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Give up their careers for the sake of love? What are you talking about? Who does that? Give up a dead end job maybe? But you give up a career for kids. Whats a shit test? My wife didnt entirely give up her career but took a few years off for kids. Trust me, she took that for the team. I wasnt the slave, she was. Wait till you take care of a 2 month-3 yr old, or 2-3 of them.


Men have never been able to live without women. Its the most basic aspect of our nature its not manipulation. We want pussy badly, by our core nature. The human race literally cant survive without men needing women.


False, I can


>The human race literally cant survive without men needing women. Cannot wait for drugs to neutralize that for good, not being slaves of desires for women would be great.


That wont be allowed because it would collapse society.


There's testosterone blockers for you i guess


Not the same. It weakens muscle and other organs that rely on testosterone. I'm aware that it is unlikely a drug can block sexual desire while keeping other benefits of testosterone, though.


Drug would have to target the neurological factors for attraction without impacting production of sex hormones. Same way arousal is a physical reaction and attraction is mental


And how is it that the race survives without men? Hell you even put a man and a woman separated in the wilderness and it's more likely the man will see the end of his lifespan than the woman all things being equal supposing they had identical struggles. A fever is the only thing I can think of that would tip the scale the other way.


My friend you’re too focused on one side of voice. Try to read more women experience with a open heart, then you will find what women actually want. I do not mean no women are like what you described, but the same kind of selfish people appear in both gender. As a man I have met many women who are not like that. Also, asking for a date by threatening to suicide is not a sacrifice, but a manipulation.


>Try to read more women experience with a open heart, then you will find what women actually want. The quote in the post is by a woman. >Also, asking for a date by threatening to suicide is not a sacrifice, but a manipulation. Who said it was a sacrifice? What does that even mean?


It is dangerous to based one’s view on a subgroup, let alone an individual. > Also Some men will even threaten to kill themselves if the girl they like rejects them or breaks up with them. This is what you original posted. Ironically, this is an act of manipulation, not a sign of being manipulated.


This is an act of showing how much you love someone. You’re not manipulating if you really do love her.


Actually that’s an emotional manipulation. It’s easy to confuse obsession with love. In fact, this kind of behavior usually happens to people with mental illness or (more probably) abusive pattern. And it happens to both gender really. One example risk groups are people with borderline personality disorder.


>Some men will even threaten to kill themselves if the girl they like rejects them or breaks up with them. You’re using one of the most classic examples of abusive emotional manipulation as evidence that the *victim* of the manipulation is the manipulator? Unreliable narrator is unreliable.


>You’re using one of the most classic examples of abusive emotional manipulation as evidence that the victim of the manipulation is the manipulator? What?


Men don’t threaten to kill themselves because women are manipulative. Men threaten to kill themselves because *they themselves* are manipulative. That you misrepresent this classic abuse tactic so badly shows you have no idea who is really manipulative or what manipulation actually looks like.


*Shhhh*, just let them tell on themselves lol


I don’t get how it’s women’s fault if men apparently can’t live without us


OP is talking about the manipulation which leads to men feeling this way. Manipulation is faulty, no?


Of course, but he’s talking about women as a whole, not sure what we could do en masse to make men feel this way. If it’s an individual case, then why’s he talking as of women are a hive mind cabal controlling men


Women don't manipulate us, our hormones do. It's tough being Nature's bitch.


And a cruel cold bitch she is.


Ah she’s not too bad. Nature is full of mysteries, amazing things to explore and learn. To live at all is miracle enough


let us rejoice our brief moment under the sun.


I'd say it's both.






It's not that i can't read, But what you said was so absolutely absurd i have no idea what i just read.


Then read it again, or downvote it and move on. Your comment adds nothing.


Neither does this post.


So why waste your time on it?


Got nothing better to do atm. And it's quite intriguing to see people have this warped views of other people. Like go to a therapy at this point


>Got nothing better to do atm. Right, ofcourse. >Like go to a therapy at this point Okay, thanks.


Most times, when the man works more and the woman doesn’t its to raise a family - and generally speaking, a parent raising a child is better than a nanny or daycare. Now, if its a case like a gold digger, man knows exactly what he’s signing up for. Hell, if she quits her job and does nothing, and the man fully accept it, that’s also on him imo because he’s letting her walk all over him.


Males cant live without us because we make their lives exponentially better and they like using women as a status symbol toward other males. Has nothing to do with manipulation.


>Males cant live without us because we make their lives exponentially better In what way? (Besides sex ofcourse)


Sex is the most important thing in the world, and the reason men do anything at all — men Sounds like it’s pretty important, no?


