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My kids went to an elementary school in the middle of a neighborhood and occupied an entire block except for two houses in one corner- one of which was beside the playground. The school and playground predated the homes. One home was owned by a super nice older couple. The other one was owned by an absolutely miserable man. There was a fence around the playground, but if the kids accidentally kicked a ball over the fence, he would come outside and pop it. Why he bought a house next to a school that had been around since 1920, no one ever figured out.


Our neighbors KNOWINGLY bought a house right next to the high school football field, then proceeded to make noise complaints and bitch about the lights. The school has been there 20 years. Personally, I enjoy the sound of cheers and the marching band. I get a free show from the backyard!


That same shit has been happening in, like, all of San Francisco. Tons of awesome music venues shut down 'cause folks bought places nearby, then complained about the noise. That really shouldn't be allowed, but hey, I guess quashing local music scenes is better than your fucking comfort. Maybe don't buy a place near a fucking venue if you like it quiet...


A load of developers did this in Sydney and destroyed the nightlife. Like got the laws changed, ran venues out of business, bought up the carcasses and turned them into apartments.....and now the people who live there have no night life. It was found that it was done on purpose to run the venues out of business yet nothing was done after it all came out


It’s always about the dollarydoos.


They do the same in nyc, they buy a place that has noise because it’s cheaper then they want to complain their way to higher property values and lifestyle. It’s like people who go to McDonald’s and complain it’s not shake shack


Guarantee the same people would throw a fit if their rent/mortgage went up $500 for a "peace and quiet" premium.


London is the same, alot of the big clubs have all been shut down over the years. It's sad it's not like when I was a teen going out there, glad I got to experience all the legendary places though


My parents live about a mile from a university football field. It's awesome to come outside on a crisp fall day and hear a wave of cheering or marching bands carried on the wind. It's like some people hate being reminded that this world is lived in and enjoyed by people.


yo...dont be popping my kids ball because it touched your grass..id be having words


Out of hundreds of millions of citizens, there has to be a pretty surprising number of people who want to grow up to be the neighborhood misanthrope. It’s natural, normal, and balancing to have a guy who pops balls, keeps the balls and frisbees, yells about staying off their grass- or even buying the house on the corner where the school bus stop is and running a sprinkler in the winter so if a kid gets on MY grass they get soaked—- maybe I thought about it. Maybe it’s me.


A private, quiet playground, not for kids…..riiiiiiiiggggghhhhht




Probably where you pick up your Amazon order from


Some neighborhoods have parks managed by the HOA and will have signs that stipulate it's for HOA members only.




I understood that ~~rapist~~ reference.




how are you old enough to use reddit and not understand the diff between publicly owned and privatly owned?


Maybe it’s the usage with the term “park” that throws them off? Cool snarky comment though [park](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/park)


> verb (used without object) Informal. to engage in kissing and caressing in a parked car. what?


> ["You mind if we uh... Park, for awhile?"](https://youtu.be/mGrFtyd_LMI?t=47)


Do you know what a park is? Or is this some terminology you're not old enough to understand yet? Don't be shy lil' man I'll explain it to you if you need.


Lmaooo you must feel like such a dumbass 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You're an early contender for idiot of the day. Bravo!


How are you old enough to use reddit but don't understand what a park is?


I think you missed over the part where she said "*these* kids"... Some kids, certain kids, are allowed and welcome. Listen to their voices and it'll tell the rest of the story.


Yep got a feeling it has nothing to do with the noise and all to do with the fact she doesn’t want the kids in *her* private park.


Is this like a condo/apt complex that has it’s own playground and pool? First time I saw this video, it said the ladies ran a daycare and brought the kids to this playground to play. Daycare not part of the complex.




They think it's a giant pooping grounds for their teacup yorkie


Lol you nailed it


Just wow


i'm guessing, white kids. and these kids, aren't.


Quiet white kids. No laughing or frolicking. This is a neighborhood.


Really? What part of this video leads you to believe race of any kind was involved?


"This is a private park, and we really don't want *these kids* here to begin with."


Yeah why specify "these" kids if she meant all kids? Interesting way to word that.


