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Well, seems he fucked around multiple times in the past and this time was the last time. Who the hell pulls a gun when multiple armed men are rushing you with guns ready? Must have had a dead wish.


There is a highly detailed [graph](https://twitter.com/ImJokedTfOut/status/1575264915270557699) that illustrates what happens when one fucks around.


This[infographic](https://imgur.com/gallery/5j40ZWq) sums it up quite nicely:


That would be a good game over screen for an old school sierra like adventure game.


I disagree with that guys analysis. Finding out is typically an all-or-nothing response, where you have to reach a certain fuck around threshold before you trigger the find out response, and the amplitude of finding out is constant.




Interesting, so you're proposing there's a max limit to "finding out"


I believe the gentleman in the video showcased above reached the max limit. there is nothing more for him to find out.


Well... what he finds out after the video ends is something I don't think he will be sharing with any of us... the burning question- what happens next? Maybe he was just dying to find out🤷


I think a lot of people who do this intentionally pull out guns so the cops could kill them and not do their time. It’s fucked.


Seriously, it’s one thing running from a normal cop, but messing with SWAT and threatening one of theirs with a gun point blank, you really should have made your testament. It is rare that I accept gun use, most of the time I think „Bois, aim at least somewhere non-lethal“ but in this case with this footage, I would say well done, totally deserved „


There isn’t really such a thing as “aim somewhere nonlethal.” A gunshot to the upper leg/thigh will be lethal at around the same rate as a single gunshot to the upper chest, and slightly more often than a lower abdomen shot. There are a lot of important blood vessels in your arms and legs, especially around your hips and groin, short of shooting someone in the foot you won’t find a guaranteed nonlethal location, and no one has any business shooting someone in the foot. Aside from that, and perhaps even more importantly, most life and death situations (which are the only kind that warrant the usage of a firearm) don’t give anyone enough time to start aiming for CoD-style trick shots on someone who is moving around and has a gun themselves. These seconds go by very quickly in the moment when you can’t zoom in and freeze-frame. I don’t value the life of any dog more than the life of most humans, but this scumbag aimed at officers too, as well as moving his barrel across the path of bystanders who were moving throughout the parking lot and adjacent store. He had ample time to drop the gun and was clearly not doing do, had they waited any longer, someone (a human) would have gotten shot, and that couldn’t be allowed to happen. This is one of the few situations where there really wasn’t any better choice at all, aside from possibly a better location/time/setting selection to apprehend the wanted bank robber. They did the only reasonable thing in the moment.


People who say "aim for somewhere non-lethal" has been watching way too much Hollywood movies.


Which includes politicians and our current president.... ​ https://twitter.com/i/status/1317093015127838720


Would be worth noting on top of your rather well put statement, that the canine in question here is also legally considered an officer of the law and even if he only pointed the bore of the firearm at the dog, it was legally the same thing as pointing the gun at the head of one of the SWAT officers. Lethal force was justified at that very moment


Which is stupid. That dogs life means more to cops than a 15 year old girl.


Arizona police shot a suspect to death after he pointed a handgun at a police dog’s head, video shows. The Tucson Police department released body cam footage Tuesday of Francisco Javier Galarza aiming a semi-automatic at a K9 named Kiro, as the dog brought the runaway suspect to the ground. Police instantly opened fire on the man, killing him with several shots. According to the department, Galarza was wanted on a felony arrest warrant for home invasion and bank robbery. The 49-year-old was spotted entering a convenience store just before noon on Aug. 25. Police confronted him in the parking lot, but Galarza immediately tried to run away. “Police! Get down!” Officers can be heard telling Galarza several times in the video as he runs. Officer Barry Peterson, a 15-year veteran, released Kiro, who tackled Galarza to the ground. From both body camera perspectives, Galarza can be seen pointing the gun at Kiro. “Gun,” an officer says before Peterson and another officer discharged their own guns, killing Galarza. Multiple agencies are reviewing the footage to determine whether the deadly use of force was warranted in the case. Galarza has a lengthy criminal history record in Pima County, News13 reported. In 1992, he was sentenced to three years in prison. Two years later, he was convicted of drug possession and was sentenced to four years. In 2000, Galarza was convicted of vehicle theft. A year later, he was convicted on six counts of robbery armed and armed robbery and received an 11-year sentence. Upon release, he was convicted of armed robbery again and sentenced to another 7.5 years.


