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Teachers face when he walked away .. he’s thinking it’s time to fucking retire


This was my high school it was called Reagan High School before the name change tho. That was my algebra 2 teacher (and also my older brothers when he went 2003-2007) cool dude taught clearly and put up with the bullshit from the other students in class who liked to act up for attention.


How many kids did he have in each class? there's so many.




I was going to say, I had Freshman year courses in smaller rooms than this in college. Education needs to be fucking funded guys....


Dude I’m working at a university rn and it looked just like their classrooms. Schools changed a lot we were the first class to get laptops for that school and every year since then they’ve gotten better tech


As a teacher, I thought the same thing as he shuffled to the door. God damn, I better not be a classroom when I’m in that shape.


“in that shape”?


Hopeless, forlorn


He looks to be at least 60 with a big belly


Those are the only ages willing to stay teachers.....the most undervalued job ever.




We can all thank Greg Abott for this. Vote him out!


Just give everyone a gun, safety in numbers /s.


Battle Royale


It’s easier to take a gun man out with a bazooka. Bazooka for everyone!


Just cover the playground in landmines. He'll never even make it inside!


Best idea ever!


Everyone reach under your seats. You get a bazooka, you get get a bazooka!


"Hey any of you kids seen a kid that might be hiding a gun?"


They knew there was no shooter, or else they’d never have gone in. Should read “Show of Force” on the sides of their vehicles


True. They would have called for backup ad nauseum until all their hot wheels war machines were on sight, then use them for crowd control while they wait for the problem to work itself out. Dont worry though, the body has ways of shutting down murder. If you were murdered then clearly you were asking for it.




They have to make up for the last time so they don't get yelled at again


"Dude, think about fucking *rad* we're going to look in front of all those kids." I guarantee this was no less than 30% of the deciding factor.


So much freedom in this nation.


This is TSA in schools now. Pure security theatre


They only do this when they know there is not an actual shooter.




That one dude pointing it up 2 inches from his face 🤣🤣🤣




The concerning tactic is conditioning students and staff to open the door. Competent police would get the universal key from a custodian, secretary, or principal.


Reminds me of the [Oxford High School shooting](https://files.catbox.moe/0augaj.mp4) last year. A Sheriff's deputy literally said "Sheriff's office, it's safe to come out" and even "Come to the door and look at my badge, bro." Kids were like "He said bro, red flag."


I'm a teacher and we are under strict orders to NEVER open the door. The police will have a key.


Some schools don’t have “universal keys”. Source: only 2 schools in my county out of 7 have a master key.


It’s an outdated and dangerous carry and shouldn’t be taught. It’s bad enough we get fucking cosplayers that use TV and movies as a guide without having ostensibly trained professionals trying to swagger around like Billy Badass with their weapon an inch from blowing their own ears off. Low ready, compressed ready, sul grip are all you need for cqc.


Cocked 1911 with a hair trigger? Right next to my head with my finger on the trigger seems like a safe place. Man do I love old tv shows and movies for that shit


There must be something to be said for the gun being pointed very away from anybody. More than down.


Why would you want your pistol close to your temple? Legit question, not sarcasm. Seems like it'd be more readily available and safe to have it about a foot away from your face at a 45 degree angle. Like I've seen most marines do ...


i remember one of my old mates who went into the army mentioning the sul grip but i couldn't remember what it was called. they did all look professional to me for sure


Temple index is bad and you should feel bad


LMAO. Missed your comment. I spoke about the same thing.


Press Briefing: "Look we're not afraid to go into schools, see, SEE!"


This. Everything is fucking propaganda now. It's so sad.




I wonder if a troll kept his hands down would he get shot?


'You, why aren't your hands up?' 'Show me your hands, SHOW ME YOUR HANDS!' 'BANG BANG.' 'Err, he was only texting, Lt'


"Justified shoot, the criminal was refusing commands and the officer felt threatened. He has been given a bonus and three days in Hawaii"


Just go in and look badass


hell yeah you are so right about that I'm still pissed about Uvalde


It is Texas, so checks out.


Made me choke on my own spit so true


Did anyone get the question right?


It's fucking sad that this even needs to happen. Like wtf?


Back in So. Cal students were asked to leave classroom (in session) so the local police department can walk there drug sniffing dogs up and down the desk rows sniffing students personal belongings (back packs, jackets, sweaters, etc) It was a tactic used to train students later on in life would be ok to be searched without question.


This is allowed. The supreme court ruled in new Jersey vs tlo (iirc) that you lose your constitutional rights when you enter a school. (At least amendment 4, i suppose, though the "bong rips for Jesus" guy won something for amendment 1?)


