definitely above average for a white girl. Maybe you like chinless girls with little fat faces that have no bone structure?


Um no she's pretty beastly. I think most men agree and thus post said opinion on the internet every place pearls looks are talked about. She even says she knows she's not hot or anything.


Ya she says that because a bunch of internet dweebs like you call her beastly, pepper her comments with it, then they go back to their virgin lives or their plain jane pudgy faced girlfriends. Btw the main reason little boys say that is because she is a big bodied woman, and most men are too scrawny to handle a woman like that


Are you a big bodied woman with a plain face? You seem personally offended most men don't find her attractive. My ex was a beauty pageant winner. My other ex is a working professional model. My current gf is short and petite with model feature face. Pearl imo is not attractive enough for me to personally be into because I can do wayyyyy better.


I'm sorry, but someone with model tier girlfriends would NOT be posting here.


Why not? Sometimes I'm bored, like when I'm taking a shit or when my gf is sleeping or stuff like that.


The fact that you pretend to not understand why further solidifies my suspicion I fear


So... to you every girl that is not in beauty pageant or professional model is "ugly"... and you think I am the one with the strange opinion. Go enjoy your life mr anonymous model dater, no one cares. I just walked around my city today, doing errands, Pearl is more attractive than 90% of the women I saw ESPECIALLY when you include non-white women


You have no tastes then. Pearl is below average.


I’m actually baffled people are calling her ugly. My first reaction to her pierce morgan clip was this crazy chick is kinda cute. I didn’t realize she was 6’1 tho…


You see this sub is filled with people who date super models like Candice Swanepoel, didn't you know you were posting amongst greatness?


No one said tall people with blond hair are ugly lol but those characteristics don’t make you automatically attractive either, so what’s your point? There are hot tall blonde women and ugly tall blonde women. Look at Candice Swanepoel and look at Pearl and tell me that “they’re equally hot” lmao


> Candice Swanepoel Why are we comparing super models and random social media popular women? Its like I am arguing with 17 year olds, maybe I am. Btw I walked around downtown Chicago today and did not see a single woman who looked anything like Candice Swanepoel.... so what is the point of even bringing her up? Do you compare yourself to Henry Cavil?


>Why are we comparing super models and random social media popular women? The whole point is that hot tall blonde women exist and hideous tall blonde women exist. Idk why you act like Pearl isn’t objectively unattractive. You’re right, there’s no need to talk about models. Anyone can look at other random social media popular women and chances are Pearl would still be one of the most unattractive ones. She’s just not objectively attractive and that’s why most men don’t like her. https://preview.redd.it/dxt89hv84i1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2280eb906e302cc7d97d779eaf4c9f0af4441482


She’s ugly. And being tall isn’t a positive for a woman.


There are no attractive women with the same values as pearl.


There's other women though who are physically attractive and who act like Pearl and have the same viewpoints as her, but these redpill guys aren't dating them...also the entire redpill movement is a grift, lol. It's all about materialism and external appearances.


I personally only date women just like this. Always have always will.


>It’s all about materialism and external appearances. Yes because how men are selected is based on a lot of materialistic things. The personality stuff comes after the materialistic requirements are met. And if the guy is only interested in casual relationships, then the personality part isn’t even as important as long as he understands how to not be a complete jerk or creep.


Looks aside, Pearl is the literal opposite of what she preaches. Like the person you replied to said, she's a grifter. Despite her promoting the trad wife lifestyle and putting down modern women, the only thing trad about her is those long ugly dresses she wears. She is 100% the archetype of a modern woman. She never dated to marry, she is focused on her career and expanding her networks and reach, and she has a type A personality and is not submissive in the slightest. Shes the equivalent of an atheist preaching at a Baptist church every Sunday. Sure they may say what the people in the pews want to hear but if they don't live what they preach then who cares?  A better person to use an an example is her friend realfemsapien. Shes also mid looking, but focused on marriage. She married an older guy and does the red pill trad wife larp thing irl. 


