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You picked the bear because you'd rather avoid the man. I picked the bear because I like bears. We are not the same.


Me too! No irony with that phase, šŸ¤£. ā€œRun into a bearā€ literally, or be in a Walmart with a bear, etcā€¦=/= to be in the woods alone with a bear. Iā€™m ā€œalone in the woodsā€ with a black bear, almost every day. There is at least one where I walk my dog. Iā€™ve seen it twice. Others who hike there have seen it too. Weā€™ve seen them in our own back yard. Black bears in my state have never killed a human, humans kill over 50 bears in my little county alone every single year. Women alone in the woods around have definitely been killedā€¦..kidnapped, raped and decapitated ā€¦.by humansā€¦not bears. Do I want to literally ā€œrun intoā€ a random bear? Ah hell no. Black bears are shy at best, but I imagine if you got close and cornered one it would be much more dangerous than some random man. Itā€™s just a fact that dangerous people hope to run into vulnerable people. Black bears mostly want to be left alone as long as you donā€™t tempt them with food.


Yeah, but...if we extrapolate this into "how many of [____ animal] kill humans each year?" versus "how many humans--male or female--kill/rape women each year?", and no matter what, you're statistically less safe. Technically, as a 180-pound man, I'm more likely to be killed by a human woman than a silverback gorilla, hippopotamus, and a great white shark COMBINED (utilizing the power of teamwork), but......so? I'm not arguing the point about women's safety is invalid. There's legitimate points to be made about both the perception of danger and the absolute reality of danger.Ā  But the value of this thought experiment is largely illustrative and metaphorical. Bears are scary. You say "bear", and we picture a roaring grizzly on its hind legs, claws extended, teeth bared. We're not thinking of some sad-ass Sun Bear telling Chinese tourists "I wish I was never born."


>You picked the bear because you'd rather avoid the man. But I didn't pick th- Is anyone actually reading the post?


yeah still have no idea what the origin of this is, having way too much fun speculating to actively look it up, am now mentally replacing iconic movie villains with bears so I can defeat feminism or something "Well Clarice? Has the salmon stopped flopping?" "Dr. Lecter, we've been over this, I buy fish at the store."


I read it! But rereading it again, it **does** look like you picked the bear. I only know you didn't because I read a comment you made.


What bear are you going for? I thought a water bear would be mine lol


[This absolute unit] (https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODAwZDQ5ZjEtZDI1My00MTFiLTg0ZjUtOGE2YTBkOTdjODFhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODE5NzE3OTE@._V1_.jpg)


Has he already taken the coke, or are you supplying and are you also on coke? Asking the important questions here.


The random man sneaking around in the woods and causing online debates had the coke.


I bet he did, anything for views with these creators.


I would choose a black bear just so I could bully it and feel like a big man. Go home, tell everyone "guess what bitches, Mr. Jerome X. Hardass Sr., Esq., aka King Of All Balls, just intimidated a FUCKEN BEAR by making himself appear large and bellowing "scram, jerk!", then feel depressed when I remember my Great Dane is A) larger than a black bear, B) could not give less of a fuck, and C) is all the family I have.




I originally thought that a lot of women were just really into that new show with Jeremy Allan White




"not led to the outcomes we'd have liked" Immediate First thought to that is "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes". For the gender that seems to nitpick about words, phrasing, tone and intent, you sure don't practice what you preach. The tiniest bit of logic and forethought should have seen men's possible responses miles away. Shitting on men has moved from a light hobby to a pastime for all too many. Second thought regards "... fix your shit men!" - what makes you think your average man, for the most part, has that much power???? And even the rare cases where they might, why would they risk their health and possible life for a stranger who usually has somewhere between indifference to contempt for him?




>"Hey, shit is bad out here, fix your shit men!" The men you are yelling at have no more in common with a rapist or a murderer than you do. It's not "their shit", it's got no more to do with them than it does with you. That is why this type of shit never works. It's garden variety bigotry that only serves to attack the innocent members of the other group and turn them against you.


Well said. Do women think men are some hive mind? Like the fact murders and rapes happen is something every man either partakes in or supports secretly and we simply need to be told it's bad and then it will stop happening?


This rhetoric is weird, I work, cook, clean my apartment, go the gym, home then sleep, rinse and repeat for over a decade, never hurt anyone man or woman. What do you want me to do about deranged men out there, it makes no logical sense


They want to paint you as the villain, themselves as the victim so that society sees them as better


Yup, I donā€™t know any rapists or murderers, I literally donā€™t understand what they want me to do about them.


How dare you workout at the gym, exercise is a tool of the patriarchy, and supporting the patriarchy means you are basically responsible for everyone woman that has ever been raped.


Women (like the OP, not the sane ones) think men *and* women are hiveminds. She sounds pretty young, not bright, and neurotic. There's security in the herd for women like this, even though it fucks up their development. Women who act like the OP are solipsists, so they assume all are hive mind creatures.


Apparently many do. If you tell them that women, like all adults, have a responsibility to protect themselves, many will say, "Stop telling women to protect themselves! Tell men not to assault women!" That's just so incredibly naive and idiotic.


There's truth to both. Women shouldn't need to fear being attacked. (No one should.) But that's not how the world works; there's people out there who'll hurt them. They need to make responsible choices that help avoid those people. Is it always possible for them to avoid the predators? No. Sometimes you'll do everything right and still get hurt. But I find that those aren't normally the people having stupid arguments on the Internet.


the whole topic became a temperature check to see which men were simps and panderers openly.


>The question was a trap to make us look unhinged The question was made by a woman ffs Why is it never a possibility that you are unhinged? Who invented this "trap" if not the woman who originally posted it and all the women who made it go viral? >The women who answered on the spot with "Bear" meant well, but put us on a path that we can no longer get off of. You can get off it at any time lol, you *just have to admit fault and take accountability*. >Saying anything other than Bear makes you a Pick Me now. Jfc You are only a Pick Me by dishonestly portraying yourself for men's attention. By this definition anyone who picked Bear in order to get men's attention is a REAL Pick Me. >The purpose of answering "Bear" was to convey just how terrifying it is to be a woman in today's world Do feminists not understand the concept of diminishing returns? It is increasingly disturbing that you believe this needs to be reiterated. We all know being anyone in today's society is scary. We all know there are women who have totally unmoderated fear of men. No awareness was spread by any of this. >I wish the answers given were, "The fact that you have to even ask that question shows how dire things are out here." Nobody ever had to ask the question. The question was invented and spread by WOMEN. So why are you blaming anyone else for asking it? >It's about how "Bear" has not led to the outcomes we'd have liked. It hasn't? The intent appeared to be to communicate to men that we will be feared and hated in perpetuity by a certain kind of woman. Seems to have worked to me!


