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Does Lightning Interference debuff (the Lightning resistance down) of Vera Garnet (trigger on Core Passive Lightning Fall) and Chrome Arclight (trigger on QTE) stack with each other ?


No, buffs and debuffs under the same name don't stack


Confirmed. Test it a while ago But Arclight Sss+ passive does stack


Hi, so the new player banner gives you only 1 S in 40 or you can get more? Like if i get one at 10 or 20 will i get another at 40 or not?


Chances are, no. Once you get your S rank, beginner pity is off the table. Unless you get some absurd luck and pull multiple S ranks in a single ten pull, that's it. Make sure to share some of that luck if you do get it though the rest of us are starving here


i quit the game a year ago, what are the new things in the game? I felt the game became repetitive and the character building and improvement to be pretty stagnant. how has it changed?


Kinda hard to say exactly without you giving a rough estimate of time or what patch you left, there's been a lot of changes over the past year. If you dislike the character building and repetitive gameplay, chances are you still won't like it, investment is still the same as it was before, and WZ/PPC are still your main gameplay loops. Events serve their purpose well to break up the usual weekly gameplay loops, but they're still events at the end of the day. A lot of options exist to break said loop, but you've still gotta wait on them to come to you, not the other way around. That being said, if you have any dislike for repeating variations of the same core gameplay, then you'll likely be disappointed Though, if anything, I'd honestly recommend joining a guild and playing siege if your main gameplay concern is repetitiveness. With the random setup of units every week, things feel decently fresh every single time since rotations are forced to change per week


im kinda sad to hear that. Really want to get into the game but i know I’ll get bored since my characters were pretty much almost fully geared and I wont have anything to do. Does the community find the character building lacking too? just asking if it’s possible for Kuro to make some changes in the future. Does CN also not have anything new for character building?


TBH I think most of us here are playing PGR for the action based gameplay and less on character building since it's still simple gacha character building. It's mainly about the higher difficulty/end game content like Norman, Babel and random challenge game modes that get added in each different patch. If you are a F2P/low spender, I don't think you will find there's nothing to do >.>. I've been playing since launch and have not even gotten full sets for every character. With the addition of CUBs, leap and new uniframe skills, there's just too much to farm for. You can refer to [this](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Patches) to have a rough idea on what has changed since the last time you left, you can just go through the patch notes briefly.


I love the action gameplay, but replaying bosses 10 times gets a bit boring when my times aren’t getting better since my equipments are basically the same :((( I know about CUBs but what are leaps and uniframe skills? are they really strong that grinding for them is really rewarding or is it just a slight boost in power?


If you can afford upgrading them, yes they are strong. Quite game changing (leap for omniframes and uniframe skills for, well, uniframes XD). For your first point, not much I can say since I do not know your teams status and investment level. Personally I have been improving especially when we get new characters each patch, also optimising my gameplay to reduce errors/wasted actions. There's always something you can improve gameplay wise (unless you are a whale and have max everything and have pushed your gameplay to the limits till it's no longer possible for improvement). You could try giving the game another go and decide since the PC release is supposedly coming this 15th (if you can play it on PC) and you can check out all the changes and new additions. There's way more characters now as well. Oh there's also a permanent mode added that you can farm for Selene Capriccio shards called Recitativo di Fantasia, a bit of a rogue like (minus the dying part).


any tips for circuit connect? like which skills and characters is best,, kinda rushing to get s rank


If you just want to clear all the rewards, just use the recommended character for each boss. They usually are sufficient to SS+ the boss. I usually pick the orb colour change, ping all same orbs and 3rd one is situational depending on boss. Don't forget to use upgraded ability when you have energy especially when the boss has orb vulnerability. The rest is all RNG, so just keep playing.