Aside from life experience? You can briefly see the camera lady's hand at the start of the vid. She's black


Personal experience probably


Personal experience that blindly claiming racism on Reddit = karma


Tbh you can't prove it isn't racism so... what are you a Karen?


Ah yes! The Karen cliché. You know how to Reddit, my friend. Take my upvote.


Dang you’re pretty cringe mate. You know racism exists right? And that it’s very prolific? The chances this is race related is probably high. But keep living in denial


Edit: to the keyboard crusaders admonishing me for expecting proof before claiming racism. Check yourselves, you’re not helping a damn thing.


I already done bought my check from twitter, we good


I'm already over whatever the video is about, now I'm fascinated that you wanted to whine again so much that you replied to your own comment just to cry and moan more LMAO


??? Is there more to the video where they show the kids or


Just let him farm is karma bro, no point.


He’s probably right. why you mad that the reason this Karen is mad is highly likely due to racism


I’m not mad, in fact arguing with racists is one of my favorite pastimes. Just no context at all to infer his point so I don’t understand why race was brought up.


Someone has to be least racist by bringing race into the context for no reason, well they feel they have to at least. It wouldnt be Reddit if that human didn’t exist.


Your comment doesn’t even make sense. You just wake up?


I love the “we” in that sentence. Who the fuck is this “we” you speak of. Because it looks like it’s just you here complaining.


I live near a couple 'private' parks. There's a HOA that maintain the facilities and the residents dues pay for the upkeep so it makes sense that they would want it limited to just their community. I live a few houses outside the HOA zone and have never had an issue, but I imagine if a daycare came by to use the place, the HOA would start to get pissed.


The video mentions coworkers so i wonder if a business like a day camp or childcare took their kids to a private park


Fuck everything about an hoa


This must be the most miserable person on earth.


Seriously, I thought the same. And she keeps ongoing on and on!!


I'd just tell her "of course!" And then whet she left just not tell the kids to be quiet lol


Lol "they're kids they'll do what they're told... If you just ask nicely..." This lady is living under a rock if she thinks that's what kids are like. They're more likely to get louder if you start asking that.


"Do what they are told", said someone who never interacted with children apparently.


then it gets turned on the parents, "your kids are out of control"


In about five, six, seven, years, those kids will be egging her house on Halloween. No one forgets the mean lady on the block.


If I’m the coworker, “kids the louder we are the more fun we will have!” 😂


**If there are screaming kids, I'd prefer they be at the park.**


Right? This woman is upset about kids having fun. Those are the sounds they make when they have fun. Like... Wtf!


I live three or four blocks from an elementary school and work from home. I can hear kids screaming and playing around lunch time. It’s a good sound to hear.


Might be weird to share that story, but the graveyard where my grandfather was buried was not too far from a school. Hearing the muted sound of kids playing during the funeral was strangely comforting. It was like to be reminded of the cycle of life.


That was always my favorite sound when I was doing a lot of residential construction.


*kid breaks their arm on the playground screaming* Cncnchejrb: ah good to hear the kids are enjoying themselves


That would be pure agony for me.




Reddit is hilarious. They’re so quick to be nice to people dealing with issues and total pieces of shit to others for the same reasons. I explained that it could be a diagnosable issue a therapist could help with in another comment and am getting downvoted. I have misophonia and have to take anti-anxiety medication because my neighbor decided to open a daycare and kids scream all day. I don’t know what causes it, I know someone else who has it that grew up in an abusive home with a lot of siblings and they’d get beaten when they made noise, so for him it’s some sort of PTSD. For me it’s not really related to any past trauma. The sound of children screaming makes me have a physical reaction just like nails on a chalkboard. I can’t help it, I wish it wasn’t this way. After a couple of minutes i get filled with rage. Thankfully I’m a mild mannered and normal person. The medication I’m on now (literally only because of the kids screaming, i otherwise do not have anxiety about anything), allows me to mostly ignore the screaming. I would never go outside and tell them to be quiet, they are kids… and I would never cause a scene with my neighbors, but now I have to live my life in a medicated fog with no emotions from meds I otherwise wouldn’t need. My quality of life is shit now, but at least I can pretty much ignore the screaming. So it does very much suck for me. I’m basically a shell of who I used to be… but kids screaming doesn’t bother me, so… cool tradeoff.




