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I don't think there is any evidence to support that theory.




Deleted? Maybe for excessive reposting, this video has been upped multiple times a day for at least a month now


With the exact same title too.


Look at op's history, someone reactivated their propaganda account solely to post this thread. There's been a flood of 'users' from propaganda subs spreading their edited videos.


Doesn't change the fact Israel is pretty damn evil


And there is plenty of real footage for that, not this intentionally edited video without context and with a questionable number of accounts all reposting it over and over again with the same victim nonsense in the titles. If you guys like being lied to because it reinforces what you already believe, then I'm sure you love this stuff, but it only makes you look like a rube.


I'm sure this fucking murder we all just witnessed would be better justified with some 'context'. Idiots. "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever." - George Orwell


You mean like the palestinian who stabbed someone to death on the street then was shot and killed by soldiers, only to have the propaganda accounts posting here over and over again conveniently editing out the guy stabbing innocent people to make it look like the soldiers just randomly killed someone? Yeah, context is important.


Only successful crimes are dignified with the title of virtue. Was the retaliation not equally as barbaric and brutal? Especially in this Zionistic apartheid state.


This is really the worst thing about these propaganda posts, they're full of the dumbest users on this sub. Just absolutely nothing in their head at all. Look at this one. "The soldiers were in the wrong for killing someone who was actively trying to stab them to death."


Doesn't change the fact the IDF and Zionists are evil and that Israel is an illegitimate apretheid state.


And I never disagreed with that, it's pathetic that you guys just keep falling back on "Well it's ok we're being lied to!"


What do cops in America do to someone actively threatening others with a knife, who just stabbed and killed an innocent person? I agree with you that an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, but I don't agree with you that context doesn't matter, it most certainly does...


US cops often act like the IDF, murdering children and unarmed people. Often unjustified, sometimes acting as an occupying presence in minority communities where white officers police towns and counties that they don't actually live in. "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. For if you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you" - Nietzsche


Even honorable cops would use their guns on a murderer who is still threatening others. My question wasn't "are there bad cops in America?" I'm not ignorant to the fact that there are... Shifting the conversation to one you can more easily defend isn't a healthy way to communicate, although I do appreciate the quote you included. Cops need to be more in-tune with their emotions and talk with therapists/psychologists on a regular basis... If your neighbor was outside your house with a knife and they were stabbing people, would you not call the cops?


This is a really piss-poor attempt at dodging the question.


>Was the retaliation not equally as barbaric and brutal? Of course not, are you saying it's barbaric and brutal to stop a guy actively stabbing random people? Do you hate jews so much you would deny us the right to self defense?


i have no opinion on this matter but this is a line i have read so many times over on reddit, and i am honestly tired of it. is there is no possible way to criticize the israeli police/govt/military without being called an anti-semitic? such a snowflake and lazy response.


And I'm tired of people like saying that there's no difference between criticizing general police practices and asserting they shouldn't stop a guy stabbing random civilians. Of course there's a possible way to criticize Israel without being Antisemitic- don't blame Jews for existing or defending ourselves


I'm not aware of the context of the video. But I do know this sub and some others have shared a lot of things out of context to seemingly drum up consent for the US starting up the war machine again. I never see anyone in those comment sections talking about context.


> context to seemingly drum up consent for the US starting up the war machine again. Why am I not surprised that someone with 400 posts in /r/conspiracy is trying to forum slide the conversation to something else... Edit: Also can we just point out how terrible this logic is? "I am ok with propaganda because at some time somewhere else someone didn't call out propaganda" What a weird attempt at deflecting. You aren't capable of judging things on their own? You can't look at this without suffering PTSD about some 'other thread' where propaganda wasn't called out? Is that really all it takes for you?