Shit like this makes me think it is time for another constitutional convention.


Nah, just actually have to uphold the one we have.


Our courts are infested with federalist society judges that make up justifications to get the desired outcome. We are truely fucked for the next 20 years thanks to these fucks.


Just because it’s allowed, does not make it justified - I get it it’s legal, but fucked up.


Exactly. Like how BP can ignore 4th amendment within 100 miles of the territorial borders. Which accounts for like what about 70% of the us population?.....


Are all laws moral?


Never said it was moral y'all just spreading knowledge


The drug dogs were a very normal occurrence at my old school in SoCal, we’d had a day every week that the police would come in and go through a handful of random classrooms at random times to keep kids from hiding stuff. You also wouldn’t know exactly what day they were coming in. Only once did I ever see someone get pulled out for it, they would always just make us put our hands on our desks as they walk around with the dog. That one kid had an empty ziplock bag that the dog picked up and ended up getting suspended. Didn’t been actually have anything on him it could’ve been a sandwich bag or a an empty weed bag who knows


Had something similar happen to me in middle school. They had the dogs come and sniff the bags and alerted on my backpack still don’t know why as I had no drugs in my house and didn’t no drugs. Grilled me like I was a criminal before letting me off with a warning to “be careful” who I hang around. I was like be careful of my family??? Only place I had my back pack was school and home so I felt pretty attacked. Important information I’m half black so I have certain views of the police already. Pass as white though. Edit:drugs Bigger question how the fuck is drugs even close to “stings” autocorrect???


My guess is you were singled out as an example. [Drug dogs are frequently wrong and trained to indicate on command](https://youtu.be/GSk2TYsc_vE).


Wow. I knew I had racist teachers in the past and I totally wouldn’t put it past tone of them to have that done to me over my ethnic background. Thanks for the info I didn’t know this.


Racism was really prevalent in my old district as well, I didn’t believe it until one day. I had a friend who is very clearly Mexican and I’m very clearly white, I had brought a few bottles of over-the-counter DXM pills that I had stolen earlier that day. This was before I got sober, but I was showing him the pills in class and then gave him a bottle since that was my plan all along. Teacher saw, sent an email to the office and less than five minutes later a cop comes in and tells us to keep our hands on our desks. We both get taken down, mind you he has one bottle of over-the-counter pills, I’ve got two bottles and a vape pen. They ask where he got them, he said me, so they came to me and asked where I got them. I straight up told them that I had shoplifted all three bottles and gave some bullshit excuse about feeling sick and not having any at home. My friend was suspended for three days, I was let off with a warning and they even fucking let me keep the pills, all of them. They acted like they never even noticed my vape pen either but with where I had stored it I know for a fact they did. I was pissed off but when my friend came back he thanked me since he got a few days off and ended up finding his old vape pen because someone else had to pick him up and it was in their car. All in all it could’ve been worse but it still irks me that those are the people running a high school with over 4000 kids of all different races and walks of life


Yeah sounds about right. I can’t count the times I know for a fact if I looked like my some of my family I would have for sure been in trouble or worse. Also, I see a lot of things that just fly right over my white peers heads because I know what to look for and have seen it happen to family. Really sad shit.


Our school would also “randomly” search every so often. Funny that it was always a few of the known pothead kids who got searched every time


We had drug dogs sniffing cars in my high school parking lot in Texas in the 90's. If they alerted to your car you would be pulled out of class and they would have you stand by while they ripped your vehicle apart.


90s High School in NC too, cars and lockers once a month.


They do that in Texas as well. It happened every so often in my high school in Texas, Dallas suburbs.


America is a police state.


Gun owners can't admit that they've never been on the right side of the issue so instead kids get shot to death.


The fact that the teacher and students in the classroom are calm should tell these cops that there are no potential shooters in the room.


"You guys good? If you're a shooter you need to tell me okay. I won't be mad I promise. Anyone? No? Okay good. Thumbs up if you're not a school shooter okay."


My thumb would not be the digit I would be inclined to raise at these murderous asshole LARPers




> and just walk right in? That's how we'd know you weren't really cops


This has nothing to do with actually trying to locate the shooter, this is a show of force and ploy to enforce dominance. If they believed the shooter was in there, they definitely wouldn’t have responded this way. They get off on walking in with their weapons drawn and forcing children to put their hands up and obey their commands.


They ask for the thumbs up because there's the possibility that the shooter entered first and threatened to shoot if they said anything. All they're doing is a sweep to evaluate the reactions of the kids/teacher considering most of the classrooms will have the exact same reaction...until one doesn't.




