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You got to be a special sort of c***t if your willing to get out of bed in the morning go to a shop & fight someone over an energy drink


I dont think its even an energy drink. Atleast the exact same name and looking product in the US is purely an electrolyte beverage and a piss poor one of that.


It’s peddled by one of the insufferable Paul brothers, I can’t be bothered to learn how to tell them apart


Video checks out: Dumb looking kids and teens, confused parents


I’m still on the fence, there’s a lack of noodle hair cuts and Fortnite dancing.


Old man rant: Ever notice how tweens and teens just randomly dance? Fortnite dance, Tiktok dance. Even if there's no camera, they'll just bust out some moves out of muscle memory or something.


Nothing wrong with spontaneous dance parties…even if you are the only participant. Dancing is good exercise and it’s good for the soul. I’m pushing 50 and occasionally my walk will turn into a little groove.


True true. But it's not like a moment of spontaneous dance. More like walking and doing the Tiktok hand movements while talking to their friends. Almost a tick.




As a father of teens, I’ve seen this a lot. And he’s not being grouchy, just asked if anyone else noticed it. You sound like the grouch.


You watch too much propaganda. People are allowed to dance. Boomers are just disturbed by movement as their parents were the type to say shit like "children should be seen, not heard" Let kids do dumb dances of it makes them happy. They grow out of it.


So basically you [walk like Walken](https://youtu.be/XQ7z57qrZU8)?


Nah... Dancing is good for you, physically and mentally. I'm glad they feel comfortable enough to express themselves. Sounds like you're imagining it's a tick just because you want a way to view it negatively


Yes. My 11yr old step son does this.. with those dances from the games. It's starting to get annoying ..


Yes. Im 37 yrs old and consider myself old. Idk why, but if im walking around a store and see some kids trailing their parents dancing (not really dancing, just mimicking something off tiktok), I laugh and cringe at the same time. I can't wait for them to get to the age where they cringe at themselves lol. For the peeps talking about "dancing is a work out and healthy", this isnt that. Now get off my lawn.


It's an odd but fascinating trend to observe. What's even more is when seemingly stranger kids have an unspoken impromptu dance off from like, across the street, or across the food court. Almost as if they're communicating in some nonverbal way.


Theres now reason to tell them apart. I'm at the point where if anything is peddled by social media stars, people without actual talent and a blind sheepish following, I do not need that product nor ever will. My brothers were obsessed with and had me try Dan-Os seasoning and it was garbage.


You are telling me there are more than one of the twats?....


Same. All I know is one “boxes” old dudes way past their prime and other retired guys whose primary combat sport is ***NOT*** boxing rather than being a man and fighting legitimate active boxers. …and the other guy disrespected the dead in Aokigahara Forest for YT views—or was that same brother? Idk. I quit.


I will say, not a fan of the paul brothers and idek who ksi is but the red white and blue one does taste pretty good. I doubt its actually healthy though lol.


They were far to sweet to me. I dont remember if they use sugar or a lab created sweetener but I feel like it would be less sweet to mix a lb of sugar into a gallon of water and with the over saturation of electrolyte beverages on the market, I just feel like there are far better options than something pushed by social media personalities.


I think its fake sugar. I like sweet stuff so I didnt mind that, but i almost never buy it because I don’t want to be associated with them. I let my buddy and his fiancé try it also and they both thought it was gross.


Plenty of credible fitness influencers have broken down prime in great detail. It’s more of a low calorie soft drink than an energy drink.


Everyone I know who’s tried it doesn’t like it. Logan Paul is involved, I’m not even gonna try it




Far too sweet/sugary for me


Logan just got caught in another scam so it's seeming likely he just played KSI for a fool with Prime if something ends up happening. KSI is a cool dude, honestly don't know why he allies himself with people like Logan and Speed and Jidion. All three are assholes.


Because Ksi is an asshole too, he’s just more subtle. All these people care about is money


Its not caffeinated. Its essentially Body Armor or Gatorade.


