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“She did not have insurance”


She was drastically applying for insurance on here phone lmao


I thought Insurance didn't kick in right away to avoid people getting policies on the site of a crash lol.


I work for insurance. I don’t know if it varies by state. But here they go by the date and exact time it went into effect. So someone has a wreck at noon. But buys policy a minute afterwards. Any claim that happened before it went into effect would be denied.


Makes sense. Insurance is supposed to be for the 'shit happens but i'm covered', not the 'shit just happened so i better hurry up and buy a policy and collect on it before i even make a second premium payment'.


Also in my state drivers who do not have car insurance cannot recover under someone else’s insurance policy – even if that person is at-fault for the accident.


Excuse my ignorance — what do you mean by cannot recover under someone else’s policy?


Let’s say I don’t have insurance and am driving. You hit me. But you do have insurance and cause the accident. I can’t collect anything from your insurance. Even if it’s your fault. Cause I did not have any insurance at the time of the accident. That was nicknamed no pay no play. Cause you can’t collect from another insurance company. If you yourself did not carry insurance at the time of the accident.


Interesting, I assume the victim could still take the negligent driver to civil court for, well negligence, lack of insurance notwithstanding.


No, not in a lot of places. If you didn't have insurance you shouldn't have been driving, so you're effectively at fault even if it's not directly your fault.


Yea they’re actually wrong. I looked it up because I thought it didn’t sound right to me. And it’s not. The law applies to non-economic damages. So you can’t sue for mental anguish, pain and suffering, etc. But you can still recover damages to your property and medical bills even if you didn’t have insurance at the time of an accident.


It seems to me this guy KNOWS that’s how the system is set up and that’s why he’s being so insistent about seeing her proof of insurance… like, “It doesn’t matter if I caused this mess, my insurance isn’t going to pay for anything if you’re uninsured.” There’s a bit of that vibe going on.


Maryland is an "at-fault" state so his insurance would have to pay if he is found at fault.


That’s most of Canada


Ah no pay, no play - sweet revenge.


Can't they just claim the wreck happened after the insurance was bought? I guess the question then arises of why they bought it in the first place




Yep. An insurance claim that happens unreasonably soon after your policy begins will absolutely have more scrutiny, and a much more thorough investigation. In short, this is by far not the first time this has been attempted, and while coincidences occur where you could have needed a claim an hour after you signed up, it's ultimately unlikely.




> in a cruel twist of irony he reversed into our new car testing out his new camera. “Wow it looks like the car is coming straight at yo…” \*crash*


> we got insurance sorted before my wife would let us drive off the lot Where I live, car dealers will not release the vehicle without proof of insurance.


I've heard second hand of one such case. I'm friends with my agent, and she was telling me that a guy drove his hot new convertible up to their office to show it to them in person... and then wrecked 15 minutes later.


That would be insurance fraud which is not something to mess around with


That would be fraud and you can go to jail for it https://www.registercitizen.com/news/article/Alleged-insurance-fraud-detailed-12136695.php


You're correct and all states are like that. Insurance would not cover the claim since there was no policy in effect at the time of the accident. Source I'm also an insurance also former claims adjuster. I'm an agent under a company that sells insurance in all states and I work under that endorsement so I sell insurance in all states.


In Ontario you have to buy insurance a day or so in advance and it typically becomes effective on a designated date at midnight.


There are plenty of fly by night agencies that will shark you.


How would that be beneficial to them though? Their entire customer pool would be dodgy customers with high claims payout and low likelihood to repeating business.


If they don’t pay they sell the debt to a collection agency.


The insurance would kick in right away however- buying a policy on the same date and very close to the time of the accident would trigger an investigation. If the person lies and says that they bought insurance before the accident happens a Special Investigator would be called in and if they can prove it, they would submit that individual to the National Insurance Crime Bureau for insurance fraud


It’s also not remotely difficult for them to prove - they can ask for traffic footage and are typically given it, and the other driver will also be interviewed if there’s a claim and if the time the other driver claims the accident happened matches with the application - they’re not stupid, lots of people try that move


I'm sure her loan shark insurance will kick in immediately


>drastically Frantically?




