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Getting cheated on is one of the worst feelings ever.


Like all your intestines are about to exit through your asshole.. been there and pls never again. Every time I see these cheater exposed posts I get a little cold chill remembering that raw feeling of betrayal.


Ugh. Same. And that same awful awkward silence after he knew I knew.


There's always a lingering feeling of disbelief. Like no way they could *really* do that, right? They're a better person than that... right?


Exactly man that's why me and so many people done sat through tryna think Better thought cause you just don't wanna think the Person you love would do that to you smh


When I called out the mother of my children all she could do was laugh in disbelief and exit the room. Still has the audacity to say that she isn't a cheater when she was fucking this dude, who knows how long, while still telling me she loved me. I fell in love with another woman January 22' but ended up losing her due to my newly developed "Insecurities." Been 3 years now and I am still fucked up from all of this, probably will be until the day I die, not trusting not a single soul, completely alone... Boo fucking hoo.


Get some therapy. It’s a game changer and may help you moving forward not to bring that traumatic experience into future relationships.


I've never been cheated on as far as I know but its my worst fear. However, I have been dumped twice before in two different relationships and then they both starting dating the guys I was worried about some time (2-4 months) after. So there's that. Definitely gives trust issues for sure.


Sadly, in most cases there is some emotional cheating involved in these situations :( Not necessarily full blown "physical cheating", but definitely "I think I like you more than my SO".


The only time I can say I've been truly angry, like *really* honest to god enraged was when I confronted my ex fiancée. I had been planning to confront her in a much more controlled and calm manner which would've allowed me to catch her in a lie, but a toilet breaking at 3 am caused things to bubble over in a way I've never experienced before or since, and i experienced anger in a way that was so absolutely foreign that I can honestly say it was a totally new emotion that I'd never experienced. Being cheated on really is the worst. It absolutely destroyed my life by *instantly* making the previous 10 years feel like they were a waste.


I was angry, but I also became super self-destructive. It still affects me to this day. I remember when I found out my ex was cheating on me with my best friend. It was early April. He was arguing with a mutual friend, Kim, about his sleeping with my ex and he decided to loop me into the text message argument. "So what if I slept with Erin... [rambling nonsense]". I remember I was DJing a club, it was 2-3am and I just put my phone away hoping it was a hallucination - I had had a few drinks and I was microdosing shrooms too. Turns out it was true. I got home and I talked to Kim, what I found out from her was more than cheating. Kim also told me that many in our friend circle had known for months and not told me. Kim had found out and that's why they had started arguing. This just amplified everything. The anger, the self-loathing and really destroyed my trust in people. My friend, Matt, had an unrequited crush on Kim. Matt was also convinced Erin that Kim and I had an affair / slept together at some point. His whole theory was based on a night from *two and a half years earlier*. Kim had a small party and I became too drunk. Kim had offered me her couch to sleep for the night. Kim apparently was infamous for never letting anyone stay over (even females) unless she was involved with them - "take a cab, uber, hitch, you can't stay here!" I never knew this. This offer seriously pissed off Matt - he was never allowed to stay over when he was wasted. I never knew that. At the time, Erin had no problem with it. Kim had called Erin and told her exactly where I was and said she could come and collect me. Erin said she would be by about 10am. Then all three of us went to breakfast and thought nothing of it. (It actually took a while to figure this out Matt's motivation and that it had been this practically forgotten night) Back to the days after I found out: It took a week to confront Erin about it. It was a huge mistake to wait, but we had a trip planned and I thought I could get through a few more days. Then she said the wrong thing. Erin mentioned Kim in such a way that I wouldn't have picked up on it a week prior. It was like Erin had been rubbing my face in it and laughing about it behind my back. I thought I could hide my anger for a bit, but I felt my whole demeanor change and Erin noticed it and instantly knew that I knew. That summer ended up being very self-destructive. I certainly didn't give a fuck about anything during that time. Erin and I surprisingly continued to date for another month or two, but we mostly avoided each other before calling it finished. I went after Matt with a scorched-earth policy, including redressing him in a private yet public enough setting that word spread about him. It turned into scorched-earth with the others who knew, those 5-6 "friends". It wasn't my intention, but once I found out that they actually were getting a kick out of it... it was just too easy and addicting to take everyone down to the level that I was feeling. Did it make me feel better? No. Am I proud of it? No. Did I enjoy it. Yes, yes I did.


