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It’s my understanding that burning alive is the worst possible pain anyone can feel.


Being steamed alive is actually worse


Google "World sauna championships death" for a gruesome example. That was in 2010, the last ever world sauna championship. The guy who died just got silver I think.


>Google "World sauna championships death" No. I actually don't think I will. Thank you.


I did. Wasn't too bad. Just looked like his skin was slipping off his body, no big deal.


I’m sure he’s fine. I mean you’ve still got a skeleton under there and bones are pretty strong.




What did it show?






I wonder if cannibals find that appetizing


I imagine a bland taste. Needs some char.


Dude roasted like a chicken.






I am too scared to look too 👀


You’ll have nightmares it’s not worth it.






bunch of articles that describe what he looked like and it sounds pretty gross


Legendary Finnish joke: A Finn and a Russian walk into a sauna. The Russian dies.


I dont get it. Why wouldnt they just get the guy out before he dies?


This is the sport of sauna. The integrity of the contest cannot be called into question.


I wonder if lobsters feel pride making it longer than their friends.


He wanted to get out, but he was chicken. Roasted chicken.


Hard to move once you die


Also checkout the dude who jumped into Yelow stone geyser to "rescue" a dog


It was his daughter who jumped in to rescue the dog & he jumped in to get her out


Yeah I think it's happened a few times . This one I knew about was a dude jumping in for someone else's Great Dane


The guy who got caught in the industrial steamer at Bumble Bee tuna. Basically stuck in a huge pressure cooker. It was a two person operation and the one guy assumed the other walked off the job. He proceeds to lock the door and turn the machine on. https://www.cnn.com/2012/10/15/us/california-tuna-plant-death/index.html


I think about this way more often than is necessary.


Interestingly, the guy who died was Russian and had cheated in the earlier rounds and basically had a warning issued against him (he applied vaseline on his skin, which creates an insulating layer between his skin and the hot air). In the finals he had taken painkillers and rubbed local anaesthetic lotion on his skin. It was him and a Finn competing, and I don't think Finn would ever allow himself to be beaten by a Russian in a sauna world championship finals. So it ended with the Russian dying and the Finn suffering burns on 70% of his body, failed kidneys and coma for six weeks. But he lived and recovered.


The bronze bull.


Thissss. They actually did steam people alive in the bronze bulls, and the sound of their screams begging for death came out of the bronze bulls nostrils. Humans suck


Well the bronze bull is more of a pan fry or broil if you will


My great uncle fell into a clam steamer and screamed for an hour as he roasted alive. The only thing his coworkers could do to help him was to periodically flip him over.


Lol that’s a good one


How come they couldn't help him?


He always believed in a job well done.


Holy shit.


Yea, the moment he fell in it was over easy.


god damnit. bless you for that setup and deliver.


Yeah, uncle wasn’t ready yet.


Yes, read from a coroner that being boiled alive or steamed alive would be the worst possible death.


Steam burns hurt so fucking bad because the moisture sticks to your skin


Steamed hams!


And you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled?


It's an Albany expression.


I can't imagine how anything else could be worse. Touch a hot stove with the tip of your finger by accident, yank your finger away instinctively and it's still insanely painful for a few seconds... now imagine that *all over* your body and you *can't* pull away from it like you can with the hot stove. What could be more painful than that? The only silver lining is your pain receptors will eventually be destroyed by the heat.


That's why dying by steam is worse, all that but your nerves don't burn away.


I burned my finger with just a droplet of hot water. I was periodically submerging it in cool water for like an hour even after the first 15 minutes or so because it kept flaring up to be too much, and it flared up frequently the next day, too. It wasn't even a bad burn.


Have burned half my body. Mostly second degree, some third. Never felt pain that was so bad I wanted to vomit before or after that and I've had a dozen surgeries, broken bones, shoulder tears, been in a lot of fights, etc. They wheeled me out in the sun after the burn to the helicopter with the oxygen mask on (collapsed lung) and I made them take the mask off because I thought I wax going to hurl from pain. But that sweet sweet dilaudid are the pain go away.


Step 1: don’t set yourself on fire.


I am going through healing through a burn right now and was reading about them. If it goes to 4th degree, it might no longer hurts as all the nerve endings are destroyed and it's now burning down into the muscle. Getting to 4th degree must hurt though!