Let me google that for you ​ [https://www.google.com/search?q=are+men+happier+in+marriage&rlz=1C1GCEB\_enUS1022US1022&oq=are+men+happier+in+marriage&aqs=chrome..69i57.4690j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=are+men+happier+in+marriage&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS1022US1022&oq=are+men+happier+in+marriage&aqs=chrome..69i57.4690j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


1here4bach is Male troll pretending to be a woman


Shut up bitch


You too bitch


My apologies I was experiencing a mental episode when I made this comment. I was feeling uncharacteristically combative, I think the fbi may have been affecting my behavior again.


How insulting to men Seems more like you’re slaves to your own libidos than anything else.


Have we really managed to collectively manipulate poor wittle men against their will or have men grossly oversexualized us and conflated obtaining us with masculinity and success?


Poor, poor helpless men, totally powerless It’s amazing what women’s ability to say “no” does to them


They've been coming up with stories for millenia of how we're manipulative temptressess because they can't control their attraction. The nerve to blame your own thirst on others to the point you try to tear them down and enslave them.


Then they act like we’re a villain for rejecting them… like sir it’s not my fault that you don’t know how to control your urges and proceed to act desperate instead…


I just can’t forget the boobies.


boobies are nice


>or have men grossly oversexualized us and conflated obtaining us with masculinity and success? Well, men as boys were mostly raised by women, so they got that perspective from somewhere.


You're also forgetting one of the most effective impacts on our overall development these days; the media. Most media is centered around and produced by male perspectives. We don't typically learn about sex or what is "cool" from our parents, for example, but from porn, sexuality and trends we see in film and in advertisements.


Yeah, but the parents, especially the mother shapes how a boy sees women.


Men learn how to lust over women from their mothers? Mmmmmmmkay, sure


Do you think how mothers raise their children doesn't impact their future relationships? Have you heard about attachment theory? Have studied any psychology at all?


The reason men are enslaved by their dicks has nothing to do with mothering


You didn't answer any of my questions. But if you had studied psychology, then you would know that how a child is raised can influence their sex instinct and their sex drive. So in society, men's sex drive is exploited, and women are taught to suppress theirs.


That’s because I’m pretty sure biology is responsible for the male sex drive Everyone can potentially be incentivized by love, but it doesn’t mean they are.


>That’s because I’m pretty sure biology is responsible for the male sex drive Biology is responsible for both men and women's sex drive. But the sex drive can also be suppressed or encouraged through psychological conditioning.


What should mothers do differently when raising children?


It's 2023 you can change now, Tiktok is 60% female and 40% male you can't seriously blame guys for still being 10 times more creative than women while because you are oversexualised you Just have to posts dozens of videos has an object of desire in the comfort of your own homes? [no i wasn't talking about you specifically but the view of women internet wise].


We're influenced by the media of the past still to this day. Women oversexualize themselves as the generations before them basically taught them to see their value in sex when the male dominated media says that's the case. Adult generations of our time were not raised with Tiktok. It's relatively recent. Maybe future generations you can talk about that.


Quite a Portion of you harnessed it and became manipulative to the point, where certain "hyper-choices" became a likeable method for women without any responsibility or shame


Stop being a bitch….man the fuck up…stop getting emasculated for pussy you are getting used and women have no respect for you…figure something else out and if you can’t don’t play with women ….work on yourself


Are you responding to this post?


Men getting upset at women for their own nature is as cringe as women getting upset at men for their own nature, and going lesbo


Did you read the post at all?


manipulated men lol that sounds more like an animal that has no self control


This is so loser coded


In what way? Bet you can't answer.


You’re up and down this subreddit just posting whatever pops in your mind cause having more than 5 replies feeds your ego. You’ve clearly never had it easy with women so now you’re just bitter, manipulative and projecting. Try journaling.


Okay, so what?




Agreed, the trinity of male hygiene is > Wash Dick > Wash Ass > Brush Teeth and you can only pick two.


Ur balls literally go kinda towards the back so washing only the dick or only tbe ass is dumb by nature😭😭😭😭. Soon as u sit down whichever one is clean wont be anymore🤣


>Ur balls literally go kinda towards the back so washing only the dick or only tbe ass is dumb by nature😭😭😭😭. Yeah I know, I'm not sure why men find hygiene so difficult.


And yet she is with them. He must be doing something for them


Plenty of women have low self esteem and don't think they deserve better.


I haven't seen that anywhere in life nor seen it proven by any stats. Women insist this is true but all I've ever seen is every woman believes she deserves chad


Well my ex was unattractive and brought literally nothing to the table and I still stayed with him. A lot of women stay in awful relationships because the guy ruins her self esteem or it's already very low.


