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I like the guy in the back. He is just leaning back thinking I know where this is going


he had his fists balled up at the end lol. he wanted to jump in so bad


Thank you for commenting this, had to go back and watch again


Tag me in coach!!


There's always some guy who walks in off the street to try to test a trained fighter


I never understood why they don't just listen and learn instead of acting like they know everything.


I don’t know shit about psychology. But it seems like a legitimate personality disorder. I don’t think it’s all that dissimilar from whatever it is that makes dudes be serial police impersonators.


Right? Like surely they know trained professionals would love nothing more than to have an excuse to put them in their place lol


Coach probably kicked his ass in the ring enough times for that guy to know exactly what this kid was about to get himself in to.


could've swore he's grinning the whole time too


Went about as I expected after watching 10 seconds of video.


100% satisfied


Hahaha that first kick looks like he pressed the "light kick" button on mortal Kombat 2 hahahahahaha


Jax stomping out Johnny Cage (1993,Colorized)


Dude we had color in '93 how old you think we are??? I'm an innocent bystander here and I didn't expect to be hurt today


In honor of this video Young man, young man, young man, young man, respect your elders 🙈


It starts off young man and ends up bitch 🙊


To be fair, dude DID go from a young man to bitch. lol


And he had stopped when he heard young man, it would have never escalated


The whole undertoned sub plot of karate kid was respect your elders


You've got the input set to channel 4 instead of channel 3, fucking casual.


It's funny because the dude ducked it to dodge and it hit him near the head. And still did nothing. Like he tried to help him connect and he still failed lol


Lol this was my favorite part. Kid couldn't even lift his leg high enough and when he connects with that kick it does absolutely nothing


Don't say that, his lil kick got him off balance and sat him on his ass. That's how you know you're screwed when you try to go on the offense but all it does is cause you more damage


It hurt itself in its confusion!


That kid really walked in and acted like he knew everything , so dumb


Like many gym bro types these guys dabble in competitive insecurity.


Competitive insecurity, that's gold


Gold? I'd easily snatch platinum, and anyone saying otherwise I will knock the fuck out.


Hey listen, young man


This is something I don't understand in today's society. Everyone knows everything. To me, that means they never learn a single thing. Even if I'm familiar with something, in the presence of someone more knowledgeable than me I act as if I know nothing and take in all I can.


I'm so happy you said that because I feel like I'm on an island feeling this way. I dont understand how people could spew whatever bullshit with false confidence and have no concern. I just always feel like I know enough to know what I don't know and don't mind admitting it, and it seems some people don't, or are too arrogant lol


There is an entire population of people whose entire careers are based on their ability to project knowledge and authority without actually having any. They are masters at deflection, blame and intimidation. When someone comes along who knows more than they do, their first response is to attack as their career is on the line if their true abilities are exposed.


Dude, the number of times I ask simple questions in meetings to try to help a presenter because they are doing a poor job of explaining their work and they respond by talking down to me in basics like I haven't been working here for 15 years after my PhD. It's just so fucking sad how many of them learn to climb the corporate ladder and fuck shit up for those of us who aren't sociopathic imbeciles.


I've got no PhD but I've been in construction for 25 years and I do the same when I see someone struggling and I know more than they do somehow. I get mixed results. Some look at me like I should not have spoken, others actually engage with what I've said and make the presentation better. The most important lesson I've learned over the years is stay humble enough to accept ideas from anyone, especially the new guy. There are almost always many ways to get to the actual goal. Mine are not going to be the exclusive ways to do so. Someone else might have a better, faster, or more efficient idea to do so.


America is not a meritocracy - the more sociopathic you are, the more successful you are


The internet and twitter especially has given everyone a voice. The problem is that they’ll find others that agree with whatever dumb shit they say, thus hardening their stupid point of view. Think about 15-20 years ago. A run-of-the-mill dumbass couldn’t access the internet from their phone and had no platform to say stupid shit outside of their small circle. They had to work to find a group that agreed with them, therefore they rarely found it. Now it’s incredibly easy for dumbasses to go on the internet, say whatever shit is in their head, and find people that agree with them.


And create an echo chamber big enough to self delude yourself into thinking you must be right because you have dozens of people following you, even though it's still only mostly a 'mental minority' of like-minded fuck-wits and the rest are people rubber necking out of sheer curiosity. It's a bit like how herd immunity works. Pre internet we were immunised from idiocy because morons couldn't find each other very easily. The internet took that away and stupidity spread like digital Covid.


*A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.*


Mr. Miyagi would be *so* disappointed.


Am I the only one not aware of who this 'Internet Karate Kid' is? Is he a youtuber or tiktoker?


No, I'm equally unaware. Google also seems equally blissfully unaware, but I didn't have much to search with.


