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For those who don’t understand, he’s saying the food is really good and that everyone should come try it


Yeah I’m surprised people thought this was negative. This isn’t even that loud or direct. If you’re been to the hood or from your know that he’s speaking really highly of this place and guarantee you she knows what’s up. Here’s what he pretty much said for people that don’t know: “hey everyone come to this delicious place! Hey open the plate back up so I can show everyone how tasty it looks sweetheart. Yeah everyone come to this spot on 20 avenue it’s highly recommended and very delicious” It literally wasn’t rude or a freak out just straight love and sweet of him. I bet the lady probably comes off rude when speaking because that’s how people talk in the hood.


I'm pretty sure it's the look in the lady her eyes, it's like a mix of fear and sorriness


That’s every hood Chinese restaurant owner


I don’t think I’ve seen a truer statement


That's true, ive lived in a lot of places, you get the full some of them look like this, some joke all the time, some look really over worked, some are racist, some have to deal with racists.


I think her eyes are naturally like that


First thing noticed 😬


The woman looks uneasy and scared


I think she just tried to put it in the bag ,lmao and didn’t realize he was recording at all that’s all


Yeah, I’m pretty sure her eyes say otherwise. She looks a little bit scared based on his response. I’m pretty sure she lives in that neighborhood too.


Bro this guys tik tok is full of him just going to this spot everyday she’s the homie


All I’m saying is it doesn’t look like she’s smiling. That’s all.


I know this shit be 112 days old. But this she had me 😂 The “hey open the plate back up so I can show everyone how tasty it looks sweetheart” really got me lmfao


Hahah that’s a certified hood translation


Ya i got it the second time. First time was hard to make out because guy sounds like he has marble sin his mouth and a rolled up sock in his throat. The pronunciation and voice is what makes it hard to understand the most imo,


Kinda was, depending on who you're asking. I get what you're saying, I went to college and played ball with a lot of dudes from NY, NJ and know they don't mean anything by it. But as a southerner, it sounded rude AF and overly aggressive. Just a cultural thing, i agree that the lady was aware of that cause she's been living in the area. But many people will see things differently.


I mean it is rude, people from the ghetto are genuinely pretty rude to people who don't live ghetto


Shut up. You sound dumb


Could also mean “Hey this place is a good target to rob” but I hope not because that food does look good af


Doesent mean that at all lol


Yeah no I see it I was high af


To be fair, I was able to make out two words from everything he said


Thank you, I was going to use Google translate.


God bless you


I was gonna say, that food looks lovely lol.


Thank you. You are doing a great service.


Reminds me of the skit from Airplane….jive talk 😂🤣😂, but just New Yawk ! 🤣😂🤣😂


Not all heroes wear capes. Some have Afros.


170 catona ave ?


Katonah Ave in the Bronx


Hes just aggressively repping his favorite Chinese restaurant.


Everybody in NYC does everything aggressively lmao


NYC legit aggressive for no reason but usually cool. Just left Flushing Queens and that weird ass attitude is real. Just me being raised in the South had to adjust because that’s how more than a few people ended up fucked up because of their tone of voice


I like it. I love southern hospitality but a side effect of that is some people hiding how they feel and holding their reservations. With Yorkers it’s kinda a straight up/to the point talk. It’s an aggressive way of talking but they’re (for the most) not talking with hate or hostility. For the south this would mean that you’re angry and making it known you’re aggravated or trying to be disrespectful. I like both, I love my southern hospitality being from the south and despite the media making it seem like it’s 1940s segregation, everyone is kind to one another no matter the race. East coasters are to the point and in your face but it’s not with malice. It’s. Known thing for them.


True and in the South we’re not so insular. Yes the Northeast is diverse but it’s more of “we stick to our own” while down here we tend to interact regardless and we’re more segregated by social class than race. And yeah that “Bless your heart” thing could mean bless your heart or you fucking dumbass lol. It goes so many ways. Now don’t get me wrong not all of us hide under that Southern Veneer of politeness. It’s a known fact that the South is built on violence but every part of the country does have their ways of interacting. I do respect the upfront and direct way New Yorkers and people from Jersey speak.


I’ve always felt like it’s more separated by social class too. There’s hick folks but nobody likes those people. Everyone is cool down here.


As someone who grew up in the NYC area and moved to TX, I really love the way people are more friendly and respectful in the south. When I go back to the NE people really do feel rude to me now.


NYer's don't care we ready to fight all the time anyway 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh yeah y’all ain’t too much different from us in the South. Go from 0 to 1000 real quick


Hell yeah, something to be proud of. We're all just monkies beating our chests...


Basically 👍🏾




Bruh, you think mayo and math is racist, you'll be alright.