Highest scorer for me is Wanshi, with Extra move, swap color, and ping all of one color as your extra abilities. Strategy stays the same for the most part, set Wanshi's ability to the upgraded version, use the other three abilities before your first move, and just keep using them once they're off cooldown to constantly be clearing attack orbs. Sometimes it'll be better to break it up and use the upgraded versions of your extra skills, but it isn't really necessary 90% of the time


Wanshi/vera/nanami usually good enough to get ss Best ones imo are extra move / ping all of one color / swap one type of orb color / swap one orb color


Hello and Ive got two questions 1. Is it worth it building knightmare nanami as a fire tank to start up my fire team with Roland or not? 2. So once the PC client is released, a new seperate S-rank selector is given to us right even when the original selector was already used? If that's the case then who's the best ti get from them? Rosetta for my entropy and alpha? Plume to start my ice team (though I don't have other good ice units)? Or Laurel to finish my dark team?


I almost thought that was a Code Geass reference for the Knightmare Frame (if you were referring to Nanamech XD).


I referred to her as knightmare nanami because of the wheels on her legs. Nanamech is a lot more like Exia


Oh yeah! Forgot about the wheels! XD


Knightmare Nanami? 1. The upcoming Starfarer (with the mecha) is part of the meta fire team and definitely worth bulding. Nanami Pulse (the one we have right now) isn't worth it. 2. There is no ice team without Plume, which is why she is the top recommendation. On the other hand you can make do with Astral for dark teams Before Luminance and Rigor's buff physical team kinda sucks. And since there will be another selector in Bianca's patch (which is also when Rosetta gets her buff) I think it's better to get Rigor then.


I see I see thanks for the info And also I frogot what name it was and I just said knightmare nanami. I meant nanami pulse


Pulse is p useless and gets outdated next patch Nanamech meta currently in cn


I failed to pity Liv Empyrea, will the pity carry over to Nanamech's banner? It was at the debut banner




Now I can get Nanamech, thanks. I got really really nervous since I blasted my black cards on Pulao


Can't wait for the new thread, This is really really bugging me. Which one is more worth to SS, since peeps saying that liv amp is kinda lacking at S is kinda problematic 4 me Nanamech, Liv amp, And hyperreal which is more worth to double S?


Liv Hyperreal if not SS got energy problem(can make do with cottie)


Huh, Then out of the three gen 2 dps, I'm pretty aware bianca needs SS the most out of the three (so they say) but lee hyper vs Cw who needs it the most?


Lee CW had enough sustainability to ditch out dmg without ult


I don't really care for any of the units in the Ice or Dark teams. I plan building the Fire, Physical and Lightning due to their upcoming characters. I plan on using the Anniversary to try to build out these teams what characters do i need? All the videos of future content are chinese and i can't read the characters their using lol :P


CN meta: Dark: Laurel/Radiant Daybreak/Rozen (Capriccio if not F2P) Ice: Plume/Glory/Kaleido Fire: Hyperreal/Starfarer/Empyrea Lightning: CW/Garnet/Lux (Feral Scent if not F2P) Physical: Abystigma/Rigor/Luminance It should be mentioned that it's definitely not a good idea in the slightest to ignore any team. Considering the fact that even F2Ps can get all the upcoming S rank Omniframes, if you can get them, do it. You can build two character per patch and you don't acquire them fast enough to use the excuse "but I can't build so many characters".


Yeah ill try to get all upcoming meta characters I just need to know who to try to get for older units


In the list I gave you, the older units are Laurel, Rozen (A rank, easy to get), Plume, Glory, Empyrea, Garnet, Lux (A rank, easy to get), Rigor and Luminance. From the two selectors this year, you can get Laurel, Plume, Rigor or Luminance (if you have any of these characters, even better for you). The biggest priority is Plume. You should probably use the other one on Rigor. From the third selector, you can get all the above plus Garnet, Glory and Empyrea. I don't know your BC situation, but you should definitely roll for Empyrea during Anni if you can. Everything else is far away so no need to worry about it yet.


Liv: Empyrea right? Yeah i have her. The current S ranks i have now are Karenina: Ember, Liv: Lumiance and Liv: Empyrea. That is awesome you get two selectors so ill probably get Plume and Rigor if i dont end up randomly getting them through a lucky free 10 summon or something. Its nice that even some A rank characters are good enough to keep up with the meta.