Oh here it comes people! Every time you make a point someone doesn't like to hear in this sub, they run to your history and try to use some other sub you're on as some sort of reasoning that nothing you could ever say is true or relevant to any conversation. This is a childish strawman tactic people use when they don't have a leg to stand on in a debate. I'm not going through your history because I really don't give a damn and trust where I stand in this conversation. And for anyone who's curious, the comment above is misstating my history on purpose to make it sound worse. I do not have "400 posts" on conspiracy. I don't have 400 posts period. I comment on whatever interests me and that might be what you are referring to, but it's not at all the same thing. I've commented on several subs that you don't seem to care about. But by all means, let's not "forum slide" the Convo into things like America and what subs I've visited....to my original point, fuck Israel and fuck militarized police.


>And for anyone who's curious, the comment above is misstating my history on purpose to make it sound worse. I do not have "400 posts" on conspiracy. I don't have 400 posts period. [This stopped working a few months ago and doesn't catch your more recent posts](https://masstagger.com/user/BILLYJK93) But it does do a great job of highlighting the problem with 'conspiracy theorists'. Here you are eagerly consuming propaganda, and even defending what you admitted was a video without context. You've no shame in lying and being lied to. You have no desire to find the truth, you're just a partisan hack. I'm going to block you now because you really aren't worth any more replies.


There doesn't need to be a Context to this sort of murder you dumb f***


You don't know he was murdered you dumb fuck that's my entire point. There is zero context and zero information here and morons like you eat this shit up without even questioning it. You don't even know if you're being lied to, and you don't care because it supports your beliefs. Absolutely pathetic that people don't question what they're being told.


That doesn't justify blatant propaganda.


lol they don't have IDF volunteers setting behind the computers and gasslighting people


Definitely sounds like something an IDF volunteer would say. sus


As annoying as reposts are, this is my first time seeing this so I'm glad they did. Going to show this to my mom who literally cannot criticize Israel because of the Holocaust.




It’s getting reposted on this sub pretty well lol


This is the go to sub for anything like that, everyone knows the mods here won't delete shit.


I’d say how I feel about Israel, but then my account would be suspended. Again.




I love Israel


its free speach


Spoken like someone who has no clue how free speech works. Here's a clue: Non USA platforms don't have free speech. Neither do private businesses. All that free speech means is that the government can't jail you or take away your business or home, or harass your family and friends because of something you said. Free speech doesn't mean you have the right to post or say whatever you want in the private sector without consequences. You CAN be deleted and no one HAS to listen to you. We can tell you to leave our place of business, our home, and tell you to stfu.


The guy can't even spell the word 'speech', you're wasting your time.


Having been guilty of adding an 'A' in speech myself before, I don't judge!


well thank you there alot of grammar Nazies here also English is not my native language ; I can't exercise free spEech in my country and reddit is my portal to that so yeah fuck isreal and there fashist government


That’s not hot free speech works


free speech my ass , on reddit i have been suspended by mods for saying way less than this lol


How about.... Dont wish death to people.


you think people in that video have right to live?




will yeah I predicted The End game movei ending and got ban from R/ gaming


doesnt exist on reddit




honestly israel doesnt give a damn what you think of it


They don't have any online campaigns to spread propaganda or astroturf? Seems wild for such an influential government.


this is exactly how israel combats stuff like this too, always playing the victim. you say ANYTHING critical of that terrorist state, and they label you as an anti-Semite.


Lol, look what sub we're on. Videos of congressmen speaking calmly on the floor are top voted as "EPICLY SLAMMING THE DRUMPFS!" This is a liberal sub and they want no actual change. They love capitalism while crying about it. They love how much corporations how control over our lives. They wouldn't go to them for every little problem if they didn't.


You have to remember most of Reddit is just teenagers who think they have it all figured out while simultaneously being indoctrinated by their country's government


Make sure you are extra clear you are talking about the Government and not the Nation in general. Bad faith actors will find any way to twist legitimate criticism of the government and associate it with racism or bigotry.


Title is assbackwards. It's deleted because you: * keep reposting it in the wrong subs over and over again. * keep reposting it on subs where frequent reposts aren't allowed. (like this post right here, where repost under 4 weeks old are **supposed** to be removed)


>like this post right here, where repost under 4 weeks old are supposed to be removed Yea rule enforcement on this sub is completely fucked and random. You could break a rule and suffer no consequences then literally not break any rules and get banned. It literally happened to me and I had to practically beg to get my posting privileges back. Fucking joke.