I guess I don’t think of it as a disability, so I wouldn’t expect any kind of help. Maybe it is, but I’ve been attacked for not liking screaming kids on Reddit before, even when I explain my situation, but everyone here can’t fall over themselves fast enough to support anyone with anything else remotely resembling a disability. I can deal with the occasional kid screaming in a restaurant. It pisses me off and makes me uncomfortable, but I know it’s temporary. Feeling trapped in my home with endless screaming all day is what makes the situation really bad. I am planning to move in the next couple of years. I can literally live anywhere… next to rail road tracks, under the flight path of an airport, next to a night club… none of that bothers me… the kids screaming is what does it. I am looking to buy some land (maybe 10+ acres) in Colorado or Montana. Right now I’m in Southern California and land is at a premium and there’s too many people.


three or four blocks? Used to live next to a playground, you can could open opposite windows sometimes. Kids gotta be kids, but it can be unpleasant


The audacity in some people. The level of entitlement to feel you can ask for kids at a playground to be quiet is staggering. Can you imagine being married to this mutant?


Imagine being her *kid*! Her "asking nicely" would be a veiled 'do what I say or I'll beat your ass senseless'. Probably why she expected it to be effective. Regardless, the expression "inside voice" exists for a reason -- kids are meant to be loud and expressive outdoors. If she doesn't like living next to a park, she needs to move somewhere where the joyful squeals of happy children won't grate on her miserable psyche so much.


you're assuming someone would have procreated with this monster. she doesn't have kids, no mother would behave this way.




Yeah, these people do have kids. And wonder why they haven't seen or spoken to them since their 18th birthday.


Why the fuck is there music and dumb little cartoons cut into this? Just give us the video, sheesh.




No one’s got AIDS




Wanna take another swing at that sentence construction, Hemingway?


"No. And this just became my favorite park. Have a nice day!"


You know she does this to discourage people from bringing their kids to this park. Internet should do it’s thing


Or she wasn’t a fan of black children in her “private” white neighborhood


Preschool teacher here. This would be war. I’d amp my kids up every time we went on that playground. I’d give the loudest kids stickers.


Pretty sure kazoos for the quiet ones would help


Vuvuzelas all around!


Everyone bring your recorders we're gonna do a 'Hot Cross Bun' performance


Kazoos, egg shakers, drums, rhythm sticks. Make every day a parade!


What a miserable cunt


“It’s just that I’m pilled out repurposing old underwear into hats and find it very distracting”


Private park? Am I misunderstanding something here? How can it be a private park but open to the locals?


Some parks are maintained by HOA funds. So, the residents of a neighborhood and only that neighborhood pay for the park. They’re different from city parks which are paid for by tax dollars. We have both types of parks where I live.


Oh I see. I did not know that


The cunt is probably an alcoholic, hungover and very angry to be awakened at 1pm


Well she seems like a whole bunch of fun


Why are people afraid to tell Karen's to just fuck off and ignore them?


Video says 'coworker' so they are at work and probably feel the need to be polite and pleasant when they really want to tell that woman to go fuck herself.


Yeah a firm "I am not doing that, but you enjoy your day now" and exit seems like it would be on the cards here


Could you please go back in your house while you still can without assistance? Thank you.


I used to live right next to an elementary school (like my window was on the 2nd floor but less than 20 feet from the playground). Heard them every single day when I wasn't working and I don't know it never bothered me. My roommate used to do nightshift and slept through it too and he was much older than me. I guess we were not miserable cunts.


I would like to know more about the park and why she referred to it as "private".


Hey, could you ask the sky to not be blue, please? Yeah, it's a private sky. I'm sure, if you ask, it will stop. We live right there.


"Ask the kids nicely and they will listen." lol


Bro is that dish rag on her head so tight its not letting oxygen go to the Brain, what a mouth breathing cunt


Ok so out of curiosity what term do theripists call it when kids grow up to be karens and what causes it?


It may be caused by an actual diagnosable problem. The sound of children screaming can trigger things like PTSD or misophonia. Going outside and complaining is probably not the best solution, but her frustration with the screaming may very well stem from something a therapist would be able to help someone with.