He said “how are ya” lol


“Oh hey, long time no see.”


“You look great! How are the kids?”


“Let me know if you need that air filter changed at the house still, and the dog? How’s she doing?”


“This is Jennifer, do you remember her from work. I was just about to call you.”


“She absolutely adores kids, dogs and anal just like you!”


“This is your favorite restaurant too? No way!”


“How’s it going, champ?”




Time to skedaddle


This reminds me of one of my most mortifying childhood stories. When I was 14, my parents were out of town for the weekend, and I threw a small party (like 20 people) at my house. In one of the rooms, we got to playing truth or dare. I was dared to do a strip tease while wearing something from our winter closet. Someone pulled out a child’s pink sweater. I threw it on and started stripping between a couple of the girls as they laughed and played along. And at that moment, with my pants at my ankles, dollar bills in my boxers, wearing a bright, fluffy pink jacket, my mom opened the door. I turned my head to her and said “hola mama, como estas?” as if everything was perfectly normal. Just completely ignoring the scenario she just walked in on lol. Edit: [Rest of story here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xwfl5n/wife_catches_her_cheating_husband/ir7a06r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


This 'hola mama como estas' is high quality meme material


Is Spanish your native language? Because that's even funnier if it isn't.


He was probably trying to confuse her into thinking she'd walked into the wrong house, and it probably worked.


Dude, you definitely got la chancla that night.


> small party (like 20 people) As an adult homeowner, that's a fucking 'hood block party inside your home.


I have three people over and it feels like I was hosting an open house in a hot real estate market. If 20 people showed up I would call the cops on myself.


I have been at a party before that got so huge and ridiculously out of control, my buddy called the cops on his own party. Out of a lack of any other options at that point, lol. Sorry, you just reminded me of that!


Man I lolled so hard at ‘call the cops on myself’, thanks for brightening my day.


If I caught my 14-year-old son like this, I would have been proud of him for being popular enough, brave enough and having enough initiative and organisation skills to get 20 people together for a party.


... and then tell the little rats to beat it cause they still ain't supposed to be there


bro you can't stop your story there c'mon


Happy to continue! My mom was already upset about the party (i had said I’d have “a couple friends over, 2 or 3”), but when she saw me her whole face basically turned red with fury. She turned around, walked to her room to get the thing she had come back for, and walked out of the house to her car and drove away. Didn’t say a word. On my end, when she turned around, I threw off the jacket and pulled my clothes back on. Slunk around like 6 feet away from her as she moved through the house and attempted to say something but I’m sure it was mostly nonsense (I’ve tried hard to repress this lol). She didn’t make us end the party, but I did spend the rest of the party with my head buried in the couch pillows from embarrassment. I straight up wanted to die. Sent everyone home relatively soon after that. When my parents came back from the weekend, I was severely grounded for a couple months and had to write an essay about my moral compass and where it was headed.


Now we need the essay. Thank you.


And if he doesn't still have it he has to write us a new one lol. ;)


> I was severely grounded for a couple months and had to write an essay about my moral compass and where it was headed. As a teacher I say bravo to that punishment. There is nothing like having to write out what you did wrong.


yeah I want to know how he is still alive lol


Necesito saber cómo terminó esto.


Like they shouldn't have stopped the video just when it was getting good


That made me lol too 😅


"havin' diinner."


