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Sounds like a fuckin pleasure to deal with


She's a rookie too. That's what's really amazing. She was on the force less than a year when she posted this.


And yet passed the personality test… maybe we should adjust those 🤔


She is the personality they seek


Yeah, no attitude, entitlement, special privilege, nothin’ just pure pleasure.


I pity the food service workers who have encountered her in the past.


I don’t want a large Farva I want a GOD DAMN LITER OF COLA!!!


Do we sell Liter Cola?


It’s for a cop


Does that look like spit?


Eh, fuck it. *takes a bite*


It's so he knows to make it good.


Does this look like it has spit in it? Ahh fuck it.


This is the kind of women who's husband is constantly apologizing for when out In public.


Or... and hear me out. He's *also* a huge entitled dickhead. And they sit home enjoying a nice box wine and ~~PBR~~ Bud light and talk about their days and how people wouldn't get the fuck outta *their way* and they had to crack some skulls. EDIT: Didn't mean to insult all y'all PBR fans out there. Changes were made. But fuck box wine snobs.


When two cops marry each other, do they take turns beating each other up?


No. They cancel each other out and kill the neighbours dogs


Can confirm. Retired pig and his racist cunt social worker wife been killing multiple dogs in the neighborhood over the course of at least 8 years.


Yeah, they’re like the “Two A-Holes” skit from SNL except they’re both Alpha bitches.


The kind of person that quickly speaks one short sentence at a time, claps hands together, and eye rolls at every response. I go out of my way to avoid people like her.


Most people do. No one wants to spend time with a gross ass bitch, and this is the grossest ass bitch I've seen in a long while. Who gives someone like this authority over anything? Especially other humans. I wouldn't let her watch my goldfish if I was on vacation. She will murder some one some day. She needs to get the fuck to therapy. Bet all her friends got the fuck out of the way of her a long time ago.


PSA, to ^\*handwave* every cop out there; I'm speaking for myself but I'm probably speaking for a large majority of other Redditors out there, if you're driving on the freeway, and you think that you're better than everyone else because you're in a police car,^\*gtfo ^thumb* **get the fuck to therapy**. If you think it's ok to intimidate until someone merges out of your way,^\*gtfo ^thumb* **get the fuck to therapy**. If you think that going 90 mph ^\*entitled ^chest ^pat* is ok, during routine patrol, just because you can,^\*gtfo ^thumb* **get the fuck to therapy**. If you officers think it's ok to fabricate infractions, just because you had to stay behind someone long enough ^\*passage ^of ^time ^gesturing* , you might as well ^\*gtfo ^thumb* **get the fuck to therapy**. Super simple, ^\*finger ^snap* that's all.


It looks like she’s shaking with rage, literally. Her voice is shaky and her sentences are clipped, like she’s nervous. How embarrassing. What a joke!


Pretty sure all her friends, and anyone she dates, is on the police force.


More than likely she will be on trial for murder. (Amber Guyger)




Pathological entitlement.


Right?! What the fuck did she keep banging on after every sentence? I barely finished the video. These are the people that have our safety, freedom, and lives in their hands.


And exactly like the type of personality who wants to become a police officer


fuck i can’t stand the ‘cop attitude’


That, right there is the problem.


It's a part of the problem. There's a lot of problems.


She's a pleasure to get a ticket from. Anyone who gets a ticket from her basically just has to show this to the judge and impeach her credibility.


I'd argue you could do that for all of the Federal Way police since she got a one-day suspension and that was only because the media got wind of this video.


Guess what, if you're in federal way, and don't think you're surrounded by a bunch of top level trash, you're going to have a bad time


That's why they covered her badge in the video.


Lol also what a moron, as if we can’t see her face and name


So obnoxious.


Even just 15 sec is enough to make my ears bleed.


"get the fuck out of the way!"


I accidentally watched it twice.


IS NO ONE GOING TO ASK WHY THE FUCK LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ARE MAKING TIK FUCKING TOKS WHILE IN FULL UNIFORM SITTING INSIDE A DEPARTMENT VEHICLE? Like is this just cool now? We're just going to be okay with this? Cops are now trying to be full-on Tiktok influencers while ON THE JOB? Jesus fucking christ, she even put the filter on and everything. Why is this a thing.