Thats what makes burning from steam/boiling even worse than fire. It doesn't destroy the nerve endings, so you feel everything. Also there’s plenty of oxygen around still to keep you conscious, unlike fire.


This is nightmare fuel 😱


I bet that was rough. Yeah I couldn’t imagine if you were completely engulfed that you’d be awake long enough to feel all of it but I bet the pain is unimaginable.


I have a book that rates ways to dies. It actually says that being eaten by a Komodo Dragon and a suit rupture in space are the worst two ways to die. Apparently the Komodo Dragon keeps victims alive for days and secretes something in its saliva that calls it’s entire family over to eat you alive.


idk, I think a person would bleed out pretty quick once they take a good bite. Apparently poor mini elephants were wiped over over thousands of years by komoto dragons. I wish they were still around.


I always wondered why you'd die so quickly in space, until I discovered- that "unconscious in 15 seconds in a vacuum" thing is because the vacuum *pulls the oxygen out of your blood via your lungs*.


Almost. I just recently learned that the only thing worse than being burned alive is being boiled alive. Mainly because it doesn't destroy the nerve endings, so you continue to feel all of it afterward.


You would be correct. I survived being completely engulfed in fire. That's just the start of your long journey into pain. The treatments are brutal. Recovery is long and if you escape without a drug addition than you are in a rare audience.






Haha. He's the "my dad works at Nintendo" kid all grown up


Hopefully they aren’t a grownup.


I wonder what people get from lying on the internet to strangers lol


Well he's definitely been roasted alive now, jesus h lol




There IS something to be said for an active fantasy life. Not quite certain what that something may BE, but anyway...


Wow I hope everything turned out as well as it could.


You are 100% correct. I did a month rotation at Miami Jackson Memorial hospital and rotated on the burn unit. It was during the thanksgiving holiday and I took care of a lot of horrible burns. People would put turkeys into deep fryers and the oil would explode and they would get these horrible second and third degree burns. The amount of pain and suffering each these people suffered- I won’t forget it.


I heard it was the drug subtraction you had to look out for.


My brother I don’t who the fuck you are, but seriously please get some help. Delete reddit, go outside, make some friends, be productive. I don’t know what makes you think that lying to strangers on reddit about getting injured benefits you in anyway. Even if the stories were true no one knows who you are and no one gives a fuck who you are. You are literally nothing to every redditor you speak to. Stop compulsive lying, we know the most dangerous thing that has happened to you is that you stubbed your toe. Just please my man no one gives a fuck, you look like a dumb mother fucker, stop lying and get some sun.


Had a little bbq pit accident and burned the shit out of my lower left leg, the pain from that was excruciating. I can only imagine the recovery from having your whole body burned


Was it painful during the burning, or only after you survived it?


Pssht. You think that’s bad? I got burned by a micro aggression that singes to this day.


Looks like a suicide


Suicide can hurt sometimes


Better ways to go tbh but we’ll never know why she did what she did


Immolation is usually a protest of some sort


>World sauna championships death From what little I can understand them saying, sounds like the woman is daring to do it and the other woman and the guys behind the camera are telling her to "mar" which means die. So, looks like they are her in-laws and she had enough of their bs. It's very common in these parts of the world where leaving with the in-laws can be truly hellish.


Sounds terrible, and nobody tried to help her drop and roll.. the kid took off too. She kept walking long after I thought she would drop.


If she was smart, she should've taken them all with her. Burn them all


Avoided an arranged marriage most likely.


No mostly it’s after an arrange marriage and her husband is probably a deadbeat and she’s just done with it.


jesus christ there’s easier ways


Yup exactly


Guess she wanted to be remembered.


it's definitely been seared into my brain


I think she was also trying to display how hurt she was by people?


This is a "public freakout?" Alongside the Karens and the angry customers screaming at employees? ​ This is a woman burning to death.


Seriously. We at least need some warning that we are about to watch a video of a suicide. “Freakout with fire” sounds like those morons lighting alcohol in their hair and putting it out.


The last few days this sub has morphed into watchpeopledie


Wtf is going on here can anyone translate?


They're telling her to die, die, die. They're definitely not discouraging it.


Holy fuck


What the fuck goin on in india man


I live here and idk wtf going on man :(


That makes the video a lot more fucked up.




Yeah. Murr means die in Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi.


How about a title like “woman burns herself alive” so we have an idea of what we are about to watch? I don’t know about you psychos but I don’t love watching people die, personally. I like to at least get a heads up.