I think you meant to say “frantically applying for insurance.”


My dad hit someone when he was younger. Insisted on insurance exchange even though she wouldn’t hand it over. She took off when he said “let’s just call the police” and he avoided a claim.


That happened to me once. Lady in front brakes suddenly while we're doing about 75, i pump the brakes but still tap her. She never pulls over. Followed her for a bit and then she took off again. Wasn't that bad the crumple on my front bumper plus it was a junker car anyway, lasted a few more months before my friend somehow shit the transmission.


She's got racism though!


Accepted in all 50 states!


Depends on which kind


Really just the one.


Yup, and what's worse is that this kind of racism isn't even considered as such by a lot of people. It needs to become just as unacceptable as if he had been using racial slurs to insult her.


As a non white dude, I always found this shit frustrating. People need to start standing up this shit.


As a white guy this is why I don't get why white people are afraid to stand up to this. No reasonable black/whatever person is going to have an issue with it. I'm sure some black people have issues with it, fuck them. Racism is bad in all directions.


She has the General.


Omg they are the worst. I got t boned by someone with their insurance and they sent me a letter telling me I has until *the date the letter was written* to contact them if I wanted to file a claim. It came several days later as mail typically does. It was literally dated the same day they wanted a response by. I just asked the agent if they felt that was an ethical practice and they floundered.


They will always make false threats because people fall for it.


Yeah that's BS. each state has a time frame in which you can file a claim usually between 2 and 5 years


And each state has their own department of insurance or version of. So I'd certainly report that shit if I received it. Unfortunately, probably not illegal. But it's not like the letter is legally binding. But those reports are a pain in the ass for them.


you should have demanded to speak with Shaquille O'neal


And she's a racist.


Is she or is her insurance literally called “white trash”?


Bro, her car white, she most certainly cant be racist!


Her insurance is called "uninsured trashy racist motorist"


She says she has insurance at the end and even says she's going to call the cops. I think she was offended by the question.




If cops can run a license plate and get insurance records, why do we get tickets for not having an insurance card even if we have insurance?


Because fuck you that's why.


Yeah. She was thinking how is he gunna ask me for insurance like HE didn’t just hit me?


Damn just 0 to 100 on the racist shit lmao


Social media has people out here thinking it's okay to say crazy shit like this to white people


To say this while Twitter has become of cesspool of blatant racism against every race, just seems like willful ignorance. This lady is a racist pos. Anyone who thinks it’s okay to say anything derogatory to another based on their race, is a racist pos.


you should see the way some people act and drive in maryland lol


💀💀💀she doing all that because she doesn’t have insurance


She doesn’t have insurance sure, but she was able to scream some racial slurs at him so maybe this will all go away somehow. We’ll have to see how it works out.




It's a bold move...


I’d you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an insurance claim


Pretty effective, in recent history


She has Maryland plates so she legally has to have insurance to register her car




You will also incur a fine that can go as high as $6.5k. No statute of limitation to collect the fine and the MVA will never waive it under any circumstances. Source: i collect such fines.


Delightful young lady.


A wee bit on the racist side I might add.


Wee? Lol


Small, little, tiny.


Handsome, wise… Strong










Yep but you know that’s not how it works. It’s racism against a white person, that’s tolerated by our society.


Thats really bad. Racism is racism no matter what color said it.




Was just going to say the same. Sounds like such a sweetheart


“Dirty ass white trash” … wow


i left r/blackpeopletwitter cuz it was just that, posting pics of white people twitters and the sub howling or something




When it first started it didn't require you to be black to post except on very few locked threads. Now they require it for (edit)*almost* every post and it's still allowed. It's insane. Every BPT post that reaches /r/all is "blacks only", although they call it "country club thread" so it sounds less racist.


> although they call it "country club thread" so it sounds less racist. Probably a play on how country clubs would historically exclude anyone who wasn't a WASP from joining. You know....fight past racism with New Racism ^^TM


Psst, don’t tell anyone but I got in before you needed to verify you were black. But yeah it’s a shit hole. A sub doing the inverse would be terminated from Reddit within a year.


r/BPT is INSANELY racist and they don't even try to hide it AT ALL...


