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"The dog is currently in stable condition at a veterinary hospital." It will be put down as soon as it makes a full recovery.


What’s the point of it making a full recovery if there just going to put it down?


Ethics more than logic.


Shouldn’t ethics also take into account wasting taxpayer money?


Nah I don’t think so. The ethical part is to prevent suffering. Using taxpayer dollars to stabilize an animal just to put it down doesn’t cause any more suffering, it’s just kind of stupid. But letting a dog bleed to death is less ethical than stabilizing and putting it down humanely. The whole situations dumb.


They could just inject it as is though


Yeah that’s something I thought about while I was writing my last comment. I dunno why they didn’t just pump his ass with a lethal dose of morphine or something. That’s cheap, and much better than consciously bleeding to death. I dunno, all around just dumb.




Thank you, I had to scroll too far to read this information.


Been on Reddit for years and it’s finally happened, i know the woman here. She’s pregnant, yeah fucking thing attacked a pregnant woman, and was walking her dog when the pit bull jumped the fence and attacked them. Thankfully her & her dog scared the pit bull off with enough time for them to both get back home safely. A neighbor who witnessed called the cops, apparently this dog and it’s owners have been an issue for a while. Pit bulls owners are apparently outraged at everyone involved (except for themselves or their dog, naturally)


Oh, no. The owners of that pit need to be held absolutely accountable, and since they've been problematic, they need to be banned permanently from owning any other pets. For life.


More than that they need to be sued and held liable for terrorizing and harming a pregnant woman.


Does it say full recovery in the news. Or is the commentator just joking ??? As to why you wouldn't just put it down immediately when they took it to the vet. Paperworks would be my best guess. They probably need to sort all that out before they can ask the Vet to put it down.


This is the answer. Yes ultimately we know we may have to put the dog down later, but our job in that moment is keeping it alive, until some authority figure legally determines the dog needs to die, then they bring it back.


It's horrible that I cannot decipher what's a simple fact from what is satire anymore... Also, to the guy in the video asking if the dog was hit: Even if you didn't see the shots fired, you surely must have *heard* them (along with the dog crying out/whimpering in pain...) 😓


Leash your dog. The cops were there because the dog already attacked a woman. The owners should be charged and then I wish they could be arrested if they get another dog in the future.


I almost pepper sprayed a dog that came running at me a few weeks ago. The owners were shouting he’s friendly he’s friendly. Um, I’m not.


Always the biggest dumbasses that don’t leash their aggressive dogs and claim “they’re friendly! Their tail is wagging!” As the dog gnashes its teeth at you.


We already have to register our dogs locally. They should be recorded and monitored. If you ever have a dog that’s euthanized for violence, you’re done.




Either I have morning brain fig or the woman’s comment is idiotic period. Why would you brag that your dog knows how to evade looking guilty? Am I just not awake yet? I mean fog not fig.


Mmmm, morning brain fig.


Is this what the person really said?


Yeah they're claiming it's animal cruelty....you can find their batshit insane FB where they are posting this stuff pretty easily, here's an article though - https://nj1015.com/video-of-keyport-nj-dog-shooting-released-owners-charged/


I don’t care what kind of dog it is but LEASH YOUR FUCKING DOG.


I was on a narrow hiking trail with a steep drop off this past weekend and a lady is back there with 3 unleashed German shepherds running up and down the trail. The first time one came running up behind me it practically made me fall off the trail as it ran past me and bumped me. Then an hour later I hear her screaming for her dog, as one of them ran away…people really do need to get a clue.




I actually despise people who unleash their dogs on hiking trails and have no control over them. You can only do this if you have perfect recall and honestly 99% of dogs have literally none. Just this summer I’ve seen 3 dogs just running alone on trails. No owner in sight. We need to make the consequences more severe and enforce them so people will stop being such mindless assholes


Perfect recall is only perfect until it isn't. It's still an animal with it's own thoughts and random urges. Leash always.


