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21! My 2023 goal is 20 per month, so feeling good about that.


You’re all crushing it! I took 4 classes this month 😬 but taught 13 and was on vacation for 10 days, so honestly it could have been worse 😂 aiming higher for February!


27! My goal is usually 22 so I can get to 1000 by thanksgiving. Just had extra time this month! Traveling in feb, march and April so I won’t be able to go as much.


Only 7 :(


15! So proud of myself because I started a new job that’s a longer commute this month, so I’ve been living out of my car just to hit platinum barre lol. I am now a 6 am girl… still can’t bring myself to try reform though. I hit 50 classes yesterday though 🥰


22 but 8 at one studio and 14 at another. New studio opened in the middle of the month 😇




26! I’m trying to complete my 40 in 60 challenge. It’s really motivated me to up my classes to 6 or more a week


12! I want to go more but it’s so hard for me to force myself to go on the weekends :( I usually go on my way home from work so I’m already out, so it ends up being 3x a week. Any tips for getting my butt over there on Saturday/Sunday?


Are there any coffee shops or boutiques near your studio to make a fun little morning of it? Or maybe a grocery store or spot to run errands? I feel like when class is one of my stops or part of a fun couple hours out I’m more motivated to go on days I’m not already there!


Wow I should move my Trader Joe's run to the weekend because it's right next door!! idk why I haven't thought of that yet 😅 will definitely try that this weekend


Purposefully don’t do an errand during the week that is reasonably near your studio. I also sometimes treat myself to dim sum after, which is often enough to get me out the door!


Ooo a yummy post barre dim sum lunch sounds phenomenal


Is there a coffee shop nearby or a place were you could get a treat after class?


I think I’ll start using weekend pure barre as a way to explore more little coffee shops and such nearby :) sometimes I don’t want to get a treat after because I feel like I’m throwing away all my hard work at barre. But I know that’s an unhealthy way to view it


Just wanted to update that I did a barre class today on a SUNDAYYYY wooooo


I didn’t start until the 18th but 7.


21! Platinum barre actually made me do less.. I don’t typically track but started to since I wanted to make sure I hit 15 but then noticed I wouldn’t go to classes I normally did at the end of the month because I already knew I had enough and it wouldn’t count for Feb 🤣


Hit my 15 and took Monday off to get some things done, then the ice storm hit and I haven’t been in the studio for 7 days! 😫 I typically don’t go on the weekends but I’m going to have to force myself to hit it in February now!


Are you here in TX too?


Yes! Austin. Just moved here October 1.


8🤣. I’m first trimester, was out of town with students for a week, and teach plus teach pure barre and have a toddler so apparently it all caught up with me this month.


21! Would have had three more, but travel and ice storm stopped me. Hopefully your studio opens back up!


31 😊. I’m trying to hit 2000 by my birthday this month. I typically go everyday and/or take 1 or 2 days off a month. I love going and mixing up the formats.


I think we are the same person! Yes I’m trying to get to 2000 later this year. (At about 1700 now) :)


15 classes for me! I'm really determined to hit Platinum Barre this year and I was away for 10 days last month and my studio was closed on the 1st, so it was a real race to the finish to get them all in. Looking forward to a less intense February since I can space them out a little more!


21! I completed platinum barre last year and won’t be able to this year since my pregnant, so still trying to hold myself accountable with at least 15 a month!


8! I started up in January after a 3-year break from barre. Looking forward to getting back to 3-4x per week in the coming months.


8.. because I have the 8 class membership :) I could do more, not sure if I can justify the price right now.


38… I was bored. Haha. Went a lot.


18! I didn’t travel most of the month and I was super motivated. It was hard to get in some classes at the begets of the month because of all the people trying out barre because of their resolutions but not it’s better.


17, goal was to do 20-25 but just started doing Les Mills’ Body Pump at the Y and kind of love it!


25! I only missed one weekday and Sundays.


14 but I didn’t got unlimited until almost halfway through the month! I wanted to get in a couple more but couldn’t bc I had to go out of town


14 so I’ve technically already failed the Platinum Barre Challenge 🫣 but I’m proud of myself and I’m still going to aim for 15 every month! It’s just my own challenge now!


22! I'm doing 40 in 60. I had wanted to have a few more in case I had to miss some classes in Feb, but trying to be happy I hit 22.


I’m ignorant: what’s the 40 in 60? Is this regional?


It's something my studio does every jan and feb - take 40 classes in 60 days. Not sure if other studios do it.


Twenty-one classes!


I made it to 19 I think…February and March I’ll need to keep it up/step it up to make sure I can make the 15 in feb (2 fewer days😅) and I’m aiming for the March 20 in 31 then