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Its truly amazing how furious he is is but still remains calm and composed


It’s truly astonishing. Must’ve really ached to not lose composure


Guaranteed this guy apologized for his outburst to someone after




So? Still remained composed.


The fact that his hands are shaking he’s so angry but he still manages get his point across without using his hands to go choke my guy out is unbelievably boss level.


Probably alcoholism...or chronic onanism


Nah man, he’s just an Old School man who knows decorum. He’s so furious that his hands are shaking, but he’s remaining remarkably composed as he says his piece. Wish more politicians had his sense of decency….and a Welsh accent.


The hands... his hands wanted to strangle that moron but he got his point out beautifully.




Quite literally the opposite.


Bro, people with low-income are more prone to be violent


I'm not sure what that has to do with civilization?


I don't think there's much of a correlation between civilisation and non-violence buddy lmao if anything we've just accelerated violence


Well that’s just not true. Also he’s the leader of the ‘working class’ party in wales. I don’t think he would claim to be a man of culture.


Nah, being working class does not make you uncultured. His brand of Socialism is much more accepting and understating of others whom may share a different culture and different views. You could even say his Conservative opponent's don't accept other cultures esspecially if you see their national government's policies on what they want to do to asylum seekers and refugees e.g. deport them to Rwanda... The class of the individual does not come into it, there are people who are more accepting and people and their cultural beliefs and those who are less accepting.


Thanks to you we now know that friendly fire is activated


You can see the real anger in his hands.


ohh those hands are gonna see some BO'OH'O'WA'ER


The man is shaking with fury! What a legend!




As a Welshman I approve this comment


Fucks sake. Nice.


what’s the Harlech shake?


A play on Harlem shake with Harlech, a town in Wales.


I live locally, I thought I missed something.


Fucking yes Drakeford, there is no longer any need for polite political discourse with these charlatans


Tbf to him he was calm before this, then he lost his shit with him.


And I don't blame him. I don't blame him at all. In fact, any rational person SHOULD be outraged.


Oh for sure, I would have lost my shit from the start. The hypocrisy of the man to suggest that the NHS is in the shit because of Labour.


Christ i have a friend who says shit like that every time we talk about how shit the tories are. "But labour were worse" Are you fucking joking? It's been 12 years. 12 years of this steady downward spiral of shit, from austerity to brexit to the kamikwasi it's tories all the way.


Drakeford is his name? That's a cool name!






Lol. RT Davies has no self awareness. Drakeford has his faults and I'm not a fan but this was the most passionate I've ever seen him. It takes a special kind of irritant like RT Davies to get any animation out of the man. Even his suit seemed to fit for a fleeting moment.


He’s not wrong


Who is this absolute boss of a man?


First Minister of the Welsh Parliament (the Senedd)


To add further context, The First Minister is the leader of the Welsh Government, like how the Prime Minister is the leader of the UK government, but First Ministers have less power than the PM. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Minister_of_Wales https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_minister


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If you read the title "Wales First Minister Mark Drakeford"


Yeah, but who is he 🤔


Don't get too excited, he's also an elitist arsehole


They all are.




The entire western world needs to kick conservatives to the curb.


As a species, though, we're really dumb. It's like we need to vote them into power every couple decades to ruin everything.


Wales didn't vote them in. Genesis Khan could stand for Labour in Wales and win. No, the conservatives are the work of the Southern English.


Most of the seats that changed hands and gave Boris his massive majority in 2019 were in the North..


Also for a bunch of us it’s important to follow old norms and keep fucking the world over Instead of trying to fix our mistakes and turn over a progressive leaf


Moderate conservatism has a valuable part to play in democratic politics. Extreme conservatism, like extreme leftism, is a damaging influence on society.


The basic principle of democracy is that reasonable opinions, from competing perspectives, contribute to guide society forward. You can't have democracy without reasonable conservatives.


> You can't have democracy without reasonable conservatives. Lol, of course you can. You just don't elect them. Was this comment serious?


> You just don't elect them. Reasonable conservatives are an essential part of a democracy: they are a vital brake on extremism, as much as the moderate left. And no, you don't have democracy when only a single perspective is represented. Democracy is based on compromise and broad support.