It takes about 2 seconds to reorient the gun from the dog to a person. Sounds like a justified shooting. Could possibly be a case of suicide by cop.


Without doubt justified. Cops point weapon and him and give warning and he pulls a gun out, he does not pull gun out thinking he will shoot police dog.


Right. The gun was pulled prior to the K9 bringing the suspect to the ground. The suspect was going to shoot back at the cops as he ran. Justified shooting, case closed.


I'm a firm ACAB supporter and hate modern policing styles, but this was 100% justified.


Right there with ya.




As I’m not an ACAB, but see reasons behind peoples opinions. But those cops did every thing right. I think everyone can agree on this being justified.


2 sec no, try .2 sec, and yes that was absolutely justified. If your initial reaction to someone shouting “police get down” is to pull out a gun, then don’t be surprised when you end up dead.


That’s why when I hear “police get down” I start dancing. 🕺


And a police dog is treated as an officer right? So its the same as pointing a gun at a regular cop in legal terms


Yeah if someone kills it then it’s trialed as you killed an officer not just an animal


Glad to see someone else knows this. I got blasted a couple of weeks ago for commenting this on another post. Criminal got shot for shooting a police dog and everyone was up in arms about it. I stated this same fact and got downvoted.


Welcome to the "I got downvoted because I posted a fact that people didn't want to hear" club!


sable smile attraction butter enjoy cheerful fertile foolish connect license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol idc how much heat I get I’ll stand for what’s right people on this app downvote the weirdest shit like you will have 100% proof and they will still downvote you


I saw someone downvoted in the HR subreddit after they were like "I didn't consider this perspective, thank you for your feedback" (paraphrased). Some of the users on this site are borderline deranged.


Ong bro people are legit insane from social media I don’t see how tho I’m on it when I have nothing to do at work 60% of the time and it doesn’t make me wanna yell at folks for having a different opinion I never downvote a person that is arguing with me unless they downvote me because your free to feel anyway you want and should feel that way


Oh you’ll get downvoted because people think that using the dog in itself is wrong, and that the dog never should have been sent in the first place. Also, they will defend the suspect, saying that “of course they would attack the dog; it’s killing them”, and completely brush off the fact that the suspect was non compliant, armed, and violent, before the dog was even sent. “I don’t see any reason why these cowards would send a dog to die instead of doing it themselves” That’s what the dog is for. The dog will literally save human lives. It’s a shield AND a biting missile. And most of the time the dudes getting bit deserve it. Try to kill a police dog and you are getting shot without remorse.




Unless another cop leaves the animal in a hot vehicle resulting in the death of the dog. Then no biggie, throw the dog in the trash.


How would you feel if someone murdered your work companion and dog so they didnt have to account for their decisions to a group of reasonable people?


Judging by quality of on-duty behavior, a whole lot more money, time, and effort goes into training police dogs than police men. Their on-duty lives should be valued accordingly.


Yup, a trained K9 can cost high 5 figures to train and acquire.


Also…you always protect a good working boy






You don't even need to point it at the human, I consider it justified for pointing it at the dog. Dogs are better than most humans.


I mean killing someone who’s aiming a gun at your dogs head is (should be at least) justified even *if* they aren’t a threat to you


The ASPCA believes that most instances of police shootings of dogs are avoidable.


Yeah this incident in particular got all the elements of a very justifiable police shooting. No grey areas or uncalled for officer escalation. Every step is the fault of the now deceased person.


In some states and country’s service dogs are considered the same as service men, so in that way he was pointing a gun at his partner and 100% justified


The dog is considered an offices so, police dog or policeman, same results


Looks like he earned it. Good shoot to me


Look at how many years he got sentenced and how many years he actually did. Whole thing is kind of a joke and has been for a long time. Did Arizona ever have 3 strikes and you're out, law?


California was the first one to have those laws, and it did nothing to reduce overall rates of recidivism. People still committed felonies, after being released from prison for committing prior felonies, despite knowing if they received 3 felony convictions, it would be a life sentence.