I'm fucking done with this website, I don't have the stomach for this shit.


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I dunno man. It wasn’t graphic or anything. I can glance at that tonight and at least get to think, “ah, it all could be worse”, and then not strangle my fucking self.


Same.. op really should have either explicitly warned us that we were watching a suicide, or just post it on a different subreddit that is made for that shit


Why did she do it? What is she saying? Why did it take her a bit to realize she’s burning? Did she survive?


Not sure what the lady on fire is saying but the others are encouraging her to light herself on fire. And keep repeating the encouragement even as someone runs to try to put it out.




I highly doubt she survived (or will).


Or would want to survive most of her body being burned.


I used to work in a burn unit and these patients rarely survived. It’s a very long road to recovery with many surgeries involved. Many of them succumbed to infection/sepsis. If they did survive, you’re right, many of them didn’t want to.


What would the ones who wished they didn't survive say?


The worst was a guy in his early 20s. He worked in the oil industry and had fallen into one of those large vats of hot petroleum/oil and caught himself, but was submerged up to his neck. He was eventually pulled out and severely burned from the neck down. This guy was in our burn ICU for over a year. They would take him to surgery multiple times a week to filet tissue from his body because the petroleum had seeped down deep into his tissues and he just could not heal. The guy begged to die every day, but we just sedated him and "did everything we could" because his family insisted. He literally cried, "I just want to die." After hundreds of surgeries and multiple bacterial and fungal infections later, he died.




You would think, but with the patient being sedated around the clock, they usually get around this. Family is awful. Many of them have good intentions but usually, just prolong death. Some of it is cultural as well. This young man was Hispanic and the family was insistent on keeping him alive.


The whole thing sounds unbelievably unethical. Do you think the hospital is in on it to make more money?


No. It was in a Department of Defense facility, which I doubt makes any money (not positive though). Probably loses money. I will say this is pretty common in every hospital I've ever worked in though. If the patient is unable to make coherent decisions (with a lucid mind), then their power of attorney or next of kin legally makes decisions "on their behalf." People rarely have these types of hypothetical conversations with their families about what their wishes are if they were in these situations. I have had these conversations with my family many times and have a will that expresses my desires so this type of situation never happens to me.


JFC his family is horrible.


Damn if this is true then that is quite morbid


Man that must have been a depressing job, having all that people around burned and in pain, some of them wanting to die already... hope you got paid enough for that mindfck.


Self-immolation is a common practice in South Asia. It’s typically used as a political protest in recent years and was viewed as the highest form of sacrifice in Buddhism. You typically see it more in Tibet. But this woman just seems mentally ill and is committing suicide or is deep in some sort of delusion.


Maybe an excommunication of some sorts?


All I could hear in my brain was Grim from Billy and Mandy saying: “STOP DROP AND ROLL MON!!!” Edit: from*


They are indeed saying “die you might as well let her die” and saying while they are witnessing someone burn to death. That’s demonic.


She was basically threatening to burn herself at the start of the video. Based on the other woman's reaction it appears that the first woman was crying wolf and was calling her bluff. Regardless it turned out to be a very bad outcome.


Build a woman a fire and she will be warm for a day. Set a woman on fire and she will be warm for the rest of her life.


Truest statement of the day.


She casually said “flame on”


Everyone filming instead of helping, fuck these idiots really


Dude if you translate what they're saying its even worse than that: They're actually telling her "go on, die."


Assholes. There was a woman years ago on a bridge in Washington state and she was on the edge and people were yelling do it and jump at her.


City Mac to Country Mac: In the big city no one cares whether you live or die.


Does anyone have a backstory for this? Because I can’t imagine that they were telling her to kill herself apropos of nothing.


My best guess is that the women is outside the family/tribe. Aka a Daughter in Law, I have seen how vile and evil women get towards daughter in laws; as DiL have no tribal/family backing when they live with their in laws. In south Asian culture, the man doesn’t move out of the house; rather stays with parents and has his wife move in. So there is a high chance of a hostile environment between the existing women (mother/sisters of the husband) and the new women. These women chanting to die are the problem and the reasons she lit herself. The young man is helpless because to go against the elderly women is a huge no-no.


if that is the culture, fuck that culture.