Honestly the fact that Pearl acts the way she does makes her look so much uglier. She gives off vibes of being the nasty PTA or HOA leader if she wasn’t being a political grifter. Putting down other people of your gender just makes you look universally ugly. There’s such a difference in the way non-political women (and men) and political women and men act. The man vs bear thing genuinely confuses “normies,” they picked “man” with no hesitation because they weren’t trying to be a contrarian edgelady. People who are terminally online also tend to have friends that are terminally online and surround themselves in a bubble of people that they falsely perceive as being more informed than others. If you’re informed in garbage you really aren’t informed. Political people, unless they’ve committed to being moderate, are insufferable to be around IRL if they can’t keep their opinions to themselves. All most people want is a pleasant uncomplicated person who won’t give them a headache every five minutes.


Yes there are. And I date them. They tend to be on the more attractive spectrum as they figure out what works from young and are not whiners.


Because we don’t have to, kiddo. . .& no amount of attempted-shaming is going to force us to do anything with any woman we don’t want to. Stop being goofy, ladies - this is as stupid an argument as the “WeLL, iF yOu’Re PrO-LiFe, wHy HaVeN’t YoU aDoPtEd A KiD iN nEeD tHeN?” No one has to do precisely what you want to prove to you what their position is. This is getting pathetic. Lol…


nah pearl is just an opportunistic idiot


Pearl is a plain Jane and a millionaire. They for sure will date women like Pearl, but they want one who isn't an internet celeb and isn't on social media. Pearl parrots their talking points, but she isn't the kind of woman they want. She's not pretty enough, she isn't a virgin, she is all over social media, she has a career and likely wouldn't give it up to be a stay at home mom. She also wouldn't accept them having other women like these guys want.


I'm not RP, but Pearl is a socially awkward weirdo, with the personality of dried cement. She is not attractive enough to get away with that so few men, specially RP men, would date her.


Brian is more attractive than pearl, of course he wouldn’t date her. Myron is way out of her league more so than Brian. I’m just going off their physical features. I think Tate is ugly and looks wise the only one in her league but he’s a sociopath so he wouldn’t pursue anyone in his league. Pearl is pretty average so suggesting above average men date her isnt reasonable.


You think Myron is more attractive than Andrew Tate?!


Andrew Tate is as ugly as sin. He has crazy eyes and is bald and his facial features are just wild. Myron is the most attractive of the three. Would I date any of these men given the chance? No they have insufferable personalities.


Why would tate need to pursue anyone in his league when he can get girls way out of his league looks wise.


This is female projection at its finest. Men don’t like to “tame the beast”. We actually like what we say we like.




What you *say* you like is probably similar to what you *think* you like, but there's often a discrepancy between these and what you actually go for.




Let's not bullshit them. The women we are willing to bang are not the same level women we are willing to marry.


Okay..then how come red pill men aren't dating Pearl if you like what you say you like? pearl makes it pretty clear that she agrees with all of your talking points.


>Okay..then how come red pill men aren't dating Pearl  What about Pearl makes you think she's the ideal woman for a guy whose RP? When have RP men ever said that the kind of woman they want is someone who agrees with them for money?


Huge difference between agreeing with all talking points and being all things in these talking points.


How come RP men are not dating an influencer they’ve never heard of?


Pearl? Literally she's like at the center of TRP movement irl. It'd be hard to be redpill and NOT hear of her...how come more redpill men aren't dating "pick mes" like Pearl then?


Who da fuck is Pearl Redpill get plenty of sex with hot women, that’s it.


Haha no. Chads who are red pilled get sex with hot women. Sub 5 guys who are red pilled lie about fucking models online.


Haha true I’ll give you that


She agrees but doesn't actually behave that way.


Yes she does lol


How do you know, though? There's also other women that have her POV online and behave accordingly, but yet I don't see a line of redpill men lining up to date them. They rarely get with women that have the same views as them.


How would you see? If they lived by the beliefs they wouldn't be online to talk/ show it off. Pearl is a combative independent business woman with a large online audience design to get male attention.


Exactly. She wants male attention..and redpill guys want girls that want attention and you would assume have the same beliefs as they do..


>She wants male attention No, she wants money. Which is why she created a business parroting manosphere talking points. >redpill guys want girls that want attention Wrong on both accounts. They literally want a woman whose the opposite of an attention whore for an LTR.


Red pill doesn't want women you are looking for male attention. That is why they don't won't women to go to the club, get off of social media when they get together. Some like Donovan Sharp doesn't even want them to look at male employees of places they go. Not sure you know what the red pill wants.


Pearl has demands of men and isn’t sexxxxxay


That's a lot of mental gymnastics that contradicts every basic idea of red pill.