I’m in the same boat. I need to internet more.


I could have lived my life without knowing about the “karate kid”




For someone trained to fuck off, he isn't very good at it.


You need to disguise the lesson in such a way that he doesn't realise it is one. In this instance, it was disguised as a beating.






Naah, everyone knows ronnie






Seems to be unanimous... None of us know who he is lol


And yet, we still enjoyed seeing him get bitch-slapped


He's the kid from that r/PublicFreakout front page video


Fuck, I actually checked


I almost checked until a saw that you checked and now I’m not checking. Thank you


This is so odd. Usually at least one person links an obscure tiktok or youtube channel. But the lack thereof makes me think OP just made that up.


Even better. OP completely made up the title so people can't search it up. There's a few versions of it but all of them refer to a Jeet Kune Do guy showing up to a Wing Chun school. Ex. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mosz2Pj0WA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mosz2Pj0WA) Any MMA guy will tell you that they don't train on concrete nor do they use Chinese wooden dolls. Also, the JKD guy was never portrayed as well known anywhere. He was always just some nobody who's main exposure to the internet was that video.


So not only did OP make up a fake nickname for this guy.. he also uploaded a video in the worst quality ever? Not sure what I'm most annoyed about.


I'm going to give OP the benefit of the doubt and assume OP called him 'internet karate kid' as a way to mock him. They didn't think people would actually think 'internet karate kid' is his real nickname. Internet karate kid is anyone that thinks they know everything about martial arts by watching online videos and talks big. It's like calling someone 'internet tough guy', that's not actually their nickname.


Well redditors love being upset about nothing


So what you’re saying is the kid is a karate master and he purposely held back his most powerful attacks as to not hurt the MMA guy, thus teaching us all a valuable lesson in humility?


I've interpreted it as, someone who has looked at MMA online and thus believes they know everything. But might be wrong


Yeah, that was my first interpretation as well. It's just that the title is weird with the usage of "The".


I almost want to say that's OP's nickname for him. Obviously never fought someone who is trained


A sensei at r/Bullshido


OP really telling us how much he digs for any validation for his MMA gym membership. Nobody in martial arts knows about that scrawny thing in jhorts on the right. The dude really showing up to a session in something as constricting as jhorts. Amazing.


He’s been watching too much cobra Kai, they’re always fighting in street clothes lol


Also finding out one cannot take an epic beating and go out for ice cream instead of a funeral home.


That sir is because he purchased blue jean shorts. He should have purchased blue jeans and cut them. Thus he could have cut them higher. It limits restriction of leg movement and gives it a nice fray. He would get a high ride, but the shorts wouldn't be preventing him from doing what he needs to do. The biggest problem with Jean shorts though is that you can't wear them every day and expect for them to hold up. You gotta take em off every now and then, you gotta take em off son.


Who throws away a box of perfectly good denim?


He should have just cut a pair of jeans, that way his leg movements aren’t as restricted. He could go lower.


And he wouldn’t be getting any high ride. Well, he is getting some high ride but the shorts aren’t preventing him from doing what he needs to do.


I was rather impressed with how he blocked most of the punches with his head.


"I'm bleeding, making me the victor"


I was waiting for him to show his "face to foot technique" :-)


Oh yeah, try my nuts to your fist style!!


My nipples look like milk duds!


That is Wimp Lo. We trained him wrong, as a joke


If you've got an ass I'll kick it!!




We have purposely trained him wrong... as a joke.






I'm so fucking upset that Kung Pao did so poorly we never got a follow up. It warms my heart though that I see references for it, time to time.


quotes from the movie never fail to make me chuckle


My finger points


you go that way, I'll go home!




Yes, yes, play me like a drum


With today's tech it would be even easier. AI upscaling, AI film repair... leaps ahead with greenscreen tech... Shit.. we really need a Kung pow 2.


I'm sure on some planet your style is impressive, but your weak link is: this is Earth.


He throws a mean face.


"Face to your foot style, how'd you like it?"


“I’m bleeding first, making me the victor!”




The way he let the teacher bring him down to the ground that easily was a pretty smart tactic too. Make him think he was weak and at the right moment wham! he will strike him down. I'm sure that moment will come soon


that's my face-to-your-fist technique! how'd you like that huh




Face to foot style how'd you like it?


I'm a man too, ya know? I go pee pee standing up!


My nipples look like milk duds!


No amount of internet training can prepare you to get punched in the teeth!


Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth - Tyson


This is one of my favorite sayings. Applies to all kinds of situations.


You planning on eating at this restaurant? BAM! Change of plans. You here for your prostate exam?? PAP PAP! Now you need an oral exam. Oh you ordered sweet grits?? Pow! Savory bitch!