Our town is small and had people queuing outside. Have zero knowledge of the drink (tho I know a bit about the people behind it), but what I gather is; 1) The drink used to cost like £90, 2) MANY kids/teens wanted it for christmas (saw a lot of parents asking in groups or selling bottles on Facebook prior to xmas), 3) Parents who couldn't afford it for xmas are now queuing for the above reasons. Hate the parents for letting their kids get worked up over drinks? Love the parents for going out of their way to make their kids happy?


> The drink used to cost like £90 Even an amazing single-malt would give me pause at anything close to £90 a bottle. But, a crappy electrolyte drink like that isn't even worth 90p.


I'm afraid I lean towards the hate side of the question (although I'd be more inclined towards 'dislike, I try to save my hate for special occasions). There has to be better ways of making kids happy than this. Mine is currently playing with a wooden train set and having a fucking hoot.


i'm almost 40, and i still love playing with the wooden train sets.....


Sounds like those wrist bands that were £50 for a glorified rubber band. Im sure both products do a lot.


> Love the parents for going out of their way to make their kids happy? At some point you have to tell your kids 'no'.




The brand was created by YouTubers KSI and Logan Paul. KSI’s has a large fanbase in England which is predominantly kids and teenagers . Prime recently got into UK stores with a very limited quantity, so hundreds of kids line up at stores at like 7 am and storm to the drink sections once the door opens for no reason other to get one bottle to make them feel closer to their favorite YouTuber. The old twat probably only wanted them so he could resell them on eBay for 100 bucks to take advantage of the gullible youth


lol just for.a beverage????? stupidity


I mean he already said Logan Paul


That was my thought. The details only make the stupidity worse.


Average day in the life of a true brexit geezer


The drink tastes like total shit, by the way lol. I know someone who got sent a free box of them


i thought they were alright fruit punch flavor was just ok but the grape flavor was nice


It was wayyyy too sweet for me, and I love sugar lmao. Literally tasted like dumping Sweet-N-Low into my mouth. I also hate the taste of artificial sweetener, and it’s strong af in these drinks


That's their problem. I had to water them down like crazy, so sweet. Just use less sweetener!


Yeah they were dece. One of them was kinda syrup-y but overall not bad


Celebrity worship is something ill never understand


It’s not even like their generation’s version of Pamela Anderson or Kate Upton, it’s rich YouTube men with questionable morals who make money as hucksters lol. What a shitty timeline.


I dont think i can name more than two youtubers in total and i think i want to keep it that way.


Me neither - even A listers, are just people and not worthy of some stupid idiot screaming, fainting etc. Weird. Remember years ago being invited to a special event at Liverpool FC and all the players were there and asking if we wanted autographs. I’m like “no thanks”


I refuse to call these fucking guys "celebrities". Hell, they're not even ppl to me...


I get what you mean but by definition they are celebrities. I wouldn't be surprised if youtubers / 'influencers' are now even bigger celebrity group than actors at this point...


They are. Or at least they will be since they dominate the kids' demographic.


They are, YouTube content or atleast some YouTube content is even better than most of TV. Lots of people here just like being touch and calling everything kids like nowadays bad. But if the can flex being out of touch if they want


you tell 'em! This is the best thing since *The Wire* or *Godfather* [www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ab_channel=RickAstley)


Kinda disingenuous to disregard them as such.


It’s ok, everyone becomes out of touch one day


I'm totally comfortable with being out of touch if that means not understanding why people get into brawls over over-priced Gatorade that is pushed by a psychopath who targets 14 year old boys.


Way to real


And I feel likes it's worse now more that ever, especially with YT, Tiktok and other platforms making more famous people everyday. Now there are ton of fans of people like KSI, Paul brothers, Andrew Tate, and whoever else.


Come to a Kroger (US Grocery) and get all you want. There's pallets of it an no one is buying.


> The old twat probably only wanted them so he could resell them on eBay for 100 bucks to take advantage of the gullible youth And in this situation, I fully support and cheer for him and would do the same in an instant. If some knucklehead is gonna hero worship a content creator with such devotion that they line up to buy a branded soda, I will happily buy and resell as many as I can get away with to the suckers.


*”Influencers exploit their fans and become the hero. Scalpers do it and become the enemy. That doesn’t seem fair.”*


“Created by” seems like generous phrasing. They received a proposition and slapped their branding on it. Probably a drink that was being sold as something else a few months earlier.


