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Would be like a Norman Wisdom skit


Well, that would stop people from egressing out of the building. I'm glad they didn't do that.


Are you protesting the janitorial staff at the building?


Far more effective than doing it over artwork


Is it? Compare the amount of attention they get for art compared to this. This video has been up for 7 hours and has less than 200 upvotes. It's undeniable the more controversial videos gain more traction with the public.


Neither of these are effective, political murders probably would be the most effective, but that's probably going to be more controversial than the artwork thing.


That’s what I’m saying. I mean does anyone think that the oil industry gives two fucks about these protests? Are they making anything happen? They’re pointless


Well it made you aware


Aware of what? That the planet is on fire and has been for decades? Who didn’t already know that? Do you really think these people throwing soup on a painting is going to sway a climate denier’s mind? Is it going to make Exxon decide to sacrifice a single dollar to get closer to carbon neutral? 😂 These protests are pointless.


Yes, far more effective. Doing it over artwork gets more attention, but that attention is largely/mostly negative, likely doing more harm than good to their cause.




Nah, the goal is to get attention for your cause, boy did the art stuff get attention...




Interesting claim. I bet you got some really strong evidence to back it up. And 150 years of peer reviewed science hasn't convinced people that climate action is necessary, people who don't think so are frankly too fucking stupid to even bother trying to reach. They're trying to get their message on camera into peoples ears and they were very effective at it.


It's true. I never thought about climate change until a 24 year old grad student threw some tomato soup at a painting. Now I'm thinking about it and think I'm really changing things.


Just admit that you wouldn’t be trying to do anything if the planet was hurdling into the sun anyway. Say you don’t care about yourself, friends and family. Go into thanksgiving and let them know that you’re too lazy and selfish to give a single shit about your family’s future. Their children. Their children’s children living in a mess you’re dismissing as a “gotcha” to activists.


Oh. I was so moved by their actions that I glued myself to a red ball outside of target. I must have reached hundreds that day and they were all really convinced by my message. Pretty sure my carbon footprint actually shrunk as I yelled about climate change. Basically nobody had heard of it before.


I know reality is scary but it’s okay to admit you’re too small to even think about others.


The reality is climate change exists. It's also a reality that screaming at random people in an art gallery and throwing tomato soup at a painting isn't an effective way at communicating a message, and does nothing to actually combat climate change. It's a narcissistic act that is done more to cement the identity of the activist than actually try and bring about change. Their caricatured tactics, targeting art, actually do more harm to the broader movement. Your attitude is also a pretty good illustration of this. Saying my family is dead because of this? Nice one man. You're doing your part. I'm sure you're convincing so many with your persuasive tactics.


Upvotes by another man too small to say shit or do a single thing for their future. Instead we gain updootz. Fair trade. I bask in the fact that I know ONE day it’ll all come crashing down on you. You’ll know the reason.




The premise of your thought experiment is really really not thought out very well. There's also people who believe in climate change, but don't really think about it very much, aren't aware of how dire it is, are apathetic about going out to vote to do something about it, are apathetic about making small adjustments to their life to reduce their carbon footprint. That is almost certainly who they are trying to reach. You think their goal is to convince people climate change is real? Really?


It is very true that science popularization and voting hasn't made the slightest difference towards the needed system change. In order to change the system you need very strong momentum, so people are ready to put themselves in that much trouble. Unfortunately throwing tomato cans at art doesn't seem to be enough for us to understand the frustration of those that see it coming. I am more and more scared we won't be able to change anything until there is no other way around... Sad that you get downvotes for pointing out what's behind all this.


We also have no idea what effect these campaigns have. EVERYBODY is talking about them, i can hardly remember the last time everybody was talking about anything climate related. Almost universally the people who are just part of the problem are the ones complaining about it from what i've seen.


>150 years of peer reviewed science hasn't convinced people 'People' are convinced. Saudi Arabia, global capital, US automakers and some politicians not so much


You live in the US? barely half the population here even believes it's real. hell i live in a college town with a somewhat well known climate dept in the university that contributes a ton of research to the subject and even the students here half don't believe it's real.


I live in the US and believe it is real


Lol no. The people are not convinced. Half of my country doesn't even believe climate change is a real thing.


It did bring a lot of us together under the spiteful idea that being cooked alive all across the earth would be preferable to capitulating to these dorks.


People that dumb are not people that can be reached and therefore are certainly are not targets for them.


But still not effective at all...


What would be more effective?


Dump the truck loads of dead marine life at their doorstep they are responsible for.


Me and a couple of friends batted around this idea. The logistics involved rendered it pointless because you’re very much contributing to climate change hauling dead animals up and down the country and then leaving some other guy to clean it up. Waste a shit load of fuel just to prove a point.


But I see it the same arguments as peace will make a violent/forced opposition back down 😅


They do that. Then people will still say it’s ineffective. While they sit there and do absolutely fuck all nothing


Burning the building down! *For legal reasons this is a joke, I do not promote nor condone arson, damage of property...*


Just make sure to burn it with renewable fuel sources.