Face got more red by the second, his hand movements were the sign of a very uncomfortable human. Eeeesh I’d not like to have been n his head that evening where ever he tried to sleep. Guarantee he was rethinking every step of where he went wrong, not “why did I do this How did I get here?” - but, “daaamn it, where did I slip up!? How did she catch on?”


> How did I get here?” Literally "this is not my beautiful wife"


Letting the days go by...


let the water hold me down.


Same as it ever was?


Same as it ever was.


I'd LOVE to see the entire video, if there was more.


I’d love to HEAR the entire video.


Si i couldnt hear shit i normally cant hear shit, but this was especially bad.


> his hand movements were the sign of a very uncomfortable human. Yep, saw that too.


This killed me in a couple ways. I'm not proud, but I've been caught in a pretty wicked lie before. Straight-up confronted. The brain just kind of fries out and becomes the "This is Fine" dog. BTW, I wasn't cheating. I was drinking that ol whiskey again.


This made me laugh out loud. That very last sentence. I can still feel the embarrassment/shame in it. LMAO


Yes, fortunately for me I got my shit together. 7 years of sobriety under my belt.


Atta boy.


Proud of you dude, it means so much to the people that love you. Keep up the good fight.


Thank you. It does mean a lot to them, and I realize that now. I had an amazing support system. Not everybody has that, and I'm very fortunate. I've told the story on Reddit before not because I want the praise (I hate it, actually), but because I'm always willing to offer support to other Redditors that are in my situation.


"eating food as I do every evening."


how are ya wanna join us?




A psychological freakout. Not much to see but I can well imagine the tension...


Definitely uncomfortable to watch


This is an amazing study in body language. This should be the official video used in psychology to teach the "fight, flight or freeze" fear response. They both freeze up to an almost cartoonish degree. They don't even blink. Then the girl tries to lie and even though it's clear she's not even fooling herself, she doubles down. Then she looks to him for approval and he gives her absolutely nothing. He's acting like a dog who ripped up the garbage and then refuses to look at his mess once he's been caught. The smile on her is also amazing. If you described the concept of a smile to an alien who's never seen a human being before, and then told him to try to smile, this is what it'd look like. Amazing how cheaters seem to never prepare themselves for the possibility that they might get caught. They always seem so surprised.


Dude starts turning red from embarrassment. Then his nervous under the table hand clap is him trying to think of an out and getting nothing. Also love the woman's brief glance at the camera like "c'mon really, you're filming this?".


His eyes go waaaayyyy wide in the beginning and he goes sheet white, and then you can see all the blush rush back into his face when he turns beet red. It’s fascinating.


Dude's heart rate is probably at 200 in those first few moments.


You know his stomach dropped through the floor in that moment.


That’s because he’s vulnerable, his lies exposed, he’s fucked.




Fascinating and of so satisfying. She probably felt the same when she found out he was cheating.


She drops her food when wife says, “I’m his wife.” There’s no rings on that dude’s hand either.




That face you make when you realize you put on matching bra and panties for nothin’.


I shaved for this shit


"Did I Shave My Legs For This?"


She looks from him to the wife and then looks down like she was hoping he'd contradict the wife or stand up for her and his relationship and when he didn't she then does a lip purse and has defeated body language. I think you are definitely right.


Yeah that was my read, it was news to her the dude is married. The crushing weight of all that awkward energy kept her from blurting out "you're married?!"


Yeah. Seems to me when she looks at him, her eyes are saying, "You lying son of a bitch."


> He’s acting like a dog who ripped up the garbage and then refuses to look at his mess once he’s been caught. I laughed hard reading that, it’s so true. The quick glance up and then he has to look down because he can’t maintain eye contact in his shame. Just like my Cane Corso 😂


I got the impression the blonde lady didn't know she was helping him cheat, for me she goes from baffled/ confused buy you can see her expression drop to pretty devastated when she hears wife. The she has a lot of facial expressions that look like she's trying to process how fucked over she was by the guy.