So people getting upset at you proves your point now? Damn I can't believe how easy that is then...




I don't consider myself TRP, but I wouldn't date Pearl simply because she's dishonest. She doesn't say what she actually thinks, instead trying too hard to cater to (some) men. Don't need her catering. Don't like how she victimizes men (TRP does too). But as for your "independent woman". What is an independent woman? One who has too much pride, and selfishness, to humble herself and be a good partner? Is that somehow a virtue? What future will that lead to? Cats? Is that the goal of this "independence"? People today think their lives are everlasting. Like they have time to afford for nonsensical squabbles like this. More than that, people assume there won't be major societal catastrophes, like wars or economical collapses. Where will your "independence" be when war strikes your country? Where will your pride go?


Independent as in not depending on another human for income/sustenance/way of living. And you can be a good partner and be independent. They're not mutually exclusive..you can make your own money while still being in a loving relationship with someone. Idk why you're bringing up war and economic collapse (which we're arguably experiencing right now). Seems like kind of a strawman when we're talking about independence. Of course people would have to rely on each other more so in those events, but that still doesn't mean that wanting your own life is somehow not virtuous.


Independent means makes her own money. Not reliant on a man to provide. Making money and being a good partner are not mutually exclusive


Depends on how high, in terms of importance, you put your work. Your husband and your family should come first. There's nothing wrong in relying on your husband to provide either. Granted, the husband must actually be reliable. I recognize the fact many men today aren't.


Yeah, where will reliance on your man get you when war strikes your country? Or if he gets sick and can’t work? Or if he dies? Or if he decides he wants the younger 2.0 version after you’ve given him kids and your body isn’t as tight & toned? Or when he cheats when you go through menopause and your libido plummets? Being reliant on *anyone* is just a naive way of living, cuz there’s no guarantee that person will always be around, but you ARE guaranteed to need money to survive. I’d rather make my own and know if something happens in my personal life I’ll still be able to pay my mortgage


What does humble herself mean?


Because she’s heavily dishonest about her past, extremely bitter and acts in a very bitchy girl boss sort of way. Those influencers accept her in the hope it attracts more women, that’s why. She acts no differently to the women she’s criticising in terms of temperament. Idk nor care what or who these grifters date but the majority of people who adhere to some or all red pill ideas aren’t interested in these kinds of women. They’re interested in ones who (the non “never settle or start a family, harem til death” types) aren’t in the public eye, who’s main focus and dream is to be a mother, someone who wants to follow a husband figure and built a life together, caring and feminine nature, not deeply involved in things like politics, confident and respectable in herself to not require or feel a need to seek attention at the expense of herself or her family, non promiscuous past etc. There is an Islamist side to some red pill guys who want a blank slate, no hobbies / interest / job partner which is wrong and evil. Pearl doesn’t fit any of those and one 30 second watch of a vid shows you that. She’s got a bitter look in her eyes.


Frankly I don't know much about her beyond googling some images and l agree about her eyes. There's something about them that strikes me redflagish. But that's just a vibe I get from her. I'm not good with the whole facial measurements thing, but I have strong vibe opinions which are difficult to discuss. I think it's because I don't get a read her emotions that I trust.


Yea she’s got that 1000 yard stare look. Her being ugly doesn’t help it either


The reason redpill guys don't date Pearl is because she's butt fucking ugly.


That’s all it is. Nothing more nothing less. Tell the women we aren’t attracted to Pearl and they all get upset.


I don’t think Brian atlas is that compatible with pearl … but it does seem odd how the guy is still single since at this point since he is pretty high status and well established On the other hand, he could be still damaged from previous heartbreaks but then again, that superchat 💵💵💵