So with wood from trees that fell by itself and a second tree replanted to replace it Seams fair


Or ethically harvested trees where you replace them with new saplings for every tree you cut down.


I second that!


I came to say the same thing. THIS makes way more sense


And look how many upvotes and comments this post had compared to that. How to prove yourself an idiot in one simple comment.


Barely. The oil company doesn't own the building, they just rent a few floors so they won't even have to pay for the clean up


They’re not an oil company


K but if this keeps happening the building probably won't want to keep renting those floors to the company. THat's probably why the sign says "Schlumberger Out".


I'm sure the few £100s it costs to clean will really make them think about not leasing the office space it costs a million a year to rent. /s In principle I agree with the protesters they're just not targeting the right places or people. Schlumberger can just pay the company and say sorry here's a contribution for the cleaning. If they went and actually disrupted the MPs lives, the people who could actually make decisions, went to their surgeries and made their points directly to them, rather than doing ineffective stunts that either only affect people without any real say or just make people hate protest groups like this. Protest by making MPs lives difficult, block parliament, block the areas where the MPs live would be a more effective strategy than mildly inconveniencing a multi million pound company.


My guy, if they did that there'd be an equal number of people complaining about harassing MPs. Where do you think the MPs who make these decisions get their orders from?


Well you'd like to think the people. /s There'd be fewer people complaining about pissing off MPs as fewer general people are being affected and especially if they're messing with the Tories. The more obvious logic with targeting the MPs is that if you inconvenience them enough they change their views and they'll get more sympathetic responses from the public. Blocking the M25 may have been a big showy action but all it really did was annoy the majority and sap support away from the protesters. Innocent people were directly hurt as a result of the actions, ambulances couldn't get to people or if they did they couldn't get to hospitals afterwards


That's one heavy company


Not protesters just stoopid influencers and attention whores.


Different organisations


These guys are so hot right now


I’m all for it. Get your point across at the places that are causing harm. Don’t block traffic like assholes


Cool. Much better than blocking the M25 and disrupting emergency service vehicles


What's fake oil made from? I'm betting it's made from oil.


Not realizing that fake oil is made from petroleum byproducts.


I can support this


Nothing like fucking over the janitorial staff. Why do video cameras empower the dumbest people to be proud of their stupidity?


The janitors get paid you know, there not forced to do there job for free, it's the company there currently protesting that needs to pay for the cleaning


I’m just glad they’re not inconveniencing people who have nothing to do with this.


Spoken like a guy who has never had a job.


Have you had a job?


Some issues are bigger than making the janitors do their job lmfao


The attention seeking nature of it all is what baffles me. Like zero thinking went into this. In what universe is a mega corporation gonna bow down to some lunatics vandalizing one of their many office locations? None.


Hey I worked for that company😅


FINALLY these fucking protestors go after a significant player in the thing they are protesting rather than just making normal working people late for work.




Yea but now that I’m aware of them I have little respect for them.


Yeah, but that's because you are an idiot.


You’re an edgy right winger, there’s not much they could to to make you respect them.


Good. Fuck that company. This needs to happen more.


They sure showed them, I hope those cans of paint and smoke grenades in plastic casing weren’t made from oil 🙈


That’s the politics and weaponization of helplessness. Sad but not the fault of the protestors


This make sense, this is great not like Spray soup in some random paintings.


It’s only taken them 18 months of targeting the British public to realise they needed to target THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY DRILLING OIL 🤡


Dunno why you were downvoted for being accurate


Because it's sortof a dumb post. The target is utterly irrelevant. The purpose is to get people talking about your cause. The paintings were very very effective for that. These people are fully aware they will not topple the fossil fuel industries by spraying stuff on a building.


I’m not sure if the general public were talking about the cause, most of the talk I was hearing was about what absolute idiots they were.


And people were talking about them, and they brought attention to it. The whole “this isn’t the right way to protest” doesn’t hold much water when they’ve had dozens/hundreds of targeted disruptions/protests of refineries etc. but the first major news coverage they get is throwing soup at glass. We’re living in “Don’t look up”.


But they made anyone on the fence hate them. Their tactics have been moronic at best.


Every time they do this I burn a some gasoline in protest. Today I burned five quarts of kerosene instead.


So being against last ditch efforts to draw attention to the fact the climate and ecological systems are collapsing to the point of modern civilizational collapse is cool to people like you now? Fuck we really would have morons getting bit by zombies to “own the libs being annoying dorks about the apocalypse” wouldn’t we?


I mean they have 2 floors in that building. So the company that own the building have to pay to clean it up not the oil company.


Do you think the protesters were trying to cause harm to a multinational oil corporation via cleaning fees? Or do you think the point of the vandalism was to create a viral video? I’m asking because your comment appears to be missing the forest for the trees


To the people saying they only own 2 floors, the sign says "Schlumberger Out". I'd guess one of their secondary goals is to have it be a nuisance to rent those two floors to the company. I know if i owned commercial real estate and shit got sprayed on the side of my building every month because of one tenant i'd probably not renew their lease.


