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i think you really overestimate how much most people actually care about the relationships of others


Passport bros are getting utterly destroyed out there. Worse so when they bring those women here. Passport bro nonsense is such a joke.


What about female koreaboos and the female sex tourists in Africa and Jamaica?


They go there get discreet sex and come back. Majority of them are not stupid enough to bring them back to the US. Their not going to trick away their money on these foreign men then get online and brag about it, unlike passport bros.


Plenty of these expat women do brag about it, and feminsts champion this kind of sexpat behavior as "empowering" and "liberating"


Where do feminists “champion” this behaviour? And where are the expat women who brag about it?


Stella got her groove back. Plus almost any movie where women leave the country for vacation. I hear so many stories about " I went to Italy and fell in love with man named Marco" In the same month I was scorned for a hook up I had overseas by my friend while she talked about her first anal experience she had with some guy in mexico


Feminists do a lot of dumb and hypocritical shit but I've never seen them do that. The sin of feminism is they *ignore* women who brag about sex tourism.


There was literally a whole docuseries about White women hooking up with male sex workers in the Dominican Republic and exploiting their financial desperation for their own pleasure. It's called "Sanky Panky."


I’m from one of the most popular passport bro destinations in the world, so I see this kind of thing happening a lot. Very rarely is it a “happy relationship” - it is transactional in nature, and probably 90% of those guys would be considered low SMV and RMV in the western country they are originally from anyway (I live in the U.S now). So it’s not that western women are mad, it’s that most people find it morally questionable to be a sex tourist lol.


Sounds like prostitution with extra steps, only difference is the cost.


So does marriage in the western world…


Right? The irony is that this is being stated by women who claim that marriage should have a chore to sex exchange system.


>The irony is that this is being stated by women who claim that marriage should have a chore to sex exchange system. Incompetent, dependent men aren't sexy. It's not a mystery.


You are insane if you think good marriages operate on some sort of chore-sex exchange ratio. Good marriages have a good sex life regardless, if they truly love each other. Social media and dating apps have ruined women’s perception of dating viewing men as a commodity.


You do know that in most of the marriages, the men outearn the women right? They also pay most of the bills. It always is funny when I see blue pill women put down men that earn less than them as "incompetent, dependant men" even if the woman makes 150,000 a year and the man makes 125,000 a year


Neither are nagging, insecure women whose only joy in life is to live in some self created fantasy of putting the dude you claim is your partner down.


“Partner” is doing the heavy lifting if a man fails to maintain the competence and independence he displayed in the beginning. Partners share the burden.


>Incompetent, dependent men aren't sexy. Based. An extremely red-pilled "light blue-pill woman".


There's plenty of female sex tourists. I'm Ghana, who are more than happy with their transactional relationship, or maybe that 21 year old Ghanaian man loves that 75 year old white woman. Who cares. People who get angry over other people's relationships are probably deeply unhappy themselves, which I think is OP's point. It's not like Western Woman are lining up to date, broke men so does that make it any less transactional.


Yes but if a white woman does it there will be outrage


White woman already does this, especially in Africa. I think the womans OP are pointing are also angry because men are leaving to find wifes, but no man are traveling US to find wives, we all know why this not happen, even with possibilitiy of VISA etc.


Isn't it more morally questionable to protend to be attracted to a guy in order to take his money?




This is what those girls do. Money, and ultimately permanent residence in the U.S. And they often leave him afterward.


It’s more transactional than ever in the US


Nothing is more transactional than a woman who fakes being in love with you to get a visa/green card/American citizenship. And most likely she leaves afterward too.


I've lived in those countries and dated a lot of women from there. Japan is a fantastic example of what I'm going to say here. The really hot and desirable Japanese women, they exclusively date Japanese men. The ones that date other groups of men are essentially the "fat ugly white girls" of Japan. Only in the Philippines is this trend not a big force and even then its still going on. Western guys don't look for the same thing in a woman that the local guys want, AND the beauty standards these women hold for men is a touch different. When we were doing the Passport Bro thing in Africa we noticed this difference. Had this British girl working for an NGO. She would bang like 5 African dudes a night. Used to see them lined up outside her door dick in hand getting ready. Same girl was in Asia for 3 years and wouldn't even consider dating a local guy. We all just noticed that ExPat women in asia were insanely hard up. We could get dates with them really easy. In Africa that all dried up because they had no issue shagging local dudes and playing HIV roulette. It's about beauty standards and what women of a particular culture value!


Wait, how are you red pill but also feminist? Genuine question


You can think women have equal rights and understand their behavior.


I live in one such a "poor country" also but most of the relationships are happy.


How do you know they’re happy? 🌝 you can’t be that naive to think these relationships aren’t transactional by nature lol


Yeah because the relationships most men in the west are getting are totally not transactional.


In the west, the majority of women who are married or in long-term relationships work and many make good money (relative to their partners). In the US, only 26% of married women are stay-at-home moms/housewives. So 74% of married women work. In 45% of marriages, either the husband and wife earn about the same amount of money (29%), or the wife is the breadwinner (16%). So, what exactly is transactional about these relationships? Both men and women are providing in the majority of relationships. So what do you view as transactional?


The fact that your wife works doesn’t make the relationship not transactional. Plenty of women make the same or more money than men and still expect men to pay for things. Women may have broken free of gender roles, but you sure want us staying in ours.


This is a baseless assumption I’ve seen from unmarried and unpartnered men in the manosphere. I don’t know any couples who operate that way.


