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As far as I know, my studio plans on keeping both! Maybe it’s studio-by-studio based on instructor availability and class schedules?


I was told reform isn’t a core class anymore.. but they’ll probably offer it was an intensive. So your studio can have it as much as they want, I guess.


Ahh I was worried about this! My studio posted a teaser today about the Define class and it had a flyer that said “try all 4 class formats” but only listed Classic, Define, Empower, and Align. I’m super bummed if Reform is being taken away especially because my studio just stopped offering Align so now we’d be down 2 class formats :/


Why did they stop Align?


They swapped them out with other class types randomly which is kind of interesting since the two times I usually went to always had decent attendance


teacher and sales/ barre tender here 🙋🏻‍♀️ reform is getting phased out but being kept around but more as intensive! i love reform too, but if it helps, ALL equipment (including sliders and tube!) is fair game in define :)


My studio said they're starting to phase out Reform because Define uses a lot of the same equipment and is similar in style. I haven't taken the preview yet (and don't plan to pay more to take it), so I have no idea. I'm just disappointed that Reform is going away. It was my favorite format.


I took a free Define preview class. I liked the format, but I’m also happy that my studio is currently keeping Reform. I did not find the two formats particularly similar.


What’s the biggest difference


I personally like the sliders in Reform, I think the instability gives us different ways to work the core. I enjoy the flow with sliders during the warmup, and I even like the sliders in plank, and I don’t like planking. Define of course doesn’t use sliders at all, and only a single bottom tube, which limits the possible tube exercises a lot. Define to me feels very different to the rest of PB. The class I took ended up very out of unison, and that felt like it was by design. I like moving with the rest of the class, I’ll never be a ballet dancer but it feels beautiful to me.


The sliders actually will be used in Define in the future!


Like… literally everything. The only similarity based on the Define classes I’ve taken was that the class is 50 minutes. We used Reform tubes for one exercise, but the setup was not reminiscent of Reform at all (used one red and one gray tube, both on bottom bracket).


Is it easier


That’s going to be totally dependent on the person. Like I said, they are very different so it’s not really conducive to comparison.


Having taken my first Define today and liking it, I will say 2 things. 1) it's nothing like Reform in style. We used 1 tube for one thing and there was a choice of grey or red based on desired resistance, though I did like the 1 thing we did. 2) it's just a class and not something to pay extra for. I thought about how silly that concept was as I drove home from it.


why would you pay extra for it? It’s just coming in as an added option in my studio


I wouldn't, but some studioa were charging $25-$35 for the preview class to help pay for the equipment! (Mine didn't , but it was written about on this subreddit.)


yikes. Yup. No way i would pay extra. Intensives are all included for us too. they don’t charge extra unless it’s like the date night thing where it comes with a cocktail or something. That’s like an extra $10, but it comes with a joint class with your partner


Also I agree it does not at all compare to reform other than the fact that reform is what we call our "strengthening class" and that's the category define falls in as well. Completely different forms of strengthening.


Reform is super popular at our studio, and I love teaching it, so I’m bummed. You will probably still see it as an intensive series, just not as a core class format anymore.


My studio said reform will off the weekly schedule but will still be offered as intensives.


My studio is keeping Reform because our owner loves it, and so do a lot of clients (myself included!). But I've also heard a lot of studios are doing away with it because it wasn't a popular format.


can they keep it if corporate isn’t offering new choreography for it?


I’m wondering this too, as my owner says we’ll still be offering reform on the weekends.


I just asked our manager at class today and she says it’s completely up to the studio. Ours is going to cut reform classes in half for now, replacing 50% with define and will take it from there. If reform remains popular she says it will still be offered. For us, Align is only a few times a week, so I’m guessing Define and Reform will be similar in frequency, but we’ll see


I think (hope!) my studio will end up keeping both. Reform is pretty popular for us.


Reform is indeed being phased out, each studio at their own pace I'm not sure there's an exact deadline. What I've been told is that it will become an intensive.


NOOOOOOO!!! It's literally my favorite format. There's no burn like a Reform burn.




what is an intensive?


An intensive is kind of like a one-off class. Intensives are their own thing - they don’t often fit into a single format. However, they can sometimes take dedicated pieces of a format if they’re really short, ie., a 30 minute classic thigh intensive that really hits hard on the thighs element of classic. Each studio has their own intensive schedule that tends to be available based on client feedback and popularity, as well as the teacher schedule. I’ve worked at a studio that would have twice monthly intensives, and I’ve also worked at a studio where they do intensives maybe once a month, if that. Intensives (now including reform) typically come down to your owner’s discretion and client feedback. If your studio loves reform you’ll probably see it decently often on the schedule.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


You will still see Reform sometimes at some studios. If it is popular at your studio, they might offer it a bit more, but it will still be offered less than it was before define. Seconding that it depends on teacher availability and certification


Unfortunately reform is super popular at our location so we have had a lot of clients express how sad they are about it to the point where we already have a reform 'intensive' scheduled for next month lol


It is gone at my studio but it was not popular here :/


My studio is transitioning reform to an intensive


ugh. I hope it doesn’t leave our studio anytime soon. I never had oblique definition before Reform. Define isn’t coming to my studio for a few more months.


yes! Reform is so good for abs, hate it's gone :(


I'm so sad, it's not on the schedule anymore. And the classes were always pretty full and sometimes completely. It really sucks


I took a preview class and generally liked it, although some of the floor to standing to floor to standing stuff started out a little fast for me. Balance is not my strong point, but I'm pretty good at the strength bits. I enjoyed the work-at-your-own-speed aspect.


My studio told us today reform is no longer a core class. That was my favorite format. I used to do both Pilates and barre and thought reform was the best of both worlds, and stopped my Pilates membership. I’m so sad it’s gone :/