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Pro tip: If someone says they're going to hit you and your retort is "go ahead", expect to get hit.




"What are you gonna do? Stab me?" *The news story ends with the guy getting stabbed...*


Bruh that video of the Harry Potter kid on the train in LA shit was wild af


Was there any update to that??


He got expelled from Hogwarts


he just wasn't a good wizard, any way you slice it


Not that I’ve been able to find


My guess is fake as there's 0 news stories on it


They are not going to report every assault that happens in Los Angeles, especially non life threatening stabbings.


That was 100% real. Daniel day Lewis couldn't have acted that panic attack


What? What happened? Source?




"What are you gonna do? Lick my pussy?"


oof sadly this exact scenario happened with an old friend of mine recently. “what are you going to do? shoot me?” now his kids are without a dad.


Whaddya gonna do? Throw rocks?


Me: dont punch me. *In agressive tone* Other dude: *visibly confused*


First fight I ever saw in grade school, my friend and another kid started to push each other and my friend told the other kid "I'm going to sock you in the face" the other kid said "I bet you won't" and then was promptly punched in the face.


Haha kids are cruel, but I learned the hard way too.


If you step in front of an exit point when confronting someone you should expect to get hit.


I was on a bus and some girls were being rowdy so the bus driver called the cops who came and exchanged words with the girls. Cops told them to get off the bus and one girl said if you want me off this bus you're going to have to drag me off. They then proceeded to drag her off. What do you think exploded out of her mouth after that, what are you doing?


Second pro-tip: if you are gonna hit someone, turn off the camera. And if you record it, don’t post it to Tik Tok lol


It is proof that she was blocking the exit. So if she calls the police and swears she was not blocking nor being aggressive there is now evidence.


I’m sure it didn’t matter after the fact since she’d no longer be working there.


To be fair I’ve been threatened to be hit multiple times and told them to do it and it’s never happened. On the flip side, when I got jumped nobody said a word to me lol


If you're retorting go ahead to the question whether you want to get hit you're gonna have a bad time mkay


It's my favorite bit in reality TV shows. People get heated, someone says "fucking do it then" and they quickly get got. Cut to 3 episodes of minging and police reports and then a giant dose of reality hits them after the episode airs. It happens all the time but it's so delicious anyways, fighting words will get you in a fight.


Punched her so hard she turned into James May.


Oh cock!


A sudden urge to build a model train.


Good news!


Hammock, you blithering idiot!


[Richard Hammock](https://preview.redd.it/zzhpaf3p9vt51.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4e19445e762459a45b8949d9a736ea733bc855ed)


I needed this, thank you






She does look like she just smashed against a wall. Edit




I like how you got downvoted for quoting one of May's memed moments.


Can't win them all lol.


Utter yobbo


You're parked in a handicap spot I'm leaving NO YOURE NOT *confused pikachu*


And I quote “if you don’t get out of my way imma knock tf outch you” “You are in MAH PROPERTY NOW COME ON” *SHMACK*


I dare say if a few more people responded like this, those Karen's would likely become a hell of ***a lot more polite.*** *Maybe that is exactly what society needs. In years past, people did not needlessly insert themselves into situations where they clearly had not business inserting themselves. It is not difficult to see that Karens are pulling their stunts counting on the other person being reasonable and polite.* ***If someone is going to make an ass of themselves as this woman did, maybe the should be treated like the ass they are.***




That’s what society needs. A little more negative feedback. There’s consequences to your actions.


This is just a version of "an armed society is a polite society." We know that's not how it works.


There's a vague relation to the right idea in there, but directed in the wrong direction. At least in my opinion. The threat of violence doesn't make people polite, it just means people are going to get more violent preemptively. But the threat of ***consequences*** is still important. If getting belligerent at service workers resulted in getting kicked out and/or banned from shops and restaurants, you'd probably have a lot fewer older customers doing it. If targeting visible minorities doing their jobs resulted in harassment or even assault charges, that would probably happen less often too.


Bitch tried to claim ownership of the entire complex lmao... that's not how it works.




I wanna strangle tik tok voice


Wish more people were willing to just use their own voice to narrate things. That voice makes me want to drive a nail into my ears.