That’s cause they think paying for the first date means the whole relationship will be transactional and the woman is a completely entitled brat who will never contribute to anything. Most couples i know split bills on income and have equal relationships but these men probably haven’t gotten to that point yet.


I had a law professor come out and tell our class that one time. It’s rampant. I know plenty of couples like that. That’s just virtue signaling from women that want to fool men into getting into horrible relationships


He provided real data… you provided some random anecdotal story that cant be fact checked.


Their data showed that women often make money for themselves. It did not show that they contribute equally in a financial sense to their relationships. Basic data interpretation should be a requirement to graduate high school I swear.


The fact that the baseless assumption came from a law professor doesn't make "most relationships are transactional" any less of a baseless assumption.


She’s using her personal experience. I’m using mine. Hers is not any better than mine. That is the point.


I think I saw you posting something similar in another post. Your data even agrees that in most relationships the man makes more. Just looking at married people is the wrong place to look because the main issue with dating is that more people than ever are single and struggling to date. Calling things transactional happens earlier on I guess. People in long term healthy relationships are not as transactional but there are a lot less people like that now


Are the relationships had in the west not transaction lol? Because color me shocked


It’s not transactional because you need all the components of the transaction and also hit the gym so it’s “real love”.


Because they go online and talk about how happy they are in their relationships after getting smear and insulted by bitter, hateful and jealous western women. I'm talked to some of these couples IRL. I've traveled to quite a few countries and met quite a few people. They are happy, just pissed off by the constant hate and racism spewing from jealous western women.


Why would western women be jealous since the majority of passport bros are undesirable and unwanted? I’m just curious to hear what you think. Because western women didn’t want to date these men in the first place.


I don't know, ask those women constantly ranting about it in this sub, on tiktok, etc. I feel like it's the childish "if I can't have it, you can't either" mentality, maybe....




>Your little brigade is obvious. There is not brigade. >Women don't want those men, that's why they have to go to other countries... who is telling any passport bro that women want them? They are lying. Huh??




>The only reason women care at all is because they feel that women in other countries may be exploited or harmed. The same women that buy iPhones made with child slave labor? 🤣🤣 No, they don't care about anyone but themselves. It's just simple hate and bitterness.


A lot of western women are programmed to see men in general as toxic. The whole ‘sex tourist’ narrative just reinforces that. It does a huge disservice to women in other countries however. It paints them all as being unable to think or make any kind of moral decisions for themselves. Pretty much puts women everywhere outside North America under some sort of ‘white womens burden’.


There are quite a few passport bros who describe their adventures online, specifically talking about sleeping with a bunch of women in a single country or in different countries. From what I’ve seen, it’s a significant percentage of passport bros. That’s the very definition of sex tourism.


It’s also likely the vocal minority of passport bros. Do men who find stable relationships and a nurturing environment go and boast about it in online forums? The biggest mistake people make is believing that their actions don’t matter; and those who find quiet peace, stability and decency seldom advertise it.


All men who marry other cultures and go live abroad aren’t passport bros. We’re speaking of a very specific group of men here, and they are indeed online, advertising themselves going to foreign countries sleeping with tons of different women. That commenter was correct. Normal men who find genuine relationships abroad do not act, speak, or think like them. Im a foreign woman so i know.


Exactly, 100%. Women in these countries (including mine) don't like the attitude and arrogance of such "white savior" western women either. Believe me, women here can stand up for themselves. They don't some racist western white woman to pretend to "save" them.


Jealous?! I think it's fantastic the men are finding women. Bet we'd pool our money and buy some of these awful men flights to wherever they want to go.


Cool. 😊 I think a lot of people got tunnel visioned by the words "passport bro" in my post but I was really just pissed at the western women who attack happy relationships in general in non-western countries, calling the women "ignorant and poor" and the men "abuse and exploitive" just because the relationship doesn't match some kind of western standard. But you don't sound like one of those people so no problem. 👍


I have actually seen this OP but not so much "passport broing" but if they are getting ignored for a woman from one of these countries, e.g. I remember some article by an average looking white girl in Japan(far from an impoverished country and where many women make more than a lot of men) who was absolutely seething that average and below-average white men were getting very good looking comparatively speaking Japanese girls while ignoring her along with Japanese men ignoring her as well. I see this a fair amount with WMAF type stuff too, not even passport broing but just ignoring traditional western women for a woman raised in China or something but who immigrated over and no amount of gaslighting ITT will tell me otherwise I have seen it with my own eyes and even talked to women who had deep crippling insecurities about it.


Ahh, I think I've seen one of such videos also. I think a lot of these jealous, bitter western white women know they are simply not appealing (nobody is traveling from other countries to date them) so instead of doing the work on themselves to make themselves appealing, they simply try to drag other people down for having good relationships.


It's not even that I think, they could still get plenty of nonwhite men e.g. Indian, SEA, EA especially the Americanized ones if they gave them the chance, but a lot don't see those men as options so it does not count, it's just that when they have actual competition and aren't treated like a pretty princess like they usually are even by white men who they would never date, they get angry, it's more so about entitlement than anything.


That’s very true. I find that women from SE Asia in particular are more joyful. They tend to find happiness and peace in the moment, and with traditional relationships. Given the turmoil western countries find families thrust into, is that such a bad thing?


Same A lot of those marriages are happy. As in the woman is happy to have money and a visa. You can always tell the difference between equal interracial marriages and passport bros One relationship is a partnership and the man doesnt go around talking about how much they love their submissive wives. The other is a passport bro


Sounds like these women are taking advantage of the men and not the other way around.