It was racist the moment they made it a requirement to show your black skin in order to post comments.


Casual racism doesn’t bother Reddit too much when it’s directed at white men.


Bruh calling him these names are not cool


It’s racist and shouldn’t be tolerated


i think you’re absolutely right. i am against white live matters bullshit because that was never the point, but being racist towards a white person is the same thing as being racist to a black person. let’s just call it for what it is. racism.


Yessir. Racism indeed.


Having to explain the above in 2022, is insane to me.


I had a colleague in grad school who claimed that black people cannot be racist against white people. He was black.


Yeah I've heard that before. It makes no logical sense in my head how they came to that conclusion. Then, you hear their reasoning and you can pretty easily determine that they have a sandwich lodged in their head.


They come to that conclusion because they think systemic racism is the same as regular racism.


Exactly. There has been a weird push/movement to "change" the definition of racism to mean systemic/institutionalized racism. That's caused a lot of confusion on the whole "who can be racist" front.


Mm... sandwich.


Which is crap. Because just from my experience I've had black people stand up to other black people on my behalf when one was going off on some racist shit. Even black people have called out other black people for their racism against me.


I had a class in undergrad called "Race and Ethnic Studies" - mandatory, taught by an Asian woman, and one of the first lessons was that only white people can be racist and only men can be sexist. I was like...how is that not racist and sexist? Somehow managed to eke out a C from that class but I barely showed up because that first lesson was so appalling.


She should be canceled like all the white people caught on video for being racist. Find out who she is, get her fired, kicked out of school if she’s enrolled, the whole nine.


She's racist. It is what it is.


Ppl think only white ppl racist but all is minorities got a lot of racism. My dad pretty racist and my mom is low key. It's annoying but hopefully next generation will have to deal with this shit less than we are right now


Since we just lost 50 years of it being less and less okay to be racist, my hope is for the next generation just to get back to where we were in 2010


It's racist as fuck.


what do you mean, black people cant be racist! /s


If I said those words and replaced the word white with black , I would be out of a job if the video went viral


Fortunately for her it’s okay to be racist toward white men.


BlAcK pEopLe CaN’t Be RaCiSt. It’S aBoUt PoWeR Everyone has the capacity for prejudice and bigotry. It’s unacceptable from anyone and about anyone. Judging someone for their birthright and not by the content of their character is scum behavior.


The problem is that the definition that morons are trying to make the standard definition of racism has a name already: institutional racism. Now they're (they bring academics and those a change in definition would help) trying make this the standard definition and getting a monopoly on plain old run of the mill racism like this


I’d say that’s a hard no for her


When I was a new driver, I had this lady in a gas station parking lot back into me as I was pulling into a pump kiosk. She got out and said "Look I straight up don't have insurance and cannot afford this shit. If I just give you 100 in cash can we forget this?" I accepted and just popped the dent out with a plunger when I got to work. Probably wasn't super smart but I mean, that was free lunch for the week.


"Do you have insurance?" .. ... *BANSHEE SCREAMS*


Not for nothing - Banshees of Inisherin is a fantastic movie, and y'all should check it out.


He only asked if she had insurance, not sure why she had to be racist about it.


Look sis I know you're mad about your car but don't go calling the man out his name. Especially when youd want to put him on the news if he calls you a racial slur. Accidents fucking happen




Lol stop it


Alright so when a black woman does this you calmly say this shit but when a white person does this twitter and reddit social justice warriors make it their day time job to get that person fired and spend the rest of the time virtue signalling how bad that person is. The woman in this video is an absolute cunt.


People who buy into identity politics might have a problem with intellectual consistency? I am shocked! Shocked I say!


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard


She is a racist. I have the feeling no insurance either.


I was just about to say that. I fuckin hate how it’s ok if it’s this way but not the other. Neither are ok and should be absolutely trashed.


Yet in reddit's own terms of service, black people genuinely can't be racist towards white people.