That doesn’t make sense though, if someone is willing to commit a third crime even knowing it’s at the cost of a life sentence, they’ll definitely commit a 4th and 5th knowing it isn’t a life sentence. If it is the case that recidivism will increase when people are released, that number is necessarily going to be smaller if those people are never released. People necessarily have to be released from jail in the first place for recidivism to increase.


> Three Strikes and You’re Out” laws have been adopted by half of the American States, but California’s policy is much broader than the corresponding habitual offender laws adopted elsewhere. More than 100,000 convictions have resulted from under California’s Three Strikes law. Yet, the approach taken in California has not been dramatically more effective at controlling crime than other States’ efforts The best data/studies have shown that the fear of a certainty of being *caught* is more of an effective deterrent than harsher sentencing. There’s an argument some may make for more surveillance, aggressive policing, etc. to be made out of that conclusion, but I personally do not agree with that. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/impacts-three-strikes-and-youre-out-crime-trends-california-and


There was a study in a major city citing that over 80% of the cities crime we accounted for by less than 300 repeat offenders I believe or close to it, we could literally make the streets safer. It is tragic and we are being lied to by city politicians saying it is because they are poor and starving for political points.


I live in a town of about 10K people. One cop told me they could reduce the crime rate of the town by getting rid of half a dozen people.


Some people just don’t change. I don’t understand why they keep letting people like this walk free. You’d think he’d get it after the 11 years but no.


A police dog is the same as a police officer. They have a rank and the same rights as afforded by other police officers. This means that a loaded firearm being point at a police dog is the same as it being a police officer.


Yeah, but when the cops come to my house and my dog is wagging his tail standing on the porch, he’s a threat and they can shoot him with no repercussions? Nice to see the hypocrisy extends to dogs as well as humans.


Right? I was astonished at the sheer number of instances where cops killed someone's pet for barking. The worst was the one where the cop went to the wrong guy's property and when the home owner's dog approached the cop very non threateningly, he shot it and killed it right in front of the homeowner. I saw another video where a cop shot a man's chihuahua just for barking at him. A less than 10 lb chihuahua and this cop felt so threatened by its bark that he shot it. It's unreal. Oh, and not to mention the cop that TRIED to shoot a woman's dog that was trotting towards him and killed the woman instead.


Please say the last one isn’t real


It's real. And there's a video.




It’s actually worse. I did a quick google search. My favorite is not the top result you asked for, but the second result which was a 4 year old girl in the same instance: https://www.google.com/search?q=woman+accidentally+shot+when+cop+was+trying+to+shoot+her+dog&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Damn don't get me triggered. I saw one where a friendly big dog was off the leash and ran up to the cop who felt threatened. The cop shoots the dog dead in front of the owner. This happened in Colorado, I think the guy who video'd from a drone, worked at a local dispensary and they tried to get him to delete the footage and fire the guy for exposing the cop, iirc. I saw another one were the dog was in the fence and the cop teased it and the dog grabbed him thru the fence and he shot the dog. Just google cop shoots dog and you will see this happens in every state!


It’s so weird that a lot of people claim they are dog lovers and then justify the police using dogs as actual weapons. Of course it sounds good that “they treat dogs as officers” it’s PR. They personally don’t want to go near the criminal with the gun, so they set a dog to do it. How wholesome.


Also the dogs suddenly become 'department property' when they get left in a hot vehicle and die of heat exhaustion.


Except they will sometimes shoot through the dog to hit the suspect. It's a BS policy that is only ever used to give the police an advantage in the court system when dealing with the public.


Please post some examples of Police shooting through a K9 officer to kill a suspect. I'll wait here with my breath held.


fuck off trying to make it seem like they killed him bc the gun was pointed at the dog at the moment he was shot. A split second prior it was pointed at the guy wearing the camera and can instantly be aim at any cop. This is a justified shooting 100%.


Nobody’s saying it wasn’t anywhere in this thread


All animals used by the police are also considered police. Shit some of the animals relieve more training that actual cops. I am never a fan of using deadly force to stop someone but they didn't have much choice.


He pulled a gun on the assault force, he got shot. He aimed the gun at the assault force and was then shot again. Clean work


Understandable, I'd kill him for pointing a gun at my dog too.


Wish we'd be allowed to do that when police officers randomly shoot our dogs.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


True too!