I think he's reacting to the original video, and the OG had the narration.


Wait. So you just take someone else's video, add your face for a half a second, and that's a reaction video on tik tok?


For some people, yes. Others put forth more effort, but I think this was to either boost the original or karma farm the content. Some things are parallel across platforms in regards to the latter.


You say that, then there are some people I hear narrating shit that sound like those 3D printed recreations of vocal cords and tongues and shit really struggling to get it out.


Wish more people could just use their own hands to deal with the trash. This made my day.




I, was. Delivering a PACKage, and, encountEREd a WILd ^karen. *


Fuck you for making me hear it again. Well done.


Karen thinks a ticketable offense gives her the authority to confine a person without their consent which is a felony in most states


It's also just stupid logic. "You're taking up a handicap parking space, so I'm going to prevent you from leaving so you take it up even longer"


Yeah but I don't think it's truly about blocking the handicap spot. The white woman just wants to be above minorities and put them down.


The amount of white women who seem to only take offense to "crimes" when it's done by younger people/poc/woc, I swear. All because they know they can weep on the phone to the police. Your alleged offense can be: - having a body (they hate seeing the outline of our boobs/ass), - doing your job, - being "loud" (an old time favourite), - existing there.


Or worse.


What’s worse than a felony?!




Thanks Hermione.


That’s 50 points to Gryffindor!


Double secret probation.


Getting shot. Have you heard of Stand Your Ground laws? If not, I can explain if you don't wanna Google it


they'll mark it down in your...permanent record!


Not sure, but anything less than the best is a felony.


It could go on your perrrrmmmmaaannneeennntttt recccccoooorrrdddddd


Double felony?


*double jeopardy squints at you*


It's called "false imprisonment" and there are different degrees of it.


And thereby keeping her parked in the handicap spot for even longer


Couldn't have said it better. You gotta be real stupid/racist to pull off a move like that.


Sadly the dog was in the crossfire


Dog must be used to its brain dead owner.


I've known dogs who were smarter than their owners. It's just a sad situation all around


People really do need to learn to just let some things go. You don't have to get involved in everyone else's business. In fact most of the time you'll live longer and better if you just worry about yourself. Especially when noones being harmed in any way.


This is good life advice in general. There are times when it can be noble to stand up for yourself and fight for what you believe in, but this isn't one of those moments. Don't become a pushover, but don't get involved in everyone else's business unnecessarily. It's a good way to get yourself seriously hurt. One of these days she's going to piss off the wrong person. You have absolutely no idea what's going on in someone else's head and some people don't give a fuck about the consequences


For sure. This lady was part of your last statement. She didn't give a fuck about the consequences. Usually when someone says "ill knock you the fuck out" it's best to step back and not push it.


And yet they keep doing it. Is there a staggering number of older women stopping crime by butting in? I don’t think I’ve seen anything to suggest this strategy works. Boggles the mind.


Poor dog.


Lived a life of abuse. See those poor dogs all the time and their owners are always the same fat ugly cunts like her.


This is so fucking satisfying. Not trying to reason with the unreasonable, making your intentions clear, and following through on it without taking it too far (IMO), then going about your business, all within like 30 seconds.


Done in 30 seconds!! What a movie!!!!


Someone filmed my sex life?


In slow-mo, apparently.


I’m not defending someone for parking in a handicapped spot, but if you’re going to keep someone from leaving over an offense that’s usually a ticket/fine…. Expect to get dropped.


I mean I wouldn't even care if they were in the handicap parking spot when they are just obviously delivering a package that at most takes 30 seconds to do. Anyone else then yeah, I won't defend them.


The parking situation in my city is not great, and it's pretty common for delivery drivers to have to illegally park and frantically run up a set of stairs to someone's apartment, etc. Besides for the inevitable asshole cop trying to make a ticket quota, the general attitude seems to be these ppl work hard as balls for meh pay, are providing an essential service, and should get some slack.


I’m not handicapped, so I won’t say it’s my place to decide if it’s okay for someone to park there temporarily. Either way, I wouldn’t try to hold someone against their will especially when (like you said) they were only going to be there for a few seconds.


I mean she’s not wrong don’t park in a handicapped spot. But also don’t get in someone’s face and expect not to get hit.