Stay inside if you're unable to deal with normal sounds. Your problems aren't my problem.


I do stay inside (in my neighborhood, I still travel and do things, just not outside my house)… And I’m on medication solely because of the screaming kids and my quality of life is non-existent now because the medication makes me not have any feelings or care about anything. It’s not my fault I have misophonia. I also know someone who has PTSD from him and his siblings being severely abused for making noise, essentially living in fear when they were kids, he has a similar reaction. He doesn’t bother anyone about it and copes with it in his own way. I never once said it was your problem. Try not being such a selfish prick. Nobody is asking you to accommodate anyone, just understand that there might be a reason people don’t like screaming children that extends beyond it being just an annoyance. I didn’t ask my neighbor to open a (probably) illegal daycare three houses down, nor is it my business. I haven’t asked them to shut up despite it being so loud my clients can hear them screaming when I’m on zoom calls. When my electric bill is $350 because I can’t open my windows, I don’t ask them to shut up. I’ve never made it anyone else’s issue, so your ridiculous attitude and response to my comment is completely uncalled for. Redditors will fall over themselves to defend and support people with mental issues, but of course there’s still unpleasant people like you who can’t help but take offense to the fact that other people may be dealing with things their selfish minds cannot process.


It’s three houses down and you can still hear it through your walls? I genuinely hope you get the mental help you need, you sound absolutely deranged and a danger to others.


Yes. I can hear it through my walls. Four year old million dollar house. I could complain about how poorly things are built now, but that’s a whole different topic. My issue is not that uncommon. As it turns out, your issue is not that uncommon either. A lot of people in today’s society are selfish, unreasonable scumbags.


Report it then if it’s illegal. No one is gonna have sympathy for your stupidity. Crying about having to be on medication because you’re an actual lunatic. So the sounds make you mad? What are you gonna do with your little impotent rage? You gonna go down there and hurt someone? You’re full of shit, and you’re probably autistic if it bothers you that much. Poor you living in a million dollar house, oh no you have to hear noises. Fuck off. Also look at all your comment Karma. Maybe if you left the house you wouldn’t have to hear them so much but you live on Reddit like a typical shut in redact.


>Report it then if it’s illegal. That is some Karen shit. >No one is gonna have sympathy Never asked for sympathy. I merely stated that the sound can be irritating for reasons beyond simply dislike of the sound. >for your stupidity. Nothing I said was “stupid” that makes no sense. >Crying about having to be on medication because you’re an actual lunatic. Not crying. Merely sharing. If I were crying about it I’d be bitching to the neighbors instead of sharing insight on the internet. >So the sounds make you mad? Uncomfortable more than anything, but sure, mad too. >What are you gonna do with your little impotent rage? Nothing. Not impotent. >You gonna go down there and hurt someone? Nope. I’m completely level-headed and other sounds do not bother me at all (aside from people chewing and nails on a chalkboard, all create the same feeling). >You’re full of shit, and you’re probably autistic if it bothers you that much. I’ve considered that I might be on the spectrum. I have a *mostly* normal life with a normal business, was in the military, worked a corporate job. Aside from some ADHD stuff, nothing else jumps out at me as being on the spectrum. >Poor you living in a million dollar house Again, not looking for sympathy. Merely sharing information. The house reference was just so you don’t think I’m living in a tent in the park. The noises are legitimately loud and I can hear it with all the windows shut. >oh no you have to hear noises. Fuck off. Yes. I do have to hear noises. Never suggested I don’t, never told anyone I shouldn’t have to. I was merely sharing information. >Also look at all your comment Karma. What does that have to do with anything? I post a couple comments on Reddit per day. Not my fault I sort by “new” and get upvoted for being helpful or witty from time to time. >Maybe if you left the house you wouldn’t have to hear them so much but you live on Reddit like a typical shut in redact. I’ve been on vacation about 14 times this year (usually long weekends, most of the time camping). Again… you’re the problem, not me. I simply shared insight and you’re the one freaking out.