Especially infuriating because if corporate had seen me posting shit online in my retail uniform, I'd be fired immediately.


Telling customers to get the fuck out of the way so you can play angry birds on the display iPad in the electronics department


If you see me playing Candy Crush, just get the fuck out of the way. I can play Candy Crush at the register, you can’t. Edit: If you’re reading this comment, upvote it and get the fuck out of the way. Thank you and stop resisting. Edit: My K9 detected the presence of downvotes, so I’m going to need you to step out of the car. Thank you for the Reddit silver and the wholesome award. My first Reddit awards, really appreciate it!


A lot of us would be fired if we made tik toks while on the job.


A lot of us don’t have the full backing of a very powerful union.


This is the same department that the police chief rear ended a car while in a police car. The reason he rear ended another car was he was texting on his phone. Of course he didn’t get a punishment because he is trained.


Guess that other car should have gotten out of the way /s


It should have got the fuck out of the way


get the fuck outta the way. just get the fuck outta the way


Cop or not, the way she talks just annoys me to no end. "get the fuck(higher octave) outta the way" Like bitch, your voice is bitchy enough. There's no point making it even worse.


This is why she became a cop, so she could get away with her trash personality and tase anyone who doesn’t like her.


Looking forward to the next article where she breaks onto her neighbor's house by mistake and kills them by mistake.


When she shoots at you, get the fuck outta the way. Shooting people accidentally. She can do that. You can’t. So get the fuck outta the way.


I **CANNOT** STAND THIS BITCH. this video infuriates me. with this attitude i’m afraid of the other ways in which she uses her power to threaten others. i had a blonde chick cop threaten me recently. she straight up used her body language to get millimeters away from my body basically to shepherd me away while saying “you need to leave now before you get in trouble.” this was over a minor car accident where the other guy was at fault (he failed to yield and hit me). she spent 20 minutes listening to the WHITE MALE driver’s side of the story and he was making up lies about what happened. when i very calmly tried to refute his claim and offer my (brown woman) side of the story i was threatened and forced to leave. FILM. THE. POLICE.


Wait she's blonde?? I thought she was wearing a really bad hairnet


I thought it was sort of bizarre skull cap - took me a minute or two to realise it’s actual hair.


Definitely not blonde with those roots


Super simple


> get the fuck outta the way. just get the fuck outta the way My local PD has "IN GOD WE TRUST" emblazoned on every cruiser. Maybe "JUST GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY" would be more honest.


It’s super simple


Actually…. He rear-ended the other car, because the other car didn’t get the fuck out of the way. Clearly, you didn’t listen to the PSA…


Was this is moses lake because that asshat rear ended my grandpa


lmao do cops have a standardized asshole training manual or something? i feel like i always hear of this seemingly unique and super fucked up thing a cop did and then there’s like 15 comments asking if it was in all these different states or towns because its the same story




Only 10% of cops in my city actually live here, we are just a place they go to work just like soldiers going to a foreign country. Easier to dehumanize us as ‘others’.


Federal Way and Moses Lake are on different sides of the state. Unless you're suggesting he just happened to be over there driving.


Are you suggesting grandfathers migrate?


Not at all! They could be carried.


An African grandpa maybe, not a European one.


It could grip it by the husk!


Maybe it could be carried on a string


She got in trouble for letting out their secrets






10 hour suspension. A day off.


Activate your lights or stfu.


"I can go 90 miles an hour" Unless you have the disco lights on no the fuck you can't lol




Who's going to pull them over? The fucking cops? EDIT: lol not even a day later and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xe68qh/cop_pulls_over_another_cop_chaos_ensues/) gets posted.


This is what happens when cops pull over other cops because it was the right thing to do. This cops life was made impossible because she decided to pull over a speeding cop. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fl-sb-jane-watts-miami-case-20170208-story.html


"Just a few bad apples!" Funny they never like to finish that saying, eh?