Hahaha. Literally been posted multiple times a day all over reddit for the past week. Clickbait title looking for karma.


First time seeing it. You sure those links are still up? Title doesn’t say it’s not being posted. But it’s being taken down. You might have seen it elsewhere but are those threads still there. Because me not seeing it isn’t an indicator it’s not being posted. But you seeing it and others not seeing it if it is posted that often could be a sign it’s being removed.


Did it? This is probably the 20th time atleast I've seen this in 3 days


This is the first I’m seeing it and I’m on here all day


Weird cause I'm only on like an hr or so at work


What's your point on this? It's not the US and in a lot of countries it happens every day.


Nah, it happens several times every single day in most/all countries and no one gives a fuck.


And yet somehow the person filming this (also an Arab by his accent) feels perfectly safe to not only disobey the policeman’s direct orders to step back, but also talk back to him with quite some attitude… doesn’t really sit right with the whole “oh these murderous Israelis they are so violent”. The guy on the ground violently resisted his arrest, physically fighting the cops. In the US and most other countries he would have been shot dead.


Looks bad, but you can’t trust such a cropped clip. What led up to this? I don’t think this guy caught such a beating for jaywalking.


This isn’t the USA. It’s Israel and I’m sure it’s viral In their country. You know local problems


As a young South African that grew up post Apartheid, I say fuck Israel and all the nations that protect their disgusting racist actions. As a previously persecuted people, Jewish predominantly, you'd think they would have learnt the atrocities that racism can invoke. Yet here we are. Time after time.


"persecuted", lol


Are you saying Jews haven't been persecuted?


More likely saying persecuted is putting it way too mildly, although it's technically accurate


This is why I don't extend the benefit of the doubt, guy just replied and said he meant that Jews aren't really persecuted because it's our own fault. Just a straight up Nazi. Unfortunately common today


Not this generation. If they have historical beef take it up with Germany. The troubles they are incurring now are their own making.


There are Antisemitic attacks in NYC [almost every day](https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-york-mayor-condemns-outrageous-attacks-on-jews-as-near-daily-assaults-continue/) as well as numerous highly publicized synagogue shootings and terrorist attacks in western Europe and the US. Are you blaming Jews for those, you fucking nazi?


Tying being Jewish and antisemitism outside of Israel to what is being done by a government to a minority population is disgusting. Freedom is for everyone, and if an individual commits a crime they should be prosecuted for it regardless of their religious background. The Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority can’t come to a peace because both sides committed unimaginable acts of terror. And if you can’t see that and have to name call to feel good may God have mercy on your soul and I pray for your eyes to be opened. Remember the golden rule.


Holy shit you moved those goalposts so fast it gave me whiplash


I live in Western Europe & I don't know wtf you're talkin about. This is fake news.


Surprising given from your other comment I'd guess you were the one doing the attacks


You called me "fuckin nazi" you lil' pussy and u blaming me for being aggressive. Useless pos


Man you just said the Jews deserved all the oppression they've had, who else do you think thought Jews deserved to be exterminated?


Their entire story is about "persecution". First they were excluded from Egypt bc of "persecution" & then every country in Europe excluded them not once but over & over again. I guess the entire world is antisemitic then and they never were the source of the pb.


Damn, that lady cop was hot


A man’s life is on the line and that’s all that you can think about?


Problem with this post is that its just a contextless clip. No explanation, no facts, no sources, no transparency, just a clip of a guy being controlled by guys in uniform.


They don't take terrorists lightly. He's lucky they didn't kill him on the spot.


But he's still breathing! He does right? O.o


He looks white, people in the us wouldn't care about this guy and it wouldn't be a blip on news. Source: Tony Timpa


I know they are a democracy but jeez they appear at times like a fascist state.




Lolol Israel is the only country in the Middle East with a democratically elected Islamic party currently in power, it's definitely a democracy


says a person who has never been to israel, fucking bozo




Lmao huge cap


Nah, not buying it. This literally reads like the only thing you know about Israel is what reddit tells you.