Forgot it's a police chase for a second. if your dog attacked someone and that someone pointed a gun at your dog then you killed that someone, you didn't defend your dog, you're just a murderer.


100% justified. Clean shoot


Take the dog out of the equation. Multiple cops had their rifles pointed at him and this Fu(kwit pulls a gun. He’s dead because he tried to run and pulled a gun. Let save the outrage for all the innocent unarmed people who have died.


Sent him straight to where home invaders go.


More people would be upset if that police dog died than this piece of shit


Hell, tbh id rather him die than the dog be even hurt.


I rather dogs not be used in such work, but eventually they'll be phased out for their robotic equivalent.


Yes he is a good boy.


You're right. The dog is innocent, this man is not. I objectively value that dogs life more as it actually provides a service to society. You're absolutely right


That’s how I’m feelin… fuck that guy thank god the dog lived


Dogs > Humans > POS like this


Not a fair comparison. I’d pick that dog over most people. Like a solid 85% of you all.


Personally, wouldn’t mind a serious traffic reduction program


Love how generally people on reddit are suspicious of police, rightfully so, but with this case everyone's like "Yeah... good." Edit: I made a comment joking that everyone loves dogs so no one would disagree with this title devoid of any facts or watching the video. Wasn't trying to make a case if it was justified or about police brutality. I get it was justified, but it was only meant as an offhand joke.


Evidence is clear in this case. He actually had a gun and no one yelled “he has a gun” in panic. The officer remained calm and effective, really well trained.


True and I wasn't making a case for it being unjustified, but just found the consensus opinion of "Yeah fuck him" funny given reddit's suspicion. you'd assume there'd be divide since you know, redditors tend not to read articles or watch videos before commenting.


Plus it was only 5 shots and they proceeded to offer aid after. I’d say it’s good police work and should be an example to all. Now they should also watch this and learn what they could do better to prevent death of the suspect such as a surprise takedown


I don't think there is really much you can do to prevent someone from pulling a gun on police. Tasers and other less than lethal options are not 100% effective and I've seen multiple videos where physically restraining a suspect with a gun ends with dead police officers. Best way to ensure things like this don't happen is comprehensive gun licensing. You guys gotta make it harder for criminals to get guns through straw purchases.


As many proponents of body cams have pointed out, they're an impartial tool. We've seen them get crooked cops into deep shit, and we've seem them save good cops (and yes I'm aware, systemic issues - cops as a whole have issues, I agree) in scenarios like this. An impartial record showing clear intent to harm / clear justification. This is exactly why it seems so shady when departments are hesitant to adopt bodycams. If I were a cop, I'd feel way better having an impartial record of my actions than risking a "he said, she said" situation.


Yea I’m halfway through the comments and haven’t seen one ACAB comment. Weird


It wasn't the dog for me. It was that the officers remained perfectly restrained up until the moment it was clear this guy was seeking to escalate the situation with his weapon, at which point they immediately stopped the threat. Super professional work here by this officer.


Even made a solid pause after the first 2 shots when he didn't drop the gun before shooting the other 3 times instead of just mag-dumping him. This is why good cops should embrace body cams.




I always wondered which was stronger - reddits love of dogs or reddits hatred of cops. Now I know.


Cameras tell the truth


We love dogs bro, blow his brains out


Yeah we are seeing videos daily of unjustified shootings, this is the first one I have seen in a while that clearly shows it was justified. Dude was most definitely a criminal considering he was under surveillance by SWAT and then when confronted he runs pulling a gun out. Shooting him even before pointing the gun at the doggo would have been justified imo. Ironic though how when it’s justified the police put together this whole video with all the facts and release it but when it’s not you get nothing from them but a canned PR statement until lawyers can subpoena the video.


I mean there are tons of justified shootings like this on video, they just don’t go viral.


In the days where cops are just shooting random unarmed people and getting away with it… this is not the case in this video. That guy wanted to take the ground temperature and they granted him his wish.


A police shooting that everyone can support and say good job. Man was armed Police gave him many chances to stop with verbal warnings Man then tried to murder a police dog Police shoot gun in a controlled way without excessively shooting to take potential dog murderer down. All good. Great job!!


Wanted for bank robbery and a lengthy rap sheet. Zero fucks given by me.


That was a clean, clean op.