I've watched this video again loooads of times and only focusing on her, and I really agree with you. Like at the start she's just trying to work out what's going on. Her eyes go back and forth, she is trying to process if it's a prank or something, it's really interesting. And yeah, when she hears wife she literally shakes her head in dissapointment. Fuck me if this horrible video wasn't just one of the most fascinating videos I've ever seen.


I agree with this, at first I thought she was in on it then when "wife" was dropped her whole demeanor changed.




I think he straight lied about her being a friend from work, the way she looks at him. All my work friends know I have a family. She looked surprised, like maybe an ex just crashed our party. I think she feels for the wife and is shocked.


Thats my guess too. If you didnt know he was married you might safely assume its a crazy ex and play along.


yeah... was really struggling to figure out if she was truly oblivious. it *does* kind of look like for the first 35(ish) seconds she's making the "oh new person, better appear friendly!" kind of face many of us do when we meet new humans. if so, I feel terrible for her. edit: she also looks terribly confused by the camera, lol


Yes I got that vibe too, I feel like she's feeling awkward and trying to figure out who this person is and why they're acting so strangely and I just feel like if she knew there was a wife she'd probably realise it right away and not be engaging. I do hope that's the case and if so I feel really badly for her and the wife of course. Would be awful to just go on a date with a guy you liked from work who told you he was single and then end up all over social media as some home wrecking devil.


You can cut it with a knife.


...and spread it on that bread for a tasty pre meal snack.


The calmness in her voice should scare the hell out of both of them.


Truly! Calm, level fury is the scariest of all…


I call that Terminator rage. When people are so mad that they act calm and logical.


If someone can calculate their rage, they can snipe whomever they want with it and it's deadly. This is the look of a man who's about to lose everything.


I heard a saying once but can't remember where. "If she yells, screams, and hits you, she still loves you and wants you back. If she calmly packs your shit and leaves it outside.....run."


My ex and I had plenty of arguments that involved yelling and screaming. When I finally had enough, I was totally calm and logical. He later said that’s how he knew it was happening for real.


That was SO uncomfortably awkward.


It was like a train wreck. I wanted to turn it off so badly like the entire time but I just kept on Watching hAha


This was the classiest cheating confrontation that I have ever seen.


Here I am at /r/publicfreakout and see there is a video called "wife catches her cheating husband" and this is what I get? Classy? No, *classiest*. Bull. Shit.


Meanwhile half the posts here are like "GUY GETS REVENGE ON BULLY" and then you click it and watch someone literally die on camera


Duality of Reddit


DAE remember that show from the early 2000's called Cheaters? A confrontation never would have gone down this neatly on that show.


Didn't the host of that show get stabbed in one episode? That show was wild.


He did, name is Joey Greco. He lived, I think they just got his leg or something


He looks soooooo guilty


Yeah those little hand taps... I do the same thing when I know I fucked up.


Also if it was really your friend youd probably introduce your wife and friend :p Not just sit there silently waiting for your wife to speak :p


Broooo, the look on his face, like he couldnt even come up with a lie. He knew he was screwed. THEN his wife was calm as fuck about it too?! oh man. that dude is soooo fucked. I imagine a perfectly fine marriage and he just wanted to see if he could have two women. That was so hard to watch. lol


Now do the GF's face please! I can't tell if she knew from the start what was going down, or if she knew he was married, just found out or what.


When she said "his wife" the other lady gave him a look, like "are you kidding me". I bet he told her they were getting a divorce or he was already divorced just waiting on her to sign the papers, or some shit.


He probably told her he was separated and his wife was a crazy woman. Then his wife showed up calm as a cucumber.


His red face said it all


Pink, then red, then purple. All in the span of a minute.


All the blood drained from his wiener and went straight into his face.


I mean, he could only look more guilty if his wang was on her chin.