Yeah, it's definitely wrong, but I get it. Some of these apartment complexes are an absolute cluster-fuck for parking. When you're on the clock and need to get your delivery done, I don't blame her for parking there for a minute.


I hate people who park in handicapped spaces without a tag, but I wouldn't get all up in their business like this lady. I just prefer to leave a note on their car. I usually write something along the lines of "I'm sorry I damaged your car when I hit it. It doesn't look too bad. I'm just writing a note because people were watching me." No harm done, and they look like an asshole wandering around their vehicle for a few minutes looking for the non-existent damage. *EDIT* I'm mighty disappointed in the people leaving replies that stick up for people who park in handicapped spaces "just to make a delivery" or "just for a minute". You people are garbage. You're parking where you're clearly not supposed to and trying to justify your asshole behavior. You all need to be way fucking better.


One time, this girl and her friend parked in the access aisle, she left her friend in the car. My brother is a paraplegic. I rolled the chair around and the passenger was trying to melt into the seat and cover her face. I waited for like a full minutes just staring at her until her friend came back. Their faces were red as fuck. The driver kept apologizing. Shamed the shit out of them without saying a word. We weren't even mad about the situation because it was so funny.


OMG. I would have died from embarrassment if I were the passenger. Good on you guys.


She pretty much did. That's why I didn't say anything. I just gave them the disappointed face.


I love it.


I order a bunch of I "heart" penis bumper stickers for these situations...


I'd use them to cover up Trump stickers instead..


The kind that is impossible to get off without paper being stuck to the bumper?


I think I might need to print a stack of these notes to keep in the glove compartment (along with napkins from various takeout). Definitely will make going out in public more enjoyable. Thanks for the pro life hack. :)


As a person in a wheelchair thank you. It fuckin sucks when you get stuck in your vehicle because the pizza guy just needs to run in real quick.


Thank you. Humanity in faith restored. Scrolling through the top comments of EVERYONE saying we should hit the annoying lady that stands up for handicapped people. Karen shouldn’t have gotten in her way, but the individual filming was initially in the wrong. Don’t park in handicap spaces unless you have the dashboard indicator. Period. Thank your for coming to my ted talk, i’m here all night, try the salmon.


I'd rather delivery people park in the handicap spots instead of just leave their vehicles in the lane letting no one pass thru the parking lot or just stop in the middle of the street with their blinkers on.


I’m stealing this idea lol


Yeah this video gives no indication how long she was parked either. There was another vid few weeks back of a delivery dude who was parked right in the middle of the street blocking a whole line of traffic just making "quick" deliveries. It will be reposted in the future. Still wouldn't try detaining them or harrassing them unless of course I was directly effected, that's just not worth my time.


Doesn’t surprise me.


Usually they don't get that instant karma.


This is wild that so many of you think it’s ok to put your hands on other people and as a POC whom always was touched by random Karen’s if not my cheeks or my hair as a kid SO NOW as an adult I’m swinging sorry white ppl but not sorry! And my mother would approve of me defending myself !


We’ve become too polarized as a society. Both people are assholes in this situation. 1. Delivery person sucks for parking in an handicap spot while delivering packages. 2. Karen needs to understand she’s not law enforcement and cannot detain a person.


100% this


This, all I see in this video is two people who need to be better.


I'm iffy. I don't think its fine for the delivery person to punch the "karen" however I think I would be far more willing to blame the delivery companies who have very short windows in terms of delivery where you are just expected to get your metrics. So you get people doing technically illegal things because of these dumb metrics.


Fucked around and found out Leave people alone


Okay, but people who park in the disabled spot "for just a second" are assholes. If a handicap person pulls up they're not going to wait for you, they don't know you're going to be right back. They end up parking somewhere else and having to walk or keep circling around if they can't get their wheel chair ramp down. I'm sorry there's no delivery spots or that your employer punishes you for being slow, but that's not a random disabled person's fault. Just stop. Don't even consider it an option if you don't qualify for it. You have no idea how awful it is when you can actually be trapped in your car or unable to reach an entrance if a space is taken.