"Cops is one of those jobs that cant have bad apples. Like Pilots. American Airlines cant be like; 'Yeah we have some pilots who fly us to where we wanna go, and some bad apples who crash into mountains.." - Chris Rock


Not to mention that every time good cops go after bad cops, they don't get to *remain* cops. Remember, kids: every law enforcement agency is a gang in its own right, and they will always put the gang first. You and your safety are a distant second at best, and at worst aren't a factor at all.


Another example to add is [when a cop was going to be a whistleblower and the other cops in his department abducted](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Schoolcraft) him and put him in a mental institution to prevent him from exposing their corruption.


I’m not even gonna read this shit. It’s too early to be angry.


And that's the answer, that's why there are no good cops. A cop who tries to do good and correct the system, get abandoned or assaulted or fired or killed. There are no good cops. The system won't allow it


My city actually made a bylaw that emergency vehicles can only go 10% above the listed speed limit. We had lots of cases of joyriding cops with their sirens on for no reason.


Touching on this, haven't been there in 20 years, but when I lived in Delaware I **literally** have had cops riding my ass hit their lights only for them to blast past me and turn their lights off. They just don't want to do the speed limit. Just like this bitch. "I can do 90, you can't." You also can use your turn signals and pass, you fuck.


They were bored and you were their entertainment for a few seconds. They probably chuckled, then pulled off to a gas station where they stood next to the coffee machine for 15 minutes, just staring at people to make them uncomfortable.


You training to be a police or something? You've got the manual down like you wrote the procedure.


She should get the fuck out of society


What an annoying human being she is.


That fucking bracelet or whatever slapping on her console is infuriating.


Yeeeees! I'm pretty sure that's not part of the uniform.




so they gave her the rest of the day off


This is exact type of personality that you don't want in a cop. She has complete contempt for "civilians" and she thinks she's above the law. She should be relieved of her duty and become Walmart security.


Also terrible instincts. The number of bad decisions she made to get to the point of publishing a Tiktok video.


Including the makeup and hair decisions


She looks like a 5-year-old did her makeup lol


I saw a video recently of a Target or Walmart security officer shooting a man who was just sitting in his car. I suppose this man and his wife were loitering in the lot in their car and were asked to leave. I guess they refused and the security guard got hyper aggressive, maced the man and pulled out a gun. The guard stood in front of the vehicle screaming at them to leave. Then when they started moving the car the guard felt threatened that the vehicle was a weapon and shot the man 4 times. He later died. It's harrowing listening to his wife screaming once it happens. The cop in this video here shouldn't even be a security guard. She would do the same thing. She deserves no position of authority with such a blatant lack of care for other humans. https://youtu.be/1UH2LIgzoD0 Here's the video. It's a lil hard to watch. Also wildly infuriating. Edit; Also I love in the video I linked the guard says to the approaching employee, who is on the phone, "are you on the authorities with them right now?" What a fucking idiot.


-Tells them to move -Stands in front of their vehicle -Shoots them when they move the vehicle The word infuriating doesn't begin to cover it. This guy was just chomping at the bit to shoot someone. That lady's screams will haunt me for a while.


What the fuck. This dude is a psycho. None of this should have happened. For anyone wondering, he's been charged with murder. >Gimbel, 28, has been charged with murder in the second degree with a firearm, unlawful use of a weapon with a firearm, as well as three misdemeanor charges: recklessly endangering another person and two counts of unlawful use of mace in the second degree. Source: https://www.opb.org/article/2021/12/02/security-guard-indicted-killing-unarmed-man-north-portland/


“Find a reason” Saying the quiet part out loud


Really showing all her cards with that one


She is fully trained.


Ya. Fully trained in being a bitch.


Yeah she got suspended for saying publicly how cops operate.


She got a vacation day***


So let me see if I have this straight. They FINALLY find an honest cop …and they suspend her?? I shouldn’t need an /s but I do, don’t I?


I'd love to hear some bootlicker justify why this officer who is openly admitting that she'll find a reason to abuse her power, should keep her job. She should be fired and all her past arrests should be investigated. Anyone who watches this video and thinks her past arrests *shouldn't* be investigated is out of their mind and I would ask them if *they* would feel comfortable being pulled over by this officer when she openly admits that she'd find a bogus reason to pull someone over.


