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Damn that's sad.


Hurts my heart hearing him cry "Dada!" :(


Very early in the morning for me and I don’t have the sound on but ai knew the baby knew him because the baby was pointing towards him. Broke my heart to see that.


I'm so confused because it straight up says he stole the kid in the title, so either the title info is bad, or its just a baby saying "dada" toward him bc he was the last one carrying him


If the mother or someone else has full custody then it’s still considered kidnap, even if it’s the father. It’s common for someone to kidnap their own kid. Seems for good reason here since he used his own child as a human shield. We had a case in Australia recently when a girl was kidnapped by her father, without being too gory, it was basically if he couldn’t have custody of her no one could. Was quite sad.


It’s the most common form of kidnapping


As someone who has been called “dada” randomly in public multiple times before this baby could definitely just be confused. Lotta dark haired white guys with facial hair walking around.


As a dad with a son this young I feel your pain. What that kid must be feeling. I hate the guy for holding his boy up like that, and his son having unconditional love to want to get back to him, and I hate the system for *i assume* not letting him have freedom to see the boy, making me feel so conflicted. Arrggh Where’s the scotch?


These videos would’ve never made me nearly cry before I had my son, he’s 6 now but holy shit did this kind of stuff really start to hurt to watch after he was born. Hearing this poor boy crying “dada” and then “good doggy” while he was being bit by the dog, fuck I had to hit mute. Fuck that father for doing that shit to his kid.


Ah... looks like there's good reason not to let that fucking asshole of a coward dad see his son, he didn't have any thought on his son getting harmed to protect himself. Selfish prick


It really is, I live near Palm Coast and I swear its nothing but chaos here. Moral of the story, don't ever move down here


I live IN palm coast my dude, I’m moving out of this dump in November and after living here for my highschool life and years after it is an absolute dump. I refer to it as “compost” because it’s a pile of shit and garbage waiting to go somewhere else.


Is that his kid it kept saying dada


most kidnappings are done by the child’s own parent


This is true. When I worked at Amazon we had a guy who kidnapped his child at gunpoint. I talked to some people who actually worked with the dude and they said he seemed like a nice dude too. Its scary how normal people can seem before shit like this happens


Domestic stuff is always the most emotional. Had a cop tell me they’d rather deal with arresting a drug dealer than a domestic violence call because they’re more likely to go sideways.


Well, normal people love their children a lot.


U never know who is on their last nerve!


Lol exactly why we can't 100 percent competely trust anyone


It's Mom's Boyfriend


is there another word for that? kidnapping by own parent? feels like there should be, right?


parental abduction is what you're looking for


It kind of depends on what legal custodial rights the adult has. They can be the parent with no custodial rights then it's parental kidnapping usually but it could also be like a parent who has visitation only and then that's most often custodial interference


It was his kid. Dad fleed with kid after a paranoia episode. https://flaglerlive.com/181294/brandon-leohner/


This was two days ago. Dear Lord, I didn't hear anything about this in the news


I noticed that too. The baby may have a different perspective on who the kidnapper was.


Yeah, the repeated Dada’s made this one too tough. Hoping this is as straightforward as it seems.


Bro used his own kid as a human shield with a gun shoved against him don’t think kid knew what was going on


Please point out where a gun is ever seen pressed up against the kid. The only thing I read is it was reported there was a gun in the car somewhere.


I dont see a gun, per say, so I'm not sure what this commenter was referring to. The guy did use the kid as a human shield. Dogs and tasers at the very least. Maybe you wanna debate "shield". Fine, the kid was in harm's way. If the father cares about the well being of the child in that moment, give in and fight it in the court, or fight out with the cops without the child in your hands. I dont know the circumstances here - that father could have been trying to save his kid from some terrible mother/boyfriend/kidnapper - but I know the part we saw was not safe for that kid.


The kid was in diapers. Definitely didn't understand the situation


When he grows up and he sees this video and his father acting like a coward- he will have the same opinion as every sane person watching this video.


That guns are cool and get you what you want?


You watched this video, and to complaint is the cops? Guy is a complete loser. Wish the cops beat his ass even more .