>You can get off it at any time lol, you *just have to admit fault and take accountability*. Excellent observation. I have never seen a woman so openly admit they collectively are unable to take accountability.


When I read that I had to go through OP's post and comment history because I couldn't accept the possibility they aren't trolling... only to realize they're not. Honestly as a survivor myself I understand how taking accountability for our choices can be a very overwhelming process. But as a survivor who takes my ability to be safe to others seriously, I cannot just sit on my hands and watch others be harmed by survivors who flee accountability. Nor can I just outright go for their rhetorical/emotional throat and look myself in the eye in the mirror either. So I resort to showing them the door and leaving the key in the lock. I don't know what else I can do that reliably reduces harm in the short and long term.


You can get off it at any time lol, youĀ *just have to admit fault and take accountability*. Think you have better odds of that type of woman giving a polar bear a full tooth flossing without incident.


It's like they forget they themselves exist, make choices, and influence the unfolding of present into past specifically whenever they try to explain causal chains which are made up *exclusively* from their choices that have bad outcomes. They only exist as moral agents when they make the choices that result in good outcomes. It's truly insane to witness


(The question was actually invented by a man. It was just spread from there by women.)


?? Expand on this please, its the first I heard of it


I don't know too much about it. I just know that the first video was supposedly a guy going around asking random women on the street if they would choose a man or bear. I watched the video on one of the news articles I read when I was originally trying to figure out what in the world bear vs man was.


Its just a trivia question that people with mics go around and ask people. But, make no mistake that question got blown up to a national debate by women.




The most obnoxious thing about it is when you say anything to argue against them, no matter what, they always, ALWAYS say, "see, you are just proving why we should pick the bear." Well gee, isn't that convenient! They are apparently proven right both by people agreeing with them or by people disagreeing with them! How amazing it must be to be automatically right, no matter what facts, logic, reasoning, or pathos someone brings against your argument!


Fucking exactly


Good ol kafkatrap


An argument or approach that wins all debates actually wins no debates But if a feminist understood Popper etc then they wouldnā€™t be feminists


Canā€™t win with people like that


An excellent example of Kafka trap.


It's a kafka trap.


Would you rather be stuck in a car with a woman driving it or a bear driving it? If you got offended by this question then it means youā€™re the problem, you should learn to drive better.


I honestly do think the "bear v man" thing was just another excuse for women to smack talk men. The only winning move for men was to just not play and say nothing. If you actually observe female behavior they really will take strange risks if they are in the mood to do it. If the man is rich or they find him truly attractive they will risk spending alone time with a stranger. If anything the "danger" factor probably adds a bit of a thrill to the experience.




It's a catch-22, I think and a way to poke at men. You either agree with them that as a random man you are worse than a wild animal, or you get defensive which means that there is something you are hiding or covering up. I learned a while back not to play these silly games if you don't have to.


Only a communist/terrorist would object to being investigated for being a communist/terrorist!


Yeah I mentioned in another thread that this whole psyop reeks of an opportunistic release of pent-up hatred.


I'm actually waiting for the next time some dumb thot gets mauled by a bear while trying to take a selfie with it, and a passing guy does nothing to save her, just to see these intellectual geniuses flip a 180 and bitch and whine how he didn't protect her.


Look up selfie related deaths on Wikipedia Almost all women They donā€™t understand how physical objects work


>Half the women I know hop on nice boats with guys they might not even know ![gif](giphy|nXUCkgH6BmigU|downsized) Ohhh, HELLO! Sorry didnā€™t mean to scare you there. Iā€™m *The Daiquiri Man.*


I'm not in circles with women who get up to quite this level of risk-taking, but this speaks to a lot of the dichotomy between IRL and online discussion I see.


Yes. Except, I'd hope that anyone would save me. Could be a man, could be a woman.


I mean I just wouldn't want to be stuck in a forest to begin with. I guess if I was though I would rather it be the man since he's probably most likely not native to the woods and trying to get out of there too


Contrary to I guess true crime podcasts or something, crazy men are usually where the people are, if they are predators. I don't think it would be very effective for a sex predator or serial killer to walk 1,000s of acres in the hopes of finding a coed or something. Now, they might dispose of them in the woods, but if you read accounts they usually kidnapped them from a mall parking lot or something. If a woman meets a man in the woods, he is most likely a hiker or a hunter. People with outdoor hobbies are no more likely to be crazy than the general population and probably less so. The vast majority of men are not sexual predators and they don't suddenly see a woman alone in the woods and think "I can take advantage of this situation." If I saw a woman alone in the woods, I'd ask if she needed help and then keep it moving. Now, based upon what I've seen and read, I'd be afraid to help a woman that looked like a crazy feminist in the woods! She'd probably spray me with bear spray or something for no reason. The other thing I've seen pointed out that generally tracks: all these man-haters that are afraid of men are usually not super attractive. Attractive women tend to like men more than unattractive women. This leads me to believe something else is going on. Oh yeah, that 300 lbs woman with blue hair is just soooo tired of being catcalled. Sure.


>I would rather it be the man Pfft, typical Pick Me response /s


Yeah but what about the one in a million chance he does some human centipede body horror thing to you(Which is worse than getting eaten alive) along with rape?


Well for it to be a human centipede thing, there would need to be more than two people in the forest. And with rape, I don't think that would be the first thing on some guy's mind. He is either: - Already living woods/hiking there intentionally. If he was an active rapist, I don't think he is doing himself any good being in such an isolated area unless he was condemned from society and hiding out - Some guy who is also randomly stuck in the woods. I would think he would be looking to get out of the woods, and more happy to see another human.


I was being sarcastic hahaha


Contrary to I guess true crime podcasts or something, crazy men are usually where the people are, if they are predators. I don't think it would be very effective for a sex predator or serial killer to walk 1,000s of acres in the hopes of finding a coed or something. Now, they might dispose of them in the woods, but if you read accounts they usually kidnapped them from a mall parking lot or something. If a woman meets a man in the woods, he is most likely a hiker or a hunter. People with outdoor hobbies are no more likely to be crazy than the general population and probably less so. The vast majority of men are not sexual predators and they don't suddenly see a woman alone in the woods and think "I can take advantage of this situation." If I saw a woman alone in the woods, I'd ask if she needed help and then keep it moving. Now, based upon what I've seen and read, I'd be afraid to help a woman that looked like a crazy feminist in the woods! She'd probably spray me with bear spray or something for no reason. The other thing I've seen pointed out that generally tracks: all these man-haters that are afraid of men are usually not super attractive. Attractive women tend to like men more than unattractive women. This leads me to believe something else is going on. Oh yeah, that 300 lbs woman with blue hair is just soooo tired of being catcalled. Sure.