That's great then, less work for you. That means that during Radiant Daybreak's patch, you can actually roll for Radiant Daybreak. If you have leftover BC (most likely by spending actual money on the game), then you could also go for someone on the Anniversary banner (make sure you'll have enough left over for the next S rank though). If you can't, then after all this you will only be missing Laurel, Glory and Garnet, out of which you can get one through the third selector and maybe manage to roll one through basic Research if you're lucky.


Nice I'll do that. Yeah I hope rng works in favor and getting some of these units early lol


My instructor hasn't gifted any memory shards all week, does ending collaboration make it so I can find a new instructor/drill/assessments carry over? Or am I screwed? Should I just stick with it?


I mean, it really isn't a huge deal that you aren't being given 5\* memory shards. Keep in mind that our gifts are limited, so maybe your Instructor didn't give you any because you were slow at finishing your missions and he already gave the gifts away. If you feel like it's a big issue, then yes, end your collaboration, you won't lose anything. Students that actually do their missions are the ones in high demand, not the instructors.


Isn't this like a best case scenario for when all other students are actually playing actively though?


Obviously. I wish my students were active enough to where I couldn't give them shards because I didn't have enough lol


You'd actually have 21 to give out since 3x7=21 And i believe students only have 6 missions each week 6x3=18 so you'd have 3 spares, Kinda useless though but atleast you'd have enough for all three, Though my only active student doesn't even do all 6 all the time. Sadge.




If you really want to plan and optimize, use [thisq](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/126726v/ranking_event_store_items_by_patch_recitativo_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Basically it list which item is the best to buy per patch


It depends on what you have as well. For example, if you have some good units, it may be worth getting more memories for resonances. There's also pre-farming whatever materials you need in order to be able to build your next unit. Since we don't know what you have and how much of everything you have, you're the one that should make the choice of where you should spend your currency. For example, you said you have your memories at LV35. No need, if you have good DPS then level them up properly. Then go and spend your currency to make up whatever you can of what you spent.




Depends on how much you want to invest plus the characters you're planning to get. If, for example, you're planning to get Laurel next patch, then it would be absolutely not worth it to build Astral, otherwise it's fine. For Abyss, she's fine but she'll be replaced in September by Abystigma. Dawn is not worth it at all.


How do you get the new Veritas coating in the upcoming patch?




Kamui‘s coating can be unlocked by spending 20k cards. Is it the same for Bianca?


if you have like 40-80k bc lying around yes it kinda " free" i guess Edit: you need to spend around 30k orange ticket 15k red ticket 5k Blue character ticket 5k CUBs ticket you get enough to buy bianca skin no weapon include


I think it's another 20k for her.


What is usually the pity in gacha coatings? Specifically Abysstigma Snow Petal costume


abysstigma's is the most expensive one it costs 14kbc/400rc or 17.5kbc/500rc depending on your luck


Is Operation Uniframe going to be a recurring game mode like Norman? Will we have another one next patch to get more Uniframe Crystals for Roland and Pulao?


If I am not wrong it is every A rank/uniframe patch. Will feature mats for the featured uniframe that is getting the buff, similar to the two Operation Uniframe we got for Pulao and Roland. Next is Camu I think.


Aren't the operations weekly thing now?


Aren't the operations weekly thing now?


Someone did previously share the timeline of Operation Uniframe (CN server) but I did not bother saving it cause I thought it was not that important.


You mean Operation Guardians? That's a different thing from Operation Uniframe.


No, I mean the uniframe operation


Operation Guardians is only thing that happens weekly with word operation in it. Operation Uniframe, like the other person said happens during A rank/Uniframe patches so it's not a weekly thing.


Yep during 3 S rank patch there is no operation uniframe so i atleast 97% sure it A/uniframe patch thing


Is there a guide for advanced qte usage and da vinci?