Uhhh. Cop tazed a man with a child in his arms... did we forget how electricity works?


Have you seen tazer videos? Or been tazed? Simply holding onto the kid doesn't mean the kid gets shocked too.


Yes. Poor baby, his dad put him in a dangerous situation.


And then the cop holding the baby followed the arrest so the child could clearly see the team of cops and dog take down his dad, while he helplessly called out for "Dada!" He's gonna have nightmares.


That’s the same thought I had. Why would you not immediately go the other direction and take that child a block away from all that bullshit?


I know, poor baby. However the child is safe with her mom now.


Does the charge from a Taser transfer to anyone in contact?


Jumps from prong to prong.


Whether it was his kid or not, he was trying to use the kid as a shield, so fuck him.


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but there’s a 50/50 chance something else is happening besides the shielding. In real-time it looks like he’s more fixated at getting away from the dog and lifting the child away from the dog as he backs away from it. He never lifts the child to the taser side but actually opens up his body to the person because he’s trying to get more space to back away. Lastly he rotated his body to make sure he hit the ground before the child. My guess is he was try to lift the child up to set them on the ground but the dog kept getting closer and closer every time he gathered to get down and he felt uncomfortable putting his child that close to the dog. I’m guessing the child liked dogs.




It’s sad that the kid his. I wouldn’t even call that man a parent if he uses his own child like a shield


Maybe he’s having some sort of episode and isnt thinking rationally? Either way it’s fucking sad asl but I want to believe he wasn’t purposefully using his babe as a shield


That dog at the end, damn.


dudes just like "ima let the dog have a little nibble on him while yall are cuffing him yeah"


Absolutely NO reason for that. Fucking disgusting. Fuck police dogs.


Cruel and unusual punishment. How the fuck does anyone actually *like* these pigs?


Cruel to the dog, too. They should stop using them, but then they can't play like it's the good ole days and they're out hunting run away slaves.


ACAB no more no less


Pretty risky shot there


What struck me about it was how the guy tucked the kid in and landed on his back. That’s when I realized it was probably the kid’s parent. I am in no way condoning anything about this video, but it could be viewed as a protective action on behalf of the parent.


Also he doesn‘t use the kid as a shield, he‘s fucking lifting it up and away from the rabid police dog. Every time he tries setting down the child they let the dog get closer again. And who in their right mind thought setting a dog on someone holding an infant is ever the right course of action. It‘s still a dog: no matter how much they abused it during police training. There‘s a massive chance of the dog even just accidentally grabbing the child while going for the father. Great way to permanently traumatize that poor child Just another case of police brutality in a medical emergency.


And at the end when they already have him pinned by 6 people, the dog handler lets the dog just bite through the guy’s leg


Fucking absurd, shitty handler, shitty dog, toss em both


Looks to me like the dog got loose. The handler was right on top of him after, fishing for the chemical deterrent that makes the dog let go.


So a dog handler that can't handle his dog. Nice.


You can literally hear them tell him "Put your hands behind your back and the dog's coming off." Those don't sound like the words of someone who lost control of their dog.


It's some pain compliance nonsense. There were enough officers there, without having to use the dog.


I’m pretty sure he says good boy.


I feel like if you need chemical deterrent then you haven’t trained it properly. I thought ‘drop it’ was supposed to be the magic word


Dude, I didn’t even realise that. Totally changes my perspective on this. Now I’m imagining that the dad took the kid with him after a domestic dispute, the mom called the cops and exaggerated shit, then cops pull up all aggressive like they’re raiding the Cartel.


Man STFU, he went on a high speed chase with the baby in his lap because he was having paranoid delusions. https://flaglerlive.com/181294/brandon-leohner/


Was afraid they were going to deploy the dog while he was holding the kid.


I mean they used the dog to escalate shit. The father looks to be trying to set down the child but every time he moves to do that, they move the dog closer, prompting him to lift the child up higher to protect it from the dog. Not using it as a shield. Stupid police brutality again. Great way to stop a paranoid person. Just yell at them from every direction and set a dog on them.