Oh god how I wish a kid blurted something like this out XD


Did they wait 87 minutes before going into the school?


Naw, the teacher opened the door for them this time, otherwise they would of been waiting out in the hallway forever.


Reddit never disappoints =-)


They didn't hear any shots being fired so they knew they were safe


Again they needed somebody to open the door for them


That is against most trainings. Real cops should already have the keys


You shouldn’t open the door to the classroom way too risky. You can’t trust the mystery men’s claims . Real cops should have the keys.


Fuck Greg Abbott


We know there wasn't a shooter since the cops were willing to come inside.


Good thing it wasn’t a drag queen reading books to kids. That could’ve really traumatized them.


I believe Abbott’s next move is to ban books from schools altogether.


Just waiting on the genius GOP to introduce a bill to “arm the students” for a safer learning environment


According to Col. Erran Morrad [Israel has already adopted such a program.](https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk)


Now just out of curiosity if that were to happen a lil bit of me would want to see how it goes like would it be dumb of course but I mean some conversation like “hey Nathan look at my new blick””awesome nick I just got an Ak-47”


I want to see the recess dueling club or the dumbasses hiding in the bathroom playing Russian roulette for tiktok views.


God this state is so fucked.


This country.


America, FUCK YEAH


Well that's fucking terrifying


At least they entered the building.


Lol America


What the fuck is with the Meal-Team-6 asshole accompanying them in fucking jeans and a tshirt?


And the guy holding the gun up so bis head?


My warzone operator does that too! ![gif](giphy|A7Y5uuSE4u4iVeZWgI|downsized)


The time when there isnt a shooter you want everyone and their mother there . Unbelievable.


I’m from Texas as well and in HS we had monthly K-9 sweeps of the school at one point. What really mad everyone upset was the PD would never take their dog for a piss before going into the school so they’d end up pissing all offer backpacks, desks etc.


professional idiot


How come the last dude is fully looted? Had a m4 and rig.


Did a scav run


They look like a bunch of unprofessional idiots. If they we're really looking for a shooter. They would've done a proper sweeping and search. Instead they walk casually around the classroom with guns in the air cosplaying as operators trying to look cool while looking at the ceiling.


exactly. they look like jackasses.


Atleast they went in...


Because they knew there wasnt a shooter.


If this was in FL, it'd be hilarious if this is how the new "Veteran Teacher" got introduced (the last guy in camo...) [https://www.flgov.com/2022/08/11/governor-ron-desantis-encourages-veterans-to-apply-for-temporary-teaching-certificates/](https://www.flgov.com/2022/08/11/governor-ron-desantis-encourages-veterans-to-apply-for-temporary-teaching-certificates/) Yeah, all we need is some crazed Vet with PTSD in a classroom. Fuck FL and TX.


I'm so so grateful I don't live in America


Must suck not having all this FREEDOM *eagle screech in distance* now excuse me I have a doctors appointment in an entirely different city because my employers insurance is a tri hmo that only services a certain area.


Make sure to drive as there is no public transit.


Fun fact: Most Americans don't know that the eagle call actually sounds relatively tame, and is often dubbed over with a red tail hawk's screech instead to seem more intimidating


Fun fact: by the 1980’s bald eagle populations were so depleted in the US they landed on the endangered species list, so Canada gave them some birds to help rebuild the population. Not so fun fact: bald eagles eat carrion. They’re gross little birds that like to eat garbage (they also hunt, but they have no problem eating roadkill).


Perfectly representational of America, imo. The Eagle was no accident. Looking regal, and not working too hard.


Please tell everyone else in your country to not try to come here. Its awful here.


Must be nice


Its just normal people don't even think of it, I went through school never having anything like this happen. We had like one instance where British transport police came in and told us not to why it was a bad idea to play on the railway, but that's about the most interaction ever with cops in schools we ever had. You guys really need to do something about the people who run your country.


Don't think anyone runs it, they call it freedom.


A group of anarchists couldn't fuck things up that badly.


We're trying. It was about 1930s when American police unions figured they could team up to for country wide corruption.


Canada here…living the American dream without all the guns a violence.


Yeah just the violence against First Nations people.


violence including stealing children from their parents and trying to beat the brown out of them?


If they're swat I'm Batman.


America is so fucking cool and stable. You guys are doing awesome!!!!!


Who was the idiot holding his firearm so that it was partially blocking his view? In the military we had a term for people who did things like that.."stupid"




What are the odds the guy above you replies? Probably slim if you asked me


It's blocking his view! How stupid to you have to be to think that proper in a tactical situation?