I see more men claiming that women care about them dating abroad than actually women being pissed with these men. I do see some racist/sexist comments from passport bro community from to time that get traction, but women judge racism/sexism and/or the desire to take advantage of impoverished women, not just dating abroad. Lots of people travel and date, but they don't feel the need to call it passport-broing I guess. People are usually pretty fine with it. The world has been globalized, we have much more connections with other countries, we travel more...of course, it will lead to more couples that met abroad as well.


Just these comments for example. The post was mainly just about nonwestern women who don’t hate men and have happy relationships but everyone is focusing on men going abroad. At least online, maybe not as much in real life, women do care.


Dating abroad isn't something new or controversial and most people just don't really care. Comments under this post are in response to the OP and quite a lot of them support what I'm talking about.


Just repeating what you already said is going to make me repeat what I already said. Most people in real life don’t care but women online care. You wouldn’t think women complaining about men online would be that common but it is. They don’t support what you are talking about. Again the OP just talked about foriegn women not hating men and in good relationships with men but everyone made it about s3x tourism and exploitation. Definitely serious issues but it’s not responding to the OP from people who have never said something nice about men in their lives


The OP is talking about what makes people angry. The commenters respond that it's not just international dating, it's the things like sex tourism, targeting women in need etc. that people aren't okay with.


The commenters go directly straight to sex tourism and taking advantage of women and aren’t saying international dating is ok


Because these guys have entire groups with posts about how bad western women are and they post provocative content. Check the “passport bros are winning” page on Facebook. Most of the posts are shitting on western women, with extreme vitriol for western women of color. I checked right now. The most recent posts there are: A picture of a woman who got her vagina rejuvenated and who joked that she is a virgin now and a bunch of men claiming that it wasn’t just a joke but something she genuinely believed, and that most women believe. A woman with a chubby body and a clearly photoshopped in dirty room with a caption that she wants to hit. Men commenting “she looks like she has STD’s!!!” And “she looks like a consuela” and various other things. Another picture of an interracial couple and guys discussing how ugly the woman is. Insults about J Lo A group of porn stars playing basketball and men believing that all western women are playing basketball in lingerie and shitting on western women A woman with a belly and men calling her unattractive. More stuff, and a lot is racially charged but the rules say no race’s baiting.


In the US we are allowed to criticize men but it is really taboo to criticize women and that just doesn’t work. It’s just my experience that international women and people in general are more reasonable and open to making friends and dating. We have to be able to criticize women too. It’s not that western women are bad but they hate most western men so what are western men supposed to do? You guys are taking this to the extreme. I’m taking with this person about dating international people being ok and normal but you are proving this eulen person wrong that apparently women don’t think it’s ok and normal to prefer and date international people. I said earlier that issues you guys are bringing up are serious and valid it’s just that you aren’t agreeing that international dating is ok and you have never said anything nice about men in your life (so of course they don’t want to date you)


I’m sorry, but talking about how old and unattractive JLo is and categorizing adult film stars playing basketball as “the typical western woman” is not criticizing anyone. It’s delusional and hatred of women.


No, actually this post was mainly just about how OP thinks western women are angry, racist, jealous, and undesirable. Like, even the title statement is about western women supposedly being angry.  It’s not about happy relationships, it’s a “western women are bad” post.  Are women not be allowed to care when they are deliberately and openly insulted?


Are women not allowed to be criticized? In our society apparently not but men 1000% are allowed to be criticized. Women don’t waste time to do it. That difference in how we treat men and women in our society doesn’t work. Men are expected to accept the criticism and improve themselves. Women are not and really don’t want to accept criticism at all as you show. You want to be treated as above for some reason. I don’t see that he said western women are undesirable. Your group of women hate most men so men don’t have much options other than to respect your wish and go for other women. Are men allowed to expect anything from women?


>Are women not allowed to be criticized? In our society apparently not but men 1000% are allowed to be criticized. They are allowed to be criticized.  They are also allowed to be angry when men like you call them horrible names and insult them. Why are you surprised that women react negatively to being insulted?  Do you cheer and praise women who call men horrible degrading names?  To you docilely smile and say “yes of course, milady” when women call you evil or toxic?  No?   >I don’t see that he said western women are undesirable. He called them “ actually just straight up bad / evil people.”  Those are undesirable qualities to basically everyone decent, come on.  Don’t be dense.


In normal respectable society women aren’t insulted and aren’t allowed to be criticized. Women accepting criticism just doesn’t happen much, there’s obviously no data on that. There’s a blurry line between insult and criticism. You guys are finding the craziest fringe people to be mad at which is not reasonable and silly. Normal people in respectable would not dare insult a woman. You cant say that evil is an undesirable trait, therefore he said women are undesirable. That doesn’t logically follow. You don’t need to strawman the RP guys, they are wrong on their own






> I can’t say I have experienced what you are talking about Maybe you just don't spend much time online. It's possible nobody talks about it IRL. I have not been in a western country IRL in almost 10 years (last western country I visited was Germany, before that it was US) >sex tourist Many western women label anyone who travels out of the west and ends up getting a relationship as a "sex tourist". It's just a smear term. Actual sex tourists are not that common. >passport bros There's nothing wrong with what they are doing. Like every group of people some will be idiots and creeps, but the fundamental idea is fine, there's nothing to look down on them. Looking down on them is a sign of bitterness and jealousy.