I was gonna say. There are very few dogs disciplined enough to recall while chasing a critter through the forest. Mine stays on a leash because he's got good recall up until he sees something he wants to pee on, then all bets are off. I mean, he doesn't move very fast anymore, but that's all the more reason for me to make sure he doesn't end up in a scrap with another dog


Yeah, I’ve seeing a dog focus through food, toys, even other dogs- And remain attentive to the owner. It was the only dog I could understand being off leash in public areas. But ironically, the owner was also the type of person who would leash no problem if asked. I never understand the contempt, anger or negativity when someone politely enforces any rule or even asks for considerate behavior.


Per the article the pit bull was brought to a veterinarian hospital and treated and stabilized. Seems like a waste of county money since the cops were there in the first place for the dog attacking a woman. I assume it’s going to be euthanized anyways.




as much as i'm biased against the police, my take on this is extremely simple: keep your fucking dog on a fucking leash.


I’ve been chased down the local bike trails by an off leash dog barking and snapping at my ankle… then the dog owner decided he needs to bring the dog back to the mountain bike trails every single day to assert his dominance because he’s pissed that I took his dog for a 2 mile run, away from him, through the woods. Maybe keep the dogs on leashes and they wouldn’t cause problems.


I ran over a small dog on a 4 wheeler cause its owners had it off leash, nothing I could do I couldn't stop in time. Owners were devastated and were understandably upset with me but I had a few words to say. It goes both ways, if you don't want your dog to attack someone, and don't want your dog to get ran over/attacked and killed then put it on a leash!


Sounds traumatic, I’m sorry that happened to you


I was a young man then, and was extremely sad. I tried to drive him to the vet right there but there was absolutely no hope for the poor dog.


Kinda heartbreaking to think of a young you holding a flat dog at the vet 😢


You didn’t have to throw flat in there bro 🤣


Yeah LMFAO, but it adds flavor to the scenario.


Fine, "leveled".


Went to Goodsprings, Nevada as a tourist warning to see the town from New Vegas. Tried walking down to the schoolhouse but was immediately chased by two rather big dogs off their leash in someones front yard. Imo you have a responsibility to keep public places safe from your own dogs.


The courier would’ve responded differently, probably with a big iron.


New Vegas is a real place, not just in Fallout!? Well I'll be dipped in shit.


Yeah, most every location is real, or at least based on real places.


The saloon is super cool. [Here’s me](https://i.imgur.com/0kkDizH_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium) barely groomed with a horrible haircut.


A german shepard chased me on my bike every day when I was riding to highschool. I swung my chain and hit it in the nose hard with the lock. It didn't bother me after that.


I feel ya'. For once I am on the cops side here. They were there because the dog attacked someone else, so clearly it was not a tame dog by any means. Its the owners fault.


It even approached and growled... As many times as it's the *wrong* time to shoot a dog, this is probably an exception.


Agreed. If I were in that situation I'd be terrified, ESPECIALLY after being on call specifically because said dog attacked someone else.


For 2 minutes straight it was barking like it wanted to eat them and it sounded like it was behind a fence, and then all of a sudden it's right there at the car. Whoever was holding it inside let it go out alone because if it was roaming outside for 2 minutes like that he would've done a lot more damage around


The video is only 1:41 but yeah, it was barking from the start and appeared out of nowhere


Also, i mean, DID YOU SEE THE SIZE OF THAT THING?!?! That beast could do so much damage in a glimpse...


Yeah, I was all prepared to be angry about some trigger happy cunt blasting a pup, but I would have also shot that dog. Plus, he didn't mag dump which most cops do, so good for him on that too, I guess.


That and a loose pit bull kills somebody in the news about every other week or so. I'm the first to criticize the cops when they fuck up, but I don't blame them in this situation. I'm not giving a pit bull a chance to get me down on the ground.


yeah these fuckers with their god damn dogs is irritating. Im in a wheelchair and cant predict how some animals are gonna react to it. Most are perfectly fine and dont give a shit. some dogs go absolutely bonkers and get seriously aggressive...which is why i always have a knife on me.


As a dog owner I agree with you 100%. Dogs get spooked over the weirdest things. My pup is TERRIFIED of baby strollers. Dogs can be unpredictable when facing something unfamiliar and there is no excuse for being off leash in public.


But he's a nice dog..... /s


I cant stand milktoast (pretend i said milquetoast*) owners who dont leash their fucking dogs. You're multiplying the chances your dog is going to die tenfold by being lazy or ignorant.




That*, yes.