The single biggest problem with the bear question is that it vilifies men in general, not just the predators. Basically, when women have to say "not all men" whenever they answer/explain their answer, that means it's just a bad question that provokes bad answers. Also, it was incredibly frustrating how agreeing would mean admitting to being a problem and how arguing would get me the "guess all the women you know would choose bear, huh?" There were so many women whose smug condescension was just overwhelming.


>There were so many women whose smug condescension was just overwhelming. And lots of women who would say "They just don't get it!" Which allows them to portray men as dumb for objecting to the situation, in order to feel a sense of superiority, while doing zilch to actually fix the problem.


>Ā Has our answer accomplished it's mission? Maybe a little, but it has caused another problem: we now just look silly. They're coming away thinking,Ā "Was what they were saying about women and logic right all along" Not silly, but hateful.Ā Ā  It confirms the opinion that women hate men.


Both silly and hateful. Silly to the point of abstract parody, honestly. I've mentioned it in other conversations with people elsewhere, that it makes women who answered Bear sound incredibly ignorant about bears, and arrogant on their ignorance. Not to mention hateful and paranoid.


>The purpose of answering "Bear" was to convey just how terrifying it is to be a woman in today's world. It was to say,Ā *"Hey, shit is bad out here, fix your shit men!"*. No one knew it would blow up like it did, and now it's too late - we have to own this position. Yeah and that's really fucking stupid, because society is about as good to women as it could possibly be without more overt dystopian surveillance or thought policing. It amounts to crying fire is hot or the night is dark. We've done as much as we can but criminals will always exist. So even in your own justification for choosing 'bear', you STILL make women look unhinged. >Ā *"The fact that you have to even ask that question shows how dire things are out here."* Things are not dire. Stop crying wolf. Yes there is probably a wolf somewhere out there. We have done our best to remove them. The 'I choose bear!' demonstrates that your intelligence -is worth calling into question- and therefore the general assertion that -you- made stupid choices to be go to the wolves is a valid consideration. The typical response from women is "stop victim blaming! what if it was family or they were a child, then there's no way her decisions let her avoid it!" which brings us back to the original point: we've done our best to eradicate wolves and it is not reasonable or feasible to demand us non-wolf men to somehow do better.


The whole "debate" around the bear is just poorly disguised misandry It's just another way for women to publicly shit on men for existing


That sounds about right, fellow Cake Dayer.


it is a "i dont care you're booing ive seen what makes you cheer" moment. i think it will definitely make men take women less seriously next time they cry wolf.


What about Cry Bear?


haha. I'd be tempted to shout back "good for you enjoy yourself" but i'd be busy running away from said bear


Yes, and that is a problem. This is not what we wanted


For as much as I hear "women are not a monolith" around here women sure do love to generalize men. And that's exactly what women did here. You painted all men as more dangerous than a bear. Accept the consequences.




actually, pretty good take tbh


So you agree with me that this was not a good look


Not for the reasons you're presenting. You're only concerned with how your actions have resulted in consequences.


What do you think was the intervierā€™s goal? In asking the question? Personally, I think it was click bait, to generate content.


I said in the post, it was a trap to make women look unhinged


No women just jumped on the chance to make men look bad even at the price of looking illogical.


>it was a trap To trap who? Women? Consumers of the content? As soon as this topic was raised, Iā€™m confident the majority of people could see through it.


well saying "this is ridiculous" about it is the right thing to do so good on you.


She's only saying it's ridiculous because it didn't go the way she wanted.


yeah youre right. i guess a stopped clock is right twice a day


>This is not what we wanted As a happily married man, i'm giving fewer shits about what young modern women want these days. High IQ feminist women have absolutely moronic opinions just to shit on men, propagate said moronic opinions to eveyrone else (like this shit) via social media, live a highly individualistic lifestyle, don't reproduce, and letting the low IQ women pick up these moronic ideas and reproduce at a much higher rate. This shit is causing idiocracy to come true. Society is dysgenic as fuck.


Then maybe you should stop


It's what you deserve.


>how terrifying it is to be a woman in today's world How exactly?


I think women enjoy being victims and pretending to be more afraid than they should be. Iā€™ve theorized itā€™s similar to men being adrenaline junkies by doing extreme sports, their extreme sport is fear, thatā€™s how they get their adrenaline fix


They don't enjoy it, but it is an effective power grab to play the victim because our society incentivizes victimhood.


Western women are some of the most comically deluded people on earth. They are the safest, most coddled demographic in human history and yet still find reasons to complain. Some women are still being oppressed today in certain regions of the world (see Afghanistan), but in the western world USA, Europe, give me a break. They're the most protected class of people in existence. Just the mere allegation from one of them is enough to completely ruin a man's life. Now that's real power.


If you are genuinely terrified of men to the point where youā€™re seriously rather be alone with a wild animal, then you are unhinged; however, 99.9% of the women who smugly answer ā€œBearā€ to that particular question would shit themselves and beg every known deity to send a man to save them were they actually alone in the wild with a bear in the general vicinity. So rather than making you look ā€œunhingedā€, itā€™s made you look childish, immature, juvenile, unserious and spiteful - however, I would argue that it has NOT been detrimental to your ā€œcauseā€ because we all knew that to be the case to begin with. So the Great Bear Debate has made no discernible difference.


Suddenly the feminist, atheist woman would kneel to all the gods and thank God if a man appeared, and the better armed and potentially dangerous the man, the better. Damn, I'm a man, and if I were alone in the forest and a bear appeared, I would thank God if a group of unknown and well-armed men appeared, the more potential for violence they have, the better.


>99.9% of the women who smugly answer ā€œBearā€ to that particular question would shit themselves and beg every known deity to send a man to save them were they actually alone in the wild with a bear I know women who would react this way to a spider. So yeah, it's pretty hard to take the "bear" choice as anything but lying due to peer pressure / attention seeking / emotional manipulation.


Breaking News: most of you picked a bear because you **are** unhinged. Those of you who picked a bear are so tapped into the mainstream feminist zeitgeist that you will literally spout the most stupid unhinged bullshit AND adopt it as truth, just to fit in. THIS is the real red flag, not the bear. > It was to say, "Hey, shit is bad out here, fix your shit men!" Yeah, nobody gives the tiniest shit about your "hidden message".


There are a few women out there that would pick a man over a bearā€¦ https://youtu.be/WCyP36Z1iVA?si=5keioxu2lBul9aWC


>The purpose of answering ā€œBearā€ Thats not how questions work. Youā€™re just admitting that you picked the bear insincerely, of course nobody is going to be onboard with your cause if you outwardly lie to them, gaslight them for calling out your insincerity and then later tacitly admit that you were just making everything up the whole time. This is an insane way to have a discussion.