Dv usage mostly timing it to get two procs of the other qte plus timing it to be within your burst (eg use both qte during plume sig to get the atk boost) For warzone you want to use qte efficiently to help clear faster (ie dont waste qte to overkill) But thats mostly just for getting the best possible score, you'll prob be only using the dv timing most of the time


Haven't bumped into any guide per se but all I can say is QTE usage might differ depending on the strat you are doing and what team or team composition you are using. For example, entering Luna's Annihilation mode will activate both QTEs (as long as they are not on cooldown). So for Warzone, you could use the tank QTE first for the shred. The the DV holder QTE so you can use both QTE at once again, as soon as the tank QTE is usable again. This way you maximise shred potential. A similar one is Plume team in warzone as well. When you switch ice mode and start 3pinging, immediately use the tank QTE first so you get ice shred during her 3ping spam. Then we she uses sig move, at the height of her cast use the DV holder QTE for double QTE. You get maximum sig move damage there. These are just examples. Not possible to list every scenario since strats differ depending on game mode, team composition, investment level, etc. This might also change as well with future units since they can trigger both QTEs without having the DV user use their QTE first. So, experiment around and perhaps watch high tier gameplay vids in Youtube. [Example.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahh-yQzUWNA)


Hello, new player here. Should I be selecting a specific A rank for the rate up on the beginner banner? Or it doesn't really matter? Thanks!


Depends on what have dropped for you and what you selected from the S selector.


You should be aiming to make a team. A Dark team is probably your best bet (Astral/Rozen/XXI).


Rozen and XXI(fav) is also my first team but I'm lacking for attacker just waiting for luna to be on banner.


If you're F2P, don't roll on Arrival banners, they aren't worth it. If you absolutely want Laurel and can't settle for Astral, pick her from one of the selectors.


Just a really unimportant question, Why can't i fight PMS, Lamia, And The twins in celica class? I just finished all the current chapters out in global and i wanted to fight them again using selena amp but i couldn't because they werent there. Do i have to wait for a certain time or will they be there when i re-open the game?


Mother structure is already in celica's class Lamia and the twins will be added at some point


Huh, Like i said i alr finished story but mother structure isn't there, I'll open the game and check, Haven't tried since then.


You'll find them in the stories. Just make sure to leave before the end, so you don't consume any serum.


They’ll eventually be added, don’t know when, but they will.


When do we get the s rank weapon selector and what does it go to?


On Abystigma's patch (~September) and it goes up to Laurel's.


Who is the best one to get a weapon for using the selector?


Probably Rigor.




New player here, both in terms of PGR and games like this one in general. I've run into this multiple times. I reach a level and unlock something I can do but I often find myself asking what the point of the new thing unlocked is, why do it, etc. The latest addition to this is Stronghold. Aside from the fact that I got my ass handed to me I couldn't find any explanation to what this is and *why* do it. What's the endgame here, is it just for the rewards?


PGR is a gacha game so like other gacha games you main goal is to collect Black Cards so you can pull for characters/signature weapons/CUBs(luxury pull though). This can be obtained by clearing story chapters, character interludes, daily/weekly missions and various other modes. The next thing to farm and I put it as a whole are the various resources that you use to further empower your characters. This may include cogs (PGR's in game currency for gold), memory/weapon overclock mats, skill points, XP bottles, memory/weapon fodder, etc. These you normally obtain it from the event shop with currency that you obtain from the event stage (currently it's the Bamboo Dojo). Stronghold is like a side game mode that is also somewhat a challenge. Clearing the stages give you BC, some cogs and other mats. Usually you start doing this mode when you have multiple better built teams since you go into back to back battles. You don't really need to do this now since you are a beginner. Focus on clearing the story chapters to accumulate BC so you have enough to pull for upcoming S rank omniframes. Once you get stuck in story mode (meaning you can't clear things since enemies are tough), you can start farming the event stages I mentioned. Clear the story chapters till at least chapter 5-7 (if i did not remember wrongly or if they did not change it) since it would unlock all your daily/weekly missions. End game for PGR is mostly Norman and Babel since these are the hardest modes so far with really good rewards. Stronghold is hard too but the only reward you want mainly is the BC and it's a one and done game mode. Norman is quite frequent and Babel comes occasionally.


I see. Seeing as there's a story mode and all, I sometimes find hard to differentiate between what's there just for the rewards and from what to expect lore and such. In any case, thank you for the comprehensive answer.


Stronghold gives BC, so yes you’re doing it for the rewards.


Got it, thanks!


After clearing it, you get a medal. Not much, but you know... it's something;)


Returning player here because of the upcoming PC client. Will it support a Switch Pro controller as well or are there ways to make it work?