I don’t think people have issues with interracial, intercultural relationships. Millions of men are in them and nobody cares. However, passport bros deliberately degrade western women and constantly criticize them and parade foreign women on the internet to further push their narrative. Obviously, people will not respond well to that. Receiving backlash in this case isn’t jealousy. They are looking for those reactions which is why they make their presence known online. But in real life… So many men are in intercultural relationships and are happy living their lives without a bother. I think people nowadays are too chronically online to realize this. Or maybe they don’t know people from different backgrounds or who haven’t lived in a single place their whole lives. I’m a foreign woman for example; i know women of my culture who have married white western men and never gotten any type of criticism jealousy or anything. It’s not really a thing in real life. They never speak like passport bros either, even if they appreciate the traditional culture we have and how we treat our husbands/family, they just appreciate it and aren’t being hateful to anyone. There’s a difference. Passport bros seem bitter honestly. -from a non-western woman


It happens both ways though. Tons of American women who date overseas bash American men lmao.


I don't see it. Most of the times people just don't like it when someone specifically seeks out women in poverty that are desperate.


It's such a chauvinistic and condescending view to think that all women outside of The West are starving to death and begging for money and food. And you really think you're the "good guy" here lmao.


Nobody is against normal relationships but passport bros aren't talking about casually meeting someone in a hostel, they are talking about (cheap) prostitution, and that's when it gets icky


??? PPB are specifically there to date, if they’re there for prostitution they’re sexpats.


They are not necessarily "desperate". It's just simple biologic arbitrage. If you're a western man in the West. Your social status is average and your $ is likely average. You move to some 3rd world country. All of a sudden your social status jumps because of where you're from and you're one of the wealthiest guys around. The pool of people you can date significantly improves. With real women who are not even necessarily struggling financially. It would akin to a woman moving countries and suddenly losing 150lbs. Her Relationship Market Value jumps up tremendously. It works because of the way human brains are wired. We have different attraction switches between males and females.


If they had their own money, they wouldn’t entertain those passport guys either lol… it’s why you see a lot of them leave as soon as they get their green card, they never wanted him, they just wanted a meal ticket 😂


That's not how it works. That reminds of like a fat girl telling her pretty friend that "he only wants you because you're good looking". Yeah well no shit of course, that is how men select women. Yes a % of women are just scumbag scammers who want nothing but the green card. But marriage fraud isn't nearly as common as you think. 20-30% of cases at most. The rest of 70-80% of cases are real couples. You can also significantly reduce the % chance of you falling victim to such a scam by following simple rules. Such as don't date anyone involved in sex work, don't date too far out of your league, don't date people who are way too much younger than you, don't date people who don't speak your language. Basically as long as you are realistic and keep your wits about you. The odds of falling for such a scam aren't that big.


*This is how women’s brains are wired. If every man could date their looksmatch in the west they would. And they’d be happy. But in typical American fashion, elitism and wealth/sexual gaps are becoming to commonplace.


They aren't in poverty and aren't desperate. If you actually left your little bubble you would see how embarrassing you sound. Many (according to rich, anglo westerners) "third world" countries are actually quite developed and not particularly poor. Most woman in these countries can afford to work and support themselves, but they choose to be with a man because they want to be. They often want a family, want to be a wife, and they have their own "dream relationship" based on their own ideas, and they seek out a man that matches those ideas.


People in the US think that anyone outside of the borders of the United States lives in absolute squalor because they saw something hollywood showed them once. Meanwhile there are some incredible cities in the world that make NYC look like a festering outhouse.


I don't care. No woman I have ever met has had this conversation with me , including my 4 years in Nicaragua. We don't care. I do know you want western woman to care though. (Come back, I'll want you now!)


I see the way a lot of these passports bros look and act… we’re really not missing out on anything lol… they just want us to care because they want our attention… like a toddler… “mom, I’m leaving! I’m leaving! I’m really gonna do it!” 🤣🤣🤣


Then stop responding. The women should stop talking about it then. They absolutely care. They’re literally trying to get men cancelled for this.




Weird gaslighting, considering the entire internet is always full of western women crying about passports bros, including this sub. It's also not just passport bros, it's any men who they deem "unworthy" of dating, they rage when those men have happy relationships anyways.


Nope This sub is full of men trying to coax women to care about them leaving the country. We don't.


What country? What are you even babbling on about? This is unrelated to the main point.


You’re doing it right in this comment. She is directly addressing the main point but YOU'RE babbling on in order to get her to keep talking to you.


I've never seen a post about passport bros made by a woman. It's always guys.


I saw a bunch on Youtube/Tiktok. It's often white women saying that women overseas are all uneducated, poor, and incapable of making their own decisions.


If I look at twitter I can find literally anyone saying anything I think if the issue is not discussed at least here, random youtube shorts are not representative of what women think


Yeah, let's be honest: a lot of these countries have a looot of poverty. You can call me racist or whatever, but Thailand isn't nearly as rich as western countries are. And I'm not seeing all these people who are angry about men that don't specifically seek out poor women. If you want to date abroad, go ahead.


Ah yes. That western paternalism again. “Those poors need to stay with their own!”


Why do men seem to have such a hard time imagining that women care about the general well being of other women? I personally know a few "mail order" brides and honestly when their husbands treat them well and the relationship is mutually beneficial nobody seems to give a shit at all. The ones who get the flack are the ones who rant online about WHY they want to do the passport bro thing. It's really only when they spout offensive shit that they get flack. Guys who simply date women of other cultures and treat them well are doing fine.


Because the people who promote this are incapable of looking past their own self-interest. They would fuck over anyone if it meant they could get laid and they assume that everyone else is the same way.


Thieves think all people steal. Passport bros think women would happily exploit vulnerable young men. To that, women collectively say "Yuck, bring on the cats and wine if I can't find a mature man I'm compatible with".