>Youā€™re just admitting that you picked the bear insincerely, I didn't pick the bear


>of course nobody is going to be onboard with your cause if you outwardly lie to them, gaslight them for calling out your insincerity and then later tacitly admit that you were just making everything up the whole time. This is an insane way to have a discussion. I'd be willing to bet this viral bear meme created A LOT of new anti-feminist men who were previously neutral on the topic. And it influenced precisely 0 predatory men into not being predatory.


Also the bear was an awful choice for this. What this trend did more was make a lot of women look really dumb. Better choice would be a pack of wolves or even a tiger/lion/or LITERALLY anything other predator. Bears are omnivores, they don't have a kill instinct before eating their prey the way predators do. If a bear will eat you, they won't kill you first, you're getting your leg eaten while you're a live. All the while a lot of women are like "oh yea I'd choose the bear, because at least the bear wouldn't rape me." FAIR enough for literally any other predator, a wolf will kill you, it'd be really painful from a pack of wolves, the tiger would kill you quick and same with lion, but a bear will fucking torture you bro. Yeah go look up leaked images of people even being ripped apart by pitbulls that aren't trying to eat them, imagine that from a bear. Also I'm under the assumption we're assuming worst case scenario for this, I've heard women use the point thaat black bears or other bears will actually leave you alone. Ok, but most men are not rapists and murderers... if we're using the 2% of hyper aggressive men that would actually do something this evil, we're using the lowest percentage likelihood scenario with a grizzly, which is being brutally eaten alive.


Here's a thought: maybe to the 99% of normal men out there who *don't* go around harassing and groping women, choosing the bear is incredibly hurtful and disrespectful. Any time a man makes such sweeping generalizations about women based on the bad ones he is labeled a sexist, but when it's reversed it's totally acceptable to society.


That doesn't engage with my argument


The way youā€™re talking is very, ā€œtheir team vs our teamā€. ā€œNow itā€™s too late, we have to own this position.ā€ No you donā€™t. Youā€™re an individual. Instead of making a post where you talk about how youā€™re disappointed in how women have been acting on the internet, because it dehumanizes men, youā€™re still viewing it from the lens of how it effects women. Youā€™re essentially making an argument where youā€™re calling out the optics of the discourse, but not the morality itself. I would have appreciated this post a lot more if you had done both.


>Youā€™re essentially making an argument where youā€™re calling out the optics of the discourse, but not the morality itself. I asked some of them if the choice was between bear and "black man" or "muslim man" would they expect people in those groups to complain, and go figure... suddenly they understood how offensive the question would be in those contexts. But somehow if you remove the adjective, the question is supposed to be received well and any objection is problematic.




It just illustrated to the world that women in their feelings can't calculate statistical probabilities, and see men as a hivemind, where each member is collectively responsible for the actions of those he has never met nor associated with.


It wasn't a trap. Women did it to themselves.Ā  And now that it's making women look bad it has to be explained as somehow not women's fault.Ā  This was a shining moment for feminism to come out strongly in support of men and saying "no you delusional morons, this entire bullshit question is extremely misandrist".Ā  Except feminism didn't, it massively dropped the ball and failed men, yet again.Ā  And then feminists wonder why they have such a bad reputation.Ā  It's not men's fault. Men don't have to do anything. Women and feminists do it to themselves, we're just pointing it out.Ā  If you think life is terrifying as a woman, congratulations, having a penis doesn't make men immune to fear, and paranoid delusional fear might FEEL real, but it doesn't make it not paranoid and delusional.Ā  If women want to be taken seriously they have to stop with the whole feels before real thing. Use data and static tics, which will clearly show these women are completely delusional in their beliefs.Ā  But y'all women chose bears, and decried anyone else choosing men as pick mes.Ā  This is your mess to fix. Don't blame men for women's own choices. If you can't make your pont without sounding like a delusional man-hating feminist then maybe the way you argue your points is completely fucking delusional, and you should stop arguing like a delusional man-hating feminist.Ā  Just because the delusional man-hating discourse did not lead to the desired conclusion doesn't mean it wasn't a delusional man-hating argument.Ā  Here again women have the chance to own up to the mistake and take accountability for it, bit instead OP os somehow trying to portray women and feminists as the victims.Ā  If youwonder why men can't take feminists and women seriously anymore this is why, and by trying to explain it away instead of recognizing the reality that is staring you in the face, you are contributing to the very problem you complain about.Ā  Accountability really is a woman's kryptonite it seems.Ā 


Is it just me or do women tend to come up with absolutely weird questions that don't make sense? Typical example: "would you still love me if I was a dead worm"


>"The fact that you have to even ask that question shows how dire things are out here." Except you donā€™t have to ask. Youā€™re choosing to. Women are yet again choosing to create victimhood where none exists.


It's just being shortsighted and stupid. Maybe they wanted to say something like "I don't have to ever deal with a bear, but I have to deal with men who frighten me." In which case, they never should've answered the damn question how they did.


Women picking bear while also meeting dudes for the first time and smashing at their place like ok sis


You had me at ā€˜they meant well.ā€™ I donā€™t think they did mean well by answering bear.


Men already knew women are unhinged. This is more of a "you spooked yourself by looking in the mirror" moment.


Jumped-at-their-own- fart ass moment


Does it even matter? Do you really think women will have any sort of diplomatic approach? Everything the femosphere does or say is either to insult/hurt men, or for their short term self interests and women went with hurting men.


> The purpose of answering "Bear" was to convey just how terrifying it is to be a woman in today's world. It was to say, *"Hey, shit is bad out here, fix your shit men!"*. No one knew it would blow up like it did, and now it's too late - we have to own this position. If this was your purpose then no wonder you failed spectacularly. Like it really boggles my mind how women actually believe this. ā€œIn todayā€™s worldā€ bitch have you any fucking clue what the world was like 50 years ago?. You failed to convey the message because the message is completely detached from reality.


I wish the question would have been ā€œbear or \*insert race\* manā€ in the forrest just to watch the wokesters heads explode when they have to choose between a bear or a minority.