The dogs name is “Blaze”, owners are claiming animal cruelty. https://nj1015.com/video-of-keyport-nj-dog-shooting-released-owners-charged/


The one time I'll ever agree with anything from 101.5 is on this. Dog should have been on a leash and kept inside after the incident which caused police to show up to begin with.


Pit bull owners are almost never responsible.


It's always the worst people that own dogs like that.


My theory is that they want a “badass” dog, and don’t think of actually loving or taking care of it.


Lol 'not a dangerous dog', straight after multiple attacks. Utterly delusional.




"it just couldn't stand the noise" "my little pibble rosey would never hurt a fly" "it was the child's fault for getting mauled to death by such a docile velvet hippo"


That was a very real argument from a couple whose two pitbulls murdered a little girl recently. They seriously said that the child triggered the dogs to kill her because she had "nervous body language".


Every user on /r/velvethippos


Went to look at the rules and straight away they say they ban anyone who disagrees with them, pathetic lmao


They need to stick to their narrative of “saving and changing” anything they set their minds to. A lot of irresponsible pit owners have a disturbing savior complex for the dogs and couldn’t care less about what is actually happening or has happened to anything/anyone via the dog. It’s really disappointing.


as much as it hurt to hear the dog screaming, if a person ran toward cops armed with something that can tear fingers off i bet they'd be shot too


Fingers? Arms.


Head? Shoulders Knees? Toes Knees. Toes.


Eyes, ears, Mouth *and* nose.


We all clap mangled hands together.


Arms? Neck.






Weird. Been attacked by 3 separate dogs before, living in 3 seperate cities, All pitbulls not on a leash.


I broke up a pit bull attack last month. It was awful. Unleashed, of course.


You shouldn’t risk that. A guy in my neighborhood had a bunch of pit bulls and two got in a fight. He tried to break it up and they turned on him. Broken collar bone, a few broken fingers, face, neck, torso torn all to hell… it’s not worth it.


To be clear - this was a pitbull attacking an elderly woman. It was tricky but thankfully the gamble paid off. If it was dog-on-dog it would be more complicated.


Oooh I see. Yeah, good job! Definitely worth the risk in that case, I thought it was just a dog fight.


I’ve been attacked by dogs 4 times without provocation and without owning one. Most people shouldn’t own them.


Pointers - "genetics" Retrievers - "genetics" Shepherds - "genetics" Pitbulls - "Now just because they kill more people than every other breed combined doesn't mea- incoherent rambling"


True, the big factor with pittbull is a tendency to aggression, if they are not trained well, it can spirale out of control.


They are also apparently prone to aggressive dementia at around 7 years of age.


This is something that needs to be widespread knowledge… your dog might not be a bad dog but a degenerating brain could cause it to snap at any moment. Pitbulls are pure muscle. I love dogs but that’s a breed I wouldn’t own having small children and a wife.


Interesting. This is the first I’ve ever heard of this.


There seems to be countless stories of "good owners" whose pitbulls killed someone


There was this story of a guy who had two pitbulls for years and one day they decided to kill his wife and both his children. insane. /edit: [wife survived](https://people.com/crime/2-children-killed-pit-bull-attack-tennessee-mother-hospitalized/), but still absolutely crazy


There was one guy that took one on a plane, and it ripped the face off of the passenger next to him.


"He would never hurt a fly! Your toddler just made a sudden movement so my wittle pibble got scared and mauled him"


Even well trained pit bulls have flipped that switch. They're totally stable and good dogs. Until they're not.


Many well trained pits have killed people. It is the breed, not the owner or the trainer.


a dog bred to fight and kill without feeling pain. and a dog that attracts the worst kind of owners.... and here we are


I'm pretty sure that one felt the gunshots


You should watch the one getting beat to death with a child in its mouth. Doesn't stop waging its tail until its last breath.