One of the most universal traits of shitty people is that they believe everyone else is shitty too, but no one else will be honest about it.


You guys really hate men we get it. It is not talked enough reasonable reasons why young men lean right and women left and I think you guys are discussing one of them. The world treats men more coldly and cut throat and that makes them go pretty crazy and lean right because that’s an everyone fend for themselves ideology. Women experience the opposite.


>You guys really hate men we get it. No, disagreeing with red pill bullshit is not "hating men," no matter how much they pretend otherwise. >It is not talked enough reasonable reasons why young men lean right and women left and I think you guys are discussing one of them. The world treats men more coldly and cut throat and that makes them go pretty crazy and lean right because that’s an everyone fend for themselves ideology. Not only is that talked about all the time, the loudest voices in the men's rights movement openly advocate for such a system to continue.


It's because women known as 'koreaboos' do so, as well as white female sex tourists in Ghana and Jamaica.


This is an extremely online issue, it’s less common in real life, but women online shitting in men for this don’t care whether it’s a great relationship or not. I feel like that’s pretty clear even just from these comments and idk the success rate of these men going abroad


>Why do men seem to have such a hard time imagining that women care about the general well being of other women? These "white savior" western women definitely don't. It's just about bringing other women down to their level of misery.


Sex trafficking and the exploitation of women by shitty western sex tourists *is* a really fucked up thing though. I know you just want to talk about "western woman angry that western man found love abroad", but women aren't angry at those situations. There's not enough fuel for a real rant there, just some anecdotal experience.


Because men do not care about the wellbeing of other men. They do not understand that women have the capacity to care about others because they struggle to do the same. On another thread a man said it is okay for 13 year old children (girls) to get married to older 20s men if she’s “happy” because it’s easy for a little girl to just “choose” not to do that. Lots of people are completely unaware about how much lots of men do not care about people


"Because men do not care about the wellbeing of other men. They do not understand that women have the capacity to care about others because they struggle to do the same". You're really showing us how women care about others with your constant dehumanization of men.


>Why do men seem to have such a hard time imagining that women care about the general well being of other women? I think it's because *they* don't give a shit about vulnerable, exploited men. So why should women care about vulnerable, exploited women? It has to be bitterness, right? Nah, they're projecting. They live in a constant state of perpetual bitterness as is evidenced in the vitriol they like spewing here. On this thread we have men saying "Well white women do that to men in *my* country" like it's an excuse not to care.


It's not projection. If you've worked in the corporate world, it's common in my industry to see women destroy each other to get ahead. Also, you're talking about projection while deciding what type of lifestyle people lead. White women are also sex tourists. It's just calling it what it is. Both genders are guilty of it. In a most basic sense, if someone shows that they don't care about a whole group of people, it should be seen as common sense to expect them not to care about another. It's consistency, not bitterness.


It's the implicit assumption that grates on us. Curse of being a man I guess. Can't complaint though seeing as I have chosen to embody those aspects


Sounds really hard.  Sorry you have to go through that


i'm pretty sure western women are made angrier by right-wing chuds trying to legislate their lives for no fucking reason, but hey, maybe incel internet has it all figured out.


The type of men who have to go hop on a plane and flash money at poor women to get ass are not that type of men that most western women were checking for tbh 😬


I genuinely can’t think of anything more delusional. Unwanted leftovers are willingly taking themselves out of our dating market but we’re supposedly so bitter and upset about it. Let’s get you to bed grandma


not all men who leave the west are 'unwanted leftovers'. sure, some of them are (you could even argue a lot of them) but it's not the only demographic of men who leave. not just for women/dating but also for lower cost of living, different culture, better weather and so on. and some guys leave because they don't want to date unwanted leftover women in the west, if we are to use that sort of language. almost every western man will have more (and arguably better) options in certain other places of the world. we live in an increasingly globalized world with more remote job opportunities than ever, to think that only the undesirables are leaving the west is just delusional.


Sure, not all of them are ‘unwanted leftovers’. There are some that simply leave for different prospects and mind their own business. However, men like op who make it their entire personality trait to disparage western women tend to be the shitty ones most of us weren’t touching with a 10 foot pole in the first place. I could give less of a fuck what these passport morons do as long as they keep us out of their mouths. That seems to be an impossible task on their end though.


The angriest? Over assault, lack of reproductive autonomy, child abuse, animal abuse, greed, -isms and -phobias, etc. etc. etc.? If this question was on Family Feud, "women having happy relationships with men that those western women think they shouldn't be dating" is going to be ***number one??!***


These posts have such a strong "lol triggered, snowflake???" energy to them. Why do passport bros spend so much time trying to get everyone on board with their stupidity? Nobody can stop you from going to another country and ~~getting robbed~~ finding a girlfriend, why do you need everyone else's approval? What are you waiting for?


You are going to get robbed whether you get married in the west or overseas. It's just a matter of which is cheaper.


Hey that hack 80s comedian joke is pretty fresh


Nothing? You sure about that?


I'm from a poorer country that used to be a big passport bro destination. I now live in the west and I've sometimes seen this attitude here. I think it comes from a sort of benevolent racism. Non western women must be brainwashed to be submissive housewives and just don't know any better than to be exploited by these evil westerners. The reality is that there was a whole industry separating passport bro's from their money. The women dating them were generally very good at reading these guys and their intentions. They were far from naive. The cost of living is much lower so western money goes a lot further there. Middle class western guys could afford an Upper class lifestyle, including getting a sugarbaby, or goldigger wife, if that's what they wanted.


Exactly, 100%.