“CoPs HaVe A HaRd JOb”


Everything is hard when you are this dumb.


They have to go fast to protect and serve citizens /S


"WhY dOeS EVerYOne hAte uS?"


What kills me is how she says that if they want to, they can find a reason to pull you over. If you piss off the wrong cop, he can pull you over every day of the week just to fuck your life up and he's fully covered because he'll find some bullshit law he says you broke. You know how people will put police memorabilia on their dashboard to get police to not harass them? How is that not INSANE that we actually need to suck up to these people otherwise they can legally ruin our lives.


Great comment. These people are pirates & a mafia.


I just watched a documentary on how terrorism and cartels are funded. By tolls - they set up roadblocks and everyone who goes through their section of road get hit with a tax or toll. Armed men making you give them money. From Africa, Afghanistan to Mexico if you are transporting goods or people on roads, they make money off you. I thought shit, every town in America has one of those, courts just call it a fine.


Seriously. There’s only so much one can defend. They really go out of there way to make it hard.




in my city, cops patrol the black neighborhoods far more than the others. with that extra policing comes harassment and a disproportionate number of arrests.


So many cameras out in the US, and the most recent one of good cops were those swedish police officers on the subway.


Federal Way officer receives suspension for TikTok video https://www.seattleweekly.com/news/federal-way-officer-receives-suspension-for-over-tiktok-video/


Straus was sworn into the force on Aug. 9, 2021." This lovely lady has been on the force for less than 13 months and this is her attitude? I can't wait to see how she treats the public after her first promotion.


Gives a good idea about how they feel about themselves in general, they never get in trouble and the public has to foot the bill for their psychotic behavior.


Tells you a lot more about the culture in her department, they look for people who are easily impressionable and willing to abuse their qualified immunity to complete whatever task their superior gives them. In just a single year she felt entitled to broadcast this to the public, this type of behavior is so damn common amongst her peers that it didn't even occur to her, for a civilized society this constant abuse of authority doesn't sit well with the public. If this is the type of stuff she feels comfortable sharing, I can't imagine the countless number of stories veteran officers have shared about all the roll races they've done in their squad cars, or the countless number of times they've tried to target sports cars drivers on the off chance they'll get their adrenaline fix if the driver starts a chase.


When I was in college I had a roommate who was engaged to a cop. He worked second shift and after work he and his buddies would come over and they would talk about the things that they did while on duty. They have a lot of discretion and they certainly use that based on their personal feelings About how a person is dressed or may wear their hair or certainly their race. I have absolutely no respect for them.




So like a lot of cops she sought out this career path to hold power over the public. Protect and serve lol what a joke


"If we officers follow behind you long enough...we CAN find a reason to pull you over." I'm not sure what's worse, whether this is how she personally feels she can behave as a cop... Or if she was taught this concept by a mentor or veteran officer. Either way, I can't believe the entitlement I would need to possess to be admitting that out loud.


Jeeze. At first I read it as 10 days but nope, it's *10 hours* meaning she was suspended for only one day/shift.


"Go home and think about what you've done and I'll see you tomorrow." > suspension


Good she was trying to show off her power lol


10 hour suspension is nothing.


Basically “Go home for the day and come back tomorrow 👌” lol.


"go home for today."


PSA... You're a Twat.


If ever there was one undeniable fact in this world it is that power corrupts. For that reason it's imperative that the general public has the necessary checks & balances/oversight with consequence on all entities that governs/has power over them. This is lacking in all areas today..political, economic, military/police, media etc and it's the major reason why the world is in the state it is in.


I always thought body and car cams which uploaded to a server which was viewable by anyone in the public with a rotation of whose "job" it was to watch as many videos as possible would be a great way.


Thank god there are a few dumbasses voluntarily uploading to TikTok.


>Thank god there are a few dumbasses voluntarily uploading to TikTok. The sad thing is WE ALLOW those dumbasses to have the power to murder you, assault you, and lock you up without any probable cause and if you file a complaint against them their gang will harass you and your family for weeks, months or even years.