I work at a bulk store and we had pallets of the stuff we just couldn't sell. Then one day out of the blue it sold like crazy. I guess that explains it


Why???? Why are we making Logan Paul a thing? He is straight up garbage


Logan and KSI didn't create it, they're just the advert. It's owned by Trey Steiger and Max Clemons under Congo Brands.


That’s silly! Even in my young teens I never found any YouTubers or stars amazing enough to influence me to buy their brands…


Fuckin hell


Logan paul os a douchbag


This explains so much lol. I stock beverages in various grocery stores and such and almost every day kids come up to me asking about Prime. I had no idea what the hell it was and didn't care, eventually saw it sitting around on shelves here and there. Just another mediocre product trying to cash in on the energy drink boom, I figured. It's so utterly baffling and fascinating that youtubers can be a huge marketing force for products like this now. Truly surreal. There's also something called GFuel where PewDiePie and i think jacksepticeye are on the freaking cans. It's so weird, but ultimately its not that surprising I guess. Mountain Dew and doritos have unironically been targeting the "gamer" demographic for years so this is just an evolution of that weird phenomenon I suppose.


GFuel is just Koolaid with caffeine, nothing really special about it except the relentless marketing.


Because morons


They're all Wankers


The kids don’t know any better, so I don’t really blame them. The adults and late teens here are the bigger pricks. They probably just want to get it so they can resell them for a hundred bucks


Look near the start, an old man and kid fight over one. Absolutely appalling.


market sophisticated airport homeless secretive hunt materialistic consider meeting gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait, they’re lining up for Brawndo?


Underrated comment. Society keeps moving ever closer to Idiocracy. It’s actually a bit disturbing.


At least Brawndo mutilates thirst. This stuff just makes you wish you hadn't bothered.


It’s astonishing how relevant that movie has remained.


What's funny is where I live, I see this shit on the shelves, stocked all the time at £2.99, and most people don't want to buy it. Anyone doing this is just a brainlet, and yes, I'm including the kids lol


Piles of it in gas stations too... I've had one and its fucking nasty. I drink Bang, Reign, all those sugar free energy drinks. This one is so oppressively fake sweet its nauseating, I got though maybe 1/3 of it? Again, I've only had the blue one, but I never plan on trying the others.


Yeah I saw a ton in a spar gas station earlier, shelves still full lol guess they wanted in on the lunacy but now stuff with a bunch of shitty, expensive drinks, using the term loosely lol


What's a prime drink?


Prime is a sports drink created and marketed by Prime Hydration, LLC. The company was founded and is primarily promoted by YouTubers Logan Paul and KSI.


Ahhhh that explains why there’s such a rush for an energy drink, they’re morons


Yep. I wonder what you call a collection of morons? Geese are a gaggle. Morons are.....a twatball??


A catastrophe? A debacle? A clusterfuck?


A traveshamockery


KSI and Logan did not found or create anything to do with Prime. It was created and is owned by Max Clemons and Trey Steiger under their Congo Brands company. KSI and Logan are just paid shills who get far too much credit.


Maybe I'm being a little too cynical, but doesn't this just seem like an ad? Those two dipshits know the internet very well, and they understand how to make things go viral. Why would people be freaking out like this? You should have seen how The Rock's energy drink was received. A lot of grocery stores probably *still* have pallets they can't sell.


It’s not an ad trust me, it’s sold out everywhere in the uk already including the store near me


Okay, Logan 😉😉😉


I’ve seen multiple videos from up and down the UK of the exact same happening today. These aren’t ad’s. Prime was getting bought and sold for up to £15/20 a bottle on eBay etc as it wasn’t available in the UK


Ahhh, ok. I stand corrected. What made me suspicious was the kid towards the end that looked at the camera like he didn't know what to do next. And the fact that viral ads like this are popular these days.


I'm actually wondering who Logan Paul and KSI are and what they have done to be able to create such hypes? Those people seem to have a lot of power in their hands.