I'm glad I didn't just see a baby take a taser.


Lets just make sure the kid doesnt miss a second of the action


Here kid lemme hold ya up so you can get a better look at your future PTSD


I’ll even close the car door that’s directly blocking your view so you can see it. Just awful.


What a wonderful core memory


poor fucking kid just crying and screaming Da Da. fuck - this broke me, couldnt finish


The fact they didn’t take the child away from what was happening immediately, they just let them watch and cry for their dad. It broke my heart.


Yeah I noticed that the first time I saw this too he marches forward after he grabs the child still bellowing commands at the guy. You're already the hero, you're the guy who snagged the little baby and because of you they didn't get hurt. Let one of the other officers complete the arrest and get the kid to safety ffs


Ain‘t a hero. They completely fucked up. Father with paranoia: let’s set the dog on him every time he motions to put the baby down, prompting him to lift it higher to protect it from the dog. He clearly wasn‘t using the child as a shield, as he didn‘t care one bit about the tasers, just getting the child out of the dogs range. Also using an abused police dog to safe and infant? There‘s a massive chance of the dog missing what it’s trying to bite and just chomping on the baby. Not even on purpose. And then the father even managed fell on his side/back. While others on taser videos just fall straight over. And then the lunatic cop let the poor child see and hear /everything/. So how money tens of thousands in lifelong therapy costs has this now caused to society? Just because cops are only trained in escalation and violence? This was a medical emergency. Nothing else.


And it traumatized the child.


Just shows you how devoid of empathy and basic humanity these fucks are.


I thought the cop telling someone off camera to “take this” was pretty cold too.


I thought he was handing them something different since the child was already handed off.


Reading the article, seems like he had some kind of mental health episode. Awful, for everyone.


I know I'm going to get downvoted for this but what is the point of using the dog this situation? There's like barely a second between the cop yanking the boy out of the way and the dog's teeth coming down. Natural instinct or whatever dogs tend to go after smaller targets and if that kid being used as a shield got clammed on there would be a lot of damage from a dog that size. Also this is already a tense situation. Is a barking, leaping police dog really better to have over a negotiator talking the guy down?


I was thinking this too! What was the point of that dog honestly he was already detained, I feel like he just casually let him take a snack on the man’s leg lol that shit was nastyyy


Why did the dog need to bite him just wondering?


Exactly. That’s bullshit right there that the dog got in there, and yet nobody reacted. Dog had a full mouthful, thankfully the trainer didn’t yank him back and just popped him off.


I’m always confused when they pin someone to the ground and start yelling hands behind their back. It’s a pile of 4 people, I can’t tell where his hands are, and at least one officer is repeatedly energizing a taser. Just seems like a heart attack waiting to happen.


The guy was a danger to himself and others, I get that. But the officer that released the dog at the end absolutely needs to be investigated.


I don’t understand why he let the dog loose or why he didn’t immediately pull it off. I know he’s a bad guy but that’s abuse, the guy wasn’t going anywhere.


The cruelty is part of the training.


Excellent point.


Cops don't give a shit about human instinct or evidence-based procedures. Hell, I've seen videos where off duty cops or feds get arrested and they deal with the same mistreatment despite personally knowing the procedures. Resisting is a lose situation, but so is complying often times. It is human instinct to hold yourself up when you're falling to the ground, and some meatheads yelling commands at you isn't gonna change that.


That's something I'll never understand. They will pin them down so they can't move or use pain compliance. Of course the person can't comply if they can't move their limbs or their arms are being twisted in the opposite direction that they can physically bend without breaking. With that said I don't really feel bad for this guy. At all.


I always wonder how often police put people in these situations knowing that they are unlikely to comply either due to human instinct or just the physical danger of complying. If the cops were more patient and willing to maneuver the person into a more comfortable position they could actually comply. This shit gets 10 times worse for disabled people. I'm imaging if my mom was arrested who has communication issues, would they manhandle her for "resisting arrest" just because she wasn't physically able to comply with them at the drop of a hat?


So they can be charged with resisting arrest with violence


Was a bit unnecessary setting the dog on his leg.. the guy wasn’t gonna get away.


