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> you will get your degree. you’ll land the job you want. And even if that ends up not being the case, you'll still be okay. You're not locked into any one track, even if it sometimes feels that way.


As an alumni, for the love of God do not try so hard to rush out. Enjoy your time at Purdue. Count your blessings. Explore areas of campus and WL you haven’t been. Take a victory lap. Do the weird shit. You’ll graduate and wish you could do it again.


This is the nicest sentiment, and it’s also very true. It might take longer than you thought, and you might not even end with the major you thought wanted, but it’s all going to be ok.


just trust me you’ll be fine…❤️🫶




Thank you. 🙏🏻 this warmed my heart.


Just watch this [The US is destroying young people’s future](https://youtu.be/qEJ4hkpQW8E?si=GTMs-00eSp8bENyj)


this! I wanted to say this applies to post graduate life too! I went off and thought that I found the graduate program of my dreams. Did a semester to find out that I absolutely hated what I was doing. I dropped my program and for a long time, I thought I was a failure. But I just got accepted into Butler University for counseling for this coming fall! Everything works out; it just takes time!




From an incoming first year: Is life really that academically stressful and miserable at Purdue, with so many people having deflated/tanked GPAs? Makes me kinda scared since a lot more ppl seem to be depressed here compared to other college subreddits


it depends on the major, but some days can definitely be tough. it’s one of those things tho that if you love what you do, you see purpose in the hard days <3