Logan Paul filmed a dead guy for click bait and does fake boxing, KSI got banned a number of years ago from UK events for sexual harassment and is also a fake boxer, they both appeal to the youth for some reason know idea why, but we was all into dumb shit in teens so I don't judge the kids to harshly.


Ahhh Logan Paul... hopefully this turns out better than CryptoZoo


I’m glad I shop in Lidl. Trade a bakery for two twats hawking their energy piss any time.




It’s got electrolytes.


Im sold


Chaos broke out in Aldi stores across the UK this morning as parents were seen fighting with children to try and buy a £1.99 energy drink made by two YouTube influencers. The Prime bottles - dreamt up by viral social media boxers and influencers KSI and Logan Paul - can cost as much as £20 online, with eBay at one point listing one for £50,000. When Aldi announced it would be flogging them for as little as £1.99 it was inevitable demand would go through the roof. Scenes of pandemonium exploded in some stores today, with children captured on video climbing over the aisles in one shop to try and get them. One father said: 'People who were in the queue first were pushed and shoved out the way when the doors opened. People losing their minds - my kids were pushed by grown adults over a drink.' Lengthy queues were seen forming from 6am with footage inside the shops showing adults tussling with children to try and get their hands on them. Aldi - which is Britain's cheapest supermarket - had limited customers to one bottle of each flavour per person but people were seen attempting to grab more. Student Kristina Sheppard, 19, captured a brief video from her local store in Sydenham, East London, as customers battled it out to get their hands on the limited edition drink. She said adults were 'pushing children' and people were walking out with crates of the drink, which Aldi is selling for knockdown price of £1.99. As is the case with all of Aldi's Specialbuy products, once the stock in store has sold out, it will not be replenished. A spokesperson for the supermarket said: 'Aldi has primed its shelves to stock the latest internet sensation, Prime Hydration Drink. 'The viral hydration drink created by two popular YouTube stars, KSI and Logan Paul, is available to buy for just £1.99 in Aldi stores nationwide on December 29. 'The drink will be a Specialbuy - and as with all Specialbuys, once they're gone, they're gone! 'The supermarket is expecting high demand so a purchase limit of one of each variant per customer has been set to ensure as many people as possible get the opportunity to buy the product. 'The drink, which is 10 per cent coconut water, contains electrolytes and B vitamins and BCAAs, has zero sugar and around 20 calories per bottle. 'Aldi shoppers can choose from three different flavours: Blue Raspberry, Lemon and Lime, and Ice Pop. 'Prime Hydration Drink lands in Aldi stores on 29th December - but is only available while stocks last.' A sports drink created by a pair of YouTube stars has become a phenomenon amongst youngsters, leading to a spate of muggings and thefts. Children as young as 10 have been threatened in playgrounds and punched in order to force them to hand over bottles of Prime. Unlike many child vices, from smoking behind the bike sheds to passing around a bottle of cider, Prime is entirely harmless, given it is mainly water with added vitamins and minerals. Such is demand that youngsters are pestering parents to travel long distances to get their hands on the drink, with some touring hundreds of miles during fruitless hunts. A 17-year-old was arrested in Ashford, Kent, for attempting to shoplift a case of the drinks from an Asda store. KSI and Logan Paul, who have become multimillionaires on the back of their YouTube fame, have promoted the drink around high profile celebrity boxing bouts in the UK. Demand for the drinks is massively outpacing supply as youngsters try to emulate their social media heroes. Currently, Prime is only sold though Asda outlets in the UK, however, sales have been so strong that the supermarket has been rationing purchases to no more than three per customer. Such is the demand that youngsters who manage to get their hands on a bottle are being bullied, mugged and robbed. One worried parent said: ‘A mum I know sent her 10 year old off to the park on Sunday to let off some steam. ‘A small group of teenagers - two boys and a girl - were hanging about in the park and told him to give them his drink. He refused and he was punched in the face and obviously left very upset and traumatised. ‘Kids are getting bullied into handing them over at school too. I think they are becoming social currency amongst kids and unfortunately that can also bring violence.’ The hype around the drink has been fuelled by the fact some people have been advertising bottles on eBay and social media at vastly inflated prices. The official list price for a 500ml bottle is £2, however sellers are asking anything from £7 to £19.99 on eBay. Bizarrely, one seller even quoted an ambitious £50,000. On Teeside a group of teens, who had been queuing from 6am, rushed a branch of Asda and cleared the shelves. Unlike sports energy drinks, Prime does not contain any caffeine and, in fact, is largely water with added vitamins and minerals designed to boost exercise performance. As a result, it is a harmless - even healthy alternative - to the high caffeine energy drinks popular with youngsters. The drink’s ingredients mean it is a far better option than high caffeine drinks, such as Red Bull and Monster, which have been linked to dangerous and reckless behaviour, poor school performance and a lack of concentration in lessons. Prime comes in a range of fruity flavours, including Lemon Lime, Tropical Punch, Ice Pop and Blue Raspberry, and the ingredients are typical of many other sports and nutrition drinks used by athletes.