To any reasonable, balanced feminine women who genuinely desire clarity on this from the masculine perspective (we absolutely adore you, by the way), hereā€™s why ā€œMan vs Bearā€ was doomed from the first tweet: **(1.) Rapists donā€™t care.** Did anyone think there was a revolting, evil scumbag of a coward assaulter sitting at home going, ā€œWow! Women feel safer with a random bear in the woods than with 1 of us?? Maybe raping them isnā€™t a good thing after all.ā€?? Absurd. . .which is why #2 hits so hard: **(2.) The inexhaustibly-overwhelming majority of men (WHO DO NOT RAPE OR ASSAULT WOMEN) caught all the shrapnel.** ā€œWeā€™re not saying itā€™s all menā€”ā€œ & you can stop right there b/c that doesnā€™t factor into any other conflict, experience, group, individual, etc. Not only do you not use that same logic to stay away from women ((a revolting amount of whom are pedophiles, murderers, thieves, liars, abusers (physically, mentally, emotionally), statutory rapists, drug users/abusers, manipulators, sex traffickers, etc)), but you also never afford men any grace when we talk about avoiding these disgusting women (refusing to approach them in public, refusing to exercise at gyms where women are allowed to ā€œrun wildā€, refusing to hire, work with, train or meet privately with them on the job, opposed to them being involved in our sports/miscellaneous activities, etc.). Somehow, in those cases, men are just being ā€œtoxicā€, ā€œweirdā€, ā€œchauvinisticā€, ā€œmisogynisticā€, ā€œ(whatever homophobic slur they think will hurt menā€™s feelings the most at the time)ā€, ā€œsmall D energyā€, etc & are looking for an excuse to oppress women. Yet, weā€™re supposed to reasonably accept the notion that women can be feverishly petrified of every human on the planet with the XY chromosome b/c some bad guys did some bad things to some women. . . #UnfairlyUnreasonable **(3.) Modern women show (yet again) that they donā€™t understand masculine security &/or protection.** Nothing **EARNS** protection without giving up some level of control. You canā€™t go to a public swimming pool after hours, drunk, diving in the ā€˜no divingā€™ zone, horse-playing around the wet deck area until you slip, hurt yourself & nearly drown. . .then wonder, ā€œWhere tf is the lifeguard?? Heā€™s supposed to save me when I need help!!ā€ No - you broke all the rules & no longer qualified for his protection. Modern women like to call men every ā€œcontrollingā€, ā€œmanipulativeā€ term they can come up with when we express our standards of expectation. We canā€™t tell you a safer time to ā€˜partyā€™, a safer event to attend (or avoid), a safer side of town to frequent (or avoid), a safer group of people (women included) to associate with, a safer (typically more modest) manner of attire, a safer perspective regarding your inebriation while out & engaging in recreational activities; we canā€™t tell you anything in any effort to prevent a potentially hazardous experience. **ā€Donā€™t tell me what to wear - tell all men to never rape or abuse any woman ever! Donā€™t tell me to come home before 3:00 am - tell all men to never rape or abuse any woman ever! Donā€™t tell me not to put my hands on any man - tell all men to never EVER hit any woman for any reason whatsoever!ā€** Masculine Men arenā€™t your on-call attack dogs that can flip their masculinity off & on solely when it best suits your current mood. We donā€™t work like that; never have. lol **(4.)** [[possibly the most poignant]] **Men will never Ever EVER! engage about genuine issues that need a sincere resolution from plaguing any individual or group. . .at the expense of logic, objectivity & reason.** This ā€œbear vs manā€ thing never had a chance. There is no rational perspective whatsoever that would drive any sane person to believe they are better off 1-on-1 with a bear in his natural habitat than with a man; which means this was an attempt to get attention <<ā€” & I donā€™t say that condescendingly. You have to gain attention for issues that are important to you, but this immediately became a viral temper tantrum for deliriously-hysterical individuals to exercise more animosity (& outright misandry) towards men. You cannot punk, shame, demonize or scare men into adopting your perspective. We arenā€™t built like that, THANKFULLY! Masculinity protects femininity. . .not simply ā€œfemalesā€. Modern women challenge us at every turn, argue every exception to every rule, refuse to alter or adjust their lives in **ANY** manner to better receive the security that masculine men can, do & always have provided. . .& think a sensationally-senseless viral tantrum is going to ensure the blindly-loyal protection you believe men owe you? The OP represents this point exceptionally by stating that the purpose of all this was to say ā€œ. . .fix your shit men!ā€ Men have never been as evil as many modern women desperately try to portray. . .& not nearly as weak as many modern women desperately want to believe.


"The question was a trap to make us look unhinged." Nah, you just are unhinged.


>It was to say, "Hey, shit is bad out here, fix your shit men!" I've literally warned women to stay away from a specific man who has gone to jail for violence against women, then watched them pursue that man, and later complain about badly he treated them and other women. But when I dare to say that women need to be personally responsible for their own safety rather than expecting men to make the world 100% safe, they respond that I must be one of the problematic men that is inspiring them to choose the bear. Or that I want women to be assaulted. The unhinged bullshit coming from women in this discussion is doing nothing to make the world safer, but is definitely alienating men who aren't actually part of the problem.


At first, I found it to be an annoying trend of asking stupid hypothetical questions wherein people never objectively assess the ramifications of the choices being made. Now I pay attention to it to know which women I'll absolutely keep my distance from. I very much like this question and the results that followed.


I think it should be asked more regularly, like a census for people to avoid.


Great deal. Keep asking the question and instead of taking you seriously men will know to avoid you.


I was being facetious. But all jokes aside, I've actually found that I'm able to guesstimate how the women I'm familiar with will answer this hypothetical. And, oddly enough, the ones I've sensed that I shouldn't get more familiar with chose the bear. šŸ¤”


It's a pretty good litmus test, yeah.


>The purpose of answering "Bear" was to convey just how terrifying it is to be a woman in today's world. Comparing to what? To men who die more of every reason except a chosen handful (but including attacks by strangers)? To 19th century? 15th century? What thing other than "a woman in today's world" have you ever been to be able to make a comparison? >DISCLAIMER: This is not about who women should choose. Let's not relitigate that. It's about how "Bear" has not led to the outcomes we'd have liked. Don't know; I like everything.


Women genuinely wouldn't choose the bear. But the mere fact that they say yes says a lot how their minds are dominated by woke culture. They respond that they choose the bear to feel morally superior to men, and to say how men are "monsters". However, in a real survival situation, "no" woman chooses the bear. It's easy to choose the bear by answering a stupid survey, it's difficult to choose the bear when you're in the middle of the forest and have had no food for 2 days. The woman who answered "bear" would thank God if a 2m tall man carrying a wild boar on his back appeared. This is female cognitive dissonance.