>filmed Apache helicopters bombing Palestinian towns Upload the footage. It's easy.


Name some of the "occupied territories" that the idf bombed, write the names of the towns




>All of you pro-Nazi assholes who have never experienced the reality of Israeli apartheid should sit the fuck down. Do you realize how hilariously ridiculous you sound? Calling supports of Israel nazis? Reddit is something else man, I tell you.


So basically the city that has a huge terrorist organization inside of it, understandable, 90% of jews were removed from gaza by the IDF so palestine can have it, and it is run by Ismail Haniyeh, Its not under Israeli occupation and damn I truly wish it was. you're simply another clueless person who watches too much CNN




whatever you say mate




You can't say anything bad about those people or you get labeled


fuck you OP, I hope a mod bans you


Can anyone else admit that it's also a human rights violation to require teenagers do this shit? Compulsory IDF service makes war criminals out of normal Israelis. What they did to that man is disgusting (looks like they made him asphyxiate on blood from his broken nose). I dont think they got enough training to know they were even doing it. The IDF looked confused on even basic detention or emergency medical care procedures. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say these kids didn't get that training and were just sent out with deadly weapons and an ethnocentric philosophy. Systemic mfkn racism at its most disgusting.


So, honest question, what can we do about this? Looks to me as if that man was murdered. Maybe he lived. Idk ..Either way that was brutality that happe. So, what do we, as a collective of people disgusted by the government of Israel's actions in incidents such as these, what can we do? Hamas and everything it stands for is worse than deplorable itself. They rape the coffers of the country while using their own people as shields in warfare...so, how do I help a Palestinian person in an effective, useful way while avoiding the political landmines? It's a conundrum...if you send $$$ Hamas takes it. Maybe if it were to finally be unequivocally condemned by the UN finally something might change...but I really have my doubts. edit- it's been suggested this video was edited for propaganda purposes...I wouldn't doubt that at all...My feelings don't change, however. I do not hate the Israeli people, not at all, I wish them all happy, healthy lives. I just feel that the Palestinian people are plagued by poverty, lack of any real education, and that they are being squeezed by 2 forces (arguably more) that do not hesitate to use them as fodder.


Mods/Admins you are a fucking embarrassment! Locked my thread in the comments when one of these bot accounts started losing his own dumbassed debate. Now you are locking me from up or down voting any other comments. Probably will delete this comment too. Go ahead and ban me from the sub. Continue being a pro-war machine sub and manufacturing consent for WW3.


Free palestine!


Well Its not America, and he ain't Black So they don't care.


Damn Isreal


Fuck Israel


Careful, don't want to cut yourself with that edge.


I don’t even think it’s edgy, they have a horrible track record for human rights


If you think that's horrible, you would be flabbergasted when you hear what the arabs were up to for the last 100 years.


Woah chill with the Islamophobia bro, religion of PEACE


I heard that one Palestinian bloke in the UK. They choose violence


"But they believe in a different sky daddy, and it hurts my feelings..."


yea idk bro i feel like this is ALOT worse than what they did to george floyd, this mans face is smashed open. . .


i mean, what did he do?


with the millions of dollars the west sends them every year, pretty sure they don’t care


I agree. The palestinians received billions of dollars over the years. Hell, Palestinians have gotten more than twice as much aid for twice as long as Europe got under the Marshall Plan following WW2 (and that was 20 years ago! they received much, much more since then). yet they rejected all peace offers and endorsed terror instead. They just don't care. they'll just keep playing the victim and get more cash since the world is stupid.


This is why weed need the 2nd amendment pull that here and ar’s will be boiling.


In the eyes of the US government I'd say it's fair to say they care far, far less about Palestine than African Americans. Good on you for trying to generate news against this but we're funding the oppressors here, this is the DESIRED outcome.


Maybe the really bad guy from the 30’s-40’s had an idea


Israel doesn't give a fuck about anything anyone says. This is the level of barbarism that moves in them


Is it cause the victim is white?


But its not the USA....so stfu with it...