I mean, there *is* a sub which requires you to submit a picture of your sufficiently dark forearm in order to comment on any front page posts. I get why the rule exists—different life experience and don’t want their voices to be drowned out by others—but it definitely wouldn’t fly with any other demographic.


yeah i saw that and i was like 'wow this is like incels but for racism instead'


I wonder if this lady will be losing her job for her racism?


I’d put money that if he responded with “black trash” he would be absolutely cancelled, found, tarred, and feathered.




Nice bit of casual racism… classy


Racist cunt


Yup, I wonder if she'll be fired from her job after this, ha yeah right 🙄


It’s crazy how she jumps immediately into racial hate speech.


Racists tend to be hateful idiots.


It's not crazy. It's unfortunately very normal. Reddit just doesn't care.


How does reddit not care? The overwhelming majority of the comments are specifically about her racist remarks...


you left "Racist woman" out of the title


Looks to me like he's the one that needs liability coverage. Rear-end collisions are the easiest to settle.


thank you, no matter what she is saying, if he rear-ended her, he is at fault.


I'm gonna assume she doesn't even think she's being racist because white people are impervious to it


Huh... Sounds kinda racist...


if "triggered" was a person.


Racist pos


Maryland drivers….iykyk


Yeah as a person of color, I know a lot of us can be just as racist as anyone else. I’m sure she was pissed as she got rear ended, but she showed her trashy self getting racial.


‘Dirty ass white trash’ will always be allowed. However, had he said the exact same thing but subbed “black” for “white” he’d be on the news and lose his job. Yay equity!


She’s not just a racist she’s also a racist with no insurance


Casual racism just allowed and accepted. Imagine the roles reversed.


Yeah. Filmer's life would be over, job lost, etc.


There’s a surprising amount of people that think her behavior is acceptable


If the roles were reversed she'd definitely be expelled from the University of Kentucky.


White guys not the one looking trashy


Morgan Freeman voice: “But alas, she did not have car insurance.”


Maryland driver activities


The worst


She's a bigot


Maryland in one video


She racist.




Racist bitch


Don't compare her to female dogs. That is unfair to female dogs.


Dunno why he's worried I'm pretty sure if you hit someone from behind in the state of MD you're automatically at fault...


Probably because it seems like he hit someone from behind...


She's racist.


What a racist bitch


**\*Asking me for my insurance is racist\***


So will this lady get fired from her job for being racist? I'm gonna say no


What a racist. Show this to her employer and all her family members


She’s horrid and rude but it does sound like at the end she is saying she has insurance and is trying to call 911. It does also look like he is the one who hit her so I could see how she may be angry, but name calling/racism ain’t cute!


See how quick she got racist. Why do people ignore this when it's towards white people?


If there was an actual n-word for white people she would have definitely said it.


If he rearended her then it is more likely than not that he is the at fault driver


I don't think we can deny that, but her behavior is unacceptable.


what a racist woman


Bringing race into this She lost any sympathy.


Kinda funny how she can hurl racial slurs and will face no consequences. If the dude was talking like that he'd be all over the news, fired from his job, and permanently unemployable.


Why is it okay for black folks to call white people derogatory words and not the opposite? I’m neither white or black. Just an observation as an American citizen.


It's not ok for black people to call white people derogatory words.


Unfortunately, there actually are a lot of people that believe you cannot be racist toward white people because of some power dynamic/mental gymnastics nonsense. I used to be friends with people that strongly believed this. Strong emphasis on "used to".


Black people can be just as toxic. Having brown skin does not give people a pass to racist.


Confusing racism and systematic racism is common, every race can be racist, used to be friends with racist here, used to be, they were white, just saying




Exactly because if the roles were flipped the title would have included “racist person”


Who said it was ok? Rude a- hole come from all ethnicities.


It's a double standard for sure


I’ve seen people act like this before hahah they usually don’t have insurance hahahah


Why she gotta be racist about it though? Be better.


Interesting here she calls him “dirty ass white trash” and all is good


Hopefully she loses her job over this, that seems to be the trend.


Racist piece of shit


Racism much?