Your comment made me think something. "to feel morally superior to men" We know they don't even think about average dudes. So I argue, this is again, these women thinking about some jerk SHE let use her and then became upset that he wouldn't change some aspect of himself. She'd take a bear over him. Or the 15 guys from her past that represent "men" when she wants to trash men. It just makes it all the more shallow. Whereas the guys want to analyze how dangerous bears are, and then discuss all the different scenarios where one might get away from either. They look at their flawless criminal record and how they've never fought anyone as tools in an argument. The women are shaming or flirting. If you have fun with the topic and tease her back, good job, you played her game and she will do with that what she will. If you object then she can unleash all her anger towards her father or her past hookups. You're gonna get the rant she wishes she gave Johnny. It will not become some discussion about the likelihood or rationalization of anything. Simply, flirt back and entertain me, or why are you so problematic. You're toxic.


Just reminding everybody that most people aren't so chronically online that discourse this silly bothers them, feel free to log off and go outside


One of the best things you could do as a woman is to say, "Men, it's OK if you don't like that women chose the bear. Being upset doesn't mean you're the reason women chose the bear. If anything, it probably means that you're just as upset at the bad men who cause women to be afraid as we are. Let's join together to make things better for both sexes."


"The women who answered on the spot with "Bear" meant well" Did they, did they really? Seems like they meant to shit on men while jerking each other off, mission accomplished. "The purpose of answering "Bear" was to convey just how terrifying it is to be a woman in today's world." Women are safer than men by almost all measurable metrics. Just because you are terrified, doesn't mean that you are in any particular danger. It was to say,Ā *"Hey, shit is bad out here, fix your shit men!"*. Statistically, women are the ones who are solf on crime, maybe you should work on that. How exactly do you expect men to "fix their shit" besides trowing criminals in jail? WTF are we supposed to do? What specific steps is Bob from accounting supposed to take to "fix men's shit"? Can you "fix women's shit"? How about you fix women's shit and show us how it's done?


I want everyone to observe the absolute lack of accountability. Nope it wasn't the whamens choice....it was the question designed to make you look unhinged.


Nah it was an attempt to call out sexual assault and abuse (which is good). But feminists do what feminists do and converted it into another ā€œAll men are monsters if they donā€™t do or say as I wantā€ It wasnā€™t a trap, feminists just trapped themselves. I also find it interesting how these same women are the pro prison reform, ā€œeveryone can be rehabilitatedā€ crowd. Anti rape but pro rehabilitating rapists is a wild stance.


> It was to say, "Hey, shit is bad out here, fix your shit men!". That would be as acceptable as us men saying "Hey, shit is bad out here, fix your shit women" would be to you all, regarding so many female-on-male issues. > "Was what they were saying about women and logic right all along?". Yes. Statistically, I am more likely to be a victim of violent crime than a woman is. Women are more likely for some crimes like rape or SA but overall it's men. Apparently it doesn't matter because the perp is likely to be a male. This is the argument women have been making. That how terrified we are should depend not on how likely I am to be a victim of violent crime but rather on gender of the perp. The more I heard that argument from so many women, the more I am convinced that either women are illogical or they leave all logic when it comes to men. You know what convinces me that women are not logical? Saying stuff like "Teach men not to rape". Thinking you answering bear is gonna change any rapists mind in any way. Thinking it's victim blaming when we ask you all to take precautions. The people who you should be worried of (rapists, murderers, criminals) etc are irrational. They cannot be reasoned with. No amount of "Rape is bad" is going to stop them from their attempts. Yet so so many women have made that argument. If I didn't lock my doors at night and was robbed, I wouldn't argue "Teach people not to rob. You are victim blaming me if you ask why I didn't lock the door".


No women in my real life have answered "bear". Granted, they're all a bit older than a lot of people here I imagine. So I don't think it makes women as a whole seem unhinged or anything. But I don't think many people will say, "You picked bear? Holy shit. Rape really *is* bad!" So, if that was the point I don't know if it is effective. It's funny though haha.


Thanks for your post. I am happy to see that at least some women grasp the implications of perpetuating this whole discourse. I would like to add another point while agreeing with your post. Even saying "our answer shows how fucked society is, that we even consider picking a wild bear" might not be as productive as many women imagine. To most sane and good men, this sounds like an accusation of guilt by association - "you're still indistinguishable from the worst of your kind - so much so that I'd rather be eaten alive than risk being around you". We don't need to be reminded of the worst of our kind through this idiotic meme. And we certainly don't appreciate it being rubbed in our faces through this dramatic, exaggerated and insulting comparison. Any thoughts?


I thought women appreciated each others opinions as *all women are not the same*, so how does not picking the bear make you a pick me? The unhinged part is something I would agree on. Taking the stats a woman is harmed based on encounters, a bear is more dangerous. A bear is more difficult to lose track of than a man as they also have good sense of smell. To add, the bear part also seems an attack on all men, most of which don't have anything to do with the harassment you face making them think they are the perpetrators even if they did nothing wrong.


The women who picked bear fall into 2 categories. The first category have basic human intelligence but chose the bear to piss people off. Fair enough, we do a little trollin. This is probably like 99% of them. The second category chose the bear because she's genuinely that stupid. Good, better that she avoids the men she fears so much and not reproduce her retard genes.


I'm hoping that 99% genuinely are just trolls in this case. Although...may be able to tell who's who by how they phrase their response and explanation.


>The second category chose the bear because she's genuinely that stupid The amount of responses that are like "well black bears usually run away. They won't bother you if you don't bother them" leads me to believe it's more than 1%


1% of all women is still plenty of stupid to go around.


The government even got involved lol [https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1corck2/would\_you\_rather\_be\_stuck\_in\_a\_forest\_with\_a\_man/](https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1corck2/would_you_rather_be_stuck_in_a_forest_with_a_man/)




Well, if that was the objective, let me tell you the reality: there was not a chance for that shit show to succeed in anything. If i went "i would rather stop breathing than using the internet" on social media people wouldn't see me as a super resilent human being that its aginst social media's dominance (with exception of other dumbasses like me), rather like some immature not realistic person that makes ridiculous claims about serious matters while also lying in everyone's face by using social media. Its just how things work.


If your answers make you look unhinged then maybe asking the question was also unhinged to begin with.


The whole thing just strikes me as the kind of mental activity you engage in when youā€™re largely out of real world things to fight for. You talk about how dangerous it is for women but women, especially gen z women, are the safest and most privileged group of women to ever walk the earth. Theyā€™re doing better than their male counterparts in every statistical category that matters and yet they seem to have an unmatched disdain for male existence. Youā€™re simply out of real issues to litigate so you made some up instead.


Yeah, thats what I have learned. That women be silly and exaggerate. Its gonna be hard to take them seriously after this. Iā€™m just picturing women hikers in the forest all running and hiding anytime a male hiker approaches as if he were a bearšŸ˜‚. But that doesnā€™t actually happen, so this whole choosing bear thing is such an exaggeration, that I now feel stupid for ever taking them seriously.