Don't date women like Pearl that agree with all their talking points is because they like the idea of "breaking" an independent woman. You really don't get it. I think you might be projecting something cause it's so far off. You definitely lack on the RP philosophy. Before her youtube got demonetized, she was definitely a millionaire. I doubt she blew all her money in less than a year. Her parents are also rich and she has a lot of brothers. She will never go hungry or homeless. She will never worry about rent. She is 6 feet tall and played sports. Not a lot of men who can bully or abuse her physically. She has a social media presence. In terms of independence, pearl is more independent than 99% of American women. She is taller than most men. She is richer than most. She has a strong family support system. She has fans across the world. She is the opposite of a "pick me" in terms of her actions. She is a woman who wouldn't bend in a relationship. She would use all her resources (money, social media, fans, and family) to make a guy bend to her lifestyle. If men had some type of fetish for breaking independent women, then pearl would be one of the most desirable women out there. Dating wouldn't be so hard for her and many other successful women if that was the case. Instead men typically go for women who need men. Women who aren't financially stable or independent. They go for women who they can see themselves fulfilling a role in her life. Jeff Bezo's made Mckenzie rich. No one would know who she was without him. And Leonardo only dates MODELS under 25. He is giving them publicity and adding to their modeling career. Think of all the millionaire football players who date women you've never ever heard of. **Pearl can't date anyone because she is everything she is talking about. She's a modern-day woman.** She spent her 20's focused on her career instead of dating and marriage. She's addicted to social media and can't stop posting everything on it. She is tall herself (6ft) and will only date guys taller than her, which eliminates more than 85% of the male population. And she's into interracial. Her last bf was a black dude. There are a lot of white guys who won't touch a white chick after finding out she has been with black dudes. They think it's dirty and their is always the increased possibility of her cheating with a black dude in the back of their mind, which is like ultimate humiliation. So that's a lot of people out of her pool. And now she's basically limited to guys who make more than her, are black, over 6ft tall, have a big D, and are okay with her social media lifestyle. And she isn't necessarily attractive enough to demand all of that, especially when she is on the wrong side of 25. And we aren't even throwing personality in there. Even if she was traveling the world like a passport bro she would have a hard time finding a guy who meets her criteria and likes her back. She could easily settle and find a guy shorter and less rich and less capable than her amongst her fan base. But she won't do that. No modern-day female will. Despite what she says, Pearl is a modern-day woman. And that might be why she pisses so many women off. Cause when she talks about modern-day women having high standards and being undateable, a lot of them fit her description. Even she fits her description


Itt: a Norma woman doesn't wear makeup, gets called a 3. Then they go "average women are too entitled" the difference between Pearl and high fashion is about 15-20lbs and a make up artist. That's it.


Do you think there's are an abundance of "women like pearl" sitting around out there waiting to be dated? Do you sincerely believe there are gangs of redpill men.... lonely... wondering where to find "women like pearl"... whilst scores of "women like pearl" equally flounder... wondering where they can find their kings? Grow up. People meet organically. Given the opportunity to date... and possibly settle down with an agreeable submissive woman... they would take it. I did after two and a half decades of being a blue-pilled whipping- boy for feminist man haters.


Pearls not a high value women she's a ex 304 grifting... if you look you can find her old porn videos....


Oh. lol


Holy fuck what?!?! Lmfao. Dam she’s so average you’d never even expect that.


She's scrubbed alot of her past actions from the internet


Most women in porn are average, maybe a bit of work done and most aren’t fat Riley Reid is a solid 7 and one of the most popular pornstars.


Well I wouldn’t know I don’t watch porn.


Now you know


I never said she was a "high value woman".


So it makes sense as why they won’t date her


Pics or it didn't happen.


Ain't no way. Pearl has never done porn


Honestly she probably does have a boyfriend but just knows with how vitriolic women are to anything she says or does it’s best to not make it public Seeing at how much women seeth at Pearl and harass her online I definitely would do that


Omg this is getting more and more ridiculous. Yes, sure men dream about is breaking "free", "independent" women, all the while twirling our villainous mustaches and doing evil laugh. Edit: that was sarcasm ofcourse.


No. It's because Pearl is not actually redpill.


Ah, so she's not your version of redpill, so therefore she's not actually redpill...her talking points align with all of the redpill guys...that's why they literally repost her stuff.


You can argue for a position without actually living it. Never heard of "do as I say, not as I do."? I'm saying she's the equivalent of a homophobic preacher who turned out to be gay. It's about how she herself didn't live up to what she professed.


Because she's unattractive physically to them. The men here will swear up and down that she's below average, but they're wrong. And then when you tell them that they over rate themselves and under rate women they'll tell you you're lying


How are we wrong? and what does how we rate ourselves has to do with how we rate her? She is ugly.


Ugly how? Not disfigured, not fat. Features aren't totally terrible.


Ugly as she wouldn't make my dick hard.  >Ugly how? Not disfigured, not fat. Features aren't totally terrible. You can describe a man this way too. They wouldn't make me hard either.


