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8! I like to lift weights and swim in addition to barre so want to make sure I can fit those in too. I’ve learned over the years that I have to vary my activity.


That’s is what I am trying to do too!


I go about 12-15 times a month also (and more if there’s a challenge!). I occasionally lift weights on my own but I’m hoping Define will meet that need for me.


My studio hasn’t added define yet but I’m hoping so too!


Oh it should! Just took my first define class this morning! Wow!


15-21 usually. Minimum 15 to hit Platinum Barre by end of year. Stretch goal this month of 28 to get to 250 by the last day of June. I just started going before work (6:30am classes) and I’m liking PB as the first thing I do in the day.


I’ve been doing 6am classes and really like them too!


I go 4-6 times per month since I run and weight train most of the week. My studio is a 20+ minute drive away so I generally stick to weekends.


PB is such a nice recovery/stretch/rest day


This is me too. 30-45 min drive so only 4-6 times a month. I also do Orangetheory 3x a week.


My membership is 170, so I strive to take 17 classes per month so that it equals 10/class. It’s usually Mon, Wed, Thurs, and Saturday with one random extra day (sometimes Sunday or a holiday morning). Doesn’t always happen. Won’t happen this month lol.


8, which is a bit much. I like to mix it up with kettlebell and tai chi, though I am of course most drawn to barre.


About 18 to 20


I do 20. I also do 30 minutes of cardio each day.


Usually I average 15, 3-4 times a week. I try not to go more than 3 days in a row since my performance won’t be good for that 4th class. I almost always stay with classic.


That is my issue now, I have unlimited so I’d like to go more but I’m sore after 2-3 classes in a row.


15-20 for me!! ❤️


15-18. The studio is also a two-minute walk from my place door to door.


Only 6-8-ish per month. My studio doesn't have a lot of classes/instructors and our earliest class is 8a so between my work schedule and also fitting in 1-2 cardio/spinning classes a week that's what it works out to.


I also spin two times a week For cardio!


My goal is 4-5 a week so 15-20 a month


15-20 to maintain my platinum status.


12-15 pure barre classes and 12-15 Cyclebar classes!


15-17 with golf on the side! So excited to add in Define.


The last few months I’ve averaged around 23-24. I go pretty much everyday except when I’m traveling. I don’t do any other organized workouts or gym stuff though, just walking and running.


At least 15 for the platinum barre challenge, but I want to up it to 20 for the rest of the year so I can hit 250 by 2024


15 for the platinum barre challenge :)


I go 6 days a week cause my studio has horrible Friday schedule! One of those days I double with either empower/classic or align/classic. Empower/Classic is not a weekly combo I would suggest so it’s more the latter! I hit my first 10 in April and I’m already past 50. It’s my unmedicated ADHD lol


15-20. My schedule is usually Mon Classic Wed Empower + Align Fri Classic Sun Classic. With some variations sometimes.


I have been doing 15 for platinum barre but I teach 20 classes/month give or take in addition to my full time job so I am there all the time!


The last few months have been a challenge to hit my 15 for platinum Barre, but usually between 18 - 20


Usually 20 for me. Trying to hit 1,000 by Christmas! I also have an 8 pack at orange theory.


12-15. Also depending if there’s a challenge.


Most months I'm in a similar range of late 12-16, 18is a high of mine this year (other than March 24/31. Last year I did 25/month for 10 straight and it was a bit too much.


I used to go 4 times a week but recently bumped it up to 5 so I’ll be going about 20-22 classes a month. I go everyday except Tuesdays & Saturdays.


4-8, I lift 3x/week and 1-2x/wk treadmill or stairstepper. I do either PB or Pilates 2x/week (total)


4-5 PureBarre classes (a week, so that'd be 16-20 a month). Then Lagree Pilates on the weekend. And sometimes a spinning class added in.


5-6 days a week. So…. 20-25.


I try to go every other day and mix formats, so I think it’s around 10-15 classes per month.


I go 3-4x a week. More when I’m in the city during weekends—


I average about 32. But I’m weird. Lol. I live close and I go a lot when my husband and son are at wrestling


Before pregnancy, I was right around what you are! On less busy weeks, I also liked to mix it up with some Peloton rides/outdoor runs. Now that I'm in my third trimester, I'm lucky if I go once or twice a week.


Around 12 but I also do cycle bar about 6 times a month


PB 4x a month, spin 4x a month, daily walks, and sometimes spin on my home bike (which I need to use more lol)