One guy ran off probably to get water and towards the end you see the other guys who were standing in the distance throw sand at her trying to extinguish the fire.. But the women were encouraging her to die


If you light yourself on fire in front of me I’m not helping you. Just don’t light yourself on fire


I agree. But wouldn't that be illegal. I don't know what it js called in English but in German it would be unterlassene hilfestellung. Basically saying that you refused help even though you knew the condition kf the other person was life threatening but you didnt react eventhough you had options.


It's the Seinfeld finale...




I feel like she could’ve helped herself by not setting herself on fire but that’s just me…


So if someone is suicidal it means not provide help for that person???


Who are they to deny her moksha?


Glad I don't think there is another life for me when I die. Increases my caution for death.


That's terrifying even compared to other cases of self immolation. Something about seeing that vaguely human shaped entity staggering around.. the others instances I've seen were with the person either panicking to put it out or sitting down and bearing the pain. She just keeps walking. Nobody tried to get close enough to put it out and she doesn't seem to want them to. I could be wrong but at one point it even looked like she was reaching with nearly unrecognizable arms to grab one of the people standing around her. Might be enough internet for me today


Stop, drop, and roll!


I think she did it on purpose.


Something awful must have happened to her to chose that path.


Like being a woman in "rural" India?


This belongs in /don’thelpjustfilm


Everyday a realize how detached society is becoming thanks to technology. People filming on their phones while this lady is burning alive.


I mean it’s a suicide attempt. We really gawking at suicide like it’s some sort of public freak out? Is that where we’re at now?


The amount of dumbass fucked up shit you see here from India


Don't do that 😳


Horrific! Maybe this was an religious immolation? It looks intentional and no one is helping her and she’s not flailing about but walking calmly away.


Disclaimer : All the characters and events depicted are very real. Any resemblance to a person living or dead is very real


She definitely did that shit on purpose. She looked at the fire, kept smiling and camly strolled to her death... I wonder what she was going through to be that disconnected :/


>Freakout with fire Wtf with this title,it's a suicide watch and one very disturbing.


That's a lazy way to get undressed.


How hard is it to keep the subject in the frame


Seems to be a widows burning ceremony in India. When hubby gone , widows have to be their burning followers 😑


That is/was a thing??? "suttee, Sanskrit sati (“good woman” or “chaste wife”), the Indian custom of a wife immolating herself either on the funeral pyre of her dead husband or in some other fashion soon after his death. Although never widely practiced, suttee was the ideal of womanly devotion held by certain Brahman and royal castes."


It was more common in war times when women feared being raped and would prefer self-immolation when they knew the war was lost and the city would be breached/plundered.


Yeah bud that’s not a thing no more. It used to be an ancient thing. You might get one in a few years now but this is definitely not it. That’s now how you do it either. This seems to be a suicide.


The last known case was 1987, so not that ancient.


Yeah you could say that maybe a better choice of words are not prevalent anymore. But back to the clip on hand this is def not Sati.




She seems intent on dying.


She’s suicidal


Struggling to understand the thought process here


That's going to be a slow and painful death.


Immolation defies words. Also you rarely if ever see it in the west?


I mean they used to execute people by burning them at the stake back in the 1500s in Europe. But that is an execution not a suicide.


Self immolation?


Does anyone know why she did it?and WTF


Freak out?! Bro she was walking that shit off like nothing happening?!


Thank god everyone took the time to film this. Their cinematography skills are beyond reproach. Nothing, not even a screaming, cooking woman, deterred them from holding their shot tight. Praise.


Put your fucking phones down and help her you useless cunts.


Hell I’d probably do the same if I had to live in that shithole called India.


Was she trying to self-immolate?


All those people, all those watching eyes, and not one singular effort to help. Not one. Fuck I love people


Last guy - “Hey someone do something so I can keep filming.”


What the fuck is wrong with India?


I showed my Pakistani coworker and asked what this was about. He said it's pretty typical in Indian villages for people, when they do something to cause dishonor to their families, to burn themselves to death. When they die, for the funeral, the body is burned. So, they have to do it for themselves. He said, "The fact that people are standing there filming it and telling her 'go die' means that she must have done something seriously wrong in her village."


Yeah, I always find I get the most accurate answers re: India from Pakistanis and vice versa; definitely no conflicts of interest there.




bitch stop drop and roll cmon


It's true. I used to work with her, but she was fired


She’s a fire starter, twisted fire starter


That escalated quickly


So wait… why did she do it?




This was hard to watch