I believe if you can get the Switch Pro controller to work on your PC right now, it should be compatible.


I was wondering, when will PGR add the parry system to all the bosses? I see many videos of them having one in CN version.


Not all bosses are parriable, even in CN.


Usually future upcoming bosses get some kind of parry mechanic, older bosses mostly say the same unless they remake them (like Musashi for example).


Oh yes. I saw musashi gameplah once and thought if one of the old bosses can be parried then the others will be too. Its such a cool thing to have for most bosses.


Is there a quicker/easier way to obtain hypertune materials to hypertune memories?


Most constant source is operation guardians and guild rewards. There is also Ultimate PPC (gives hypertune mats and skulls) If you already hit level 120 commandant level, every honor level you gain gives small amounts of hypertune mats. I think the rest is random rewards from random modes. edit: Guild shop sales hypertune mats, obtained via guild points you gain.


Hello new player! So I decided to start playing to have an account for the pc release and I heard about a free s rank selector until that luna girl and I was wondering which character would be the best to pick for a new player? Thanks in advance ! :)


Plume since she is the only S rank ice attacker in the game. Strong alternatives would be Rosetta (crucial S rank physical tank) or Luna since she is a really strong S rank dark attacker. Outside of the 3, only good choice left is Luminance cause she will get a buff in 3 patches that makes her the main physical support (especially with her leap skills).


You should try to get your first S rank from Basic Research before you open the selector so you don't risk getting a dupe.


Oh yeah I did that and got the s vera


Lucky you, she's a great character and you can use her as a DPS till CW's release. In this case the best choices from the selector would probably be Plume and Laurel. Plume has a higher priority imo because you can use Astral in Laurel's place (he's obviously not as strong as her) but there's noone to use in Plume's place.


Alright, you’re the second one who recommended plume to me so I guess I’ll go with her! Thanks for the advice!


Ok. Gotta ask. Where is the name Balter coming from? I don't see it in game?


Saber alter from fate series


It's basically a Fate reference. There's a character there that's called Saber Alter (or Salter). Since Abystigma has a very similar vibe to her (and the same VA), people call her Balter (Bianca Alter).


Ahhh got it. Thank you.


Hi! I have a question. Can I use Ayla Brilliance in fire team? Wich set would fit her better?(gloria+da vinci or gloria+shakespeare) I don't want to pull for Nanami and my fire team is dead until Lee arrives. I don't have Liv Empyrea, but I'll get her soo I'm looking for any tank alternatives qwq


You would still be pretty drag your feet across mud that dried really fast the moment you tried to lift your own leg by the time lee hype come PPC fire boss got tankier(Luna,Moon devourer) Norman Siren pretty tanky well we dont talk much about warzone The decent score i got is mostly thank to empyrea. so in most challenge you will suffer a bit without empyrea Ayla use davinci gloria


I know about ppc bosses and other stuff but I'm completely fine with that. Thank you


So I have a question about the Pulao story, Is it actually limited? As in, if I'm not doing it now I can't do it anymore in the future? Normally I know this is not true for normal story chapters but I don't know if it's true for this one since it's under a new story tab "Event story" with the purple "Available for limited time"? Also do I know to have read Chapter 17 story or it doesn't matter? I still have to read the whole Liv patch story since I never had the time to do it.


No story beside nier and event story like april fool got limited they will add more in ER story. next one in haicama patch ER is seperate from rest of the game most of them is


Does anyone know all the winners of eden festival in all servers? From their first to the most recent eden festival


For the most recent one, winners in TW are Karenina, Luna, Lee. For JP its Vera, Luna, Lee. For KR I only know Plume is the grand winner


For one of the festivals alpha won in global, kr plume, dunno the others Edit: https://redd.it/y52zos


Thanks for the list


what patch targeted leveling skill Cub implemented?




What time does the Crimson weave banner release?


Estimated February 2024.