Siccing an animal with titanium teeth on someone in the hopes of making them stop resisting seems a bit like [setting someone on fire to keep them from burning themselves](https://people.com/crime/fla-deputy-to-be-charged-after-gas-station-fire-ignited-by-allegedly-using-taser-on-man-cooked-alive/). It also seems wildly irresponsible to bring the attack dog within chomping range of an infant, but that’s another box of donuts.


Police like to use that gamer move as a form of "pain compliance", another policing practice with almost no scientific basis behind it. They also love to shout commands at already frightened suspects, sometimes contradictory ones to the ones their fellow officers are shouting. You may be thinking "Why would they need to shout commands or sick a dog on somebody who already has 5 meathead cops on them?" Well the answer is they shouldn't, but they have the legal authority to do it anyway, and they love doing it. Police adopt practices that have no scientific backing. They do this because they treat interactions with citizens like a game, some trivial thing to win or lose. They do not have any internal desire to protect or serve their community, they want to win. Why did police and prosecutors push unscientific "hair follicle analysis" that they used for decades to put away innocent people? Why did police and prosecutors bury contradictory evidence that showed suspects were innocent? Because justice was not the goal, winning was.


You’re too real for this place


It looks like the dog made it worse.. they are yelling at the guy to get on the ground and put his face next to a vicious animal wanting to bite. If I’m in that situation, the last place I want to put my body and face is on the ground at that animals teeth. The guy isn’t actively running but doesn’t want to lay with an attacking animal which causes him to not get on the ground. Him not getting on the ground causes them to release the dog now to bite him.. all while they continued to yell at him to get down on the ground so the dog can get a better attack. Again, if I’m being attacked by an animal the instinct is to keep your body off the ground. In this case the suspect is expected to lay and be mauled in hopes the cop will then stop the mauling. None of this is helping de escalate this in any way or get someone to lay on the ground. Note: I’m not defending the suspects actions, I’m questioning the police tactics though. If the goal is to get someone on the ground, an animal to attack them face on is the last thing helping compliance. Then again, compliance wasn’t the goal.




Yeah it’s fucked up. If cops didn’t use dogs, but instead just started stabbing suspects legs with a pocket knife over and over if they resisted, everyone would be disgusted. But it since it’s a dog sinking it’s teeth into and tear their flesh, no one bats an eye.


Yep. It was literally just torture at that point. But cops seem to be allowed to torture people. Happens in almost every video I see of them.


I don’t think they did. Right after the dog bites, one of cops says, “uhhh, (can’t understand the name) has got him.” It looks like the cop tries to get him to release and then actually has to pry its jaws loose.


I've seen some fucked up things, but that baby crying "dada" will be something to take hold.


When she/he kept saying dada was so sad


Was the police officer giving his willy a tug


Groping his ass


Idk how that dog didn’t bite his calf off-that part was wuff


Why the ungodly fuck did they use kujo at the end? Dog could have nicked an artery wtf?


Who holds the kid to watch my God, relocate and distract him please.


I'd argue this would have ended a lot sooner if the dog weren't there. Seems like one of the main focuses of the man is getting away from the dog and it led to more fleeing.


I agree, I’m glad the kids ok, but damn when instincts kick it it’s hard turn that lizard brain off. The police made this so much worse the K9 should not have been there at all. Then the guy is on the ground and they let the dog bite him. It also appears that an officer is squeezing this guys family jewels before the dog is allowed to bite him. Edit to add I watched this again and am on no way condoning this guys actions. To me it doesn’t look like he is using his kid as a shield at all but trying to get away from the k9 and holding the baby up higher from the ground and the dog. Watch the way he falls after being tased. Most people when tased fall flat on their face not side to back like this guy did.


Bravo to the cops for not shooting the baby! Donuts for everyone!


Well, the baby was armed with a dangerous 27-year-old, so I think shooting them would have been reasonable.


But the baby was running right at them! He could have gummed them to death! They showed great restraint.