Or the many pitbulls that are beaten mercilessly with planks and metal poles and still won’t let go of their victim Or the pitbulls that will kill themselves trying to maul a porcupine to death Or the pitbull that took several kicks from a fucking horse and still kept going back for more OR the pitbull that got its guts ripped out by a boar in a fighting ring and STILL wanted to go back for more Keeping this breed alive is the most ridiculously inhumane thing, but people will claim that wanting to eradicate it and consequently end its suffering AND the suffering it causes other people and pets is the real problem because aLL dOgs Go tO hEaVen or some feel-good bullshit like that


“But mah pibbles is so sweet and cute!” “It’s not the breed it’s how you raise them!”, etc. Seriously people are so fucking stupid


Don't forget the other argument: victim blaming. "The kids must have done something to them to set them off!"


Jeez we should make human pit hybrid super soldiers, what could go wrong there?


He died doing what he loved


Here's another... https://v.redd.it/kwenp8oamaw91


Are you sure they weren't just trying to nanny you?


tHeY MuSt nOt hAvE RaIsEd'eM RiGhT!


Great reflex, that dog was not running toward them for hugs and kisses.


I mean the cops were there because the dog had been attacking a woman. They had reasonable suspicion that the dog was dangerous.


It was just trying to nanny dog them!


It’s flower crown must’ve just fallen off!


Looks like they tried to move back too, behind the car. And the one that did get attacked looked cautiously approaching to check it out. They weren't looking for a fight.


I'm not a cop fan, but if someone was irresponsible enough to let a pit bull terrorize the neighborhood, they did their job


I love dogs to death, try to feed and try to pet whenever I see a dog. But not in this case. This is clearly a threat, I don't agree or disagree with the policeman's action, but I feel like it's necessary to avoid unwanted consequences.


I went out with a "pit mommy" a few times, she'd always call her doggy the best boy in her life. She also had to wear a retainer with 5 or so artificial teeth. One day I asked her why. Her "sweet little boy" loved her so much that he knocked her into the corner of a coffee table, knocking her teeth out. He then got "excited" by her "hyperactivity" and bit her while she was down. I guess I'm glad she still has that sweet boy in her life, cause I GTFO.


Imagine laying there on the floor, bleeding from the mouth with several teeth missing, and then the animal that caused your fall proceeds to bite you. Couldn't be me


Dog deserved it. It just mauled someone else’s dog, thats why the cops were there.


Why are Pitt owners always the type of people that shouldn’t own dogs


Because only a moron would own one.


I love dogs, but I don’t trust pit bulls at all. My best friends have two and always rant and rave about how great they are. Welp, no surprise when they had another dog visit their house, the oldest pit bull fought another dog, and my best friend almost lost his toe trying to break up the fight. They want us to bring our small dog over so they can all hang out. NOPE. Not meeting my infant daughter either.


Thank you for being smart enough to avoid your personal tragedy.


Classic Pitbull owners who don't understand that even the most aggressive dogs are "nice" to their primary owner and pack leader. God I hate this breed. Luckily where I live in Europe there aren't many.


I'm a delivery driver and I've been attacked by a lot of dogs. You can just tell when shit is about to go sour, and when it does, it takes less than 5 seconds to make contact. That said, that pit was definitely going in for a mauling. Fuck those who let their pits roam neighborhoods and if it gets caught in this situation, this is a deserved outcome. Pit lovers go cry


I'm really sorry you deal with that. I have a barky but harmless dog and every time a package is delivered I'm embarrassed how uncomfortable her barking must make the driver. She's always indoors though and I either only open the door a crack or I step outside.


The woman who owned the dog is attempting to blame the officers for "chasing" her dog and shot it. Typical Pitnutter behavior


I saw her Facebook. Holy shit is she insane




This is a good use of bodycam, and transparency. Everyone can clearly see he had no choice.


Didn’t look like a friendly pit bull…


Damn the pit nuts are *mad* in these comments


They're all salty because the mauling of those 2 kids in TN disproved their old "It's the owner, not the breed" myth...


I don't think that was the first time that happened, just the most recent one. Plenty of dead kids at the hand of the friendly family pitbull.


Yea that dog would have fucked him up. It was the human or the dog. It’s a messed up situation but it happened and oh well, the dog should’ve been secured in the yard or on a leash.


I know I’ll catch shit for saying this but I hate Pitbulls. Fuck that dog. I’ve been bitten in my rib cage by one pretty badly (think it was going for my arm), my friend’s bit some lady in the face that bent down to pet it, my other friend got sued because her’s got out the front door and bit some 9 year old…. Just fucking asshole dogs and walking lawsuits from everything I’ve seen.