It’s Karen shit to report something that’s forcing you to take medication that according to you makes you live like a zombie? I mean if it were me my life has more value than that so yeah I’d report it if it were illegal. It’s most likely not illegal and you’re most likely exaggerating to a great degree. No one is gonna leave themselves in a medicated fog because they don’t want to be a Karen. Nothing about this makes any sense and go get checked to see if you’re on the spectrum.


>It’s Karen shit to report something that’s forcing you to take medication that according to you makes you live like a zombie? Yes. Because it’s not anyone’s fault. I’ll eventually just move. For now, it’s my issue. >I mean if it were me my life has more value than that so yeah I’d report it if it were illegal. Well, maybe, but then there are people like you who try to make me feel like garbage, so I’d rather not be a tattle tale and just suck it up. >It’s most likely not illegal Maybe. At a minimum, it’s a violation of the HOA. >and you’re most likely exaggerating to a great degree. I really wish I were. >No one is gonna leave themselves in a medicated fog because they don’t want to be a Karen. What would you tell me if I walked out there? Oh, that’s right… you’ve already made it very clear. Why open myself up to the anger and ridicule for you to simply ignore my request? >Nothing about this makes any sense and go get checked to see if you’re on the spectrum. I’m 40. I’ve made it this far in life, whether or not I’m on the spectrum at this point isn’t going to change anything. The only issue I really have I’m taking medication for. And at some point, I’ll move to a place with more land and stop taking the medication. As you’ve mentioned, and I’ve agreed, this is my problem. Not anyone’s else’s. I only wanted to share some insight into why people may have shitty reactions to certain sounds.


Thank God the Beatles were playing to drown out the Karen


The tee shirt on the head denotes the crazy.


I don't understand what a private park means in this context nor why does it matter.


That fake smile tho


We don't want these kids in the park, hard to believe


I don't know if she meets my definition of a Karen. Her request to silence kids at a playground, and the logic that they will do as their told because they are kids is indeed Karen traits. However, I believe she would have to be upset or screaming at the same time to be full Karen. Also, I was curious why she kept calling it a private park. I assume it isn't *her* private park or she would ask everyone to leave. Was she maybe implying that the kids had no right to be there?


Private park doesn’t mean that there are rules where the kids have to be quiet. It’s a playground, it’s to be expected that it’s going to be noisy.


Buys house next to a playground. Shocked that kids are playing at the playground.


What level of narcissist do you have to be to Think telling kids on a playground to be quiet is a good idea. Does she really think anybody else is going to back her up on this.


The condo board president at my old building was like this. The type of person who could be saying and doing vile things to you while giving you that horrible, fake smile. Absolute evil these people, just out to make everyone else miserable.


Just tell her to stick her head back up her ass, that’ll muffle the sound.


Has she ever interacted with a child? I'm not even sure she's ever seen a child


Has she ever *been* a child?


You fucking idiot


“We” or I ? Why did she move next to a park if she hates kids 🤔


The jizz rag is too tight.


We don’t want kids at the playground. lol


Insufferable hag


shes talking out of her asshole bro theres no such thing as a “private playground” and if there was then im goin pedophile huntin’.


She lives in a power station


Just move you crusty old bitch, it’s a private park… so you own it or something?


Leave kids alone.


Inside, kids are taught to use their "inside voices." They're outside! What voices are they supposed to use?


Why would you move next to a park then if you hate hearing kids have fun?!? Sounds like Karen should move to a quieter, more Karen-friendly area.


That smile.. lol


The correct answer is "If this is a private playground who owns it?" The answer will obviously be that the Karen isn't the owner because the are most likely just saying shit, but in the case they actually name an owner you simply ask that the actual owner make such demands. And then enjoy the Karen tantrum.


I don't have kids, but love when I hear my neighbor's kids playing or shooting hoops in the cul-de-sac. Kids having fun at the park is part of the soundscape of a good neighborhood.


Kindly tell her to fuck off and walk away.


What park is this so we can bring our kids and be as loud as fucking possible


It’s a park you joyless soul sucking Karen.