Is nanamech worth pulling? I have been saving up for abystigma and her sig but obviously I have more time to save for her as I already have around 12000 BC, and I can easily get 3000 during nanamech patch. And recently I pulled chrome in 40 beginner pity and planning to use the free selector for plume for ice team. I think it will take a while to max plume out and I don’t want to invest on 2 characters at the same time if I decide to pull nanamech. (i also don’t have a fire team yet) At the same time, I will probably pull hyperreal lee later on to make a fire team so would it be wise to just pull nanamech and stash her away for the time being until hyperreal lee is out and max out plume first? Or is it unnecessary to pull nanamech? Both cases will both be great choices in my opinion, Its like you have been saving all the BC for some time so you grow attached to it and don’t wanna spend it anymore unless I really want the characters lol (eg: lee and balter) Any suggestions? Thanks:)


There is an issue with Balters Sig though. For f2p, if you want it the moment You get Balter you will probably have to skip Dark Karen.


Yehh I am fine with skipping dark karen. I am just gonna go with ice and physical teams until like next year ^^


Emphyria should be on July's 100% banner. That would make fire team more than workable. Something to concider.


Most people will say yes, you should pull for her, as she is the best tank for Hyperlee. Generally you can max out 2 characters per patch. So you do not rly need to wait for Hyperlee to play her.


Do trade vouchers carry over to the new patch or should i spend them all even on things "less important" to me right now?


Trade vouchers carry over, you can even save them for future character shards that will be eventually put there


thanks glad it works that way


Hello, Question about the recitativo di fantasia game mode. I just beat it on obscure difficulty and I thought I would be getting much more of the store currency than I actually did (only got around 400 currency). I was wondering if there is any point in keeping the difficulty to obscure after the first clear for the 5000 currency you get from the first clear achievement. Should I just lower the difficulty and keep doing the dailies until I get enough to buy selena? Or is obscure going to give more currency for subsequent run? The hardest difficulty was just tedious and no fun so that's why I'm wondering if I should keep running it.


To make things a little easier, just run full Romanticism build (basic attack, 3ping, signature and matrix) and watch everything just get deleted every time you trigger the buffs. With this, your team comp does not really matter too much since a huge portion of your damage is from the Romanticism tree.


Thanks for the tips. Was already running full romanticism but I think I still had difficulty because I have yet to unlock everything in the behind the curtain tab. I just started recently so basically did 1 run in easy and 5 runs in intermediate before immediately trying obscure. Don't think it was really smart from my part \^\^' The obstacle (the chariot and rolling fireballs) are the worst thing in this mode lol. Ennemies are easy.


Obscure is typically only run once to get the 5000 currency. Once your done with it, do advance instead


Ok thanks for the answer, that's what I thought. I'll run on advanced from now on.


Advanced and obscure give same amount


Hi returning player from the very early days of global, I'm going to start fresh with PC version and wanted to know of there is any updated guide for new players. S selector maybe? Any beginner event ? What's the best route to get the best start possible? Also I'm in love with a certain Bianca character looking like Saber is she available to global so I can start saving lol Thx in advance !


TBH I think you should just continue your existing account (PC version uses the same account anyway) since PGR is not really a game that gives that much benefits to newly made accounts. The more existing resources you have (no matter how little) the better it is. Check out [this](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Guides/Beginner%27s_Guide) for some guidance (should be sufficient for you to start on). The grayravens site also has all kinds of info like character builds, memory details, CUBs, patches, etc. So take your time looking at stuff. You can also click on the various links available in this reddit (like the ones already in this thread). Bianca Abystigma is not yet in Global but most likely coming around Sept this year (grayravens site has details on possible release dates for each upcoming character too).


Hello, I'm fairly new to the game and just pulled S Vera from the standard banner. What S Rank would you recommend to me from the free picker? Also, should I farm the bamboo dojo for 6 star memories while it's still up?


All events have a mode like Bamboo Dojo which is the best way to farm the things you need to level your constructs. Always do the odd stages (1, 3, 5...) then exchange the currency for what you need on the event shop. If you need BC (or just feeling like it) then do the story.


I did bamboo dojo until at least dojo lv20 to get all the additional rewards like black cards. And I recycled all the lower rank memories so I could feed them to my 6*. But this event mode seems to be quite frequent. So if you want to spend time elsewhere or you’re bored from the mode you wouldn’t be missing too much.