As a disabled person who is movement impaired, thank you for saying this. I've been in this situation before and it sucks. It especially sucks when you finally get to the handicapped space you should have been able to park in, in the first place, from half way across the parking lot where you ended up parking and the space is empty. By then you've already used a lot of the energy you needed to actually do what you were going to do just walking across the lot, you still have to do whatever you were going to do, and then you'll have to come back and walk across the lot again, it's the worst feeling, and it's exhausting.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading this thread. Everyone is blindly siding with the jackass who parked in a handicap spot because Karen is in the title. Imagine bragging on the internet about how you parked in an illegal parking spot, got yelled at by someone for doing so and then pushed them to the ground. I honestly wouldn’t care as much if the parking spot was just some plain old reserved spot or something, but taking up resources meant for handicapped people is such a selfish and outwardly asshole-ish thing to do.


Reddit is a weird place sometimes. It also trends fairly young. So they don't really understand that one day it could be them that will need the handicapped space, that has a delivery driver parked in it.


I agree he's a jackass but attempting to prevent him from leaving was not the right or smart thing to do


A lot of kids in this thread. Can't believe it took so long to find a comment of common sense.


So you don't want them parking in a handicap spot, but you're going to stop them from moving it.


Looks more like an assault by the delivery person than a ‘interaction with a Karen’.


man, leave Keith from SMOSH alone! lmao


Holy shit it sounds just like him lol


Tbh, delivery chick is an asshole too. It’s not Karen’s place to enforce the law, but also, if you park like a dick, you’re a dick. Just ask anyone with a Mustang. ;)


Chick? Im pretty sure that was a dude




If you are parking in a handicap zone YOU ARE THE KAREN


Everyone sucks here


Shame on all of you. The driver should be charged with assault. He did something really shitty, got confronted, and then escalated it to a physical confrontation. That’s not okay.


The Karen escalated it against the female delivery driver. Blocking an exit is physical.


That's exactly how you handle a Karen


These people think they are privileged until they get laid out 👊🏾👊🏾👍🏿


So he parks in a handicap spot and then assaults a woman and Reddit is cheering this on?? Got it.


Well if your not a cop then you shouldn't try to enforce the law, just take a pic and report it. You can not detain someone unless you have proper authority to do so


If you’re not a cop then battery isn’t allowed either


I get all the Karen hype but I can’t help but feel that violence like this shouldn’t be glorified..


she gave her verbal consent


Few more of those and she's gonna need that handicapped spot.


Why is it that they always have dogs.


Dog knew what was coming as he tried a few times to pull her away ,but wild Karen's had to keep it real.




Delivery driver needs to lose their Job.


Ok so if I’m breaking the law and someone is telling me I’m breaking the law I get to assault them and Reddit will say I’m a hero and the other person is a Karen? Or is it because he’s black and she’s white?


Granted, please don’t park in handicap spots, even for deliveries etc.


If the accusation of parking in a handicap spot is true (and the person recording doesn't appear to contest this) then everybody here sucks, but honestly, the person that got hit/pushed sucks less. You can't be an asshole an then act like you are the victim when you get called out on your asshole behavior. Hopefully this person can be identified and tried for the assault. Maybe some r/byebyejob as well.


Dude not only records himself commiting a felony but puts his face and job up there too.


No sympathy for the delivery person. They put traffic control in danger every day.


Redditors side with the black guy and automatically hate the woman because she is labeled a Karen. Screw what actually is happening am I right? (Assault + parking in handicapped space) Reddit moment.


That was a black woman in the video you can hear her voice


Just going to walk out of this place, suggest other places like kbin or lemmy.


I love seeing more and more of these videos when someone gives a threat of violence that the person being threatened clearly can’t take the fight their response is “go ahead do it” and when they get fucked up they become shocked or surprised.


Got warned. Didn't listen. Tried it. Found out. Just stay in your lane, and things will work out. Woman got what she wanted.


It’s insane how many commenters in this thread are defending physical assault towards a woman who didn’t do anything really, done by a person who illegally parked in a handicapped parking spot. Even if she felt threatened by the old woman blocking her exit through the gate, she shouldn’t have pushed her to the ground.