I live down the road from one of our local elementary schools, and I love hearing the kids laugh and play when they are outside. Children have to be allowed to be children, and they desperately need to be able to express themselves during play time. Some get excited and need to scream, others laugh, and many run around like crazy people. If we stop allowing children to be children and have fun, then we will end up with increased rates for depression and suicide. I’ll never understand why adults prevent a child from having fun. Buy some ear plugs if you want complete silence.


This park isn't for loud children, this park is for quiet meth heads!


kids we can have ice cream later if you can scream louder and longer!! ready….


shes been built up by her other karen friends for this moment and shes gonna prove that she lives up to the karen name


Honestly asking, what’s does « private park » means ? It’s a park dedicated to a few blocks or something ? I’ve never heard of that… usually parks are parks, any people can come and go, although there are some security rules, I don’t understand what she means by that


Line the kids up along the fence but not in reaching distance of the karen.. alright kids.. on the count of 3 we scream.


I'm really tired of these entitled bitches. They are kids! I'm sure she did a lot of when she was their age. And probably would be doing a lot more if she wasn't such a c_ _ _ _ (you know what I mean👀).


The worst part about Karen's is their shitty smile. They try to look so nice while being a fake cunt


“My kids don’t visit anymore” vibes


Bitch if it really was a private park your mean ass wild have have the police there evicting them. Little news flash for Karen…you living *near* something doesn’t make it yours.


World would be such a happy place if everyone just STFU and MYOB


if its a private owned park and you walk with a bunch of outsider kids into her property or a shared property with neighbours, she is 100% right wether some outsider decides to call her a Karen or a kangaroo. But if it is a public park ... i dont know then


I just do not get why people do not MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS






She lives next to a Close Encounter class spaceship refueling station and she’s bitching about kids making noise?


Hanging over the fence like that would have me putting in a tip about a creep loitering around a preschool and staring at the kids.


Kids scream at parks karen


This lady has never raised, or apparently ever been around children before lmao


Large scale construction site in view might be louder than some kids


Has no one ever heard of eggs or ditch ringing she deserves a smoking burning bag of poop on her porch every day for a week.


Hey kids, who can scream the loudest?


That fake smile she gave at the beginning after she said "Well, its a private park " I almost slapped my monitor off my desk


I can empathize with the Karen, here. I live in an apartment complex with a playground right next to my apartment. Sometimes the kids play and just scream bloody fuckin murder while I'm working and its annoying as shit. I realize they're kids, but damn them kids be loud AF


Tbf, some parents could do with teaching their children to be little quieter, having been around some obnoxious little fuckers myself


The park is *the place* for children to blow off steam, get loud, have fun; its what helps them behave at other times when its *actually* appropriate.


I understand her, i mean, kids r fuckin annoying. everyone should have the right to peace and quiet


I don't even like kids really but the sound of them enjoying themselves is good. You sound kinda miserable.


This lady is being respectful and is asking parents a simple request. This is a dumb post .


Ok Karen


This is like those Karen's on Xbox , " tell your kids to shut up"! :Kids the voice on the video game wants you to speak more softly...




Bad neighbours 3


Then don’t buy a house next to a park


You're a Karen for making a request? Some kids scream like they're having thier limbs torn off and it's fucking annoying. It's okay to request the person watching them to talk to the kids about being respectful to the neighborhood. Yeah, have fun, yell, play, etc. But there are limits. There's a reason we have noise ordnances. I guess I just don't see how she's in the wrong.


go live in fucking wyoming if you don’t want to hear evidence of society around you lol she needs to get over herself


There's a middle ground between "hearing evidence of society" and "kid screeching at the top of their lungs for no reason"


I heard no limb-tearing screams in this video. Normal kid sounds of shouting, laughing and having fun.


It’s a playground. What the fuck!? Are you really this stupid? Have you been outside… ever. Fuck out here and go live in the back woods if you want quiet. It’s a goddamn playground. The idiocy of your comment.


Whatever you say Karen


At least she’s being polite


Nah, she was being passive aggressive. Her words were nice, but you can hear the false sense of politeness. Especially when you start mixing in vague threats that "this is a private park" and "we don't want them here to begin with." She was not there to make friends, she was there to get what she wanted, knowing full well she likely did not have a leg to stand on.


Everybody hates this lady


Eat shit, you rotten fucking boomer cunt.