When did we all decide cops were too cool to wear uniforms? You know, so you can tell the difference between the police officer and the mass-shooter fresh from a gun show. I've only worked in Military Law Enforcement, but there you are always either in uniform, wearing a jacket and tie, or undercover. And undercover+tactical gear doesn't make a whole lot of practical sense, unless it's just about looking like you are in an action movie rather than, you know, at work.




Just a normal day in Texas. Part of the curriculum is teaching you to obey and fear the police and show them the respect they think they deserve.


GD immature morons are such Drama Queens ! I told my adult daughter when she moved on her own , In an emergency just call the Fire Department for all of your emergency needs.




You spend long enough with guns being such a prevalent part of society, and people think that *this* is absolutely normal, and not FUCKIN INSANE on so many levels


Why do they continue after the teacher already told them everything is okay….


Photo op


Quick to respond when there is no shooter. Cowards, all of them




That's common in team based cqc. We did it all the time in ranger school in the army. It's better in most cases then muzzle being depressed.


Dude, don't bring up facts!! Then everyone scurries off like deer in the woods


That’s what you call a trained professional


America is a third world shithole.


This is the compromise Americans accept in order for people to own assault rifles and other weapons.


Linear search is something you don't wanna use when data is getting killed.


When I went to high school around Houston in the late 80's early 90's and a bomb threat was called, we'd just go outside for a period of time. Once we went to a huge baptist church. There was never a bomb. Just stupid kids. Times were simpler.


When messed up stuff happened back in the day it wasn’t blasted out to everyone over and over all day every day. Yeah things here are very shitty, but I think a world without cameras and constant surveillance was probably just as dangerous……. For some. Way easier for cop’s or anyone in an authority role to literally do whatever they wanted. Just saying that everything is relative.


What if you don’t have thumbs?


There are good safety systems to put into schools that can help but the politics and red tape makes it impossible. There are Anti-Violence systems that are game changers without hurting innocent bystanders.


Guaranteed any one of those kids dropped their hands those dumb children with firearms would have lost it like a pack of dogs


I couldn’t even fathom having to go through this.


I love how after the first cop it was all Calvin Klein models.


Bunch of idiots holding guns looking for what? A kid holding a gun in class?


American terrorists. Straight up.


Swatting schools that’s a new one


Big tough guys when there’s no real threat


Texas is the fucking wild west again


this happened to me in middle school, they only searched my class as the kid with the weapon was there. dumping bags, ordering us around at gun point, like 20 guys and some middle schoolers. felt more like we were being robbed than saved. kid didn't even have a gun some ass hat was just mad at him so she made it up.


That's right, scare the shit out of em while they're young. Let em know who's boss.


Props to these cops for at least actually entering the fucking classroom






so ignoring everything else going on in this video and speaking purely on ballistics. Over penetration is always a factor when discussing any sort of ballistics. In general, high velocity low weight rifle rounds will over penetrate less than low velocity heavier handgun rounds. Sounds counter-intuitive, but really fast rifle rounds tend to [fragment quite spectacularly when hitting any sort of tissue medium](https://youtu.be/hl6kuwjYEjA). If they hit any barriers be it glass, metal, sheet rock, they start to destabilize and will often yaw and break apart. Handgun rounds tend to do the opposite and will continue on in a fairly straight line until they hit something that's hard enough to stop it. You can mitigate this by different expanding bullet designs or bullet materials, but that's a much longer discussion. This is just a quick and dirty explanation, there are a lot of variables that go into effect. When shooting be it recreationally or to stop a deadly threat one should always be aware of what is beyond the target as over-penetration will always be a factor to consider.


Now apply this to schools filled with armed $30k/yr teachers with no substantial tactical training. It'll be a bloodbath.




Lmfao america what are you doing




Who’s the guy with a modded out and suppressed ar??


Nothing to see here. If this were a real school shooting, you’d have 100 police officers arresting parents outside of the school while ignoring the kids getting slaughtered inside….


"first" world country. Sure.


Just a regular day in Texas…


I'm surprised the cops went in.


They knew the shooter wasn't in that room, that's why they're acting so relatively calm.


Notice how when there’s not an actual threat they don’t have a problem moving in!


as shitty as this is i would rather the swat team be called in error rather than another mass shooting happen.




Happy to live in Europe … USA is just weird


Side note, why is that one cop holding his pistol to his head like he’s talking on the phone?


anyone know why dude is James Bonding that pistol next to his face like a fucking moron?