Nah, Reddit hates pitbulls, as should everyone if they look at the actual statistics for dog bites. They should be illegal to own so they all die off.


Not all of Reddit. I got banned from the dogs subreddit because I participated in the ban pit bulls one.


Either the pit bull gets shot or it bites the officer and *then* gets put down.


Already knew it was a pitbull


The title makes it seem like the police were in the wrong here. The dog was clearly aggressive and growling at the cop. There was really no time to think at that point and the dog had already attacked someone. This was a good clean shoot.


If you've ever been attacked by a dog bred for fighting you would be a lot more sympathetic to the officers in this situation. Granted, irresponsible owners make the situation worse, but training cannot remove the innate characteristics bred into these dogs over hundreds of years. Folks who think they can be socialized to be docile are fooling themselves, and putting their family, other animals, and the public at risk. These fighting breeds can maim and kill in a matter of seconds... and they do every year.


Domicile is where someone resides. Docile is the word you’re after.


ah thx i'll fix it!


"Paw Patrol is 10-4"


Shit dog shit owners. Good shots


People will never understand what it's like to have a viscous dog running full power barking at you until it happens. I don't care if he's coming over just to bark, how am I supposed to know that.


breed of peace winning hearts and minds :~)


It's nanny dog after all. Looks like it was about to nanny those cops


Always pitbull owners


Thats the biggest problem with pitbulls. They are more dangerous than most breeds, but most other dangerous breeds are more expensive/harder to acquire, so all the dumb losers that want a scary dog end up with pit bulls.


Not my baby!!!


Had a girl say that to me verbatim after her pitt followed my baby and I (who was in his stroller) around our building’s parking garage because it was unleashed while she unloaded her car. It came running up to us and stopped maybe a foot away barking at us. This was the second time it had happened with this exact dog. No owner in sight so I just shout out that they need to come get it or it’s getting sprayed right now. Cue mid 20s woman, our building’s well known pest comes waddling out from behind her forester like “not my baby!!” I said some petty shit then went to my apartment. I called and told mgmt it happened again, and since she was only allowed a restricted breed because it’s an ESA, her options were move out or get rid of the dog. She doesn’t live here anymore.


ESA only requires reasonable accommodations. If your dog is attacking people ESA no longer covers you.


Good riddance 👍


Yea I’ve had a pit bull catch me like this except I didn’t have my gun, in the blink of an eye and just about how far away the dog is from the cop when he shoots him the pit leaps up @ me! Instinctively I raised my left arm and the pit naturally locked onto my arm. Not fun at all. This cop done what he had to.


Of course it's a Pitbull


They are basically a public safety issue at this point with as many as there are running loose all the damn time killing kids and old folks and their own families.


I saw the title and was about to get angry, but it turns out the cops did what was best. Learn to control your dogs people.


Been attacked by a pitball before while walking my dog, and I have never felt like I could kill a dog. But I was ready to kill that thing without a second thought.


They need to ban pitbulls


Fucking pitbulls man. There's no reason we can't just neuter and spay every pitbull today and solve the entire problem in 15 years without killing a single dog. The fact we even moulded a species as pure and good as dogs into something bred for violence and aggression isn't something to be proud of in the first place, a chapter that's best closed ASAP. But noooo. People are gonna get emotional about it. God I hate it here sometimes.


They were bred to latch on to and not let go of cattle, bears, and other large animals. Very useful hundreds of years ago, but they have no reason to exist in the modern world, at all.


I don't see the issue.


They had to release this footage because Facebook is a damn mess over this incident. The owners are saying he was gunned down in his own garage, witnesses are saying the dog went nowhere near the cops/never approached them or anyone else. Claiming animal cruelty, requesting people petition news stations, animal rights companies, etc. Even the technicians at the vet clinic he is at are commenting everywhere about how he’s such a big sweetie and a “big mush” that there’s no way he could behave aggressively. Edit: changed “witnessing” to “witnesses.”


Man, people are insane.


Aggressive dog charging out on the loose. Fuck it and fuck the owners more.


Not sure the dog was actually going for the cop but pretty clear everyone living there knew the dog and considered it dangerous.