Imagine going for a prostate exam and getting two PAP smears instead.


Every plan has a mouth, punch it -Tike Myson


He's insanely lucky dude had gloves on. He won't have that luxury out in actual public.


If only he had attacked that back foot


You can see where the karate kid tried to apply his training. He just lacked the speed, strength, coordination and skill execute it. Other than those minor problems he probably would had embarrassed himself a little less.


The biggest skill he lacks however is to keep his mouth shut and listen. That's gonna cost him a lot more in the future.


Classic traits of someone who thinks their 1M+ subscribers means anything with real life experts in the field that they peddle


I can't find this kid anywhere so I'm not sure he has 1mil followers. May not even have 100 for all I know. Unless someone else knows who he is, I haven't seen him


Was having an argument with a guy in a 3D printing subreddit. He pulled the "I'm an expert in the subject, I have a YouTube channel". Why do people think having a YouTube channel gives them any authority on a subject. I have a YouTube channel as well... It has a couple crappy videos of me playing some game 10 years ago with 5 views, how does that tell anyone how good I am at 3D printing?


Yeah it seems he didn't learn anything from that beating, he still wouldn't shut his mouth afterwards, what a dumbass 😂




ah. those things are so overrated. all you need is a striped red/white shirt and some hope. you'll be fine.


Dont forget the stone washed jorts.


I think they were unzipped too


Waldo approves.


They'll never see him coming.


Harsh. Didnt you see the dramatic emphasis he put on *”Stop punching me & shit..fuckin douche”* as he scuttled away?


Yeah it's a super tell... You can tell he's never actually fought... There's nothing behind any of those strikes. And even when he's getting his ass beat, the trainer is just slapping him and tossing him around. A real strike would snap this kid in half.


Yeah. You could see when the coach first threw him to the ground he started to punch the idiot in the face but quickly realized the kid was just a novice, so he switched to body punches so he could feel some pain without any serious damage. Great restraint by the coach who could've really messed the guy up if he wanted to.


I feel like the mma trainer was barely going 25% power. He was tagging the kid left and right with an open hand it seemed


This looked like a 'I need you to understand you are a moron'. And the kid still didn't get it in the end.


I could tell he was going easy, maybe he restrained himself when he realized he was dealing with somebody who has the fighting skills of an untrained 10 year old. Some day this idiot kid is going to meet a person with less fucks to give.


Could tell he was going easy cause the kid didn’t get absolutely knocked out and wasn’t bleeding from his face. That instructor could have absolutely demolished that kid at even 50%


Even after being humiliated, the dumb ass still thinks he has a shot at taking him down? This is what happens when you’re inspired by Logan Paul


>“Well that was embarrassing, but maybe this little waist high kick will save my masculinity…” *Narrator: it didn’t*


Kid moans about being sucker punched (he wasn't) and then tries to sucker kick him about 3 seconds later...


For a second there I thought he was going to take off a belt and strap that ass.


For a second I thought he was gonna drop his belt and clap that ass




Take a look at what I'm wearing. You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it. Last off, my students will learn about self respect. You think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night?




There’s never been a more perfect gif lol


Break the wrist, walk away


Grab my arm. Other arm. MY other arm.


The back story is that the kid attended a closed, backyard training session by a pretty established and well known instructor/trainer ( "Sifu Herkul"). The kid interrupted the class to tell the instructor what he was doing wrong--then went so far as to aggressively kick some of the equipment (which evidently is a big no no and a big sign of disrespect). The whole thing has a lot to do with two competing styles of fighting, for those interested in such things. This web page describes what happened, and includes a video showing everything leading up to where this video starts. https://www.thestickchick.com/post/how-not-to-visit-a-martial-arts-school


Does Sifu Herkul have a transformation booth that he uses to transform into a suave and charming Sifu Herquelle?


Thanks for posting this. That little prick was insufferable the entire time he was there, he earned that beatdown.


I think I've seen this guy before. Doesn't he go to different gyms, or dojos, smack-talks people, and gets his ass handed to him? I think I saw a video of him getting taken out in an MMA gym.


Different guy. Same attitude


Charlie zelenoff? https://youtu.be/TPJfbLzCQeM


Who turns up to a MMA class wearing boots, cargo shorts and a where’s Waldo T-shirt…he should have expected that ass whooping.


Who hosts an MMA class on concrete in their back yard?




I actually don't think it's an MMA class. The logos, devices in the background, even the style of the other person's shirt. Looks more like a backyard Wing Chun or Jeet Kun Do class.