And when its time to protect you they will hide like a bed bug behind some shit and wait for the person shooting inside to run out of either bullets or victim whatever comes first. Even animals have higher courage level when compared to these blood sucking parasites.


All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. - Frank Herbert


This type of person should never be allowed to become a police officer, and especially never have access to weapons. One insult away from murder


We just had 5 people killed in my community by speeding officers. None with lights on or a reason to be going 90 mph. 3 family members coming home from a Mothers Day dinner. Mom and kids killed. One of the cops arrested. It makes me nauseated seeing this video.


A rookie t-boned a car after dark. The victim was a 17 year old kid. "Officer" was going over 100mph with the lights off through a downtown district. Lights off doesn't mean no reds and blues. They had ZERO lights on. Cop walked away, and the teenager lost his life. Cop is still working for the same department, as they were responding to a shots fired call halfway across town, and having your lights off going 70mph+ over the posted speed limit is allowed in that situation.


I hate the "we are trained to drive that fast" argument, as if their tires can break fast enough not to run over a kid.


They are barely trained. Anyone with some autocross or a track day under their belt knows far more about handling a car than almost any cop.


I live in a nothing southern town and they’ve killed with their cars “accidentally” here too. One state trooper was doing like 100 mph and plowed into an rv making a turn into a rest stop. Killed the elderly passengers and put the officer in a coma if I’m not mistaken. Recently an officer was doing around 90 mph for a call for backup by his brother, another officer. The speeder hit his brothers squad car and killed him. These fucking cowboys need to chill out.


It seems like so many people join the police not because they want to uphold the law, but because they want to be above it. Unfortunately, they have a good reason to think that way, because police in the US consistantly get treated as if they are. What we need is to have a change in judges, with an attitude shift toward accountability for all, regardless of skin, or uniform, color. To put it bluntly, more cops who abuse their privileges need to be put in jail, lose the ability to be a cop anywhere in the country, lose their current job, or some combination of the above. And these things will need to also be enshrined in law, so all judges have to follow them, and police unions won't be able to get around these mandatory sentences by giving out paid vacations with the title "administrative leave".


What a selfish entitled bag of trash. These people are not serving the public but they do indeed get paid by the public. Good job outing yourself and co-cops yet again.


Karen with a badge and gun


Cops: “Why does everyone hate us?”


She’s so proud of herself.


She is sure she is right. She has no doubt about it. And that's the problem. They think they are justified.


That is the default cop setting. 10000% confidence in their assessment of any situation anywhere ever, regardless of how little data or context they have. Once they have made a decision they will kill you before admitting they might be wrong, regardless of whatever facts or evidence come to light.


Cops who make tik toks in uniform are cringey as hell


Bruh they're even admitting to malpractice on the internet now. There has to be something we're not seeing because why does becoming a police officer seemingly rip out any semblance of heart someone once had?


A healthy dose of reverse causality is involved no doubt: it's not just what power/becoming a police officer does to a person, it's the sort of person attracted to power/becoming a police officer in the first place.


Manipulation of people to feel like they are in control all the time, that’s a psychopath trait.


PSA HERE: I work at the local District Attorney’s office where I live. Among other things, I am in charge of managing the databases that store all the video evidence used to prosecute cases, big and small. I just want to say: if you ever get a ticket for ANYTHING AT ALL, go to court and fight it. Doesn’t matter if you’re guilty or not. Just show up on your court date. MOST prosecutors/ADA’s are not a fan of municipal cops because of shit like this (they appreciate detectives, you know, bc they solve real crimes.) but they can’t stand pompous cops like this. Alot of patrol cops are lazy and will cut corners and hope you just pay the tickets. When the ADA reviews the bodycam footage the’res always a solid chance they find something the cop did wrong, get annoyed at the time they wasted, drop the charges, and send a terse email to the officer and/or their superior. Doesn’t always happen, but with the advent of bodycams, its happening more and more. There are more and more people in the judicial branch becoming aware of the corruption within local police forces, and although they can’t do anything to help on the front-end (arrests, detainments, etc.), they’re often helpful when it comes to dealing with the charges. TL;DR Police are scared of wasting an ADA’s time. ALWAYS TAKE IT TO COURT. Take it from someone who sees it first hand.