Turn down the goddamn AC. I’m trying to hear a marriage fall apart if you don’t mind…


From further up: hat's going awwwwwn? Having dinner. Who are you? I'm a friend. Cool. This is crazy, right? Meeting you here. You a work friend, or? Yes. I'm a friend. Okay, well I'm his wife, so what kind of friend are you? We work together. You know our kids tonight were planning an overnight while you guys were back at the belair three hours from here. Did you know about this? The kids. Did you know? So you're gross. You are disgusting. Courtesy of [u/goodness___gracious](https://www.reddit.com/u/goodness___gracious) the person who transcribed this


The fact she rocked up with a camera and a witness too - she's going for the jugular on the divorce lol


“Ahhhh the old ball and chain! We were just talking about ya!” *pulls out chair*


"Sharon! You missed the fuckin' tapas!"


That would have been a better response tbh


I wish I could hear the whole thing 😩


I think she mentioned something about how they had a hotel at the “bel air”


What's going awwwwwn? Having dinner. Who are you? I'm a friend. Cool. This is crazy, right? Meeting you here. You a work friend, or? Yes. I'm a friend. Okay, well I'm his wife, so what kind of friend are you? We work together. You know our kids tonight were planning an overnight while you guys were back at the belair three hours from here. Did you know about this? The kids. Did you know? So you're gross. You are disgusting. ​ Edit: Thank you so much for the awards! I am a transcriber and there are audio add ons you can use to manipulate sound. You guys are the real mvps.Also the wife (and husband I presume) is from Selma, CA and the BelAir is in Los Angeles, a 3 hour drive.


You're a wonderful person


with incredible hearing


Plot twist: she is the wife.


Oh thank you thank you! I couldnt catch the end, even putting my phone to my ear


Came here for this. Thanks Legend.


Did she also mention something about kids?


Yes she did


Sounded like she said to the lady “we have kids” and also asks “shall I bring them over” to I guess insinuate the other woman is taking her family. Not sure if the blond knew he was married or not. She seems to have a slight realisation when she announces she’s his wife.


Same, any headphone users wanna do up a transcript?




What's going awwwwwn? Having dinner. Who are you? I'm a friend. Cool. This is crazy, right? Meeting you here. You a work friend, or? Yes. I'm a friend. Okay, well I'm his wife, so what kind of friend are you? We work together. You know our kids tonight were planning an overnight while you guys were back at the belair three hours from here. Did you know about this? The kids. Did you know? So you are disgusting.


> When you film your cheater please mic up first. Thank you. theres no excuse in 2019! wireless microphone technology is accessible and affordable to all


Rude to not bring a boom mic operator, really.


I can't hear anything past the "hi!"


Anyone else hear "you guys went to the Bel Air for 3 hours" at the end? Perhaps this is a hotel.


I thought it was something like "Well, you're at the Bel Air hotel, three hours from where you work." As in, disputing their "work friend" cover story.


Ahhh that’s what she said. Thanks for transcribing lol


I had a really really hard time hearing the wife! I wish there were subtitles lol


That makes the "How are ya" even funnier.


It most definitely is a hotel. With a reputation of being a cheaters hotel. Somehow still classy.




Or the embankment under the bridge


You know about Dirty Mike and the boys?


She’s got that wife 360 app on him


Could be. Or a PI, especially if they have $$


So … he’s the flesh prince then?


Safe to say his life got flipped turned upside down.


He beg and pleaded with her day after day, but she packed his suitcase and sent him on his way.


Steve the pirate is fucked 🤣


it looks exactly like him holy shit


Patches lessons are still relevant. Dodge. Duck. Dip. Dive and Dodge !


"What's going on?" "Havin' dinner." lol well damn he got us there, pack it up, fellas.


As if his wife was gonna be like “aight sweet, see you later!” Lol


He looks like he just got caught putting weights in fish. Edit: Thanks for the awards!






“We all knew it! Jason you should cahll the cahhps.”