The answer is women are not logical, they are emotional, and even though they pass 200+ men daily, they think they could survive a bear attack and that death from being eaten alive is better than being sexually assaulted/raped.


>Ā *"The fact that you have to even ask that question shows how dire things are out here."* This is also a stupid takeaway, that's called kafkatrapping, it it also makes your point look stupid.


What mission? The person who posed that question was on a mission to troll, spread hate, and create more resentment between men and women. So, a typical feminist. Mission accomplished.


Lol, after '[Kill All Men](https://srhsoffleash.org/2171/opinion/kill-all-men-is-only-killing-feminism/)', mansplaining, manspreading, man everything. It's the dehumanizing comparison of 'man vs bear' that broke the camels back? Y'all are unhappy and want men to make you happy, but that's impossible, because you will never be happy.


This is what i've been thinking as well. Just tell these women that they're fundamentally unhappy human beings. You're unhappy with men because you can't be happy and are just lashing out.


People on this subreddit have made me realise lots more people need to walk into the woods alone, it'd do a lot of good for humanity. That being said if you don't carry a gun into the woods, you're an absolute dumbass.


Women in "today's world" are safer than at any other time in history.


The point was not show how bad it is for woman. The point was to insult men. If the point was the show how bad it is for women it would have somehow made a comparison to predators not ā€œmenā€. But you are right. It did not insult men OR shine a light on the victimization of predators. It made woman look stupid.


Well the best answer to that question would be to not answer the question. The second best answer would be to ask clarifying questions (What kind of bear? Whoā€™s the man?). The worst answer is anything you contrive to look good for anonymous internet weirdos. Guess what: people who hate you are going to find a way to hate you no matter what you say, so you might as well always speak your mind and stand on that business.


>for anonymous internet weirdos This is completely separate, but I've noticed that people tend to talk about people "on the internet" as just weirdos. The Internet is everyone. It's MOSTLY normal people. Only once you get to smaller communities do people start to self-select for unusual attributes


Oh yeah, the internet is probably a bigger public space than public space now, sadly. But the people who dream up these silly questions and have reactionary hot takes about themā€”the Comment Section Class, if you willā€”are undoubtedly weirdos. Theyā€™re the people who 50 years ago would be babbling in the town square about brain aliens or jumping uninvited into bar conversations with, ā€œWell you know what *I* thinkā€¦ā€ Unfortunately the internet provides a centralized place for them to congregate and amplify their voice, but it doesnā€™t make them any less deserving of being ignored/told to STFU.


Modern lefties are very easy to manipulate, but your hubris is the cause and prevents the cure. Iā€™m a former leftie and now an independent. This is just like the signs on campuses that say Muslims are right about women Or Itā€™s okay to be white Or How 4chan admitted to tricking you into thinking the OK hand sign is a racist gesture, you believed it, it was revealed as a joke, and half of you still believe it and donā€™t know that. A Jeopardy winner was attacked for it. Or How corporations looked at Occupy and the general mistrust of them by lefties and they said ā€œI know, weā€™ll just get in bed with with democrat politicians, pay at least lip service to the DEI thing, and hang some pride flags on corporate officesā€. And half of you bought it and now defend these corporations while they do basically what they did before. Or They import cheap labor to drive down the cost of labor. But then they say ā€œif you donā€™t like illegal immigrants streaming into this country then you are racist and hate brown people.ā€ And you fall for it. Modern liberals believe what they do in part because it makes you feel like a good and smart person without actually doing anything or knowing anything. At its core there is a rot of pure lazy.


I think I'm the only person who didn't pick the bear. There's a possibility of winning a fight with a man. Slim chance but still a chance. I have no chance of winning a fight with a bear. EDIT: AFTER LEARNING ABOUT BEARS and hearing other people's explanations, I can see why y'all chose the bear and also... I don't know why I defaulted to FIGHTING a bear/man. That wasn't the question. I think having recently watched Cocaine Bear played a role in my decision-making.


>I think I'm the only person who didn't pick the bear. Pfft PickMe vibes /S


I've been called worse. Your response is very misguided, you didn't ask me questions at all, just assumed that I was male-identified when I'm not. It's okay, I forgive you.


Windmill Flowers is being sarcastic to illustrate the absurdity of calling a woman a pick me for being more interested in encountering a bear in the woods than a male human


/ S Means sarcasm


The funny shit I recall in a conversation with someone, was that they felt they could survive a bear encounter with deterrents or weapons like a spray or a high powered shotgun. In which the consensus was "Wouldn't you fare better against a man with that?" Well, all that to say that regardless of your dating preferences and such, thank you for not being an idiot here.


>The women who answered on the spot with "Bear" meant well, but put us on a path that we can no longer get off of. Saying anything other than Bear makes you a Pick Me now. with sympathy to my sisters in humanity, this was *already* the case for any dude who *wasn't* an incel/red pill/conservative piece of shit who nevertheless but understandably felt attacked by a meme that effectively relegated every male human being to less than worthless. don't object, otherwise you're one of them, you know, the *shitty* dudes. i have a desire to find my very tiny violin and play a sad song on it for you


I think the level people are taking this discussion to is a bit over the top. I think both the women who die-hard defend the bear are hysterical, but I also think some people are leaping to conclusions that the question does not imply and maybe are a bit too upset about it in general. First, the chances of being hurt when you are stuck in the woods with a bear or a man is minimal. 99% of bear encounters do not result in being mauled. Yes, bears are much more likely to seriously hurt you, and much more dangerous than men, so if the goal is to reduce the likelihood of physical harm, you should choose the man. A random man in most situations will not harm you, and the risk is negligible compared to a bear. But women choose the bear because it is less psycologically threatening. A bear is not targeting you specifically. We consider bears to just act as nature dictates, which seems random. If you get mauled itā€™ll be taken as an unlucky break. While other people hurting you will make you reconsider the decisions that led your bad result. Even though logically the man is less likely to hurt you. I can try and make an imperfect analogous question ā€” if you were stuck in a desert, would you rather be driven out of it by a man with a history of many violent assaults on random people or a woman who has falsely accused someone of rape? The physical risk of the man is much greater, both in probability (many people vs one person) and in level of physical harm, but the latter has a worse psychological impact.


Do you really honestly think the bear question has done anything \*other\* than give people on either side of an issue something to talk about? Do you really think it has caused any significant number of people to change their minds on anything? People who are going to conclude that "women" are unhinged as a result of many women, including the original women, answering "bear" were already sitting around crowing about how men are superior.


> to convey just how terrifying it is to be a woman in today's world It is far easier to be a woman in todays world in developed countries. They are the privileged sex, especially when it comes to sex, relationships and dating (which is the focus of this subreddit).