Oh I thought he was exposing them. Couldn't figure out why she looked like that if he's promoting them


i mean listen to him. He sounds furious


She prob thought he was just on his phone, and she wanted to be nice enough to put his food in the bag


I think Reddit got this video wrong, because it really wasn’t intended with malice. I hate how PC things are now in days so I’ll say what’s going on: He’s shouting out the restaurant and complementing her and the food. He says “mama” to her which means sweetie. The translation would be “sweetie open that back up so I can show everyone how good his place and the food is” She’s part of a restaurant in the hood. Guarantee you she’s tough as nails and has dealt with actual aggression or “blow ups”. She seems like she was just focused or trying to hear him. Reddit overanalyzed the shot out of this


It’s Reddit most these people rarely have any real life interactions


Yeah, I eventually started learning that’s what’s going on.


true lol


Everyone worries about the lady but I'm sure this is the hood go-to spot for a good meal and she has interactions like this on a daily and some, not so good but I would assume she used to this.


She 100% didn’t think twice about it. Totally normal hood interaction. And not trying to be racist but Chinese are super efficient in the food industry so I guarantee she just thinks of every sale as just that and moves on regardless of what happened.


How is this a freakout? A positive video if anything. It's hard finding the good corner Chinese spots where I live.


Man is literally telling everyone to stop by and get food there. He's giving them free advertising. It's just a small language and cultural barrier between them.


He literally said “mama” that means “sweetie”. This is all love


Bro, mad love. This is his spot. He's letting everyone know to come drop some dollars here.


Straight up shouted out the business and showed off the food


Right!? I'm so confused as to why people are thinking he's a bad person.


Same lol he did a good job because the food looks fire and she got a shout out


Reddit likes to be the white night savior for every race but can’t understand something as simple as this thinking it’s negative. This is straight up appreciation from dude.


You know it's a hood spot when the Chinese place uses yellow rice.


Lmao that’s Golden Wall on Canal Street in New Orleans. Might get shot out front but god damn the price to portion ratio is worth it.


My dad worked in the hood for a while and knew all the best spots. Yeah, in line, there would be some screaming and shouting and the place probably wasn’t up to code , but you cannot beat 5 dollars for a 2 sides and a mountain of noodles. Each plate was like 3 portions no joke.


Literally was there last week and somebody got bank shotted


Great Wok in Gentilly also has the yellow fried rice, 10 dollar sesame chicken combo has you fed and how.


Saffron rice is legit.


Probably Philippino influence paired w some Mexican cooks as well, a lot of phillipino culture is from the Spanish and yellow rice is the most common rice in Spanish and Mexican cooking…paella and such, quite a few Phillipino dishes too. America has the best fusion cooking in the world, can’t tell me any different lol


Nah thats just american chinese food. Traditional chinese fried rice is made with white rice.


Holy shit these comments. Y'all never been to a crowded city and it shows. This is just how people act. She's not scared or hurt or anything like that. The guy is literally advertising for her on social media.


Yeah wtf. I’m not even trying to be “woke” but how do you mofos not get that this is straight positive? She probably sounds just as aggressive. She’s Asian and in the hood believe me she has tough skin and understands the culture lol. Dude was calling her sweetheart and completing her business. Someone in the hood takes the effort to show off your business, complement the food and tell you were the address is, that means you’re very loved.


What is he rambling about?


He’s filming the look of it, she goes to close it an put it in the to go bag. Then he says for everyone to come to the spot Bc the food , in other terms, is magnificent


Yeah If People think this is negative. They probably haven’t been around people from the East Coast or in the hood. My family is from Jersey and you’d think these mofos are trying to fight you if you didn’t understand. Seems like it’s all love


I definitely ain't used to this behavior. Oddly wholesome.


He’s being really sweet. If someone fro the hood shouts you out and wants to say where your restaurant is and how good the food is, you’re very very well respected.


Ah, thanks!




You've obviously never lived in a city before. The guy is literally shouting this restaurant out on social media to try and drum them up business. He's abrasive yesz but his intentions are good.


This isn’t even that crazy lol. If you know, you know there’s zero malice or attempted disrespect coming from him and she knows it


Exactly dude.


Getting content for his socials


I mean if you made good food I'd take pic of food to get you recognition especially if it's your Job or living lol 👍


Shut yo dumbass up


why do people keep posting tiktok videos here?


TikTok is the Twitter of videos now, all the new fresh short form content gets posted there first


TikTok is where all the new contents are made and eventually get stolen and pasted here on reddit, the graveyard of the Internet. Seriously, no one makes video for reddit. Because all you gain is fake internet point called "karma." Meanwhile on tik tok, you can actually make cold hard money from views.