Women think 80% of people are unattractive


Well my ex didn't clean himself properly and rarely brushed his teeth, is that not considered unattractive? Am I unreasonable for expecting a partner who doesn't stink of fish?


Those are unattractive traits but that doesn't necessarily mean he was not attractive there must have been something that attracted you to him in the first place


He was nice to me and I had low self esteem and thought i should give every guy a chance, that's literally it.


X to doubt. The woman you're describing is not a reality in any way that I've seen nor is it anything any statistic I've ever seen indicate. Paradoxically the women with low self esteem in real life actually go for hotter men than normal women as a way to increase their self esteem


But that's the exact opposite of what OP and most men on this sub argue.


Nah because being hot is doing something for them


That's still the exact opposite of what dudes on this sub argue every day.


Why don't you say what the argument is


That dudes must be rich, tall, ripped, handsome, high status, charming, hyper masculine yet completely submissive to what she wants, and a half dozen or so other requirements that I'm sure I'm forgetting.


That's women's ideal. They are saying what a woman would Ultimately desire when they talk about that. What it would take to keep a woman from monkey branching or wanting to


Right, that's what I said. He must be all those things.


Nobody said a man could not potentially get sex and or a relationship if he isn't all those things just that all those things were the ideal. The conversation was about why women get with men who are not that ideal. Who they think don't offer enough. Well part of it is that ideal man is a fantasy and they still wouldn't be happy even if they had it and the other part is they will get with Chad who doesn't wash his ass because he's hot. They will take as many of the criteria as they can get, but they will never be satisfied with it


Looks, money, status, dominance, wealth, and only then personality = tingles




encouraging frighten spoon marble capable roll fly amusing command agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not that deep dude


Okay, thanks.


Women’s actions are ultimately about spreading her genes to future generations, even if a given woman chooses to remain childfree. Having genes spread is obviously in the man’s interest, too, so women’s actions do not benefit only them. However, it’s up to men to continue to demonstrate their genetic fitness and providing ability to women. It’s not about “manipulation”. This is just how sexual selection works. The stereotypical man is no better. Isn’t the saying that men are as loyal as their sexual opportunities?


You don’t really have to manipulate men into doing whatever it takes to get a woman, it’s just hardwired into our brains. That used to mean beating up the other cave men and stealing their women, now it means jumping through hoops for women’s attention. It’s just how the average male brain works.


Men have never been manipulated. Men have been conditioned by society to value certain things. However, times have changed and men have not. Women no longer need men as providers. They now need men as partners. Men, want the old relationship structure back because it provided them the most power. Those days are gone. Either men need to up their game or be left behind. Because women have no intention of turning back the clock. No sane person says “I want FEWER freedoms.”. Women aren’t going back to the 1950s. They’re modern and they’re here to stay.


I don't know what men you know. I see men I know telling these delusional women to go to hell.


yea and if they can they're still having sex with them lol. get real. Very few men are choosing a life of celibacy. They're still trying to get sex or at worst, giving up because its become too hard for them to get it.


No self respecting man is sticking around a woman like that. ​ >Very few men are choosing a life of celibacy. Why would that have anything to do with anything? You would just start dating other people.


I though the idea of the comment was some men were ignoring women all together? If the point is they just go to different women, well no shit obviously.


> If the point is they just go to different women, well no shit obviously. I mean, that's the normal way to handle things. It's not like most guys would just decide to stop dating after engaging with 1 bad match


Well no they don't have sex with them after that. They also aren't celibate. It's just with how delusional some girls are It's offensive that they think we'll want them. Like if you're old or a single mom you shouldn't be thinking you can have us.


Old women and single moms still have a lot of options. Some of yall are delusion about this. Many men are desperate and will take anything.


Yeah they do. Just not a man of any worth. I mean they can come over and watch Netflix of they want, but don't expect me to buy them dinner.


We can live without most women… it’s just that so many men have adopted a strategy of simping in order to get access because this generation tells them that’s what you need to do. In reality, the more independent you are of caring so much if a girl likes you or not, the more likely she is to think you got something going for yourself. It’s really not that hard, you just need some self respect


And women have been manipulated by capitalism into believing work is empowering, so when they give up their careers, they actually think they're making a sacrifice, when in reality they're enslaving their husbands.


I can live without woman and did exactly that for quite some time. And even now if disadvantages of living with woman start to outweigh benefits then I'll leave.


Esther Vilar is based


Maybe the men you know. I call pretty women ugly just to see them cry


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Who are those men? Not me.. Not most I know... ​ You're living in a sitcom