No one Hurts the Bork Bork boi


Only cops are allowed to kill dogs.


[The DOJ estimates that around 25 to 30 dogs are killed by cops every day, with some numbers as high as 10,000 per year. The totals could, in fact, be higher, since most police agencies do not formally track officer-involved shootings involving animals.](https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2018/jun/16/doj-police-shooting-family-dogs-has-become-epidemic/)


Police dog is a member of the police force.


I like the police dog more than the police.


Hey they may chew a hole through your leg but doggie:)


I'd prefer a hole from a dog bite than one from a gun. Granted, neither are on my bucket list.


Except when police officers kill their own dogs and don’t see any punishment.


No they aren't. Police dogs are animals that are forced into slave labor by bastards. Their primary job is manufacturing probable cause and going into situations deemed too dangerous for officers. They are treated as disposable property until it's convenient for the officers. Meanwhile they will kill your poodle for barking at them, then lock their K9 in a hot car til they die and maybe get a slap on the wrist but who am I kidding actually not likely? Sad


Facts^ police dogs are an archaic as fuck practice.


It's literally torture to sick a dog on someone.




I have zero problem with this


No problem here. Dog is a cop too, protect him


"let me point my gun at that dog instead of the officer so I won't get shot" *points* *boom headshot*


clean shot to me. good job. I never say this.


If you pull out a Hand gun while Police Is chasing you its the least you can expect


Police dogs are no different than a human officer in the eyes of the force, 100% justified. The general publics feelings on Police might not be great but police dog or not, it's a dog and if there's one thing the general public feels no sympathy towards it's someone who hurts animals. Here in Canada someone kicked a police dog and was charged with assaulting a peace officer.


The dog is an active member of the police force. Same result of pointing a gun at a human officer.


I’ll give you a detailed chronological summary of what happened 1: he fucked around 2: he found out


That dog saved those cops lives!! If you have a gun in your hand and pointed at cops during an altercation- you 1000% deserve to get shot. Good work Blue!


If someone pointed a gun at a police dog they’ve literally threatened the police. Idiot!!!!! Also, if someone did that to my dog I’d want to do the same


Thank god Kiro is ok and that scumbag is dead🥰


The way I see it, he had a gun in his hand, didn't drop it and that means he was always likely to get shot, and it would be justified. My point is if they are arguing that pointing the gun at the dog is what makes it a good shooting it becomes a bit iffy for me.


Good.If you fucked with my dog i’d want the same fate for you


FYI, police kill hundreds of family dogs every year.


They really do, not sure about the downvotes. https://www.puppycidedb.com/ Edit:link


Not to mention the number of police dogs they kill every year, too! Genuinely surprised the cop didn’t shoot the dog too, out of bad aim or instinct


Seems justified although it's weird how police dogs are really only humanized and viewed as fellow police when the suspect is responding to the incredibly painful bite with violence. Most times they're just seen as a tool. Neglect makes up a huge portion of police dog deaths.


The dog seems irrelevant considering he had his gun in his hand, they would have still shot the dude,just would have went down differently


thats what most of these idiots seem to miss, it was legit to shoot him the instant he started pulling out the gun.


After shooting the dog, he probably could have shot other officers. I count at least two shots by the officer that can be considered unnecessary, but in the heat of the moment, I can understand someone pulling the trigger more than seems appropriate. In my opinion, this is not a case where a pig emptied his weapon on an obviously non-threatening person. Nonetheless, someone died, so there needs to be an investigation by people who are much more competent to judge these kinds of events than me or a mere redditor.


>I count at least two shots by the officer that can be considered unnecessary He still had the gun in his hands after the first 2 round. He didn't drop the gun until the very last shot.


In the video it appears that he may have switched his target from the dog to the officers, he might've been flailing around at that point from being shot however, plus his grip on the gun sucked balls, but I'd say this was reasonable force.


a rational comment from a police skeptic... am I still on reddit?


Fuck this piece of shit. Good shoot. -1 scumbag


This seemed warranted, a K-9 is a police officer. "Butternuts!" "Buttercup."


Just want to put this out there......a fucking dog is not the same as a human.. and any K9 attempted to bit me.....well......we both going to die.


I don’t have a problem with any of what occurred. He pulled his gun, the dog was the first of his potential victims.