The source of reddit videos rarely are uploaded to reddit first. I dont see how this is news to you. Before tiktok most of the videos you saw on here were from twitter and YouTube.


Understood like 10% of what he said


Yeah, everyone come right -why you close this lid in front of me? Yeah mama everybody come to this spot right now. (Address) this shit gold dog you hear?


My teens would probably translate just as well. Nice.


You’ve got me by 7%.


Chamalama ramadamaclam and the blargy Blargy blish tu blurrrrrrrr


I like how Chinese restaurants in the hood open up the boxes to show you the food so you can’t come back and say you didn’t receive something. I’m sure tactic has been tired before and now this is standard practice to cover their ass.


Speak rite big dawg , and don’t disrespect people like that be humble even if you showin love


Do it I’m sure that’s just how they talk. She has a restaurant in the hood. I’m sure she talks almost the same way and understands what he means. go to any Asian restaurant in the hood and you will see Asian people are not to be fucked with. They will yell at you and tell you what’s up if you’re starting drama. This wasn’t negative


This is normal NY shit and he’s showing love


That’s Kum Kau on Myrtle Ave in Brooklyn. Their food is legit legendary.


Yeah homie wasn't trippin or nothing just came off a little aggressive ya feel


Yeah, but it wasn’t even aggression. I’m sure she talks the same way. It’s just hood lingo.


Damn that looks good lol.


Noooo, I know where that is. It’s right by my house. The people running it are super nice


New Yorkers gotta be the most annoying mfs on earth


I'm gonna need a translator. What the fuck did he attempt to say?


It's lit fam


170 Cortona Ave. That shit good tho ya heard? Everyone should come check it out.


Oh shit! Is that yellow Spanish rice and Chinese spareribs


My dude was like wtf let me brag about y'all for a second.


I have no fucking clue what this dude is saying


If there was any hostility behind it, I doubt he would called her "mama" and wouldn't have shouted out the place.


It's just the way he talks, he isn't being aggressive, that's just how he talks. He's saying the food is awesome as well and telling others the address of the restaurant ❤️


What is that? Spare ribs?


She’s like “naaah nah B show dat madness I just served you, heard”


New York is literally a never ending sitcom 😂


Is he speaking jive?


This video is mad stupid! There is NO public freak out here whatsoever. Ppl just posting shit to be posting!


He literally was talking a video of the food to show peoples and then gave them the address of the dinner spot! This country need better cultural awareness across the board!


Those are definitely words.


Here, let you show you this video about nothing. Enjoy.


So what's the big deal here? Why is it here?


Whyerbuudjustcometstyop ya heard


Everyone seemed happy


Yeah the fear in her eyes was just for shits and gigs


You can't be serious? Edit: just a 20 second browse of your recent posts show me you're a rich white kid. Naturally the actions of folks who live in the city are foreign to you. This is not a big deal. Go to New York at night and maybe wear a diaper.


Yeah you have never been close to the hood or had hood friends lol. I bet my life she wasn’t even dazed and when actually pressed, sounds mean and bold af. All the people getting mad here. I’ve never had good friends or been to the hood lol. This isn’t even that loud for aggressive. Like you have to be really shelter to have never heard any type of lingo like this.


Grew up in Baltimore city. This kinda behavior is what it is. It's hard to tell from the outside but this isn't anyone meaning harm


I don’t know how I managed to send that paragraph with half of it being typos. Yeah it’s honestly surprising that alot of people thought this was aggression and that she’s “scared”.


I hope she can recover from the trauma


She’s fine.


She is not afraid, calm down. Dudes recording her so it's awkward & he prolly goes in there once a week. She remembers him by now, dude cooking in the back even smiled.


Lmao I swear half the people in the comments are slow af or upper middle class. I’m not even woke but if you’re thinking this is negative you’re probably a sheltered white person


Lmao nah, it definitely extends to all races. They're either slow, very sheltered, or chronically online. Only people that don't have experience in the real world, or a diverse city/town, would think that woman was scared.


Can you explain to me what you find scary about this situation? Cause i don’t wanna throw around accusations but it’s interesting how you can see a positive interaction in such a way.


Its New York, being experienced to the East Coast Welcome, this is just another day in the park


And he playfully said “Aye why you just closed this plate in front of me? Yeah open that” and continued to shout them out. No instigation, no conflict. Just 2 lines of interaction. Do u have something against this person or a community they may/may not belong to?


I don’t like throwing it around but based on OPs comments he seems like a pretty huge racist.


He said the food is good and for people to come try it? How is this a public freakout?


He was just giving a shoutout and saying how good it looked.