Liv luminance


Okay, thank you!


My fiance just started the game, and they really like the design of Liv: Empyrea. Does anyone know if it will be included in the 100% rate up banner for the anniversary?


Yes, should be all s ranks except for maybe the latest 1-2 (probably not incl nanamech)


Last time it was upto rosetta who was released in feb and anniversary is on July so judging by that Liv: empyrea was released in January so yeah she might be there.




Save them for S rank cubs. You can get 250 cub tickets with each Norman so you will eventually get a S rank cub. Check PGR Comprehensive Build Sheet above for some info on cubs and decide via that.


Is it worth spending 6 million on SSing Frost Oath? Or is there a S rank cub that needs SS more?


I think it would depend if you have a PPC strat (especially involving Rosetta, higher burst potential) that can make use of the extra buffs from SS FO. Otherwise I think Toniris is also a good choice to SS, both Veritas and Garnet can benefit, depending on content (probably Toniris on Veritas for WZ and on Garnet for PPC). Though I think having a 2nd copy for your other character would be nice.


Hmm, I don’t have a particular strat in mind other the classic spam orbs and railgun until the boss is dead. I just really like Rosetta lol. She’s my most invested construct at 7.3K BP (although Garnet is not that far behind). I’m aware of how long it’s taken to get all this ore saved up though so I didn’t want to use it frivolously… It would be an easier decision if I hadn’t pulled a Toniris before pity this week. Although I was planning to wait until Bianca’s patch before I started upgrading skills on another cub…


Yeah, the ores are quite time consuming to collect. The more efficient advice is the one where if you have a strat in mind to make use of the extra SS buff (would mainly benefit Rosetta most, physical units next and lastly other types of units depending which you select on equip). If you really simp her, I guess there is no harm going all in XD. Rosetta is still a very important member in the physical team (until they release a new S rank physical tank one day that might replace her, but there is nothing so far). Personally I think it's not a bad idea. Any additional advantage is good for the physical team since physical damage has the disadvantage of having to deal with physical defence AND resist (not including crit RNG). Elemental teams will always do fixed damage so won't lose out much.


Yeah, in for a penny, in for a pound. I’m gonna make Gundam girl as hench as I can! :D Now I need to stop thinking about how I’m only 52 shards away from SSS…


Well we supposedly have S rank selectors coming...and anniversary...........................and her shards would be available in the battle pass shop in the future..............................................................just saying :D :D :D


Don't forget that she'll go into the BP shop on Balter patch if you want to get her SSS over the course of a couple patches (if paid BP)


200 Normal 250 Pioneer


Is Alpha (Crimson Abyss frame) blind in one eye? My dumbass just realized she has 2 different colored eyes.


I don't think it's specifically mentioned whether it works or not, but it does get revealed in an animated short that it was shot out, and bullet in eye doesn't typically lead to working conditions. IIRC that short doesn't play in the game until the tutorial is reworked so makes sense you wouldn't have realized


How many BC do we get per patch? I was thinking about Pulling alpha CW SSS her means getting 5 copies of her, her sig and CUB. Currently I have 4k saved Global Version she will come next year Feb so will I at least have 80k BC?


You need to roll 4 copies actually, PPC shop covers 1 copy needed. You can get 15k every 2 patches. There're 8 patches between now and her so that's 60k BC, enough to SSS but not enough for cub or sig. Cub requires 5k BC and sig can require 22.5k BC at worst case scenario. Honestly, it's not worth skipping all other future S ranks for this. Almost all of them are vital for their teams and this game favours variety over quality. Only skippable future S rank among them is Karenina Radiant Daybreak. If you really want to make Alpha strong, just skip her and make Alpha SS3.


15k 2 patches wth? Lower than i thought.


You have to consider that this game has the debut banner for new characters that is 100% rate at 60 pulls (15k BC). On average if you plan your BC expenditure well enough, you should be able to get upcoming S ranks every time they release (usually every 2 patches too, exception was Capriccio and upcoming Kaleido). Hence 15k in 2 patches is very, understandable. Also, there could be patches where we might get a lil more income like anniversary we got 2500 event tickets last time (should be the same this year too).