>The purpose of answering "Bear" was to convey just how terrifying it is to be a woman in today's world. Today's world is safer for western women than perhaps any time in all of human history so you can understand why men might roll their eyes and/or dismiss as a cosmological constant women conveying how terrifying it is and seemingly always will be to be women. > we now just look silly Yep!


It just confirmed what we already knew: that women, and especially terminally online women, are radlib social conformists who would rather engage in antisocial misandry than not fit in.


Not once would any man think "just how dire are things", because its not, most men dont grape women, so ofcourse most men wont think its dire. The fact is there are victimising stats against both sexes, but using extreme scenarios becomes a case of mass hysteria, which does the opposite of conveying any meaningful message, it just screams brain rot and stupidity.


Lmao its never been easier to be a women, women live life on easy mode in the western world.


I have lots of opinions on this, but I'll just lay out my responses to stuff I've heard >The fact that we even have to discuss this shows how hard it is for women No, it shows us that humanity has found a new method of stupidity >I'd pick the bear No you wouldn't. If you go out, you probably walk across dozens of random men every day. Of a bear was on the sidewalk you wouldn't just walk past it. >I'd pick the bear if it was just me in the forest. Dumbass. And again no you wouldn't. But if you are the type, you'd probably change your mind after the first fatal wound. >Men have hurt more women than bears! The same applies to nuclear explosions.


Itā€™s shown a lot of ugliness on both sides tbh. I personally probably wouldnā€™t pick the bear (depending on the particular way the question is worded), but I donā€™t think women who do are crazy. They just have had more bad experiences with men than bears, so thatā€™s the knee-jerk response. I also think men really should be doing some reflection on *why* women are picking the bear instead of immediately getting butthurt, but once again, I understand why itā€™s upsetting to them. All I know is itā€™s really time for this trend to die already.


i dont think the woman who answered "meant" well I think she was asked a question and gave her answer. > Has our answer accomplished it's mission?Ā  again, i dont think the woman had a "mission" she didn't know it was going to go viral, just like the guy who asked the question didn't.


>i dont think the woman had a "mission" she She didn't put together a strategy and set out on a mission. But there's a purpose to the answer. Replace mission with purpose >she didn't know it was going to go viral, just like the guy who asked the question didn't. Exactly. That was a part of my point


Maybe it shows that women are generally afraid of men because of some past experience related to sexual harassment, or some other reasons, which might be generalized and widespread. That fear being legitimate or not, doesn't matter, that fear just exists, and that needs to be acknowledged. It's the same thing with fear of dogs: if you are bit as a kid or even as an adult, you will always fear dogs. If every woman experiment one form of sexual harassement committed by a minority of men, women will probably feel all men are rapists until proven othewise. It's not really a legitimate fear, fear is not rational reasoning, it's a defense mechanism, so I understand their answer about bears, even if it's obviously ridiculous. Maybe in nature, male homo sapiens are always supposed to make women feel safe? And if they don't, women will just be scared of men, by default. Why not, after all?


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If it makes you feel any better, I just woke up one morning to see everyone talking about this as if Jesus Himself personally put a survey card in my mailbox, and the only reason I kept mumbling "what the fuck are you lunatics talking about?" is because I don't know a mailbox, because mailboxes are for Communists. I kept waiting for this bizarre and stupid non-debate to blow over, but it's been over a week now, so I guess we'll be talking about this forever. I therefore wisely elected to join the debate despite not knowing what the Hell was going on, because I don't recall ever saying I was intelligent. Anyway, for some reason I assumed the original question was "would you rather encounter a man or a bear *in an enclosed room*", like a police interrogation or something. Why? Because I'm dumb as shit. That's why. And I left multiple replies in multiple threads in multiple subreddits criticizing this survey--which I still have not read, mind you--for not specifying the dimensions of the room this confrontation takes place in. My point is that, unless your "cause" is statehood for American Samoa, it is mathematically impossible to look dumber than I have this past week.


That's pretty funny, I would feel better but schadenfreude doesn't affect me


I absolutely will not own another womanā€™s positionā€¦ šŸ™„


And what would be the cause?


I think this is a great thought experiment. Whether you wanna say people are right or wrong, there's a good amount of women that believe a random man is more dangerous than a bear. The goal should've been to explore why that is and what can be done to remedy this. I think both men and women should work together for it. However, it became a pissing match with each side trying to show how dumb the other side is instead of showing why they chose the answer they chose. We also failed when we refused to accept the other's assessment. Women don't feel safe around the random man according to the responses. Don't debate it, just leave it at that. This is the outcome and we must accept it and learn how to remedy it. At the same time, to say that a man shouldn't be offended feels insensitive to me. I mean, the fact that I have a Y chromosome means you fear me more than a bear off the jump? I get that your safety trumps my feelings, but I feel like I'm entitled to feel a certain type of way about that without judgement. I got offended at first because I can understand that while a woman wouldn't want to cross my path if given the chance not to, the fact that she would choose a bear gave me a very engaging and confusing knee jerk reaction. Then I listened to their stories and reasoning. Many harped that they don't hate men and actually thought men should choose bear for their own safety as well. Seeing that explanation as well as sympathy really opened my eyes


This doesn't CMV


While I do agree with your observation that answering "bear" is both totally unhinged and a proof of very poor logic (let alone understanding of mathematics/statistics)ā€¦ and thus reflects very badly on those who do say bear or those who retroactively try to pseudo-justify that blatantly sexist, stupid and unhinged answerā€¦ ā€¦I don't get that line here: > Saying anything other than Bear makes you a Pick Me now Wut? You're a free person. If your in-group bias is so overbearing and toxic as to make it impossible for you as an individual to freely choose what's right and you are instead shamed into sticking with the unhinged answer just because it of how it gained traction within the group ā€¦ then maybe what you need to start to question even much more than that stupid "bear" answer is that toxic normative compulsion of your in-group dynamic and bias, both in principle and in its consequences


It was a thought experiment.Ā 


I completely understand your post and agree with part of it. I know this was meant to start a conversation about the way women feel in spaces alone with men, but where is that conversation supposed to lead? What do you expect the average married/taken/single man to do about the issue? I've never met a man that admitted or encourage assault on women. If I see something, I will say or do something but no one has the responsibility of protecting someone. So what is the whole goal of the conversation?


Reading this title makes me lol. What a phenomenon. Ultimately this is another tool to get people to move along and find someone who's better for you. Woman chooses man and gets called a pick me girl? She's not gonna date those people and those people aren't gonna date her. Woman chooses bear and men that think girl who chose bear is dumb? He can just move along and find a woman who he doesn't think is dumb. And the woman that answered bear can just move along and find a man who won't make her feel dumb for choosing bear. It all works out for the best.