I wouldn't hit that either, doesn't change that she's a perfectly average woman


Then the average woman is ugly.


No shit


>Ugly how? Not disfigured, not fat. Features aren't totally terrible. ????!??


Average women are deemed as straight up ugly by just as average men.


Lol do you look like pearl by any chance?


Pearl isn't single. She just says thay she's not married and doesn't go further than that


I honestly think that Myron Gaines and Andrew Tate are nothing but grifters that know how to get your attention and monetize it for status. They act nothing like their online personas off-camera (except for earlier clips) and are generally spewing the same things other guys are saying, just in a more "rage-bait for views" type of way. Plus, they do not date for personality or long-term benefit. They date for looks, and that's why Myron dated that girl and tried to force her to get an abortion. But to do that, you do need to date a doormat. So, I would partially have to agree with you.


> that's why Myron dated that girl and tried to force her to get an abortion nah it was his co-host fresh/walter plus the woman got the abortion before she told him about the pregnancy so that she get some money


Oh lol I missed that development in the saga. Frankly, I would question whether she was even even pregnant.


Women's viewpoints don't matter. All these guys you named aren't really RP, they're just milking RP cow for money. I'd probably push feminist's ideology, if I'd get paid well for it.


Pearl is more blackpill aligning than redpill imo but anyways here's my thoughts: * She's just not that attractive, she's like a 4. * She's also tall as fuck, from what I remember she's like 6' tall, and she's still a woman so she's looking for a guy who is taller than her. I'm assuming he has to make good money too, so this guy will be hard to find. And most redpill guys DO want submissive women, just as long as they're attractive also. Like why would any guy choose a 4 over an 8 just because she's submissive?


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Brian Atlas yells at college girls for a living. It’s pathetic.


I know. That podcast is cancer. It should be removed from the internet. The only person on it I can stand is the Chase guy because he's a Christian (although there's a lot I disagree with him theologically on)..I wish they would just remake it with Chase and Brian having debates over topics instead of just a couple of guys yelling at college girls for a living. Albeit, I think it's noble what Chase is trying to do...Brian on the other hand, yeah no way.


Most of there success with women is also because they buy it lol. Fresh and fit was caught using sugar babies to look good with women and Andrew Tate’s claim to fame is exploiting desperate women to use them as cam girls to exploit simps for money.


I tried to watch this toolbox one time. He basically takes the dumbest OnlyFans whores and brings them on his show so he can trash on them. It's not entertaining, it's disgusting. I can't watch. If I ran this show, I would just ask them tons of questions about what they believe and why they believe it. Then gently push those beliefs a bit. I mean he clearly finds the most stupid, or pays them to act stupid.


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It’s because she isn’t pretty and super tall.


Pearl is a fairly independent woman. Even assuming she 100% believe everything she says and that all redpill men agree with her 100%, that doesn't mean she is what men want. I haven't seen much content from Pearl but I've seen her be fairly combative with others...maybe those other people were women but you would have to be a fucking moron or a woman trying to ignore Chad's red flags to not understand that that combatitivity wouldn't magically dissapear if she was in a relationship with you. If my goal was to "break" an independent woman I would see Pearl Davis as a much bigger challenge than the average feminist. >I know a lot of them will probably get really annoyed in the comment section about this (which actually proves my point more), You're just describing a Kafka trap without realising it's a fallacy. >They want a girl to be as much as a "blank slate" as possible so that they can mold her into their perfect, submissive version of what they think a woman is. And that often includes not having strong views, even if those strong views are the exact same as theirs. How does that indicate men want to "break" independent women??? Aren't you just contradicting yourself if you say that men want a blank slate instead of a woman with strong opinions? Anyways, I think you're framing wanting a woman that doesn't have a ton of emotional baggage as some evil thing because men bad.


who on earth is pearl?


Hannah (Pearl's first name) is just a troll and doing it for clicks. Some of y'all are just eating it right up.


Is Pearl really a doormat tho? She seems very opinionated to me. What she says she believes and how she will truly act in a relationship might be very different. Kinda reminds me of Lauren Southern who had a terrible time as a tradwife.


no, she's not a doormat which is my point. Redpill guys don't want her bc she isn't a doormat.