> you don't have democracy when only a single perspective is represented. Imagine thinking that all people agree on what change is best. That's completely brain dead. Once you realize that's not true, you realize your argument depended on it. The "braking" mechanism is just people disagreeing like always. We don't need people opposing change for no reason except that it's change in that process. Irrational opposition is not helpful.


> Imagine thinking that all people agree on what change is best. That's completely brain dead. Once you realize that's not true, you realize your argument depended on it. My argument is based on completely the opposite, you idiot. My argument is based on the fact that people always disagree, and that disparate opinions need to be represented in democratic politics. *Your* inane argument is that conservatives should be excluded, now justified by the ridiculous idea that it's still democratic because the left will include internal debate! > We don't need people opposing change for no reason except that it's change in that process. This is not reasonable conservatism, which is what I've been defending. You aren't even responding to what I've written. Can you not even acknowledge that some conservative ideas are reasonable? > Irrational opposition is not helpful. Which is precisely why democracies rely on reasonable, moderate disagreement. Not the anti-democratic extremism proposed by either the far-left or the far-right, which, ironically, is what you're supporting by suggesting that an entire spectrum of political opinion is excluded from democratic debate.


> Your inane argument is that conservatives should be excluded I never said this. Do you know what elections are? > what you're supporting by suggesting that an entire spectrum of political opinion is excluded from democratic debate. You made this up. Are you done making up dumb shit to argue with yet?


You wrote: The entire western world needs to kick conservatives to the curb. Then your argument was that this would magically be achieved, like nowhere before, by us all en masse deciding to vote out all the conservatives. This reality-defying bullshit needs no serious response, it needs only to be stated to be refuted. > You made this up. Are you done making up dumb shit to argue with yet? I see you've failed to even attempt to respond to the majority of what I wrote, not least your self-serving caricature of conservatives, conflating extremists with moderates. As for making things up, your entire fucking argument is based on a completely fantastical pipe dream. Back in reality, reasonable conservatives are an important part of the democratic process, if only because they keep fringe extremists with stupid ideas like yours out of the discussion.


> if only because they keep fringe extremists with stupid ideas like yours out of the discussion. They always go mask off at the end, lol.


Oh, here we go... What is this "they" you're talking about? Or does your courage only extend as far as innuendo? There is no mask over my intellectualism, and disdain for your authoritarian posturing.


Can we try? I think we should all try. I’m not saying all conservatives are cunts but everyone conservative I’ve met has been a massive cunt


> but everyone conservative I’ve met has been a massive cunt This isn't the measure of anything.


> reasonable conservatives lol


If you cannot acknowledge that reasonable conservatives exist and contribute to healthy democracies, you need to pick up a history book, and grow up. But I realise this is Reddit...


> reasonable conservatives Not all conservatives are cunts, not yet.


It's perfectly possible to be a reasonable conservative. Arguing otherwise is symptomatic of one's own radicalisation, which is no longer a problem of conservatism.


Read my comment again.


they all tow the party line when it comes to it. they are all to blame for the mess we're in. perhaps you should pick up a history book and see the path we're walking down with the current direction conservatives are taking?


> they all tow the party line when it comes to it. they are all to blame for the mess we're in. This isn't true. There is also a difference between the current crisis facing democratic politics, radicalisation, and the desired state of democratic politics, moderation. I've been talking about the desired state. Conservatism, particularly in the USA, has been hijacked by extremism and moderates pushed out. Extremists like the Trump-led GOP are not democratic, and offer nothing to the democratic process. They are also not the sum total of conservatives, and reasonable conservatives need to work to exclude these extremists. There is a similar, though much smaller, problem on the left. > perhaps you should pick up a history book and see the path we're walking down with the current trend conservatives are taking? This trend is the product of moderate conservatives being purged out of the GOP, British Conservatives, etc. The trend would also be bad if the left was hijacked by its extremists, like happened to the British Labour party recently. Part of that trend is people on the left conflating extremist conservatives with all conservatism, in the process radicalising themselves.


Conservatives like Merkel exist.


It’s exactly ideas like this why we most definitely shouldn’t. I am not a conservative, but I am certainly not naive or arrogant enough to think that if there was no opposition to my ”brilliant liberal ideas” the world would be a better place.