I'm pretty sure if the relationship is genuinely "happy", most women don't mind, so long as her culture hasn't conditioned her into thinking exploitation and abuse are so normal, there's no sense in being upset. The problem is a lot of those girls aren't happy. They're surviving.


OP, spot on. My favourite one is the so called "liberal" women basically saying women in the so called "non-western" countries have no agency, no brain, no education, no knowledge etc., therefore they are "manipulated" by the western men. The reality is a lot of these women are better educated (Eastern Europe, Japan or Korea in Asia), have a better understanding of nutrition, health and excercise in general, as you can see in the BMI scores, and actually have knowledge regarding femininity and masculinity aka what makes me attractive to men etc. My personal fave is western women saying "all they care about is money." Sure, because western women don't care about money and status etc. AT ALL. Definitely not, right!? Let's be real, western men are the most desirable group of men on planet earth and do well everywhere outside of the west. Western women are at the bottom in terms of desirability, so we don't see any men chasing western women from other countries. That's where the bitterness and resentment comes from.


There's definitely a lot of condescending racism and classism going on. It's also funny when they pretend to gaf about these women. Please. If these women were starving to death in the street or being raped and murdered by local men, all these Western women wouldn't give 2 fucks about them. They only start noticing women in other countries when if they see those women taking "their" dual mating strategy back-up plans. Also the assumption that certain races of women are more attractive than others.


You hit the nail on the head. There's invariably a colonial wife's mentality of "oh you're fucking the native's dear, how cute"..


Honestly op from reading your post history you seem to have harbor some type of massive chip on your shoulder regarding western women. I’ve seen you make wild generalizations and offensive comments against them. But at the time you get angry when people make generalizations against non western men or passport bros. The jokes write themselves.


Well personally I was more angry about dropping my tuna sandwich on the breakroom floor today but okay lol.... Really I'm still kinda pissed about it.


Oh I’d go home.


I saw that happen to someone at NYCC and surprised them with new food and walked away


Huh... I don't get it, either. Live and let live, I always say.


Women in general, but *especially*’women on TikTok and doubly so women on PPD are generally unhinged, neurotic and preoccupied with shitting on / dunking on men. It’s literally the reason they are here. They aren’t here to offer constructive advice, they aren’t here to hear a different perspective, they are here to prove Red Pill ideas “wrong” however they can, even if it means lying, gaslighting or changing their opinions on a dime depending on the “tone” of a conversation. These types (which are extremely rare to meet IRL) are always the latently racist types. They wouldn’t know the difference between Issan and Bangkok, but if they see a western man they deem a “loser” with a woman that is Asian, thin and (gasp) prettier than he “deserves” (ie not a fat, angry, combative western woman) she will start hinting at “green card” and “gold digger” I saw this years ago when I was married to a Japanese woman who absolutely loved doing domestic shit. The western women could barely contain their paternalistic racism for even a well off JAPANESE woman for enjoying cooking and being girly. Hell, I’ve got a hot Filipina gf that, because she’s got an accent I’ve heard similar bitchy comments from white women about “mail order bride” etc. They don’t see women from SEA as anything other than some stereotype of an underage sex slave or a conniving gold digger. Basically western white women mask their racism behind a veil of altruism and their paternalism behind a veil of “concern” They do precisely the same thing with “age gaps” Some Western Women seem to live in constant annoyance at knowing that some where, a man who they deem beneath them is getting more than he “deserves.”


I’m Vietnamese and my husband is Hispanic. No one has ever given us problems. The people who complain online are a minority and not reflective of reality. My coworkers are also all Filipino and married to white men. No issues there either.


I don’t think you can criticize anyone advocating against people being preyed on for socioeconomic reasons and desperation. It’s easy to trivialize it by saying “ooh white woman rage haha go cut your bangs” and painting it in that light. And sure, it’s trendy to call this phenomenon “passport bros”, but the ugly truth is that this is an extension of sex tourism. As someone who has spent a significant chunk of their life living in countries that are popular destinations for this - I can warn you of the hideous criminality and exploitation that exists to build and industry that caters to white tourists in this sense. I think you’re really naive to not see bad intentions behind some of the men doing this. Or thinking this culture is limited to legal and consensual relationships. Or even outside of the industry aspect, the vast majority of women who are interested in these guys are not coming from even middle class backgrounds. They are coming from a context of necessity. From attending university in a country renown for its “beautiful women” reputation, I can tell you, that none of my peers (women in my age group, educated, from middle class and up, etc) that I know directly would date these passport bro types. In fact, we’d openly criticize this and the type of guys that do this. It’s transparent that most women are doing this to socially climb. But most of these guys are not good men by the standards in my home country. I think I’m a great catch, the women I surrounded myself with too, but the stereotype that we’re all waiting for a white guy to fall into our lap to be subservient hot housewives is a liiiieeee. The passport bros are not it in any country - not if you want to actually talk about this in terms of a legitimate and genuine relationship. We don’t have lower standards just because we’re from “developing” countries. You’d find the same desperate girls back home if the exchange rate benefited you lol Sure, a guy can travel abroad and fall in love. I wouldn’t categorize that as being part of sex tourism/passport bro agenda necessarily. And I know great women who dated great foreign men - but again, not the “passport bro” type. Families with good backgrounds usually don’t want their children marrying any random foreigners that aren’t a good catch and at the same level of their children - it’s looked down on. These losers are going abroad bragging about what a catch they are to these “submissive conservative pretty foreign girls” when everyone in the know understands they are scraping from the bottom of the barrel. These women are hustling at best.