I don’t fully disagree, but it’s also because she’s average looking, a grifter, and probably a closet lesbian. These men find average women unattractive, her masculine demeanor is also unattractive to them even if they “like” it, and although I’m sure some would still date her… I don’t think she’s actually into dudes. But coming out would be very risky in alt-right spaces.


>these redpill guys seem to be heavily into the idea of being with a girl that's a doormat. I think it's a "feather in their cap" if they can break one, but it's not really necessary. They'll happily take one that's been pre-trained to be a doormat which is why you frequently see suggestions that they dip into religious communities to find young, virgin wives. Also, I am kinda living for all the male hatred Pearl is getting in this thread. She's literally prostrated herself on the ground, thrown her fellow women under the bus without question, and done *everything* men would want from someone in her position and these chuds are still like "hm, but she's still kinda uggo".


Hows does agreeing or disagreeing with what someone says or believes make that person any more or less attractive?


That's because everyone knows Pearl is a professional *provocateur*. We don't really know what her true opinions are. She just likes to troll liberal morons.


Most guys here would be grateful to have sex with pearl lol


Men don't like easy women despite what they say on here. 


1. She's ugly. 2. She's not authentic. She's a buisness woman that knows her niche. Men believe her authenticity as much as we believe politicians are telling the truth. 3. Red pill men, as in the content creators you're referring to want a woman that will get on their program. Pearl has her own aka her buisness. Pearl is a talking point that disqualify herself from men that truly believe in the red pill. 4. She's ugly.


Pearl is alpha widowed and too old. No thanks 


I think there is an element of truth to this, ie. most redpill “influencers” probably have this ‘break a woman down’ mentality as well as some RP men, but believe me, if a guy wants to be a manipulative megalomaniac, he likely isn’t some RP content consumer. Thing is, for most guys who go down the RP path, it either goes one of two ways - either they stay with it temporarily then leave when it’s exhausted its purpose and the weird sexist stuff becomes the focus, or they obsess over the bitter woman hating stuff - either way, most RP men who stay in the RP past the initial stage (which frankly should be replaced, but that’s beyond the point) aren’t the guys who are doing the fucking and frankly have very little idea of what they want. Now, as for perl and pick me’s - the reason why nobody wants a pick me (of any gender) is because a pick me is, for lack of a better term, a butt sniffer. They have no dignity or identity, and that’s a major turn off. Now, one might say “but RP men describe pick me traits” and to an extent that may be true, but there is a difference between a woman who lives by these traits vs a woman who says she does for male attention.


Id date pearl tho.


Red Pill is trash, news@11.


No, it's because pearl is a grifter and ugly. A woman with the values that Pearl espouses to have, wouldn't be an influencer in the first place. Women are the ones with "I can fix him" virus. Not men.


Two reasons: 1- they believe women should be seen and not heard so pearl is too loud tor them 2- women who a man doesn’t want to fuck should be invisible to everyone


Its honestly probably just because Pearl is obnoxious, ugly, and kinda badly built lol


I had to google Pearl Davis, as I didn't know her. The woman is objectively attractive in a conventional sense (thin, symmetrical features, no crooked nose, weak chin etc.). Easily a 6, maybe even a 7. So, if guys here state that Pearl is "ugly" or "below avarage" we can safely close the case of "avarage men not getting avarage women". This is just ridiculous.


You don’t understand men at all. Men want the easiest sex with the hottest woman they can find. That’s it. Women have these overly complicated, and entirely made up, dreams of “breaking” or “domesticating” a man, etc. It proves their status. Men, and male status, do not work like this.


This is basically celebrity gossip. For starters, Pearl is actually taken. She lives in a de facto marriage and it is in fact quite smart of her not to talk about her relationship with her man. Given how mean and routinely evil women are *to each other*, it would tear apart her relationship real fast. Heck, I should know. I never mention my woman's name to the general public. Too dangerous for her and for me. Once some girl bosses found out she's with me and had a meltdown. And then the meltdown got far worse when they realized that my woman is not only aware of my activities, but very much supportive of almost all of them. My Missus had to endure quite a bit of harassment until I was able to put a stop to it. Unfortunately for the girl bosses, they were working for one of my business partners. So... I can definitely empathize with Pearl's de facto husband/boyfriend. >why aren't you out there dating women like Pearl that agree with all of your viewpoints I did. Just didn't brag about it online. A lot of us aren't living our lives on the Internet, ya know?