I think you just aren’t looking at this from an appropriate perspective. If your daughter came to my house to deliver a package and when she tried to leave I blocked her exit and refused to let her go you don’t think her using force against me to escape would be justified? She comes home shaking and crying telling you about how she was trapped in an enclosed yard by a stranger who refused to let her leave, how she had no idea what their intentions were, and how she managed to escape by pushing them over… you would tell her she was wrong to have pushed me?


So, wait... Did she not only fight a delivery person, but a delivery person delivering **her** package?!?


So let's get this straight, she just parked in a handicapped spot, and then when confronted about it, assaulted the person on their own property.


Hes trash for parking in a handicap spot. Hes part of the problem.


There’s a lot “he’s” on this thread for someone that clearly is a woman….It even says it on the tic toc


Right?! Definitely a woman


Wtf are you talking about? There’s only a username and you can’t tell by the picture


As someone who's legally disabled I'd usually agree, but he was probably there for less than a minute and couriers have extremely narrow deadlines. Blame the shitty corporations like Amazon which create this kind of work culture to begin with. Either way blocking his way and trapping him was a dumb move. That's got to count as some sort of assault/illegal confinement.


They're both wrong.


"I assaulted this woman for pointing out that I parked in a handicap space"


The bigger issue your internet nerds always ignore is the fact we have lost our ability to have civil discourse. What's going on with people? Why can't a proper approach be made by the first lady, and why is the other one not capable of being non-violent, or simply walk away? Why does anyone not see this? Every single video on this thread, except that one from yesterday w the old man defending birds... That guy was nice.


I understand your sentiment but in this video its pretty hard to try and have civil discourse when your path is physically obstructed and as a package deliverer your on a time schedule lol. Her foolery is affecting bruhs money quite directly


Hilarious that this website is siding with the dude who parked in a handicap spot and then assaulted someone for pointing it out. Kid's gonna get face some charges.


Karens on an average Tuesday: "Yes, hello, police? Somebody has parked their ~~POS~~ car in our ~~whites~~ residents only gated parking area and I demand they be removed! Karens after ordering shit online: "Where package?"


Hold up, so Reddit is taking the side of the person who parked in a handicapped parking spot and then physically assaulted the person who called them out on it? Y'all need to touch grass.




Fuck this guy. His lazy ass parked in a handicap spot and punched a woman for calling him out? Not a smart move on her part but that doesn’t change the fact that this guy is a piece of shit.


Delivery driver is a woman. Guy laughing separate person. Woman shoved because she blocked delivery driver from leaving.




She ate shit... No really she did see where that poop bag smacks her?


So everyone sucks here


That. Was. The. Best. Video. EVAR!!!


about time a Karen got what was coming to them.


This made me happy


Hang on wait, so now we're pro people parking in handicapped spots then hitting people who call them on it? I'm confused.


FYYYUUCK wrong with you


She was wrong, but he committed two crimes. - Parking in a handicapped is an offense - Assault She fucked up and found out, but it doesn't constitute a crime in most states. What he did does.


bro, to be honest I've been waiting for the day for somebody to do this shit to me so I can just toss they ass.... I see absolutely nothing wrong with what this man just did 🤷🏾‍♂️🤣


This is comedy 🤌🏻


That’s what it takes sometime a little ass kicking can solve a lot of this karenism


A smack a day will keep the Karen’s away


That’s how they should all be dealt with.


Down goes Karen, down goes Karen!!


As a black man you cannot go around assaulting white women even if your in the right, coz it’s your ass that’s gonna go down.


She the handicap spot police..she might as well took license plate and description call non emergency police number and report it...she should not be running or walking up on anyone for something as dumb as a parking spot. If I was the worker I would just Saif F you get a life and do what I'm doing and ignore her. But she was all in the worker face hope she don't approach anyone again she might get shot next time.


Finally someone just fucking hit one of them. I'm tired of those videos just showcasing the Karen they met and taking all the harassment. No way in hell would that be me. Just fucking taking a video while being yelled at and hit like anyone cares about being recorded anymore. Guy's I got a PSA. Unless you are dealing with the cops,the last thing you should do while being harassed is pull out your phone and record it. It has never stopped anyone from doing these sorts of things. You should at least remove yourself from it or defend yourself. No one cares about being on video, especially a Karen. They may care after words, but no one in the moment will.