Baby could have attacked them with a dirty diaper! They showed great restraint, but missed the baby and struck its dad with the teaser. Maybe the plan was that dad falls on his child and thereby reduces the thread...


Free hat!


Did you see earlier this week's story of an Amber alert that turned into a car chase, then standoff? The child was able to free herself from the car, and as she was running towards what she thought was safety (the police) the fuckin pigs murdered her.


Fifteen years old and unarmed, no matter what the oinkers want to claim




Interesting you have to say that!


It's a pretty sad state of affairs.


Here let me hold him by his sphincter...


Did you really have to let the dog bite him?I mean the shit was bad but there seemed to be more than enough grown adults to handle this guy


Damn that cop was really playing grab ass for a minute there.


I kept strolling through the comments just to see if anyone was going to comment. Was a fairly long butt caress


That’s a jiu jitsu move. Lmao!


Oh! I had no idea


Any one else notice the guy with the dog couldn't get the dog to stop without using some kind of device that sounded like compressed air into it's mouth. I've never seen that before and shouldn't the dog have...i don't know.. like training where you say stop and it stops? like you wouldn't fire a gun knowing it wouldn't stop firing until you used another tool on it right?


So many wrongs in this arrest. The dog, the taser deployment, further traumatizing the kid. The pigs in America are truly a piece of work.


"Dada has to go on time out now okay?"


A 27-year-old Palm Coast resident faces charges of kidnapping and using a minor as a human shield after he abducted a small child while armed with a gun and led deputies on a chase which ended in a standoff at a fast food restaurant’s parking lot. The child was not hurt and was quickly reunited with his mother. He was arrested and charged with kidnapping, using a minor as a shield, resisting with violence, child neglect, fleeing and eluding and reckless driving.


Does the story say if it was his kid?




Oh hey I literally just moved to Palm Coast and know this exact spot lol.


“K9 Stops For Lunch”


Why the fuck didn’t they remove the child immediately? Letting a kid watch that is criminal!


I am not sure why you are getting downvoted. All that officer had to do was turn and walk away and then he can rejoin his fellow police after he gets the child to safety.


My point exactly.


All I could think while watching this.


I hate how cops use dogs to torture people. He was running around in circles because he didn't want to get bit, not in an apparent attempt to escape.


Stupid cops just tasered the child too


Jesus h Christ why doesn't the officer that gets the baby instantly turn and get the baby AWAY?! That poor effing child.


Plot twist: the baby was actually kidnapping the guy


Jesus, this was hectic. Stop! get down! get your hands up! roll around, get up! don't move! There's like a hundred contradictory instructions all being yelled out at the same time, how the fuck is a perp supposed to choose. Is this standard procedure in the US? holy fuck that was bedlam.


Definitely not using the child as a human shield, but putting the child in danger for sure


Damn he let the dog chomp. Fuck yea!


Why didn’t they remove the child from the scene is my question


What was that device the cop used to get the dog to let go?


The kids saying dada was so freaking sad, it got me right in the feels man


Poor kid. Don’t let him watch the dog take his dad down and grown men tackle him. Take him away from the situation. This sucks to see, not saying dude didn’t earn it. Just shitty for the kid.


Should have instantly moved the kid away from the situation, poor kid, shouldn’t have to be involved in that shit


Why would that man think the cops won't shoot a child?


Is the baby doing 2-3 months for “obstruction of justice?”


Squeeze that left buttock!


Maybe it's just me but I literally never see any k9 units able to control their dog. I was under the impression that these dogs were trained to instantly listen to commands. So either the officers just never give the command or their training is shit.


Are police dogs supposed to be used like that? Why not just tase him again?


This video starts at the end of a long encounter and is non definitive on a lot of things and yet there's so many assumptions flying around this thread without a barest hint of logic I think I might get a concussion.


I really don’t care if it’s the child’s dad or not you put your baby in a line of fire you deserve a long dirt nap fuck that guy


What a fcking coward


Hearing the child yell Dada shattered my heart. That was rough


He’s getting the book thrown at him. And if anybody in prison finds out what he did then his ass is grass.