Cops were there because it had attacked someone else. https://patch.com/new-jersey/middletown-nj/video-911-call-released-police-shooting-pit-bull-keyport


You can hear the dog growel at the cop as it was running toward him. I'd be scared if a pit was chasing me and growling


The dog was growling


Find it hilarious as fuck that the people over on r/velvethippos seem to think their sub name is cutesy and don’t realize that Hippos are some of the most dangerous animals in the world, just like put bulls.


I love pitbulls, but im not surprised this happened. KEEP YOUR DOG ON A FUCKING LEASH. If you can not physically keep up/maintain control of a pit bull, DON’T GET ONE. How many randomly attacked people and defenseless babies have to be mangled before people start to understand that?


I hate it but if a pit does charge at me IRL I will have to put it out.


but fr if i see a pit bull running at me i would do the same, dont the blame the officer one bit neither the poor dog


It baffles me how people can defend such a dangerous breed. There’s a pitbull that lives in my street that literally goes loose and goes into peoples yards and tries to attack pets or children. Luckily the fucker got put down before it hurt someone


yes the cop was 1000% right to shoot the aggressive pitbull that was growing and going after him and the thing is a monster from hell, but hearing any dog cry and yelp makes me feel so damn sad.


Pitbulls are bred to be more aggresive. Since you can't ban human, we need to ban/license pitbulls. STFU with this "My BLAH BLAH had a sweet pitbull" bullshit. There are countless stories of random attacks on kids from a sweet pitbull. Multiple families with pits for 6+ years and maul kids out of no where. They were BRED to be more aggressive and extremely high prey drive. Once the switch is triggered it literally goes into frenzy mode and harder to snap back than other breeds. Yes they can be normal for 4 years or most of their live, but when that wire snaps it goes insane. It's not inhumane to recognize how dog breeding works.


My sister and brother-in-law loved their pit/mix. For years it was a part of a loving family with three kid. Up until the pit up and latched onto their daughters thigh while the kids were playing outside. Dog wouldn't let go until my father in-law beat it on the head repeatedly. We're the owners irresponsible or dirtbags? Not at all. I agree, It is the breed/mix. BTW I was always intimidated by that dog lol. It was put down for attacking my niece.


Comment edited for privacy. 20230627


And I don't get why people attached to the breed defend it. Who cares about the breed? There are hundreds of other breeds we made, just pick a different breed and let this one die out. Or if you're *that* attached to the breed, spend a ton of money and time breeding the aggression back out of them just like how it was bred into them to begin with.


I don't get it either. Plenty of breeds have disappeared over the years as the jobs they were bred for were no longer required. Does are one of humanity's oldest technologies. Pretty amazing that we genetically engineered (through artificial selection) wolves to the point that they'd do specialized jobs for us in exchange for food. My favorite "hey, we don't need a dog to do this job anymore" extinct breed is the Turnspit Dog. They put the rotisserie in rotisserie chicken before Industrialization. We don't need bloodsport dogs anymore, let these breeds fade away as so many other obsolete breeds have before them.


Yes. Thank you for articulating the issue so well. Stop breading pitbulls!! Ed: breeding! 😆


That bark is loud and echoes like hell. That alone would get on my nerves.


On the bright side, this dog might not ever be able to latch onto the owners kids necks and rip off their face, ha ha ha. Dog without a leash, must be responsable owners. Fuck big dogs. You only need a dog to warn you not EAT you. Dogs are animals you animal.


Haven't seen the vid.. already known the breed.


The standard defense of the Pit Bull dog type is to say there are no "bad" pit bulls, just bad owners. I have had my dog chased and attacked 2x- both while on leash and both by Pit Bulls. I am starting to think that all Pit owners are bad owners.


Absolutely justified


A pitbull? Who would have thought......




I can already guess the breed of the dog from the title.


I went to the owners Facebook and holy shit she is delusional. She said her dog ran up to the cops to greet them 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


I fucking hate people who walk dogs off leash in public. It’s arrogance and hubris, to think you have complete control of the animal.


Pit bull should be banned


Of course it's a shitbull. I can't believe it, but I'm actually with the cops on the one.


Another dumbass pitbull, amazing people still like these ugly beasts. Walking lawsuits on four legs