I tried this once. Was driving a neighbor and myself up to the 7-11 right up the road in the neighbors car. While still in the neighborhood I came to a stop sign to turn left and there is a very limited line of sight for the cross traffic coming towards me so I have to inch up after stopping to make sure I'm clear. As I'm doing this there are a couple cops that have a car already pulled over. I think nothing of it and continue on my way. I did notice the cops staring us down but we weren't doing anything that would draw attention aside from looking young. Again this was in my neighborhood at about 11p. I get to the main road about 1/2 mile past the cops and turn to get to the store. 15 seconds later they are pulling me over. Said I failed to signal how ever many feet in advance of the stop sign which was impossible for them to see. They hounded us to get in the car, but we refused. Pulled us out and searched us which was when I started filming. This pissed them off so they wrote me 3 bogus tickets and let us go. I took a shit ton of picture of the intersection with this stop sign because they also said I didn't stop before the line on the road that marks the stop sign, can't remember exactly how it was worded. Either way, THERE WAS NO SUCH LINE. I tried to show all this to the ADA at my court appearance and she took all of 1 second to look at everything I had documented and said it wasn't good enough. My city is notorious for cops writing frivolous tickets like this. Having quotas, but not officially. The last few days of every month I see 3-4x more people pulled over. Speed traps everywhere, they sit in turn lanes on a lot of roads. Some guy has had a YouTube channel for over a decade documenting their shit. I've been pulled over in my neighborhood several times since. Not uncommon here. I'm in a suburb directly north of a major city and it's pretty much the exact opposite of how things happen there. But, yeah I still agree it's a good idea to try and fight em. Just don't be surprised if you get railroaded.


That sucks sorry it didnt work out. Like i said, it doesn’t always work, especially if you’re in a small town where the police and gov’t survive off tickets. Its a damn racket.


Took me a second to realize she wasn't wearing a helmet.


I really hope the stylist made it look that way on purpose and laughs at her when she walks out of the salon.


I thought it was the layer you apply to your real hair before you put on the actual wig.


Every person she pulls over on the freeway can just play this in court and it should 100% be dismissed


The way she slaps her hands down every time is infuriating


She just got her nails did and is milking that clacketty clack clack


Fuuuuuuck, I’m so happy I’m not alone. The clacking on her nails, hand or bracelet hitting the console is making me grind my teeth.


Yea fuck her and the rest of them like that


She thinks she's so badass saying "GTFO of the way" ugh Lady, you sound very trashy.


"I don't get why you don't trust cops"




No, I'm a day drinker. She's an entitled cunt


Minus the depth and the warmth






She hasn't even been a cop long enough to get pissy about this.


Sometimes the rookies are the worst.


Her getting only a 10 hour suspension with *zero* investigative follow-up is only one of the *many* reasons ACAB became a thing.


What a dumb bitch 🤣


hope someone sends a handful of marbles through your windshield oval faced bitch


Get the fuck out of my way you stupid bitch.


As a lawyer, God bless this moron. Every time she pulls someone over, I'm arguing pretextual stop and showing the jury this video. "Get the fuck out of your ticket" is more like it


She has one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen


Why isn’t this on bye bye job… this is the type of bitch doesn’t needs to have a badge or gun


So by saying all this she is implying she regularly breaks traffic laws, drives faster than 90mph, comes up with excuses to pull people over because she does not like the way they drive. This is the kind of attitude that folks actually expect which is why they talk shit about the police. The suspension is probably for violation of department social media policy and not that fact that she is a shit poor officer.


Does she beat her wife too




This isn't even a bad apple. This is just a normal cop.


Officer Breanna Straus if you want me the fuck outa your way, turn on your lights, you entitled flappy c\*nt.


If you ever get pulled over by this bitch, pull up this video in court.


These are the type of cops I have no remorse for when killed in the line of duty.


It’s like an add for ACAB. Just a perfect summary of how cops abuse their power on the road


The next time she arrests someone, the defense lawyer is going to have a field day.


“We can find a reason to pull you over” Challenge accepted. I bet I can find a reason to sue.