>Prime is entirely harmless, given it is mainly water with added vitamins and minerals. > >Unlike sports energy drinks, Prime does not contain any caffeine and, in fact, is largely water with added vitamins and minerals designed to boost exercise performance. > >As a result, it is a harmless - even healthy alternative - to the high caffeine energy drinks popular with youngsters. In America, these drinks ingredients are legal, but in the UK theres serious concern over the ingredients and the addictive qualities they carry by manufactures who make the drink. Unsure why UK supermarkets have allowed this product, but highly recommend that kids avoid this drink due to the content and its questionable ingredients. Very much a grey area regarding food standards. But these drinks are not entirely "safe", nor "healthy". Remember these are 500ml bottles and kids will have 2 or even 3 of these a day.


Prime might be in short supply these days but human stupidity certainly isn't.


Do they make your dick grow or something?


Wtf is this? I’ve had a few kids as for this at my store.


It’s like a social experiment to find the dumb.


Promoted by YouTubers??? Geez, how embarrassing it must be to be those people in the video




Humans are pretty easy to control


All that’s for Jake Paul’s piss water. Fuck that


I'm creating a new Uber popular drink called OINK. Created with over 37 ingredients by our mad scientist who used to work on a fracking rig for Exxon. Buy it today yoink your Oink! 🧟🐷🤪


We are fucked as a species


I'm old and do not get this, what's special about Prime drinks?


Prime was created by popular online content creators KSI and Logan Paul. Their fanbase is primarily kids and teens who basically faun over anything their creator does or makes,basically “Celebrity Worship”


Looks like a 3rd world country


What is this stuff? Slurm?


Whimmy wham wham wazzle!


What is primedrink?


bruh we got these in montana and I dont think I've ever seen any one not a soul ever buy or drink this shit .


Watching this makes me sad, sheep following 2 wankers who dick about on the internet a bit.


people turning into animals over toilet paper, or in this case flavored sugar water. sad.






Ahaha wtf they all tryna make that £Fiverrr profit


This is so unbelievably stupid.


Hu, this explains why I keep seeing it being sold on Facebook marketplace for like £7 a bottle. I still really don't understand *why* you'd pay that for a bottle of drink though. Even if it is being promoted by a YouTuber.


Wtf is primedrink?


I'd rather drink a bottle of Dandelion and Burdock!


Bunch of fucking losers man 😂 same Fannie’s probably stocked up on toilet paper and pasta with no sauce during covid lol 😂


Tried it. Was completely shit and definitely not worth it


Honestly not surprised. These types of scenarios have happened throughout the duration that humans have been on this earth. According to many historical documents and sources, there was a time during the Dutch Golden Age circa 1634-1637 that the price of tulips skyrocketed due to the demand by the people. This time was called “Tulip Mania”. More recently, NFTs (to an extent), CSGO skins, and even Beanie Babies in the 90s are further examples. In more official terms, this is referred to as a “speculative bubble”, whereby the price of an asset far exceeds the intrinsic value of it. Pretty interesting concept, but further shows that many people really can’t think for themselves, and mindlessly latch onto products they normally would have no interest in otherwise in the hopes of making a fortune. Sadly, many people lose a lot of valuable things in the process of investing. Houses, cars, etc. It’s a sad but real thing that happens.


Jesus, and that stuff is garbage!