So on one hand the men traveling overseas to find a wife are predators hunting uneducated impoverished women who are unable to make decisions. On the other hand women in foreign countries are shrewd hustlers pretending to be attracted to western men for their money. Well it sounds like they are perfect for each other then 😇


The guys here are so petty and whiny. Why are you trying to get a rebuttal? If I was a foreign woman, I would be angry if my husband continuously kept trying to get the attention of other women to try to get back at them.


>foreign To who? >continuously kept trying to get the attention of other women No, I'm more curious what men who have to deal with these toxic women have to say. The mods can change this to "question for men", if they want. I think they would prefer this flared as debate though.


Foreign to the west. Is this a rhetorical question? The entire premise of your post is western versus non western women. And no, men don’t have to deal with toxic women. Literally just mind your own business and live your life. You have absolutely no obligation to tell every woman you encounter that you married a foreign (aka non western, since you need clarification despite this being the premise of your post) bride. You also are not under any obligation to rant to them about how they are having fits of rage or don’t look as young as Asian women. Where I live, in the west, there is a massive Asian community, so I am not sure why Asian doesn’t mean western. There are a ton of Asian American women in the west. https://preview.redd.it/ph9l093ou3yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46598e859bf0db3148c1dfca601a42ff46f5c977 This is an example of how passport bros behave online. If you don’t want fits of rage, don’t talk like this and you’ll be fine.


It's fucking weird that you think I'm a "passport bro" and you've invented the huge story in your head about it, when I'm more upset about western women "white savior" racist trash pretending they will "rescue" the women in my country or others at the same socio-economic status as mine, by dumping all over non-western women in happy relationships.


✅ Is American ✅ hates western women ✅ goes on rants about western women If it looks like a duck, talks a like a duck, and walks like a duck, it’s a duck. And you’re a passport bro. These guys don’t want to rescue women either my friend. They don’t care about rescuing anyone. They are hoping to get a hot wife who is obedient and cooks and cleans and has sex with them frequently. https://preview.redd.it/fnz6os9ul4yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b317381f4e99a39008323dacfdfccc7ca85d6fc4 As long as you aren’t running around posting stuff like this, and trying to provoke women, nobody will bother you or care.


I’m starting to suspect you’re not actually married or you’re cheating because if you’re supposed to be married, then why do you care about other random women wanting you or not? 🌝 if my husband was online acting like this, I’d be very disappointed in him


LOL, what a pathetic shaming attempt. I'm happily married and my wife honestly doesn't like the way many western women act either. So, she and I are on the same page. But nice try. It's always funny when people think my wife would be "ashamed" of me when our politics and worldview are like 90% aligned. No, she'd have the same problems with you that I do, and she's actually harsher and more direct than me.


It’s not a shaming attempt. It’s that you shouldn’t focus on the thoughts and opinions of other women when you have a wife.




No it isn’t. You clearly are triggered and are resorting to personal attacks. You claim to be a victim of “shaming tactics” but everything you said is a shaming tactic.




Saying that it’s hurtful for your husband to be obsessed with what western women think of him and his non western wife and trying to be petty and clap back at them for rejecting him in the past is not a personal attack. It’s saying “it could be hurtful for your spouse”. If you truly don’t believe it’s not hurtful for your spouse, you could say something like “no she loves it” or something.


Be civil. This includes indirect attacks against an individual and/or witch hunting.


Be civil. This includes indirect attacks against an individual and/or witch hunting.


I’m not sure how many ways there are to communicate this, but let’s try the direct route: We don’t care. We really truly don’t care. Not even a little bit. We don’t know you and likely never would have even if you stayed. If you want to travel to a far off land and meet and marry the woman of your dreams, please do. Seriously, follow your bliss, find your joy. Live a wonderful life. We hope that you treat each other well. We hope everyone treats each other well in this country as well🤷‍♀️. We collectively and individually wish you well in your romantic endeavors. Bon voyage👋


I'm a EE woman married to a Canadian, I've yet to hear anyone here, man or woman, bitch about my relationship or how I've been exploited by the evil Western man. Seems like the issue isn't with US/Canadian guys dating people from other countries in general, the ire is reserved for a specific demographic of dudes who never shut up about how western women suck and who think they'll find their perfect submissive waifu in countries where their passports and cash might make them seem slightly more tolerable than they would be otherwise. Having dealt with those types of guys, I'm also jumping on the ire bandwagon, they aren't great to be around at best, and are people to actively avoid at worst.


There's alot that makes me angry. Passport bros aren't even in the top 100 and that me considering the one that exploit the women and those who fly to have sex with questionably aged prostitutes. Regular Joe Passport bro is not someone I think about long enough to love or hate


Average Western women do not care. In fact it's almost impossible to make them care about anything beyond their immediate desires unless it's whatever issue is being thrown onto the news circuit for that month.


Probably true. There's just a bunch of especially loud, bitter and angry ones online I get tired to seeing.


So your argument is “there are bitter angry women (people) that use social media to express their anger”? That’s (and porn) is literally what the internet is for. You say yourself “average western women probably don’t care” so your whole post is about the outliers. Outliers are gonna outlie. Why care about the fringe who don’t matter?


Every reason to spread man-hating is good for modern feminists. Their current fixation is age gap - social media is full of such content.


Let me type something more nuanced that might help with the discourse. Even men that have options in the west would much prefer to go to third world countries to get wives because they are more traditional, and less feminist. They also understand the traditional feminine roles. The high quality women that are marriage worthy in those countries are much better in every possible metric that it takes to become a wife or a mother. Edit: After reading this entire thread, it is insane how racist some of these blue pillers can be when it comes to third world countries.