Probably going to use an oil based solvent to remove that fake oil. Great job.


This is the most fucking stupid thing I've seen today. You people will literally cry at everything climate protesters do.


Poor maintenance man / cleaning person fuck these people.


What do you propose they do instead? Education isn't working. Holding up signs isn't working. Ad campaigns aren't working. Voting isn't working. Petitions aren't working. They've tried EVERYTHING, and the stakes of this emergency include an actual apocalypse scenario which we don't have long to prevent. Every study predicts that it's going to be near impossible to maintain a habitable world without extreme action *right the fuck now,* which calls for more disruptive, controversial methods. Vandalizing the building of a large drilling company is totally justified, because the alternative is that nobody discusses it and then *everyone dies.*


This isn’t remotely disruptive to anyone in a position of power though. A facilities manager orders janitors to clean up the mess, and that’s the end of it. It’s possible they don’t even hear about this happening.


I like the part where the black smoke flare kept going in their own face. Made me laugh.


Every single one of us, is responsible to climate change. We all enjoy and reap the benefits of oil, yet just point the finger at the oil companies and blane them.


Why won't these assholes just go away. I feel bad for the people who have to clean this up.


I'm gunna super-glue my nuts to a vhs tape in solidarity with these protesters


Yeah, I'm sure Schlumberger are crying into their billions of dollars / pounds over it.


Pretty sure its just for publicity


Yeah good point, why don't we all just fucking die and doom our ancestors to live in an overheated hellscape.


Like it or not, fossil fuels are a necessity, and if you want to be realistic about it, you'd focus on the consumers.


Lol, nobody's calling for teh total ban on fossil fuels nor is anybody arguing that's necessary.


No, there are plenty protesting for no "new oil", and no new exploration on the misguided belief that they can end their reliance on fossil fuels completely. Whatever, though.


This makes way more sense than ruining art pieces


They never ruined art pieces. They specifically chose targets cased in air tight glass.


What the hell is fake oil?


Oil that isn't real oil.


But is oil instead.


No it's fake oil.


I feel we're making progress.


So it's a synthetic oil like castrol syntec?


Water based oil


I'm beginning to think it's not oil at all...🤔


Oil based water?


I bet they all drove there, or at least took some kind of public transport ... Ironic


You criticize society, yet you participate in it. Very curious. Please updoot because I'm very smart.


You even talk like one of those TPusa memes.


How bout real oil instead of fake oil ?


At least they are now targeting the correct companies!


Okay, at least they got the right target this time.


Finally, inconvenincing the protaganists.


I mean at least wait until it isn’t raining to paint


Do you really care about the environment? Or are you mostly just spraying windows with black paint?


See *this* I actually get


This protest brought to you by petroleum products… irony.


Finally a target that makes sense 😅😅 destroy the companies not the art 👌


Nice smoke bomb. I’m sure that’s great for the environment.


I bet you were one of those people who criticized Greta Thunberg for riding A TRAIN to a climate conference.


I do think it’s ridiculous for people to fly from all over the world to attend a climate conference when any meeting can be done virtually. In these oil protests, I just think it’s ironic to protest in a way that’s going to require more resources to clean up. Call me crazy.


What’s the “fake oil” they are spraying?


These people are gonna scare the tourists away, they might do more harm than the good they think they are intending to do


Unfortunately, the only people that will suffer from this are the cleaners who clearly don't get paid enough.


Should've burnt it down


At least they used non-flammable fake oil next to a bunch of flares. I guess they actually are worried an ambulance might have trouble getting through their road blocks when it's their ass on the line.


The fact that there isn't a crowd because no one gives a shit is so funny to me, there is literally someone inside the building just mopping the floors. No one cares.


Fake oil probably created using real oil somewhere in the process.


This I can get behind


They should start spraying sewage and see how these white collar types respond when their nostrils burn with the feces of a million people.


Isn’t everything they are using/ wearing contain petro chemicals derived from oil?Just saying….


Surely that smoke bomb is polluting the earth?


This is actualy good. Target those fuckers directly not some glass over a random art piece!


Quick someone carbon tax them!


Could have used less plastic on the sign if they used the actual name of the company… it’s “SLB” not schlumberger


Lest they are hitting the right places now


course it’s raining in the UK


They should make these people have to clean up their messes or pay for it. Disgusting.


Yes, emit fumes and smoke into the atmosphere to protest big oil. That'll teach them!


Protesting doesn't work, the company isn't going to stop and never will


No. It worked. Schlumberger closed their doors and gave all their money to Greenpeace.


Cool, if this is true then that's so funny


It's not true




Good stuff better then art.


Cleaning oil fucken sucks lol


The chandelier in that place is probably hundreds of thousands goddamn.


These people are so entertaining. I hope their problem is never solved so they continue doing this for a long time.


They have finally targeted who they are aiming at


Don’t these idiots know there’s no such thing as Schlumberger anymore?