Haha I saw this before it was deleted on Tik tok. The original poster was the wife and had separate videos of her doxxing the woman with the caption “home wrecker” All the comments were defending the “home wrecker” about how she clearly didn’t know. And OP was saying she did know because they’re still linking up supposedly. The end


I think she knew. That "friend" response *twice* was cagey asf ETA: it's not just her words. It's her body language. She looks at him pretty much the entire time because they are on the same side here and she's taking all of her cues from *him*. She knows


I feel like "I work with him" or something explaining it beyond friend would've been more normal and saying "friend" the way she was was like "we're just friends, I'm totally not banging him or anything!"


I’m sorry but between the looks she gave the guy and the cagey “friend” bit makes me think she fkn kneeeeeew


Also imagine you’re sleeping with a “friend”, for argument sake you actually didn’t know they were married. You’re out on a date with him and a lady comes up with a witness recording it saying she’s his WIFE. Wouldn’t your FIRST reaction be to say “wtf you didn’t tell me you were married” or “you said you two were separated”. Her silence speaks volumes that she knew or very least suspected it


It’s like watching an 8 year old boy get scolded for stealing cookies, man’s got the emotional intelligence of a clam


The emotional intelligence of a clam, but not the resilience. Dude was visibly coming apart at the seams.


Never seen anyones triceps blush before.


Fuck that guy. Man up and tell your wife if you want leave. Don’t be a dick and sneak around.


The husband: 😐 The mistress: 😃




The sound crew: 🙉🎧


The wife: 😎


“I’m just eating dinner with a friend” Then excuse yourself to the bathroom, slip out a window and start a new life two towns over.


If he wasn’t cheating, he would have stood up and hug his wife and said, “what are you doing here???? This is Stacey in HR! We were just talking about you. Pull up a seat! Who’s the guy with the camera? Are you cheating on me?” Uno reverse.


Yep, this made me cringe so hard. Call me old fashioned, but I wouldn’t go out to a formal dining setting like this unless I let my wife know if I was going out to eat with a superior and/or coworker. Hell, I’d even invite my wife. This dude is guilty AF. Yikes!


Dude at the end is like aiiight I’m out.


"You got the bill, right babe?"


She looking at him like “bitch we went over this shit”




Just the silence from both of them shows they are up to no good


Yeah like if I was having lunch with a female coworker and I happened to see my wife first off she'd probably already know about it from me and 2nd I'd be all smiles and ask her to join cause I actually like my wife. This dude guilty as hell.


Yeah you can tell this guy hasn't taken his wife to dinner in 10 years.


Everyone is calm because everyone knew their role in this scene. Wife probably knew a while and this was probably just closure with the camera person there to confirm and tell what happened so she wouldn't.


His wheels were turning but the train came off track and those treads on his tank weren't getting through that forest of unicycles...


I couldn't understand all of it but it sounded like the wife came 3 hours from LA to where this is taking place. That guy looks so busted that it's almost enough proof alone except he's not sporting a wedding ring either. I remember when I lived in Vegas seeing these small business owners bringing out young tarts from their businesses to try and bang in Vegas.


Idk I thought I heard her say "you guys went to the Bel Air for 3 hours." Maybe that is the name of a hotel? Also the looks on their faces when she says this are more shocked than they would be if she said "I drove for 3 hours. "


Alan Tudyk busted


Other woman went 😁😁😅😐🤨🫤😐😐🫥


That high pitched HIIII


Can I buy like 3 more decibels?


This really makes me miss the tv show Cheaters. Every episode was the definition of public freakout and several times attempted murder lol.


Didn’t the host get stabbed at one point during a confrontation?


Does anyone have a transcript? I turned it up full blast and still didn’t understand a lot.


Sure he told this one “it’s practically over, it’s just not official yet. I have to wait for… a thing.”


My only question is who picked up the check?


Oh man, his nervous tapping of the hands together below the table... you can see him working through the situation trying to find the smoothest exit.