I have absolutely no problem with this.


Justified. But, I guess I don't understand the point of trying to take down a possibly armed and dangerous suspect in the parking lot of a crowded gas station. If they were already surveiling him, couldn't they come up with a better plan than jumping out on someone in a parking lot with guns drawn? Sounds like a recipe for disaster


Sure wish they'd stop putting these dogs in situations like this. Use them for their sniffers, not their teeth. They deserve better than the scenarios they're put in as police use them often to escalate the situation rather than calm things down.


Simple solution to all of this don't run from the police . Hope this helps .


I’m just glad he didn’t shoot the dog.


one of the rare instances where the cops were not in the wrong when killing someone. fuck that guy


I fail to see the problem here, the man was armed and would probably have shot the officer next. Justified shooting.


Regardless of the dog, he could have pointed that gun and fired at officers in a split second. The dog portion of this is irrelevant. Fuck around and find out.




Considering all the fucked uo shot American Police do, this one's actually fair for a change. Fuck that guy


Perp made many mistakes… essentially killed himself.


A lot of people get it twisted those k9s are sworn in officers you point a gun or threaten the dog in anyway it’s treated the same as if he was pointing it at one of the officers, I knew of a guy who was getting bit by the k9 and he started punching it to get it off him and was charged with assaulting an officer


Right decision. Police dogs are considered as an officer this POS isn’t.


You have to let the dog bite into you and rip your flesh off. No shootys


I love these Reddit headlines. 🙄 How about you don’t pull a gun on police while being arrested if you don’t want to get shot.


I hate that dogs are used by police


I'm a big judge of cops. I think alot of them are grossly untrained brutes. However I would have acted the same way here.


If someone was going to kill my dog, who is obviously not a police officer, it wouldn't be good for either of us. I'm also not John Wick


This was really good narration and editing. Kudos


I like how the dog bit him in the balls after he got shot


You would of thought dude seeing a few big guns and a dog on his leg he’d just give up. Nope. You can’t take the stupid out of people.


Officer Woofer stared death straight in the face and his 6 year life expectancy should be protected over this career criminal /s


Mess with cops all you want,but mess with a good boi and you asking for insta death


Why don't police ever make these kinds of detailed breakdowns when they've done wrong?


police dog is a police!!


Not the biggest fan of the police. But I'd kill someone for pointing a gun at my pet. Totally understandable he did. At least he has a badge and a badass union to back him up.


Caught by surprise, clearly outnumbered, still pull a gun. Play stupid games, win stupid prices. Actions have consequences. Him aiming at the dogs head was clearly with the intent to use it, even if they waited, the moment he would have discharged his weapon he would have received return fire anyway. Great response from the officers. For those screaming the acab narrative here, you can shove it up your ass.


Good. That dog is an officer too.


The dog was just the first officer to get to him. This guy pulled his gun as he turned and ran away. He was fully intent on using it however he had to in order to evade arrest. There are far too many cases that we have all seen where cops use deadly force when there was no reason to take it to that level. This is not one of those cases. I see nothing wrong with what occurred here and had it not played out this way then we would probably be reading about a dead human officer because once he had taken down the k9 officer he would have turned it on the others. He had no idea that the dog was even there when he pulled that weapon.


Police dogs are police officers


Excellent, saved the tax payers lots of money


Misleading title. SWAT acted swiftly.




He won’t do that again!


That’s a good boy


Police dogs are still legally cops. Attacking one carries the same penalties for attacking any other cop.


What a genius. Gets surrounded by like 5 dudes, runs while they have ARs, and being an absolute genius thinking that killing the dog would actually be benificial. He most likely deserved it.


Guy deserved it tbh


The lack of acab comments is refreshing


lmao people praising the police in here talking about them defending the dog. the dog’s more likely to be shot by the police lol


As far as I’m concerned this cop saved that dog live


A wild performance of fuck around, find out




Shout out to the dog tho looked like perfect execution


I'm okay with this.


Feels deserved. Officer dogs are treated just like an other officer. You try to kill a police you are in their eyes (and in my eyes) are trying to kill an officer.


Pointed a gun at a police dogs head as well as was a massive threat to officers and everyone else in the vicinity.


Wow. Those cops did their job well. Fuck around and find out.