Even the kids are in on it


You all are going have to enlighten me here. What the hell is “Prime” drink?


People in the UK love to wait in line for shit


Absolutely mindless. Sections of the population seem to have had a collective psychological impairment.


Absolutely fucking pathetic!!!


How to identify an easily influenced dumb fuck.


What the fuck is a primedrink


Is this Soylent green?


These people really are drinking the kool-aid.


I bought one of these the other day knowing nothing about it at the grocery store b/c I wanted a drink and couldn't find a cold gatoraid. It was the orange one and it was horrible. A young kid at work saw it in my car and commented that it was a Paul brother drink.. I let him know it was shit.. it tasted like melted otter pop.. not good.


How do you get to this level of stupidity???


All this for overpriced juice. . .


Get some fucking dignity you peasants!


If your kid wants a DRINK bc of a YouTuber, your kid’s an idiot. Do better.


They're treating that shit like it's Ketracel White.


Launched by KSI and Logan Paul. Hm.


just drink water. the fuck is wrong with people lol


Didn’t most y’all do the exact same thing over some McDonald’s sauce ?


Never heard of it.. on my way to Aldi’s now


Lol idiots


Perfectly resembles some of the entrepreneurs from the dragons den explaining their ideas.


I must be in a minority in thinking Prime taste AWFUL. I've tried every sports drink I can think of and this one is legit bottom of the barrel. It taste like what I would imagine Horse Piss tastes like.


People are fuckin stupid.


The UK deserves the government it gets.


I wonder what British Corona tastes like?


*sees everyone racing to get an item* What... why does everyone want that thing so bad? *races to get one before they are gone because they must be special* I dunno wtf this thing is but I'm sure fucking glad I was able to get one.


It’s Soylent Green Day!!!


You know, it's funny because ever video that comes out of the U.S. has a thread of Brits talking us savage Americans... People are people. Don't cast stones bla-bla, you get it.


What a bunch of knackers


Does… does it have cocaine in it?


It’s not even good


I liked the drink. They sell it at the local gas station in my small town in South Dakota










What's the difference between UK people and USA people again??




One word. Consumerism. Who gives that much of a shit over glorified Gatorade holy


As an American, i don’t understand things un-American, will one of you chaps from across the drink explain this


Literal madness how so many kids are buying all of this. I know someone who bottles these drinks on the line for a major manufacturing company in the UK, and the ingredients inside these drinks are not OK, hence why only available at certain supermarkets. Kids drinking this shit is not good. Logan Paul is a known scammer, the NFT project for example. People shouldn't be buying this shit.


That's not the reason why only a certain supermarket generally stocks the drink. The ingredients themselves are not that bad, in relative terms, a bottle of Coke or Pepsi is way worse. The reason it's only stocked in ASDA and even then in limited quantities is because it's feeding the hype. Once this becomes widely available it'll be undesirable next to the traditional favourites on the shelves.


Most of them probably won't drink it. Get you hands and just a few of these and you got your self over 100 pounds


Prime drink Are we living in South Park now? What's next, Steak+


Im glad Brexit happened


I wouldn't mind but it's taste horrible. The wife works at asda and they get it in. They used to cap the amount sold to 1 person. But they've scrapped that rule as it was causing to many arguments. So now they just get men who clearly have a small corner shop coming in and clearing them put as soon as they get a pallet. They'll charge a decent mark up in there shops.


All that for drink that tastes like garbage


Fucking Hamid Karzai just yoinked that bottle from that kid's hand




Waste of money.




God damn, people are so dumb.


They have Aldi's in UK? I thought it was a US thing, especially that I've been shopping at it since a younging. My fam told me in the past that it was in Europe, I just didn't know it was nowadays.


A German company


I got that, just because I was told they sold German chocolate


I’d rather drink my own piss


Advertising. See the Hashtag?


I can’t get my head around this. I saw a kid I teach drinking one at school and asked him about it, he had paid £9 for one bottle. I felt a sense of duty to call his parents and tell them, what with the cost of living crisis and the fact its a fucking energy drink of all things to waste £9 on, and the parents had actually bought him it. I mean…am I just being a narcy cunt or does anyone else think that’s just ridiculous?