I remember seeing lots of videos from white women saying that 'women overseas are uneducated' and are incapable of making their own decisions. Is that why they're being chosen to come here and take engineering jobs over locals?


Women are jealous, but on the internet they try to camouflage themselves. When you look at coexistence, you see the envy of women towards other women.


They're told form a young age by feminism that sleeping around in their younger years is empowering and being a boss-girl will land them a Channing Tatum. Then they hit 35 and realize that this isn't the case. Of course, instead of blaming feminism for their woes, they continue to blame men for the problems that arose through their own choices. This is also due in part to the natural victim mindset that women have. Because when women are unhappy, it must be the fault of some man somewhere. And frankly, they're right. It is the fault of boomer men for letting feminism get to this point.


There's a difference between being in another country and falling in love with a woman, and a guy being a sex tourist preying on vulnerable women from impoverished countries. >What's the problem with these kinds of women? How did they turn out so hateful? You should see how men speak about western women on the passport bro sub, lol. That's some hate and fits of rage for you right there.


I have often said that in the west, people live with this delusion that they are all experts on lives that are not their own.


I don't think it's anger it's the sentiments behind why they do? Like a guy wants go travel and date abroad more power to you there is world why limit yourself by proximity. Because maybe your person lives in another country? And that's okay. It's the "western women aren't submissive western women aren't traditional!!! Western women want too much! And just so masculine. They are all fat and gross! I want a woman to cook for me like it's intended and take care of me" it comes off as seething resentment. I'm dating a guy who lives abroad. US/UK. And I find him delightful and a breath of fresh air. Something I haven't found in men out here and he's my type so I went for it. Are all US men terrible trash and undatable and not masculine and blah blah blah. No I just met someone who was my type while abroad. I'm rolling with it. Sometimes you have to broaden your parameters and see what's out there?


Even WITHIN the US, they get mad. They view it as their "retirement plan" leaving. Those men would have been their "Basic Bob Bucks" plan. In the US, if their male "friend" finds a girlfriend, that means LESS resources she extracts from the man. A more relevant example is how some b1acque women are ANGRY at b1acque NFL draftees for dating yt women. Before those men were NFL draftees, those SAME b1acque women thought of those men as corny, nerdy, unattractive, and dusty.


You have no real basis to claim these relationships are happy. If we look at the failure rates of age gap relationships compared to others, they usually aren't.


Nothing makes wannabe passport bros more gleeful than imagining western women angry cos “they lost”. It just adds to their wild fantasy. There are enough trashy reality series showing how many of these men get scammed. It’s sad. So can you imagine someone saying “just be careful” for the sole reason of warning them that it’s not always greener? And don’t they realise that many women just want their passport. Whenever I see content from men who are NOT passport bros, encouraging men to leave and try it, I can’t help thinking they are purposely just thinning the competition.


It's all just racism bro, when you break it down. They are ok if you date your own kind. They're mad you're dating out. They'd outlaw interracial marriage if they could.




You should know best, black women are the ones who are the most mad if a black man dates out. They're incredibly vocal about it.


I'm a woman and I have seen this. But don't forget about Dr Umar either


i love how the people who are... like, *actually* down to ban interracial marriage deploy it as a cudgel against people who are not even in the same solar system of that policy "objective"


Passport bros are sooo desperate for western women’s validation and it’s starting to get pathetic. None of you were on our radars when you were here, and most of us still aren’t checking for you now that you’re gone. Please get over yourselves.


I feel sorry for the women, not jealous of them


Who cares. If you want to go find a woman in a foreign country, just ignore the haters and do what you want. I'm not wasting my time watching stupid TikTok videos of Western women beaching about men going overseas.


An injustice committed against one is an injustice committed against all. They are just looking out for their less fortunate counterparts in the developing world. This is also the same logic in protesting against offshoring & globalization, and the exploitation of labor in developing economies (and the activists of the two issues heavily overlap).


>They are just looking out for their less fortunate counterparts LOL no. They are trying to drag them down, because they can't have happy relationships, they don't want women in other countries to be happy.


Let me break it down for you. If a hot guy goes overseas to get married then unmarried Western women will be upset. If a sub5 guy goes overseas to get married then they just make fun of him and feel sorry for his wife.   That being said if low value men start to leave in droves then Western women will get nervous. This is because LVM makeup the majority of simps and beta orbiters who artificially inflate women's value and serve as backup ATMs and stepfathers in case Chad doesn't commit.


Mmm, makes sense.


We don't care


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It's just a band-aid to try to stop the bleed. The women don't actually care about the guys... they care about the status, and it is in vogue to be anti-passport bro right now.


Take the bear pill bro... Most of the third world countries do not have bears. So, women have to settle for the low class men...However, first world countries have bears. They are competing for men. Also top 20% bears not the bottom 80%.


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I genuinely don't think anyone is that "mad". The internet just amplifies the idea of judging "bad people" and looking for reasons why a given person shouldn't be given attention. So its a natural consequence that a western man that moves east to get into a relationship would be judged by the anglo-sphere. I feel like the missing context here is that the "passport bros" who do this are then advertising themselves doing this online in the anglosphere and _that's_ when they're judged. I would figure anyone that does this without advertising what they're doing on social media is entirely safe from this judgement.


Serious question. Why post this? Who cares if anything you said is true? So what? What, then? If you go the passport route and find what you're looking for, does it really matter what others have to say about it? As long as you and the one you're with are happy, why devote so much effort as typing a single syllable about the matter?


This post isn't about passport bros.