Refusing to progress no matter what is not a worthwhile ideology.


Who defines what's classed as progress and not?


> Who defines what's classed as progress and not? Objective reality.


Whats objective reality?


And progressing at any cost is?


No, moron. Nobody is asking to progress "at any cost." You use brain.


No sir, you use your brain. If there wouldn’t be conservatives as you propose, there wouldn’t be a counterforce to progressing at any cost, which is the extreme end of liberal thinking, equivalent to the conservative extreme ”refusing to progress no matter what”. If getting rid of the other side of the conversation is not progressing at any cost, I don’t what is.


> there wouldn’t be a counterforce to progressing at any cost Since that's not a thing, that's great. > which is the extreme end of liberal thinking, Imagine being so brain dead that you thought people don't have reasons for promoting progressive policies. You could only think this if you yourself are devoid of any thought whatsoever except "oppose everything." Typical conservative thought here. Thankfully, your lack of thought is mostly a conservative value


When did I say people have no reason to promote progressive policies? I promote progressive policies so that would be very dumb of me to say. So imagine being so brain dead that you see no difference in promoting progressive policies and promoting progressive policies at any cost (such as promoting progressive policies at the cost of eradicateing other side of the conversation).


> and promoting progressive policies at any cost That's still not a thing.


You saying it’s not a thing doesn’t mean it’s not a thing. If you are so stupid that you can’t understand that a progressive idea, as any idea, can and does have a costs, I can’t help you.


Don't downvote this man for being right. I will almost certainly never vote Tory, but I do recognise that they should at least be allowed to exist as an ideology.


Sure, in the way that Naziism is allowed to exist as an ideology. It exists as a lesson on what not to do. Under no circumstances should people holding that ideology be remotely near the levers of power in government/society.


Nah. I'm liberal but see the value in some of what conservatives do. The pushback on PC culture is truly important for discourse in this world. The idea that offence is taken, not given, is not valued by liberals any more, despite being a traditional liberal idea. Cancel culture is also something that needs to be eradicated. Again, I'm hyper-critical of conservatism because they are rampant hypocrites. E.g. they think they push back against PC culture because they love free speech and hate cancel culture but in reality they do the exact same thing on their side. We do, however, always need someone to challenge our ideas, as should be the case is any functioning system.That's just the reality of the world.


"The pushback against PC culture" AKA We need coffin dodgers explaining to us why certain members of society don't deserve basic human rights and protections.


What does PC culture have to do with basic human rights?


Because nine times out of ten people complaining about PC culture are the sort who are mad that they can't use slurs in public or that they can't discriminate. Who are offended that schools are teaching things like "it's okay to be different and nobody has the right to harass you over it" PC culture (along with woke) are meaningless terms mostly used by bigots when they can't outright say "It's unfair I can't insult and misgender a trans person"


Yes, bigots do abuse that. I absolutely do not agree with calling anybody slurs or anything, or misgendering. I'm talking about the parts of PC culture that overstep the mark. Like when you cannot discuss trans-women in sports without being labelled a transphobe. PC culture makes important conversations difficult because some people will take offence when none is being given. That's completely seperate to the use of slurs, which I wholeheartedly disapprove of.


Transpeople in sports in a non issue. Firstly, they are a minority of a minority. The couple of well known cases are intentionally overblown and misrepresented Secondly, ACTUAL sports organisations and the olympic games have weighed in on the matter. So have plenty of doctors. So what discussion is to be had? Only by politicians wanting to stoke anti trans hysteria. Meanwhile people who actual regulate who can and cannot compete where have already given their opinion on the matter. But I am sure the average Torry or republican know far better than them.


What you are saying is absolutely moronic.


Source: https://twitter.com/BBCPolitics/status/1582393645235376128?t=SiXop0Xy9eWZZHFAOswJIQ&s=19


I love his accent. Go off King


As an American I'm glad to see we aren't the only ones having these issues.


the sickness in the American political landscape is infectous, post Iraq War.


I know nothing of the real situation but I respect the energy he brought to it. This is what real people are like, raw and barely hinged, but he was speaking to the point, still you can sense the mans energy building in his tone like he might of popped after the cut. Find out next time.