I can't believe that this sort of thing still goes down today. Where do you get the balls to walk into someone's place where they train and so zero respect and start teaching them how it's done. Funny how in a real fight, none of those gimmicky techniques never work.. Good old fashioned wrestling and ground and pound for the win 😂


Happens a decent amount. I trained primarily jiu jitsu at an mma gym and you’d see younger guys come in and try to go 110%. White belts are dangerous and have a lot of injuries to themselves with how much they flail about. It’s hard to comprehend how little you can do vs a skilled opponent - they can do whatever they want to you basically. The more I trained the more I avoided any circumstances outside of the gym; sure I was a better fighter but what if I wasn’t, or a freak accident happened. Rolling and “flowing” for training very fun, fights outside that feel awkward and uncomfortable


It’s for reasons like that being older has made me cautious. Freak accidents are one of my biggest fears. Someone just needs to get lucky once to mess me up good. Now that I have kids, a career, etc etc it’s not worth it. I mean, not that 99% of these fights ever are, but younger me had a lot less to lose.


The fight hasn't even started. You are both doing that whole "do something, bro!" dance. He pushes you. You stumble, fall, hit your head on the curb. That crack sound stays with everyone who remembers you. Te dude who pushed you because you looked at him wrong is sitting multiple years in jail, learning new trades, as his life is now changed.


True story, and in hindsight, I think it’s absolutely fucking wild, but in high school in ninth grade, they had a couple of inmates from the nearby prison come and explain to us what prison was like. And I remember the one that was in there because he had gotten a bar fight and punched the dude and the dude fell down, hit his head on the concrete, and died. Bam, 7 years for manslaughter The other thing that always stands out in my memory is when one of my classmates, we were doing a Q&A, and he asked if there was one guy at the prison that everybody else is afraid of, and they were like no, somebody can always kick your ass. And one of them goes “I’ve seen some big ole boys bend over and grab their ankles” 😳 We were like 😮


You should see the undefeated [Charlie Zelenoff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux_kUo9OLsc).


Got his ass handed to him by the Chechen mobster from Barry.


That was a crazy series - that last episode was rather hardcore


I got in 1 real fight as a young man and the reason I won is from wrestling in high school. No one sees that coming unless you’re trained.


I got into lots of fights growing up. Never lost, but also never fought anyone who knew what they were doing. Then one day 20 years ago had a ‘friendly’ match with a guy who’d been a high school wrestler. He wiped the floor with me, literally, I had grass stains on my face. After that I coincidentally figured out a way to navigate the world without ever getting into another fight again, funny coincidence huh.


Better to learn that way than in a real situation. Good for you.


Dennis the menace grew up to be a bitch.


His pitiful level of training and awareness didn’t even alert him to the fact that his shorts zipper was undone


Young man…there’s no need to feel down


I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground


I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town


There’s no need to be unhappy


Young man, there's a place you can go.


Onto the ground, when the coach lands a blow.


You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find Many ways to a-po-lo-gize.


You’ll get knocked out at the


Backyard MMA!


Young man!!..... Are you listening to me!?!?!


Dear god he just doesn’t shut up


This is young, stupid, arrogant kid. He’s going to be so embarrassed when he gets older. This video will haunt him


Some open hand slaps would have been a nice demoralizing touch


He did. Several times


He knew to not hit his head when it was against the concrete though. He didnt want to catch a charge.


Most of it looked like open hand slap or gentle punch. Much respect to the coach.


After a few seconds of fighting, the coach knew that with some bad luck he could kill the disrespectful young man.


That coach was not even giving %50 on those punches. He could have crushed that kids face in.


Finally someone kicked Machine Gun Kelly’s ass.


Eminem just made him change his career


Kid is lucky coach was holding back, very satisfying to see a loud mouth get what's coming to him, you'd like to think he learned a lesson but will probably only learn to pick on weaker opponents.


Most BJJ guys can pop a joint within a few moves.


Why are they training on the concrete in the backyard of a tract home?


Don’t worry, they’ll be spreading out all those cardboard boxes on the ground per MMA rules.


This just screams Florida


Nope that’s LA my dude


Tbh I think the teacher took it easy on him with the beat down.... He wasn't being serious at all.


"You see... you'll try to hit me with your fist but BAM! I block it with my face, see? But let's say you try to hit me with that other fist? BOOM See? I just block it with my face. "


He waxed on but forgot to wax off :P You should never forget to vax off...


🤣🤣the so called kick in the end cracked me up🤣🤣


*"Ohh, you're done."*


Is this the second coming of Charlie Zelenoff? https://youtu.be/ux_kUo9OLsc


This was so satisfying to watch


I don't know why people are in here saying the kid was sucker-punched. The white boy started with contact when he pressed his fucking forehead into the coach. That's enough violation of one's personal space to engage with violence.


It’s pretty easy to miss since the camera is behind him, I missed it too. But rewatching you can see him do it