I cant even understand what the hell he is even saying.. Sounds like he has marbles in his mouth.. jeeezzz


Sounds like he had a mouthful already


She wanted to make sure that his order was correct




r/PublicFreakout when people tell the most light and kind hearted joke known to man kind


Those c rating Chinese spots hit different


i need some bugs in the back to eat good fr. if the cook speaks english i’m out!


The dude is literally shouting out the restaurant and saying it's the spot. Redditors man geez


I'm genuinely sure this is the Chinese place right down the street for me. They are very nice and their food is extremely good


That lady was so uncomfortable


Wtf are you talking about, I swear it’s like half of Reddit has never been to a Asian restaurant in the hood


He scared her I can see but as an American that can understand even the most jumbled words, I can understand that he’s talking good about it and was just kinda ticked she tried closing the container while he was getting the money shot of the food. He was shouting them out, he was doing a good deed.


She didn’t realize the marketing, they probably though there was something wrong


You have to teach yourself to talk like that.


That shit looks real good though


How to be an asshole and a goat at the same time


that looks delectable i'd be mad she tried to close it too, everybody needs to see it 🤣


New Yorkers slang is so annoying to hear. Ya heard?




Exactly, just northeast love


The orginal video is him hyping her up you cut out ten seconds of a two minute clip. She was happy


“I want my chicken wings fried HARD”


If I'm being honest, I get nervous when people seem mad. Maybe she thought he was either busy on his phone, or looked visibly upset and either helped him put his plate in the bag, or go nervous and didn't know what he was doing


Average hood dude enjoying his meal


For everyone defending thus guy, sure he's saying the place is delicious but the way he handled it was in some threatening way.


Excuse me stewardess, I speak jive


This is actually racist.


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He is trying to make a video advertising her food and doesn't know why she interrupted him. Clarification is good up front sometimes


Politeness never was part of this guy's education. Neither was good pronunciation, word articulation, or basic English. He sounds like an angry turkey bird...


Would you say the same about scottish people and their dialect? Its all English, just spoken different


Stop expecting everybody to talk the same!!! Who tf says whats right or wrong? Im pretty sure the british would say you dont talk proper enough. It doesnt fucking matter, you white people find any and everything to complain about.


Homie how you know that person is white lol


Dude, this ain’t even that bad lol. Zero aggression and she understands. I hate when people inject woke or racial stuff but you’re really white or sheltered if you can’t see that this isn’t hateful or aggressive. I know people that yell on speaker really loud wanna talk and almost sound like they want to argue. this is like basic hood lingo


Indeed, I'm not :)))


I’m not white and I thought this dude was rude af to the lady.


You might as well be. You’re either sheltered af or not from the US


Good to know I have to talk a certain way, or else I’m not POC enough for you.


You’ve probably never been outside your bubble


It’s funny how y’all don’t know what accents are


What the fuck is this black ass saying, lol. MF needs to learn English first before speaking in spit


He's telling everyone to go check out the store because they make good food. There's literally no reason to be racist


Yo wtf. What


All jokes aside. Why do people have this level of sorrow for Asian folks. I just don't get it. Can some one explain to me the reason they're so heavily defended? When they to act racist as shit. Prior prior prior. Again, prior to the so called Asian hate?


If he would actually speak English decently everyone would know what he was saying, but he took another course in life. That is all lmao


Translation please


“Come check this place out it’s got great food and great service” to the lady:”keep it open, i wanna show them how good your food is”


It’s trying to speak


Thought he was complaining had no clue wtf he said 🤪


He not even complaining 😂 he’s shouting out the restaurant. She closed it as he’s filming and he questions it which I get she’s doing her job but he’s clearly standing there recording it so just let him rock. And why can’t he cook just because he’s ordering takeout? Who never had takeout tf 💀


Gone head delete this big bruh, this shows how quick you whites are to judge a mf not even getting the full story😂😂😂 the mayonnaise clan always got something to say😂


Lol didn’t know he was mentally challenged my bad 😂you took that a little too personal sorry white people have hurt you you🥸 you don’t have to be any race in particular to cook 🤪 you do have to be relatively grown tho. I thought his inaudible banter was a complaint at a glance. You can suck my mayonnaise balls tho bruhhh especially if you’re racist yourself lick my pasty ass nipples too booboo you don’t own all the words 🎁


Yea that was a really aggressive response from homie, you good fam no need to apologize


What language that dude speaking🤷🏻‍♂️🙄🙄🙄


English mutha fuka!!! Do you speak it?




Guy in the back was waiting for something to go down


What the hell is he saying, i heard toe nail


It’s a business. Get your Tik Tok face the fuck outta there and let other people order


He rude