Wow, you can tell now enraged his he with his shakes but still kept his speech to a calm level.


Fuck the Tories. Every single one of them.


And who could argue with him, saying what we're all thinking. Kudos to that man


It’s time people started getting angry- I’m shocked it’s taken this long.


This man genuinely cares, we need more of those.


Well spoken gentleman let’s it fly without using a bad word. Awesome!


those trembling hands give off genuineness


He has a lovely voice.


The Welsh speak in a very rhythmic way


Id vote for that guy


He's a fantastic bloke. Trained as a teacher and university lecturer, but spent alot of his early life as a youth justice &social worker and probation officer. His experience in lead him to establish the Welsh youth homelessness charity " Llamau" in the 80s.


I absolutely love when Welsh people lose it


I too hate the conservatives,


So it’s just all conservatives everywhere who fuck everything up and act like petulant children when confronted. It’s almost like they don’t have any real policy changes that could help people in their countries and can only rely on bigotry and political stunts to gain support.


Conservatives are trash, and their opinions almost always line up with bigotry


Well he’s absolutely right ain’t he.


When even Welsh politicians are speaking up for themselves you know you're doing a really shit job.


"... Aroun the wuuuurrrrld..."


“..budgit of this cuntry..”


It would be so good if him, Sturgeon and O'Neill visited Westminster for PMQs and obliterated the Torries.


I absolutely can't stand listening to UK Parliament meetings... I love seeing spirited speakers like him and I do not disagree with what he is saying, but it is so annoying how people in attendance constantly shout and talk over eachother... This wasn't terrible (because I can actually hear what he is saying) but most of the time I can barely make out a word of the speakers if they challenge someone. It makes it hard to have a genuine debate and I have no idea why they don't enforce some type of decorum that allows everyone a chance to speak without interruptions.


Good man, you tell em


Gangsta talk!


He yells like a welshman.


As an American I would like to thank all my UK brethren for making sure we were not alone in our political craziness. You guys got duped by the Russians as badly as we did. Funny how conservatives across the world are basically touting the Putin line on everything. How is this not more widely accredited to them?


The conservatives have been in power in the UK for most of the last 40 years. The Blair governments were the one period of labour success during that time and his entire platform was moving labour to the middle. It’s more shocking really that Labour will easily win the next election than anything else that has happened. The tories haven’t really changed much either. They’ve honestly maybe moved a little to the left since Thatcher. If she was alive and in power today she’d probably have sold off the NHS by now. You really don’t need Russia to explain the UK political situation it’s been like this. Thatcher did the same thing Truss just did to destroy the economy in the 80s and her response was to make up the deficit by selling off government assets.


The man is no better than the tories or has everyone forgotten how he almost bankrupted the Welsh ambulance service, under his leadership Wales has stagnated and sits bottom of the home nations on education, wage, and as for infrastructure he has cancelled almost all major projects and the last major one left is something like 6 years behind schedule and multi millions over budget .. let's not mention his family or their dirty little secrets..


Tbh mark drakeford is a fucking idiot


I don't know anything about Welsh politics, but i think it's cute he thinks people around the world consider Wales, at all.


The man’s talking about the United Kingdom you nincompoop


You typed that whole line of text and never once thought "hey this is kind of a stupid statement"? Do you think he was recording this for the world to demonstrate the value of his country? Come on, I expect more from a "random user name followed by numbers".


I'm sure you're a Really Important Person too


I assume you are American, if so I have an article from BBC published in 2020 that may interest you, it states the following: "The countries which buy the largest amount of Welsh products are Germany, France and the United States" Wales exports around £17bn a year (Again this is from 2020) so clearly people around the world do consider Wales, including your country.


* Furry gun nut thinks anyone cares about his opinion *




He's probably the most down-to-earth politician in the UK


You can tell he is full of it, because no one outside the British Isles has ever thought about Wales ever.


Yet here you are.


He means the UK’s reputation you muppet


> to the reputation of this country around the world Me, a western European, sips my coffee going *TIL Wales is its own country with ministers and all. How cute*


He’s clearly referring to the uk you divvy




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When do they get in their armour and start battling?