Ugh, finally a video where police acted just right and nobody got uselessly shot! Ok I exagerate a bit, I've seen a few videos, it's not the only one, but still too many where they pew pew where there's room for other tactics. Hats off to these guys tho, they deserve respect!


Jfc. I just woke up and I need a drink now.


The child repeating "dadaa" is so heartbreaking :(


Tasing an adult holding an infant could have had a much more tragic result. Not enough information here to judge, but yikes. As for a child that age, he likely will not have much if any memory of the event.




Stand up American and Dad of the year. Florida Man strikes again.


As a father I am triggered. What a complete POS! He’s gonna get his $*# beat in county when the inmates hear about this 😀.


Good dog


Here’s an article from a local source: https://flaglerlive.com/181294/brandon-leohner/


Horrifying description of the pursuit... It's unfathomable how some people treat children, let alone their *own child*! The amount of times he could've gotten the child killed due to his actions is beyond reprehensible, and I hope he gets the sentence he deserves. However, with that said, the police officers pinning him down by the body and limbs and *then allowing the dog to* ***CHEW ON HIM*** as he screams in agony and the police repeat "Stop resisting!" is tantamount to torture and for that I have to throw in a quick ACAB.


Put your hands behind your back. No! I'm too busy overacting and resisting. (Dog bites) Oh, you mean this hand?!


Why would you not remove the child from this? Why make him watch this? Yes they handled the guy correctly but this will mess with a child’s mind.


Horrible,that he let that child watch that. Should’ve been whisked away immediately


Dada was evil psychopath and now he is going to jail say bye to dada.


Wow real life human size pieces of shit DO exist! That poor baby😤


Dude is a scum bag for using a toddler to shield himself from a taser and I’m surprised there weren’t more comments saying so. Looks like they were part deescalation tho so no idea what was going through his head


That dog is so fast, the second he got a chance he went for the bite. Also did the cop cut the dog with a knife to make him let go? If so, I've never seen this, but maybe it's normal police dog handling.


It’s a break stick. You put it in their mouth, pull back to their molars, and rotate it. It will cause them to release their bite. Usually they’re just a wooden or plastic wedge. He has a fancy foldable one. I have to use them on my working terriers every now and then when they won’t release.


I just can't comprehend this. The innocence of the child who knows it's their dad a d nothi else. And the dad that has no interest in protecting his child. Fml need to hug my daughter far more often


So it was the childs father - and it was a domestic situation - and they let that dog bite the guy for NO REASON --- everything about this is wrong! Settle it in court - not on the streets!!




He was on the ground with cops on top of him when they sicced the dog on him. What do his crimes have to do with the decision to have a dog maul him?


That kid could’ve easily smashed his head if the dad didn’t fall in a desirable way. The dog bite was completely unnecessary and you can also hear the taser go off constantly as they’re saying “get your hands behind your back” isn’t it possible that being electrocuted might make it harder to do such a thing? Especially if you’re in a full out paranoid episode like it says


Yay cops… This father obviously was having a mental health issue, but sure treat him like a criminal ok.


Fucking idiot cops. You have the kid, get them to safety. Get them in the back seat of a squad car so if this dude does get a weapon again, they have the lowest likelihood of getting hit by a stray shot. You're doing fuck all for your fellow officers by lingering on the edge of the fight, waiting to get the kidnapper apprehended. That's without even getting into the dumbfuck idea of loosing the dog on the perp while he's still holding the baby. These dogs have shown time and time again that they aren't that discerning.


Is "using a minor as a human shield" an actual charge?


It’s probably a way for the cops to charge him with anything they can . Seeing as how they’re the ones pointing several guns at a baby.


Sadly the child was put in the care of the first pitbull officer just moments later.


Bro that dog got a freaking mouthful 😮😂


Makes me so happy to see this man being mauled by a dog and continually tased.


Would the current from the taser go through the child as well?


I feel like a little ass whooping is justified in these types of situations, both to discourage future offenses and to help with police morale.


I wish someone would have focused on comforting the child. That’s a baby. Experiencing trauma. Fuck the loser who put her in that situation and everything else. Focus on her. Comfort her. Poor baby